Generate 5 Questions For The OC Above

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by P0CKETKNIFE

Generate 5 Questions For The OC Above
Using this generator, setting the range as 1-36!!

How this works is each person posts a character, then the next person replies with five randomly generated numbers that correspond to questions about them!! Hopefully that makes sense; I thought it would be a cool idea ^^

The questions I'm using are by jennystahl on tumblr, which you can see here. I might update this thread with more questions in the future, and suggestions are welcome too!! Now onto the actual questions... 

1. Briefly describe the way their parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised them.

2. Which social class did they belong to growing up? How did it affect them?

3. Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?

5. Where did they grow up? What was it like? Were they happy there?

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?

7. Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

10. What did they dream of doing when they grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?

11. Were there any events in their childhood that led to phobias or other fears?

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?

13. What part of their past (death, other significant event) do they think affects them the most?

14. How do they fit into their story? Give a brief summary of the effect they have on the events around them.

15. What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it?

18. What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?

19. What is their current relationship with their family?

20. Do they have a partner? How did they meet, and what’s their relationship like now?

21. What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?

22. What kind of place do they live in?

23. What do they always carry with them and why?

24. What’s a typical night’s sleep like for them?

25. If someone mentioned their name to someone else, what would they immediately think of (i.e. defining characteristic, appearance- or personality-wise)?

26. What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?

27. What matters most to them right now?

28. Briefly describe their life in the future, regardless of how far into the future this is.

29. Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change?

30. How would their beliefs or morals change in the future, if at all?

31. What’s something they were sure would happen in their future but didn’t?

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?

33. How do they react to the changing times? Are they adaptable or do they reject modernity?

34. Are their friends still a part of their life? Are there people they are no longer in touch with, or newly important people?

34. Would they become a mentor figure for anyone?

35. How do they feel about getting older and eventually dying?

36. How do they want to be remembered after they die?

Agneit Syndei EyesOfTheVoid

lezbtron bucket got 28, 7, 10, 24, and 18!! ^^

tpbm plea ping

me when i yap

Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

Like many trolls, his only family is his lusus. They got along great. Despite lusus not being able to speak with trolls, he taught him to be docile. He would take agneit to the forest and just have him sit there, observing nature. This lead agneit to be a very pro-peace guy. They also met Macisa, who soo introduced him to rateel. For a good while it was just the three friends. Him and the two trolls basically raised each other to an extent. He’s closes to rateel, or at least wants to be (with them being morails and all) they friend dynamic was basically Macisa going “u should do this” then rateel going “alright, bet” and then agneit having to pull them out of trouble. But it was all good fun. Him and his lusus like stated earlier, have a soild dynamic, caring for each other when needed.

What did they dream of doing when they grew up? How and why did it change, if it did?

He didn’t really have any bog dream growing up. Thats not to say he wasn’t ambitious, he just went with the flow. But now that h’es in a resistance group, he strives to bring peace to the trolls of zoic. He has a set goal to help macisa take down the blood castle system (and completely rebuild the empire)

What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?

Agneit gets along with trolls who are more calm and down to earth. That being said, he tries to get along with everyone in the resistance. He’s good friends with Macisa, as well as miraia and seulla. His morail is rateel, yet she has been growing further apart from him these days. He looks up to his lusus, as well as seulla and macisa. His lusus because he taught him pacifism. Seulla because he admires her bravery. And Macisa because she was able to bring all these trolls together in the first place. He considers everyone in the resistance to be his associates.

What matters most to them right now?

(Ik it says “right know” im just gonna do pre-game bc i have that part fleshed put the most)

As much as he loves the whole revolution thing he’s doing, he’s worried about rateel. Lately she has been acting more aggressive. He’s always been a bit of a hot head, but this is different. She has been talking about “getting rid” of all highbloods. Also she has been increasing nasty and violent towards miraia and other highbloods in the resistance. As her morail its her job to pacify him, but he cant. Not anymore. Rateel barly talks to agneit anymore, with every attempt agneit makes being ignored. He’s scared for him.

How do they want to be remembered after they die?

He wants to be remembered as a troll that promoted finding yourself, making peace with yourself. He wants to be remembered as the troll that spread the message of non-violence. A troll that helped anyone he could. A troll that loved his friends and matesprit. A troll that his friends could trust. A troll that just wanted peace for the world.

