I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!



5, 7, 13, and 16 for Custos!

This user is not visible to guests.
[S/T/O] Cibrán sylvertongued


5, 10 and 18 for Valerie

3. Scars or painful spots
Cibrán's gums have always been very sensitive, so they definitely are a painful spot. He's a rather careful eater to avoid irritating and possibly injuring them. He mostly has smaller, barely visible scars and marks from some exploration mishaps, such as squeezing himself through tight and rocky caves and scratching himself open that way. You'd be hard pressed to really find any serious scars on his body though, he's surprisingly unharmed for someone as curious and daring as him.

8. Bad memories/experiences
Cibrán has always had the habit of swimming off on his own, but while he now knows how to find his way back home to his family, he got lost a lot when he was a child. It usually wasn't too bad since someone would eventually find him and guide him back, but one time he managed to get separated for a rather long time. He was in an unfamiliar place, it was slowly getting darker as night approached and he could hear sharks not too far away as well. Sharks normally aren't a problem for adults of his kind, nor for younger members as long as they stick with the group, but the merman equivalent of an eight year old human child is easy prey for them, especially since he has always been on the weaker and frail side. Thankfully enough he was found by his older brother before anything bad could happen to him, but the memory still defines him to this day - he really hates being alone at night, as well as sharks.

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Cibrán has the habit of always checking out shiny things. Always. It doesn't matter how dangerous the situation is, anything shiny gets his attention right away and he will do anything he can to get close to it and observe it, or to possibly even add it to his collections of shiny little trinkets (most of which might be trash by human standards, but he loves eachn and every one anyway). Another habit of his is that he will always swim to a specific rock near the shoreline, pull himself halfway up on it and then watch the sun set, or rise. He loves the sight and enjoys the peaceful and calm feeling it gives him and over the years he's simply grown used to doing it every single day.

16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
He accidentally drowned a human once when he was much younger. His specific "tribe" isn't actually the kind to lure sailors to their death, but when Cibrán was younger, he wasn't really aware of the fact that humans can't breathe underwater. He followed a tiny fishing boat that day and thought it would be funny to turn it over to play with the human in it... only that human didn't even know how to swim. Before Cibrán even really realized what had happened, the human stopped flailing around and went quiet and that's when it dawned on him that maybe, just maybe, the poor guy hadn't been flailing around to play with him, but to get back up to the surface somehow. He did drag the body back to shore so someone would find him, but he's never told anyone about it. I'm not 100% sure if he ever really fully understood that he killed a man that day, but the memory does sometimes come back to haunt him, so even though he takes a lot of interest in humans, he's a bit reluctant to get anywhere near them. He does like to follow and observe them from afar though.



3, 8, 14, and 16 for Cibran

2 - Their emotional/moral weak spots

Athauror does not like to see creatures smaller than him in pain.  This conflicts with his entire culture, which is built around leaving the weak behind for survival.  So he's constantly torn between doing what's right to fit in with his people, and doing what's right as a person in general.

5 - Guilty pleasures

He was always told to present himself as a tough fighter, but he likes nothing more than curling up with other Leviathans.  It takes him back to when he was a child and he'd lie with them for protection.

17 - Regrets

There were a lot of small Leviathans he couldn't save, either from being too weak or too cowardly to stand up to those hurting them.

21 - Turning points in their life

Meeting Aqua, which led to him learning about the world outside of his people and learning those he was told to treat as enemies maybe weren't all that bad.



2 ,5, 17 and 21 for Athauror

- 1. Their physical weak spots

In his humanoid/ illusionary forms, his whole form is physically weak, due to it being an illusion. It is a solid form, however it is still weaker.

A specific weak spot however in all his forms, is a large chest scar that shows up in any form he takes, it is in the form of a star like shape and travels over much/90% of his chest. This is where in his previous life as a human, his soul was slowly pulled from him as he was tortured, this caused a permanent scar in his demonic life.

5. Guilty pleasures

Technically, he shouldn't torture. But he 'grew up' to become addicted to torturing. Being a Trickster Demon, he technically only needs to 'Trick' to gain his fill. But he slowly became more and more addicted to torturing instead.

He also loves kisses from his mate and is addicted to those too, which to him would be classed as a guilty pleasure as of right now due to his hardy attitude and not wanting to show a softer side.

12. Grudges and vendettas

He holds a permanant vendetta against his 'father' Greed/Jeiro. There's no technical reason for Balto to hate him, but he does and will regularly try to murder him, though clearly being a god, Greed cannot die. Both of them deny the other any relation, though those around them know its technically true, due to Jeiro being one of two gods of the underworld that didn't create more than one set of Core demons at the beginning of time. It made it that much more personal. Balto knows this, and dislikes him even more. Much to his mates amusement as she takes great pleasure in teasing him and calling him the sins Son.

