Generate 5 Questions For The OC Above

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 4 months ago) by P0CKETKNIFE

Generate 5 Questions For The OC Above
Using this generator, setting the range as 1-36!!

How this works is each person posts a character, then the next person replies with five randomly generated numbers that correspond to questions about them!! Hopefully that makes sense; I thought it would be a cool idea ^^

The questions I'm using are by jennystahl on tumblr, which you can see here. I might update this thread with more questions in the future, and suggestions are welcome too!! Now onto the actual questions... 

1. Briefly describe the way their parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised them.

2. Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?

3. Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?

5. Where did they grow up? What was it like? Were they happy there?

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

7. Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

10. What did they dream of doing when they grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?

11. Were there any events in their childhood that led to phobias or other fears?

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?

13. What part of their past (death, other significant event) do they think affects them the most?

14. How do they fit into their story? Give a brief summary of the effect they have on the events around them.

15. What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it?

18. What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?

19. What is their current relationship with their family?

20. Do they have a partner? How did they meet, and what’s their relationship like now?

21. What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?

22. What kind of place do they live in?

23. What do they always carry with them and why?

24. What’s a typical night’s sleep like for them?

25. If someone mentioned their name to someone else, what would they immediately think of (i.e. defining characteristic, appearance- or personality-wise)?

26. What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?

27. What matters most to them right now?

28. Briefly describe their life in the future, regardless of how far into the future this is.

29. Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change?

30. How would their beliefs or morals change in the future, if at all?

31. What’s something they were sure would happen in their future but didn’t?

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?

33. How do they react to the changing times? Are they adaptable or do they reject modernity?

34. Are their friends still a part of their life? Are there people they are no longer in touch with, or newly important people?

34. Would they become a mentor figure for anyone?

35. How do they feel about getting older and eventually dying?

36. How do they want to be remembered after they die?

wilted rose guinaifen

Tempo 4, 19, 11, 23, 15!

12: What are some of their biggest regrets?
Committing the, sins that caused them to be exiled to this forest. They usually wonder, what would happen if they hadn’t do that…

2: Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?
It was the highest, upper class. They were a respected deity, as they bring goodness to the innocent. As they tried to remain pure, perhaps they went overboard, just to be plunged down to the lower class.

27: What matters most to them right now?

35: How do they feel about getting older and eventually dying?

24: What’s a typical night’s sleep like for them?

I’ll fill the last ones out later 😭


wobbuffet 12, 2, 27, 35, 24!

- 15. What is his current occupation, if any, and how did he end up there? Does he enjoy it?

Currently Haiyan sells his cheeseballs at stores, sometimes with the help of ShanShan (which is his main source of money, and he gets lots of it). He didn't like the fact that every brand of cheeseballs at Thayas have a nearly identical flavor so that was when he decided to make a change by teaching himself how to perfect the art of cheeseball making, after that he eventually became an expert at it and made a brand of cheeseballs that always have different flavors which lead to the people loving this brand and it became a worldwide success. If you ask him, he'll tell you that he enjoys and loves doing this, it's his passion. 

1. Briefly describe the way his parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised him.

Both parents were raised in households with normal environments, even before the two got married they had planned to start a family since their teenage years. Their love of course had its positive impact on the children (one of the children being Haiyan), even after the divorce it didn't stop the mother from doing her job.

22. What kind of place does he live in?

He lives in Bubblpop City (currently) with his two brothers in a forest (a bamboo forest specifically)

25. If someone mentioned his name to someone else, what would he immediately think of (i.e. defining characteristic, appearance- or personality-wise)?

The cheeseball guy, the lady's man, Mangkhut but not Mangkhut. 

11. Were there any events in their childhood that led to phobias or other fears?

No, some of his fears came in naturally, the other fears have unknown causes.

Indy fanitoon

SODAPUNKED 15, 1, 22, 25, 11!

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?

She has a girlfriend (Lavender) but she's not yet comfortable with marrying, since she feels it'll interfere with her job. However, she'd like to get married someday because she knows she's happy with Lavender and wants to spend her life with her.