Charlotte PolygonZ


3, 10, 18, 27, 36

Please ping me ^^

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?

When she was younger, she and her mom argue about whether or not she's lying about something and why her always being on the phone is making her dumber.

7. Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

She's been friends with Raymonda (and a few other friends that don't have profiles yet) since kindergarten.

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

She always goes to her mom when she gets hurt.

19. What is their current relationship with their family?

Pretty okay, even after her mom had passed away. She has an okay relationship with everyone in her family.

34. Would they become a mentor figure for anyone?

It would be pretty cool if she did, but she doesn't think she would. She thinks she'd make for a terrible mentor figure.


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Salamander Void_Lizard

AFAI 20 17 14 18 6

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like? - Very neat and clean. A lot of stuff to occupy his time.

14. How do they fit into their story? Give a brief summary of the effect they have on the events around them. - I kinda consider him the main character. The background story would be following him through the war, how he survived, and his regrets. It's a dark story that shows how his negativity from being raised by narcissistic parents devolves further. The main story starts just after he gets to this island chain it all takes place onand a good changes him into a dragon to start his life over. There's also a bit where another dimension bleeds into his dimension and he helps fight it.

34. Are their friends still a part of their life? Are there people they are no longer in touch with, or newly important people? - No, he isn't in contact with anyone from his youth. He left his home country and rarely went back. When he did, he avoided the area he's from. Most people he grew up with don't know he's still alive.

36. How do they want to be remembered after they die? - He's hoping he'll be remembered more for the good and not for the war. He wants to be remembered by his fellow dragons and less so by the humans he used to be one of.

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it? - Salamander was part of both sides of a major war I'm still writing. He started on one side then joined the other after all the horrific things the first side was planning came to light. I haven't figured out what countries go where, but he joined the first because his home country of France was more involved with it. He was sort of feeling like it was doing more good than bad, until basically the entire world realized it was absolutely more bad than good and he switched along with a large portion of the others he was fighting along side. He holds a deep hatred for those in charge but doesn't blame those around or below him.

Shanti ZaraTM

Void_Lizard Rolled these questions for you: 8, 14, 34, 36, 16!

⬇️ Thank you so much! :3c

24. What’s a typical night’s sleep like for them?
They are mostly active in the night actually. When it's midday, however, they sleep like a log. Usually curled up on Jules's bed, surrounded by his other cats. Though it looks like he sleeps heavily, Shanti would shot up awake in a blink if he sense someone or something dangerous nearby, ready to defend his cat roomates. 

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?
Their kinds don't have any concept of ‘marriage’, and would switch from one mate to another for reproduction reasons. Shanti is an outliner. He lacks the drive to mate as much as he could, and only does when he wants it instead of fulfilling a biological obligation. He has grown rather possessive of his current ‘owner’, and wouldn't say no to a marriage if offered to. A ceremony to bond the two until death do them part? Yes please. As for family, will be answered directly below.

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?
Shanti's kinds do not raise their kits. They simply lay their eggs in a place they feel is safe enough, and then bails. For good reason too, as they would be driven with instinct to eat their own kits to take out ‘intruders’ in their territory. They are more or less the same as the Komodo dragons in that regards. Don't meet your parents, kids!

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?
I'm blanking on this honestly. I don't think they have any harrowing regrets, at least not yet. The worst is probably not asking for a bigger bed to sleep in, not like that matters since he hogs Jules's bed anyway.

35. How do they feel about getting older and eventually dying?
He's pretty neutral when it comes to dying of old age, and mostly worried whetever he would still be spry enough to hunt for foods by then. On the other hand, he would fight back with all his might if his life is threatened by something or someone else. He would like to live as long as he possibly could, that's for certain.

Andy bloom (ghost) EyesOfTheVoid

ZaraTM shanti got 24, 32, 4, 12, and 35!

(tpbm plea ping)


What hobby or pastime of theirs do they consider most important to them and why?

Drawing. Drawing somewhat help him still stay connected with himself and life before this ghost ghost-destroyed lab thing happed. He has found many old notepads and notebooks in some of the lab halls. He doodle on them constantly. Drawing also gives him a reason to ignore his problems for a minute.

Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

He had a few real life friends here and there, but the only real important one was Isabelle. And by important i mean absolutely awful. She was usually an asshole to him but would claim she was “joking” and Andy needed “to stop getting upset over every little thing”. On a lighter note, he had a handful of friends online who where actually nice. Because of his death he cant talk to the, anymore. And to make it worse guess who he’s stuck with- Isabelle! Yeah he avoids her as much as he can know. Things are especially sour of the fight that they had (thats how they died)

What’s something they were sure would happen in their future but didn’t?

Andy had two futures planned. One, he would make it past his 20’s and focus on sharing more of his art on like, on social media or something. And two, he would die at 16. Those both didn’t happen of course.

Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change?

Its hard to say. So many things can happen right know, there isn’t any other time where the future could be more uncertain. A hopeful plan for this future is that they find a way to “go back” (go to literally any other afterlife their is). If he could, he would change everything to be honest, or at least have him and the other ghost haunt like, a cool forest or something. 

What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?

There a lot of ways. His only best friend here (oliver) could die. He’s seen other ghost die a second time and not come back. Who’s to say the ghost he cares about could die. He could end up completely alone and go insane. Or when they try to free themselves and find out the afterlife is just a lonely black void. Everyone could just stop talking to him and start hating him for no reason. They find it that they cant leave and are stuck in this lab forever. Thats only some of the doom scenarios. 

Web Kuroshirae

EyesOfTheVoid Andy got 21, 7, 31, 29, and 26 :O

Answers :O

(This looks like I didn't write all that much and I kinda feel bad about it sjdhjshkf)

1. Briefly describe the way their parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised them.

Personally I like to look at Tony knowing he didn't have his parents with him in his life and seeing Web in the same situation at such a young age kind of made him upset. He knew Web would probably be fucked up if he just left her alone. He was confused at first when it came to raising Web since shes not exactly human- although Tony left her alone most of the time to do their own things he still made sure to teach her important things. Eventually hired a personal tutor bc Web was getting hella annoying with her questions LMAO

11. Were there any events in their childhood that led to phobias or other fears?

As much as she was willing to help with that first villain, when it came to seeing them again and the destruction people can cause she kind of drew weary of humans. She's quite finnicky with them due to perceiving most as monsters and being made fun of by most. Vaccums also scare the shit out of her.

14. How do they fit into their story? Give a brief summary of the effect they have on the events around them.

My one oc without a story really 😔 However she does affect others quite a bit. Web loves getting herself into stupid situations for no reason. She's really blind when it comes to seeing danger(yet is scared of vaccums-) but often brings other people into dumb shit. 

19. What is their current relationship with their family?

Out of all her fam members shes got the healthiest relationship with Venom, and would do anything for him after being separated this long from him. He's a tired dad after having way too many kids (I still question why most symbiotes are related to him 💀) but views Web with the most potential. He sees her as the exact opposite of him, and sees that as a way to make her do good things he couldnt ever do himself. 

Tony and Web have more of a tough love, as she got older Web kind of stopped listening to him. It's not out of bad intention- she doesn't even realize she's spacing out most of the time. Althoguh Web knows she owes Tony alot she doesn't see him as a dad (owch). 

34. Are their friends still a part of their life? Are there people they are no longer in touch with, or newly important people?

She and Peter were a little awkward with eachother at first but the more the interacted the better friends they became. whenever she's bored she always shoots him a text. Not because she wants to talk but bc she wants to be annoying and knows hes busy lmao. They sometimes have fits of text where theyre just speaking through emojis idk what the hell these 2 are doing half the time ToT. 

Dr. Grant Lochlan sorbetesu

Kuroshirae Web gets: 1 11 14 19 34 !

(yea ping please as well)

Virinoir Vinnuendo

Dr. Grant Lochlan gets 30, 17, 20, 13, 29!


16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

Originally she lived in Corath, i'd say she enjoyed living there since she did have generally good life with supportive family and friends, a well-paying job that she also enjoyed, as well as Corath being a pretty wealthy nation. Virinoir did, however, ended up leaving Corath to live in The Glowing Coxopati to complete her goals. To be completely honest with you she doesn't care for it. She doesn't like as well as Corath and i'd say she even dislikes it because it's the nation that was going to war with her birthplace.

23. What do they always carry with them and why?

Alway's keeps her spear on her! There's never a time she doesn't have it and frankly people are too scared to ask her to put it away.