Kenshin Yamada PicklePantry


1, 5, and 12 for Balto .w.

2. Emotional/Moral Weak Spots

"I guess love. Don't look at me like that! I mean, well... I don't know, whenever I see... him with that... that brat... I don't know, I just don't feel like being angry or anything, y'know? I just want to go sleep."

13. Flustered

"Nothing gets me flustered! F-ck you!"
Constant praise and grooming will fluster him.

18. Never Admit

He won't admit it despite it being blatantly obvious, but his one-sided love for his rival. Even after all these years of bitterness he still loves him with all his heart.



2, 13, and 18 for Kenshin.



8, 10, 16 and 19 for Sebastian

1 - Their physical weak spots

Draimir is pretty physically fit, since he's a knight.  He's main weakness would be agility, due to his clunky armour.

2 - Their emotional/moral weak spots

Anything to do with his alcoholic mother, owing to the rough relationship he had with her.  Anyone so much as mentions her and he'll instantly begin shutting off.  If anyone dares provoke him about her, he's liable to lash out violently.

9 - Humiliating memories

Again to do with his mother.  He has memories of kids on his street making fun of her, calling her the local drunk and worse, or her actually making an effort to turn up to his social events and making a complete fool of herself while drunk.

[S/T/O] Sanarel sylvertongued


1, 2 and 9 for Draimir

3. Scars or painful spots
Let's see... He has a scar on the palm of his right hand. Funny story from his very wild younger years. Got drunk with friends, one of them playfully took a swing at him with a dagger and he decided to grab onto the blade. His friend proceeded to yank it back and... well, you figure out the rest yourself. He has a small, burn-like scar on the back of his left hand from where a rather acidic potion/poison dripped on his skin while he was trying to mix it - also in his younger years. Another younger years accident, don't stick your left arm into a thorny bush to retrieve something, not even when all of your friends dare you to do it and you're lowkey tipsy enough to go "heck yeah". The scars may be faded and barely visible, but they'll be embarrassing "why did I think this was a good idea" scars. He gets aches in the joints of his hands when the weather is about to change (rain & snow) as well, which kinda sucks since he's stuck in a place where that happens a lot.

13. What gets them flustered
Honestly, a lot of things. Bringing up the entirety of his past (especially that time where he kinda was part of a cult worshipping the deity of debauchery with... well, exactly what you'd expect) is a sure fire way to get him to be flustered. Most settings where an emotional response is needed get him uncomfortable and flustered as well, especially any affectionate and romantic moments (even more so when they happen in public). He's pretty emotionally crippled, so literally anything that plays on his emotions, insecurities, memories he's embarrassed by, etc.

17. Regrets
A whole lot to be honest? He's like a huge walking collection of regrets. One probably has to be that he never found it in himself to defy his family and that, to this day, he's too afraid to stand up and challenge them. He regrets that for a lot of reasons. First of, his father and his two older brothers played a major part in making the person he is/pretends to be today, and not only is he very unhappy with it himself, he also hates how many people this has impacted and will impact in a negative way as well. Instead of trying to fix his insecurities and help him be the person he wants to be, they forced their own ideals of perfection and honour and countless obligations he never wanted on him and it ruined him. He also regrets it because his family managed to chase away/disown the only two members of his family he's ever felt close to, his older sister and his younger brother, and he's still devastated that he can no longer be with them. Not to mention that the fact that they would never approve of his boyfriend (both because he's a guy & because he's a different race) constantly gives him major anxiety and makes it hard for him to rally be open about his relationship (among many other reasons that complicates it). Honestly, a lot of his problems would be fixed if he could stop being a pushover when it comes to his father & older brothers (and most of his problems wouldn't even exist had he grown up without them, to be completely honest).



3, 13 and 17 for sanarel!


6. Their vices (physical or emotional)

mm im not too sure exactly what vices are, im guessing its immoral behaviours/habits that they have?

lucius is completely void of empathy, on a sociopathic level - he finds joy in others' misery, especially when he's the one causing it, since he has a sort of god complex. this is probably his biggest vice, as he's completely sadistic and couldn't care less about the consequences of his actions.

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit

he's very destructive.. lucius has a poor time controlling his emotions, moreso concealing them - when he's in school, this becomes a big issue since people see him visibly casting shadows, scratching desks, scratching himself, scratching literally anything, clawing it like a cat. he's quite volatile.