15. What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?

She's a spy! (Actually just made her a spy outfit yesterday lol) It was her dream job when she was a kid, so she taught herself about technology while growing up. She was actually a bounty hunter first, but she became a spy after she was forced to retire from bounty hunting due to an injury. She's happy with her current job though :)

7. Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

She grew up in a colony with others of her own species, so she was friends with several others when she was younger. But as she grew up, she drifted away from them. Even if she was still in touch with them, she hardly ever talks to them anymore because of how independent she's grown to be.

19. What is their current relationship with their family?

Her parents are the only members of her colony she's still in consistent contact with. She's always been really close with her parents, especially her dad, and she still visits her colony just to see her parents.

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

In several ways, yes! Because she grew up in a colony, there were many more people involved with raising her, so she received a lot of different ideas and advice growing up which has made her really smart. And growing up, hardly anyone in the colony knew anything about technology, which is why her knowledge about it is completely self taught. As already mentioned, she does still go there, but mainly to see her parents if anything.

Knightley DreamyDinosaur

fanitoon you get 32, 15, 7, 19 and 6!

These were pretty fun to answer!

Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?
He doesn’t actually officially belong in any faction, and he likes it that way. He just likes being his own boss, doing his own thing and not 'belonging' to a boss of some kind. The closest thing Knightley does to a one is when he’s hired by Hendrix and forms a trio with two other bounty hunters, Valentino and Garfeild. He met the former first when they were both starting out their careers as bounty hunters. They both accidentally chose to do the same bounty and found it so funny that they split the bounty. They both met Garfeild much later down their very first mission and it wasn't as fun with Garfeild actively getting in their way so that he could secure the money for himself, but later the slowbro cooled it with the promise of splitting the momey equally with him too now. 

Knightley kinda likes that he just has a small group of colleagues(?) who he does his job with. Sometimes, he wishes he could do the job on his own so that he doesn't have to share money all the time, but he doesn't mind it really.

What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?
Whoever he ends up meeting while with Hendrix, which are usually just police dog pokémon that only want to talk to him if for business reasons. Outside of hired work, it’s mostly just people in his neighbourhood who are casually friendly. The only people in his neighbourhood he considers his friends and trusts dearly is a pelipper mailman who's actually saved his life on one occasion. His associates are Garfeild and Valentino since he mostly meets them when they're all working and he doesn't really know them well outside of their freelance jobs. He doesn't really look up to anyone, but he would say that his late-parents did a good job at raising him and his sister.

Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?
Almost all of them were his cousins(and his twin sister), all who he still talks to and visits on the holidays. There’s also Freya, who’s more his sister’s childhood friend, but he’s close with her as well and they still hangout somewhat frequently. Most of the friends he made were ones he made later into life.

What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?
Most of them because he has such little time, but the most important is playing with his kids on the beach. It allows to do two things at once: hangout with his boys and do something fun. He especially likes to skip stones on the ocean since it’s a harmless form of competition and he gets to bond with his kids through it.

What’s a typical night’s sleep like for them?
Surprisingly pleasant for a guy who has made a I-guess-you-can-call-her a powerful enemy. Living in a nice house and by the ocean waves soothes the man and his more rowdy son is a heavy sleeper so once he’s finally asleep, he doesn’t have to worry about him randomly waking up. 

Seulla seikoh EyesOfTheVoid

DreamyDinosaur knightley got 16, 18, 7, 21, and 24!

(tpbm please ping me)

answers to questions ::3

22. What kind of place do they live in?

For a good chunk of their life they lived in Proxia’s hive (troll house) after she escaped she decided to stay with Macisa.

13. What part of their past (death, other significant event) do they think affects them the most?

Definitely their past relationship with proxia, they wished they would have left sooner. She wished she would have met the resistance sooner. She wished she decided to make a change in the world sooner. She wished she did everything sooner. The fact that she had to wait and rot in that hive for all those years angers her. Also the effects of proxia’s temper and manipulation still haunts her.