25. If someone mentioned their name to someone else, what would they immediately think of (i.e. defining characteristic, appearance- or personality-wise)?

To be honest if someone heard her name, they would think it's a little weird at first. Even in her universe her name is considered a little odd. However, after that they'd probably think of something black since she literally has noir in her name, which is not that far off.

29. Are they content with their future situation? Is there anything they would change?

Living in The Glowing Coxopati itself is fine and if Virinoir didn't have her whole plan of taking down the nation from the inside her life would be fine. However, she does have that plan. While Virinoir at the current moment for the most part doesn't mind that fact that she's literally killing innocents and will probably never have her old life back since Thas'Hras might as well be mind controlling her to do those things without remorse, her future self will care since when he no longer needs her he will get rid of the effects of the deal he made with her- essentially turning back into the normal woman she was before the whole thing...and the normal Viri is not gonna like the truth of what she did to innocent's of when she gets control back. Would she change anything, however? No. Either it was becoming a mass murderer or stay in purgatory with a evil bird for the rest of eternity.

36. How do they want to be remembered after they die?

Virinoir (and normal old Viri to be honest) has never really cared of what she would be thought of when she dies. If I had to think of one though it would to not be remembered as a sadistic killer, which considering the circumstances is not happening chief...

Lydia PoyoboxMasterson


16 23 25 29 36 for Virinoir

Doing Lydia because of a Tumblr Tournament


Doing slightly out of order since my answer for 16 kinda leads straight into my answer to 17

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why andh how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

Lydia works directly with the Spirit of the Fountain of Dreams, who is a Guardian Spirit of the Star Warriors (from the Kirby Anime). The Star Warriors are protectors of the innocent across the galaxy, and Lydia serves as a messenger for the Spirit, who can not make contact in any other reliable way. She got the job after receiving a dream that the Spirit sent out as a test and she offered to start sending letters to Star Warriors as a solution to the Spirit's predicament. She is content with her job.

17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it? 

As an ally of the Fountain Spirit and by extension the Star Warriors, she is considered a threat by NME (also from the Kirby Anime). TL;DR, NME makes Monsters and started a Galactic War with intent to conquer the galaxy in the name of Nightmare, and the Star Warriors were the only things stopping them. Lydia hasn't had many personal encounters with NME, since they went into hiding long before she was born, but the few interactions with NME members she has had caused her to highly dislike them.

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?

Lydia is not married, despite technically being 69. This is because she doesn't want to get any innocent people involved in her job. Even if she quit, NME might still try to target her and put a potential family at risk.

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?

Lydia is mostly content with her life choices. The biggest regret she has is letting herself get attached to the soul of a Star Warrior who would later become a massive jerk.

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

Lydia's childhood bedroom was basically if her clothes were a room; pastel colors everywhere, and very feathery furniture. It had a window, a few beanbags, and a bed with a feathery blanket.

This post has been removed.
★ Akihiro “Aki” Yamazaki stabwxrthy


17. Do they have any enemy factions or groups? Why and how are they opposed, and how do they feel about it?

16. Do they belong to any factions or groups? Why and how did they join, and how do they feel about it?

32. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?

12. What are some of their biggest regrets?

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

(these questions actually work so well for my character lol)

30. How would their beliefs or morals change in the future, if at all?

Aki's beliefs and morals change a lot over time. He starts out with a strict sense of right and wrong, but as he grows and experiences more things, his views become more flexible and open-minded. He comes to understand the value of different perspectives and the complexity of the world, and he learns to be more accepting of people's differences.

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

I always imagined it being very plain. If you were to look at it, you might just assume it was a guest room. On his walls there would be some achievements and trophies on display, put there by his mother, but other than that he hardly leaves an imprint.

3. Describe their  family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they  have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family  dynamics like?

The only family member he's ever really had in his life is his mother, Yukine. For most of his life he's been very close with her, and he'd do almost anything for her. However, their relationship is far from perfect, Aki's pressure and fear of failure in his mother's eyes, along with her lack of regard for his emotional well-being, make their relationship toxic. Yukine's overprotectiveness and the way she treats Aki as an object of her dreams, rather than a human being with feelings, adds to this toxicity. However, Yukine's love for Aki is genuine, and she genuinely wants what's best for him. She would do anything for her son within the bounds of what she considers best for him.