17. Regrets


 Custos Hasse IndecisiveAdvocate

melchior ((Whoops, didn't mean the double ping if it did, my apologies!))

6, 14, and 17 for Lucius!


10.) Fears/phobias

Custos does have Dysmorphophobia, which is the phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect which could also be known as body dysmorphic disorder! As you can imagine that his would be his eyes! Other then that he doesn't have too many phobias or fears, except a fear of loosing Phie. She means a lot to him since they had met and he now cannot imagine his life without her, so he does what he can to make sure she is happy and protecting her from any sort of threat!

14.) Ingrained habits/forces of habit

He had acquired quite a few habits actually! Since he was a baby, he would always make a soft cooing like sort when he's really happy, getting comfortable, or just cuddling up to somebody! When at home, he'll make small nests from pillows and blankets around the place, mainly the couch or the bed though, as it's really the best way for him to get nice and comfortable. If he can feel a breeze or wind, he'll spread his wings just a little bit so that he is able to feel it a lot better because of his deep desire to fly and to be able to feel them properly, but this is the best that he can do for now. Lastly and since introducing Phie to one of his likes, he ended up starting a small habit of breaking out into a Disney movie song a few times while around her, even if they were in public or not! He's honestly caused her to burn their dinner a few times, just pulling her away from the oven to dance and sing, 'Be Our Guest'

15 .) What it takes to make them cry

It takes a lot for him to cry and usually he mostly has only done so when he has his small break downs of voices that still haunt him from the past bullying, but otherwise he tries to keep that to himself. He does what he can to appear as a tougher individual when in situations that most would cry since he sees himself as somebody to go to for comfort, a good example would be deaths, though he'll cry to himself instead of others.


IndecisiveAdvocate 10 14 and 15 for Custos?

(to the person who claims me please stick to this tag)

Galen kirakiraprince


3, 8, and 15 for Dax ^^

( only these please http://toyhou.se/kirakiraprince/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:active )

Edit IC: 4 5 13

"Neck kisses are great~"

"That's definitely not a question to answer on here, but nice try~"

"Definitely embarrassing moments, but that's all I can share here~"

Archaeus Chartreuse PicklePantry


4, 5, and 13 for Galen

7. Tickle Spots

"Oh ho! You fans will ask anything! Well! My stomach and my sides are rather ticklish, but be warned, dear fan, for I will put up a fight!"

11. Bad Habits

"My only bad habit is walking into public and forgetting about how perfect I am. I accidentally distract people from their important tasks because they're too busy gawking at my beauty. A shame, really."
He also has a bad habit of using other people's backstories for his own (since he's a literal bad OC come to life). So you might just hear one of your own OC's stories being dramatically retold by him. But his "backstory" always changes every ten minutes, practically.

15. Cry

"Cry? Me?! Oh dear fan, I think you've the wrong person! WAIT! No, yes, I see what you mean. I suppose the passing of a great person can make me shed a tear, although I prefer staying strong for my fans, like you!"
If he boasts about being strong then gets beat up, he'll probably cry.

 Trade sylvertongued


7, 11 and 15 for Archaeus

11. Bad or petty habits
Honestly, his worst and pettiest habit is probably his habit to pull pranks in general. Mostly because it's usually pretty harmless stuff that isn't going to hurt anyone, but it's just so obnoxious and irritating to deal with, especially if you happen to be one of his favourite targets. There's just something about having childish pranks being played on you at least once a day that wears most people out rather quickly. Although another petty habit of his is that he's way too competitive when it comes to board games. Not even joking, it's the one thing he takes super serious and he will hate you for eternity if you best him at Monopoly.

15. What it takes to make them cry

Depends on the kind of crying you mean. Fiore will fake cry to get out of trouble and he's a good actor who manages to shed a few tears with ease. However, making him cry for real is a rather hard task. Honestly, the only way to really get to him that I can think of right now is to somehow get really close to him, to the point where he is incredibly attached to you, and then just drop him. Say some mean things, preferably aimed at insecurities of his, and straight up leave him. That'd to the trick. But why would you want to do this to this poor pink baby

18. Things they’ll never admit
He's actually super into romantic dates. He would rather die than admit that things don't always have to be super lewd and inappropriate with him, but he honestly loves the idea of being gifted a bouquet of roses, then being taken out to dinner and eating at a fancy restaurant (preferably outside with a gorgeous view and on a full moon night) and just spending a nice night together... Probably still won't make him fall in love with you, but he'll certainly appreciate the gesture.