Give advice to the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 months, 26 days ago) by dogstarlite

ATTENTION: Go to the new thread to keep playing!

Original opening left below for archival purposes.


I don't think I've seen one like this around, so...

Is there something your OC is worried about or stuck on? Are they burning with a question YOU don't quite know how to answer? Try asking somebody else's OC for advice!

This is pretty simple. Post IC and ask the user below you for advice on something. The next person to post will post IC and give advice to your OC, then they'll ask for advice for themself! So it'll look something like this:

Character A: "I'm worried my friends don't like me anymore. What should I do?"
Character B: "You should try to take them aside and chat with them, let them know how you feel! I'm sure it just seems that way, but there's probably just something else going on!"
"As for me... No matter how hard I try, I just can't focus on my work! Is there anything I can do to make it easier?"

And so on. If you'd like, feel free to edit your post and have your OC respond to the advice the person below gave you, too!


1. Be polite! Don't use a call for advice as an opportunity to chew a character out, whether IC-ly or not... They're asking for help, so give them some!
2. Try to put at least some effort into your advice. They'll appreciate it!
3. Wait at least 4 people before posting again. However, if the thread goes a few days without new posts, feel free to go again to get it back into action.
4. If, for whatever reason, you have problems with somebody in this thread, let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it.

Have fun!

 Harrison James Jr. dogstarlite

I'll start us off here.

"I have trouble talking to people and making friends... How can I make it stop being so scary?"

"Oh, that's a good idea. I think I have a worry stone somewhere. Thank you!"

Tiana unused-account

"Well, even though it can be scary, there are ways to make it easier. Find something that calms you while you talk to people. Like a rubbing stone or something similar. Otherwise, you just have to be brave and dive in.  You seem nice, so I'm sure people will like you."

"I have trouble letting go of grudges. Any advice?"

Flora Highwater Fursecution

"Grudges are... tough. You just want to keep holding on and on and on and on. But you're not really holding onto anything that's gonna, like, help you. You're just taking all those negative feelings and letting them turn into this monster that's just making you angry or judgmental or disappointed; it's nothing good! Try letting go of grudges for your own benefit, so, like, not for the sake of the other person but for the sake of yourself. You don't gotta forgive them or anything."

"So, okay, I'm pretty much the leader of a little coven of witches and while I love being a leader and everything, it's hard trying to protect and take care of everyone since they kinda suck and it gets so stressful. Any ideas to help with my stress?"

Response;; "I, uh, appreciate you responding to me. Thank you for, y'know, um, taking the time out of your day and... no I'm not gonna kill my friends."

Smiley PicklePantry

"Just take them one-by-one and set them aside and stab them all. They'll be happy, you'll be happy, and there won't be anyone else to protect! :) Be sure to take as long as possible to kill them for maximum happiness :)"

"I want to make everyone happy. Should I risk not being as creative with my visits to get to more people? Or maybe... should I be more creative? All help is appreciated :)"

casper valentine melchior

"I.. I-I'm not too sure I want to know what you mean by creative, and judging by your demeanour, I'll assume it's something I'd be better off not investigating." Casper cleared his throat, taking in a deep breath as he took a moment to compose himself. "To make one happy is much more than just making them smile, in my opinion. I know you have your, um.. thing," He gestured loosely at the paper bag on the man's head, which had a large bloodstain on the corner - he didn't want to point it out. "But, if your intentions were to truly make somebody feel happiness, you'd need to get close to them, and learn what makes them happy. Associate yourself with such things, albeit a hobby, a place, and so on.. it'll help the person feel the same happy emotions when they're with you. So, in a sense, I suppose being more creative would be a good start."

"...I think I know what you mean by creative, now. After saying all of that.. just try not to get yourself in too much trouble. Please."

"As for myself, it's hard to put into words. I.. I'm having a hard time dealing with something. And I know how it goes -- you vent to somebody you trust, you tell them about the issue and they help you resolve it, but.. it isn't that simple, I'm afraid. If it was, I wouldn't be having this problem - I'm usually the one to comfort people, to give them advice and help them out, so I'm not usually the one to express my difficulties. There is, um.. one person I could possibly talk to, but I feel almost wrong for inconveniencing him with my own emotions. I'd like to know how I can sort out my own issues without needing to express them - or, at the very least, some advice on how to express them, without burdening anybody?"