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?

Aki would never argue with his mother lol even as a grown man.

7. Who were their friends during childhood? Are they still in touch with them?

Evelynn, his childhood best friend and his current girlfriend! Evelynn is a more open, extroverted, and laid back person compared to Aki. The two of them begankivinb with eachother when Aki was 18 and went to college, and he pretty much stays with her while lying to his mother about being in college campus dorms

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Corvo dandikix


18. What kind of people do they usually interact with? Who are their friends, the people they look up to/trust, and who are their “associates”?

8. What was their childhood/teenage bedroom like?

35. How do they feel about getting older and eventually dying?

36. How do they want to be remembered after they die?

33. How do they react to the changing times? Are they adaptable or do they reject modernity?

(My RNG really liked the existential questions for some reason lmao)

Audemus pocketbrows

15. What is their current occupation, if any, and how did they end up there? Do they enjoy it?

26. What’s the worst (in their mind) way their current situation could end up?

9. When they got hurt as a child, who did they go to? How did they react?

3. Describe their family. Who raised them, and who had the most impact on them? Did they have any siblings? Who were they closest to? What were the family dynamics like?

5. Where did they grow up? What was it like? Were they happy there?

1. Briefly describe the way their parents grew up, and how it affected the way they raised them.
Audemus’ mother was Prisca Lugin, a half-elven woman well over 100 years old. She had spent much of her life mastering dozens of different instruments before she eventually fell in love with Audemus’ father Lord Ennio Ansold Emilios, the young human to whom she played as a court musician. The finer details of Prisca’s upbringing remain a mystery to Audemus, but Ennio’s was somewhat similar to Audemus’—although Ennio’s parents were far more strict and responsible. In general, Prisca and Ennio were prepared to be loving, free-spirited parents… to an ordinary child. Audemus, however, was not at all what they expected and proved to be more than they were willing to handle.

4. What was the most common argument between them and whoever raised them?
It’s kind of hard to say any one thing specifically. Audemus was at once a very obedient child and a disobedient one—being a neurodivergent child kind of ensured as much. Audemus followed rules that made sense to him but would argue against ones that didn’t make sense. He had temper-tantrums and meltdowns when he didn’t understand things, and given his ASD there was a lot that just wasn’t intuitive to him. He can’t and shouldn’t be blamed entirely for this… but at times he was. Eventually, once he was sedated, the arguments stopped. But that’s no way to live.

6. Did the location they grew up in affect them significantly? Do they still go there?
(Already answered #7 here so I'll do #6 instead) Audemus grew up in the country of Vindris, consisting primarily of a moderate, arid, rocky desert comparable to the Atacama desert of Chile. The specific town that his noble family lords over—Solend—is nestled right near the coast. The Emilios’ traditionally oversee a large crop of pitaya (dragonfruit), as well as vicuña farms and mining operations in the local mountains for salt and copper. During the parts of his childhood where Audemus was free to roam around, he would sometimes take to the desert and watch flamingos for hours. Then, at the age of 15, he left for good… or so he thought.

Given that the Emilios family are the feudal lords of Solend, Audemus inherited that responsibility with his parent’s... unexpected passing. However, due to his pre-established work and permanent residence in the distant city of Theracarcus, Audemus was forced to have a (very costly) portal installed that connects his villa to the manor home back in Vindris. That way he can travel freely between the two countries and uphold his responsibilities as both Didact in Theracarcus as well as Lord in Solend. Although his husband Kai manages much of the lordly responsibilities in Solend, that does not mean that Audemus does not frequently pass through the portal in order to oversee the estate and grounds and settle disputes. 

11. Were there any events in their childhood that led to phobias or other fears?
Audemus, though a doctor himself, is in general quite wary about having his treatment overseen by others. He doesn’t trust them to do a good job or to have his best interests in mind. This is rooted in childhood experience at the hands of a man named Dr. Hicavel, the doctor hired by the Emilios’ to oversee treatment for Audemus’ “condition” from the ages of 6-15. 

28. Briefly describe their life in the future, regardless of how far into the future this is.
I really don’t want to go too much into spoiler territory, but suffice it to say that Audemus’ 60th/Kai’s 57th birthday celebration is going to be an event that no-one will be forgetting any time soon. God, that sounds corny.