25. If someone mentioned their name to someone else, what would they immediately think of (i.e. defining characteristic, appearance- or personality-wise)?

If its anyone in the resistance they would probably go “oh yeah, the mutant girl.” But to any other troll they would be like “who??” Since no other troll knows they even exist.

26. What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?

She could be killed, just like most of the mutants. Her group could be slaughtered. Refurecould take over everything, order the death of all lowbloods, take over other planets. And all this would happen without the world even knowing her name.

3. Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

She was with proxia and her lusus for as long as she can remember. They practically grew up together. They became matesprits (troll gfs) but it was pretty one sided. For the longest time seulla didn’t even realize how controlling and manipulative proxia was until she finally got to go outside. She wanted to break up, but she always felt guilty bc of “how nice she was to her.” Because of seulla being a mutant it was very dangerous to her to be out and about in the kingdom, so proxia basically locked her away from the world. Only problem is seulla wanted to get out and try to change the world! So she started to sneak out (thats how she met the resistance group) Yeah when proxia found out seulla was sneaking out she wasnt too happy- She got even more strict, locking all windows and doors at all times or the day, installing cameras, adding chimes to doors so it will make sounds when it opens, etc. seulla was absolutely miserable, luckily one day Macisa had enough, decided to break her out herself. 

Marcus fataltotheflesh

EyesOfTheVoid 22, 13, 25, 26, and 3! (np: ping me)

Q: How do they want to be remembered after they die?

A: Marcus is not someone who really wants to be 'remembered' after death, but if he did, he would prefer to only be remembered as the persona he puts out online.

Q: What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?

A: He considers streaming his most important pastime because it’s the only time where he feels like he has a social life of some kind. Of course, it’s not really good for him because it caused him to develop a somewhat parasocial relationship with his fanbase.

Q: Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

A: I think that the location he grew up in is not as important to him as the influences made by the people he grew up around, but it’s important to note that having lived in the same general area his whole life has made his worldview quite narrow.

Q: How would their beliefs or morals change in the future, if at all?

A: As of the present he holds a very nihilistic or defeatist mindset, so he usually doesn’t have the motivation to better himself or do much of anything really. But under the influences of Soterios (and to a lesser degree, Aesop, Olive and Alzo), it develops to more of an absurdist mindset, rather than a nihilistic one. He still doesn’t believe in life having an inherent purpose, but rather than feeling defeated or directionless, he chooses to live for the hell of it.

Q: What are some of their biggest regrets?

A: He regrets pushing his old friends away, regardless of whether they were good or bad influences on him. He’s quite lonely and finds it hard to meet new people, so…

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Salamander Void_Lizard

AFAI - 8 2 6 9 3

2. Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?

3. Describe their  family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

1. Briefly describe the way their parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised them. - Salamander's parents both grew up rich and had the best education and care. They consider it a status thing and gave Sala everything money could buy. They wanted to have a son who was taught by the best teachers, knew all the fanciest subjects, and was considered as classy as they were. Apparently love has nothing to do with being classy and pretentious, because they didn't bother giving Salamander any, and no amount of expensive schooling and private tutoring could fill that gap in his heart. His parents have very weird views about love and compassion, and despite them being raised by parents who cherished them, they didn't think it was worth the effort. Sala's a bit fucked up because of it.

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like? - Very neat and tidy. Salamander is a rather clean and orderly person and that was true even as a rebellious teenager. He had a decent amount of hobby stuff and books hanging around. He had his own bedroom, as his only sibling was a sister much younger than he was who had her own room.

17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it? - Due to being part of a large scale war, a lot of proud soldiers would consider him a hostile enemy. He switched factions part way through after it was revealed how insanely bad the faction he was originally part of was - the higher ups kept it well hidden and it was a shock to a lot of people, causing a mass exodus of their troops who refused to serve under that type of command. So now, some people of his original faction consider him a traitor and enemy, and some people of his new faction consider him not  trustworthy and a potential spy. But, the war is over and people don't often go after others over war issues anymore. He tries not to hold grudges about that stuff when it comes to just soldiers, but Salamander 100% still hates those who were in charge.

29. Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change? - I think Salamander is finally to a point where he's happy. He's left his past behind and feels like he's doing good in the world. He wouldn't change his current situation.

31. What’s something they were sure would happen in their future but didn’t? - Sala always thought he'd die in the war. He was totally lost when it ended and he was still alive.

Seulla seikoh EyesOfTheVoid

Void_Lizard salamander got 17, 8, 29 , 31, amd 1! 

(Tpbm plea ping)

answers to question ::3

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

She is in a resistance against the empress !!!! 

10. What did they dream of doing when they grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?

Funny enough she wanted to become a writer when she was really young. Of course that dream changed after she found out about how cruel the world is. She wants to help her resistance take down the empress, take down the blood castle system entirely.  

13. What part of their past (death, other significant event) do they think affects them the most? 

Definitely their past relationship with Proxia, they wished they would have left sooner. She wished she would have met the resistance sooner. She wished she decided to make a change in the world sooner. She wished she did everything sooner. The fact that she had to wait and rot in that hive for all those years angers her. Also the effects of proxia’s temper and manipulation still haunts her

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?

Like said in 13, she regrets not doing anything sooner. She regrets her entire relationship with proxia tbh

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

They would go to proxia or proxia’s lusus for help. Crying and going “oooowwwiiieeee!! :(“ Proxia patched her up right away while her lusus would either go grap proxia or just sit there. Being silly. 

bakusho TEUME

EyesOfTheVoid 16, 10, 13, 12, and 9!

18. What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?

Bakusho doesn't necessarily believe in having friends but if he has to associate himself with people, he wants them to be strong; basically,  if he's not impressed with you then you're simply a waste of time to be around. That being said, he has found a small group of people who meet his standards.

His best friend (and greatest rival) would be a one Iori Kazuya and, while he won't admit it, he secretly admires (and simultaneously despises) him. They grew up together, which certainly plays a part, but he insists he would've stopped hanging out with him a long time ago if he hadn't turned out to be as strong as he is. Their relationship is a rocky one given Bakusho's insecurity about Kazuya being better and stronger but they make it work somehow. (Well, Kazuya does anyway.)

Next would be the old man who essentially raised him and Kazuya, Aldo Shikoba. A seemingly harmless and somewhat sassy old merchant, what he hides behind this harmless old man facade is actually immense power. A master in Nen, he can take on just about anyone in a fair fight. Upon learning this (and getting their butts handed to them, specifically Bakusho), the boys begged him to train them and so he took them in and made impressive fighters out of them. Bakusho cares a lot for him and trusts him possibly more than he trusts anyone but, of course, he acts indifferently to keep up his own cruel and careless facade.

Then there is Hyder, Aldo's assistant. Bakusho loves roasting this guy and finds him kind of pathetic (as his ability isn't one for fighting and he's not all that powerful) but, ya know, if Aldo respects and trusts him he can't be all that bad. (Bakusho reluctantly ‘allows’ him to stay around.)

Lastly, there is Sabine. Bakusho simply doesn't think much of her (even though she is pretty damn good hunter) and loves to get under her skin (as she is very short-tempered like himself) and he often fights with her in really petty ways over really stupid things. Kind of get big sister vibes from her over all, but he hates her and, much like Hyder, only accepts her because Aldo does.

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

Ah, Glam Gas Land, that hell hole. While probably not bad in its entirety (maybe), it made him the monster that he is. He hates the place and hates when it is brought up in conversation, whenever it is mentioned he says that he'll go back there someday to destroy the place but then other times he acts like he doesn't know what or where it is. He basically wants to forget, but he can't and he hates it.

27. What matters most to them right now?

Obtaining power, become the strongest, finally outdoing Kazuya and everyone else, finding and living out his definition of true or perfect freedom.

