I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!



1, 6, 12 and 21 for Amaryllis

9 - Humiliating Memories

She once lost a position of power thanks to her own weakness/stupidity, or so she believes.

10 - Fears/phobia

While she will do horrible things in their name, she is at heart scared of her Gods and each time she does something there is that small flicker of fear that they will punish her if things go wrong.

15 - What it takes to make them cry?

A certain "person" she was separated from long ago.  She cries at the thought of whats happening to them right now without her there to guide them.



9, 10, and 15 for Sharamira?



10 and 15 for Barnaby?

(can i request whoever asks to stay in my mains folder? ^^ ty!)

edit: melchior (its ok!)

1. Their physical weak spots: maybe her sides? i feel like shed be ticklish, if that counts as a weak spot! or on her back between her wings. hm.. would it also count if she can't actually use her wings to fly? shrugs
12. Grudges and vendettas: i cant imagine her having or keeping any, at least for anything small. if someone were to purposefully hurt a friend of hers, she'd avoid talking to them, though.
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly: friends again, maybe? o: i'm not exactly sure... or maybe someone famous. i can see her as being the type to look up to a superhero as a kid.



1, 12 and 22 for limerick?

(oooh sorry!! i can't believe i didn't notice >_< edited now! Swifty-wish )


5. Guilty pleasures

natalia finds immense joy in being reckless, so long as she has a way to escape the consequences. usually, she'll do this by projecting her impulsive natures onto her persona, "laurie", who ultimately becomes absorbed in natalia's mastermind-complex. she strives to do anything to get what she wants, though it doesn't work out - it simply isn't in her nature. 

9. Humiliating memories

the duration she was in the hospital after her suicide attempt, as pretty much her only interactions were with doctors and careworkers from the orphanage asking her questions about the situation. she wanted to forget what happened, and essentially, the whole hospital stay was a big reminder of it. she found it extremely irritating and upsetting.

15. What it takes to make them cry

natalia's a cry baby, hah

any sort of dig at her is enough to set her off. once you know what upsets her, it's REALLY easy to make her cry - pointing out her flaws, calling her overemotional or teasing her, and she's an angry crier on top of that. either upset her by making fun of her or aggravate her and she'll turn on the fuckin waterworks

 Sélène☽ iouquie


5, 9, 15 for Natalia Lauritsen ?

3. "I have a large scar on my back, I was once injured by a sort of long ornament horn that fell off the wall and hit my back"

11. "My taste for strange and eerie music. Especially those coming from old broken music boxes, anyone would find this realy strange, but I tend to sing along it and it makes people really uncomfortable."

19. "I never interact with others, I prefer being alone, but there are some who tried to approach me and I brutally rejected them. They were just curious about jewels I collected."

20. In an alternate universe, Sélène could have been an opera singer.

tori34 Sorry it took so long, I was extremely busy with IRL stuff ;_;



3, 11, 19 and 20 for Sélène

5 - Guilty pleasures

Stupidly tight leather outfits.  He thinks they make him look cool.  They really don't.

18 - Things they'll never admit

That he likes and even needs to be around other people.  He puts up a front of being a snarky independent bastard, but he's really quite emotionally needy.

22 - People who've influence them greatly

Lakarthe - after seeing her skill he was certainly inspired to hone his own.

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Orpheus Caine

@beautiful-madness Autumn & 4, 11 and 18!

I literally have NOTHING else about Dekartes aside from his bio so what you're about to witness right now is me literally pulling these answers out of the chamber of OC secrets 

5. Guilty pleasures

Dekartes is kind of the type who doesn't feel guilty about anything he does, so he doesn't really have many of these. He gets very teary and emotional over happy ends though so I imagine him to be the type of person who secretly reads really cute and sappy stuff and is a bit hesitant about letting others know of this. 

8. Bad memories/experiences

He very genuinely feels bad about his first meeting with Nicholas and how he called them a girl and was generally kind of rude and unpleasant. He wasn't really thinking back then and didn't know anything about Nicholas' issues, and he still feels super sorry for harassing him the way he did. Nowadays they're cool, but Dekartes kind of holds that against himself even now.  

21. Turning points in their life

He basically moved on his own when he was 16 and started living in the human realm more than in the demon realm. He had to learn through mistakes and unfortunate situations how to blend in and hide from people. At 18 he met Nicholas and has been hanging in his library since, and he also got to know Henri and Merrill who became his friends as well. Kind of independent before that, this was Dekartes' first real friend group, even if they started out as an unbalanced bunch of young adults who barely got along haha

 Rampage FixerTenma

Caine Dekartes 5, 8, 21? Feel free to just pick two if you wanna tbh LOL (Got some really cute characters btw!)

7) Rampage doesn't even know the answer to this, nobody who has gotten close to him as even tried.

9) Rampage isn't much one for shame, but he has deep seeded humiliation in his somewhat abnormal fluffy ears. Deemed a trait of immature rabbits, he's kept his into young adulthood.
Being dragged out of a school after breaking a students beak wasn't a high point either.

15) When it comes to crying, he doesn't tend to do it out of sadness, more anger. Rampage cries most when he's incredibly frustrated, generally when he can't grab control of a situation. 

Kenshin Yamada PicklePantry

7, 9, and 15 for Rampage

9. Humiliating Memories
"Nothing! I've NEVER had a bad memory! ... Er... Well okay, one time during a concert when I was serenading a girl from the audience I accidentally sneezed on her. What was the real weird part was that she liked it??"

15. Cry
"Getting pranked a lot makes me angry to the point of tears. There's also when I think of him and how happy he is with his stupid bandmate and I... Nng... Don't look at me!"

19. Killed or Hurt
"What?! I haven't killed anyone! Don't accuse people of that so casually!"

One of his bandmates and longtime friend of his has a similar problem that Ken faces, only that bandmate's love is directed TO Ken. Seeing Ken so dedicated to him even after the constant rejection is painful in its own right, but this musician is confident that Ken will realize the truth soon enough.

20. Alternate Timelines
There is one timeline where Ken actually ends up with him (it's considered alternate right now because that OC's creator has yet to post him on Toyhouse). Despite this happiness, Ken is very easily jealous. He's aware of how wild his emotions are, though, and tries to control himself.

There's another timeline where, had Ken given up and carried on with his life instead of joining a band, he would have become a professional baseball player. He's actually quite skilled at the sport and prides himself on it.

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8, 16 and 17 for Camellia

3 - Scars/painful spots

Up until recently he was relatively unscathed physically.  Since he was captured by Leviathans he's got a considerable number of scars adorning his body.  Mentally, he's a pretty broken kiddo.

11 - Bad/petty habits

Going out of his way to annoy his elders is one.  They tell him not to do something and he'll go out of his way to do it.

18 - Things they'll never admit

His elder sister, who he was born to replace, will always be more well liked than him and was probably a better person overall.