21. What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?

Working out is probably the most important to him however there stands a possibility that his hobby of shopping for and making outfits may match that. Clothing is an identity thing for him just as much as physical fitness, the two go hand and hand. Like, what's the point of having a nice looking body if you don't have nice looking clothes to compliment it, I guess you could say. Both of these go toward his idea of freedom, the ability to express himself, both are a really important form of art to him.

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

He learned not to cry pretty early on and was taught to tough it out; He learned nobody was going to be there for him and that he had to take care of himself. After a spill, no matter how injured he was, he would sit quietly in a corner and wait for it to stop hurting. As he got older, little by little, he learned to embrace the pain as part of the act. The show must go on after all.

Benny capn_oz

18, 6, 27, 21, and 9 :]

this incomplete ill answer and word it better soon

17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it?
no he honestly doesnt really

18. What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?
he knowss a LOTTT of different people. hes acquainted with them and mainly sees them as connections or something. he is  not close with a lot of people  he only considers a few people as his friends like michael, max and julie. he heavily looks up to his brother edward. but edward does not see him the same way.

14. How do they fit into their story? Give a brief summary of the effect they have on the events around them.
 omg lore stuff, this wont rlly make sense cause i honestly dont rlly put too much thought to their story XD but he is

10. What did they dream of doing when they grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?
 the obvious answer would be him wanting to be a golfer or mime growing up, simply because they are fun and isnt something a lot of people want to do. but to make it more complicated he wasnt exactly sure what else he wanted to do asides being a golfer or mime, since he can pretty much do a lot of things, and is already given a lot of opportunities.  hes like.. a nepo baby if thats the word

2. Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?
 he grew up in a really privileged household! this made it easier for him to learn and become "naturally" skilled with a lot of things.



You got

17, 18, 14, 10, 2


19. What is his current relationship with his family?

To put is simply, it’s just like any normal familial relationship you’d expect from normal households

10. What did he dream of doing when he grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?

Ever since he was little he always wanted to be a rapper and make it big, nothing changed as he held on tight to that dream.

22. What kind of place does he live in?

He lives with his father, and generally his family in a house in BubblPop City’ neighborhood Armageddon District.

4. What was the most common argument between him and whoever raised him?

Him making the decision to move to his own home, which he ended up not doing because that would mean being alone and far away from his family which his father respected. Another argument is Gustav cleaning his room.

18. What kind of people does he usually interact with? Who are his friends, the people he looks up to/trust, and who are his “associates”?

Usually if not most of the time he interacts with his family, mostly Quinn. He does have a few friends both in and out of the friend circle, like his homies at the alleyway they all hang out in, and a few other people who aren’t gangsters. The only people he trusts are friends and family. All the people listed are his associates pretty much 

Ceres panicbubble

SODAPUNKED you got 19 10 22 4 18

15. What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?
Currently she is part of a band called cursed devotion, playing the keyboard and being the primary composer when it comes to the technical musical stuff. She ended up here because she mentioned to her ex boyfriend she is looking for a band to be in long term. The exes brother apparently decided to make his own band back then, this is how he met Mikhail. She always wanted a career in music and this one also gives her a lot of creative freedom so she is happy where she ended up.

26. What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?
The worst current situation she could end up with right now must be finding out her missing cousin was found, well, not alive. She generally tries not to think of that and be hopeful, but it is something she fears more and more.

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?
Right now she isn't married, nor does she have a romantic partner. Even if she managed to still be friends with her ex, she decided right now she isn't looking for a relationship so she could focus on her career and also the personal family stuff that is going on.

28. Briefly describe their life in the future, regardless of how far into the future this is.
I didn't really think about her future but I imagine she will stay in the music industry as a producer or maybe a judge at music competitions and stuff like that. She might even have a family with children. I just know I want her to end up happy.

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?
Before she came out the arguments with her parents were mostly about what job is she going to have, because she needed something 'serious' and 'stable'. After her coming out as a women the arguments were only about that to the point she left home the first chance she had.

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Martell Mutonian

So: 2, 9, 18, 21, 24.

NP, do not ping me.