(response) "Yeah, I guess you're right.. thank you for being honest with me. I'll start opening up a little more to people - I mean, I'll try, at least."

Viq Hag

"Well, there's your problem, Scrawny: you're trying to bottle that stuff up since you're, like, 'the protector' or 'provider', and hope it'll sort out on its own to keep your hard-earned position. From one guy with issues to another, there's just no way we can go about life without relying on others, full stop. It's tough, and it doesn't feel good-- to confide in someone about some bad crap, not knowing what they'll feel or say-- but if it's gotta happen, it's gotta happen." Viq scratches his head, looking almost sheepish. "If someone says you're a burden after you cry on their shoulder, then maybe.. Maybe that's just your sign to move on from that friend... Or whatever. I don't know."

 "Okay, here we go," Viq tries to laugh, and all that comes out is a sigh. "So, my problem is... Well, if you know me, you'll know I'm kind of a big deal. Except... It's kind of overwhelming, sometimes. Certain people won't hesitate to make me look like a jerk, and maybe I play into that-- not on purpose or anything, but what's done is done. What can I do to be a better guy, after I've already made a bad first impression? I need these people to stop trashing me behind my back without threatening them or making myself look even worse..."

[response] Viq gives Vin'trss an inscrutable glance before wordlessly pulling her into his arms, a soft embrace. He says nothing, but it sounds like he's chuckling.

 Vinny chiliechii_inactive



"Just be genuine. Often times when people try to make up for a bad impression they can be..overboard with their attempts. Apologize for getting off on the wrong foot, they probably won't change their view on you right there but if you're sincere with your apology then it will show. But don't come across as being a 'try hard' and bombard them with apologies, show them that you're not a jerk. What matters are your actions. Be persistent and consistent, obviously getting over a bad impression is going to take some time so showing determination will emphasize how genuine you are. You're open minded and that's a likable quality so emphasize that, hun."

"My daughter is adopted and I know...I know she wants to find out who her birth parents are, she's never told me directly but I can tell. Honestly I'm hesitant because I don't want things to change between us when she finds out who they are-- I don't even know who they are. If they're dead then it'll devastate her, but if they're alive then she may want to see them and who knows how that will end up...what...what should I do?"

She sighs "'re right. She deserves to know, I'd be a monster if I didn't help her. And don't worry, I have many contacts due to my profession. Finding some info won't be that hard. Thank you for the advice." She gives Ry a thumbs up.

 Ry dogstarlite

"Everyone deserves to know where they came from, right? If she wants to know, you've gotta respect her wishes... and then just be there for her, no matter how it turns out! If they're alive, then she's got more adults to look up to! If she loves you and you love her, she ain't gonna stop being your daughter. If they're not... Well, it sucks, but sometimes that happens. You just gotta let her know you still care and you still love her, right? As for finding them in the first place, thaaat might be a bit tricky. Bet there are detectives out there who'd be able to help, though!"

"Sooo, let's see. Life gets pretty dull here in the Tower sometimes, but I can't really leave 'cause Naeri's got all this schooling to do. And learning suuuuuucks. How do I, like, not die of boredom in this environment?"

(response) "Yeah, you're right. Things aren't gonna just come to me, huh? I'll see if I can scrounge up people with my interests, see if we can find stuff to do! Thanks!"


She thinks for a brief moment to formulate her response, "Hmm... You could possibly take up a hobby to do in your free time or on the side. I'm not too sure what would strike your fancy-- but you could try taking up reading or writing. Though I understand that if you have to do these things often without wanting to, you wouldn't want to do them any more than you really have to..." "The best advice I can really give is to think about yourself and go from there! Do something you're really interested in, or think of a way to do it if you can't already."

A previous smile Luvee had on her face slowly fades away and is soon replaced by a somewhat more worried look. She shuffles uncomfortably until finally spitting out what's on her mind reluctantly. "I usually don't talk about my own worries at all-- hell a lot of my customers at my shop see me as a positive person, even. Which is almost an accomplishment on my part." She makes a nervous laugh "Truth is, I really do have a lot of things I wanna take off my chest, but, I don't want to burden others with my troubles. They shouldn't have to worry about me as much as I may worry about them." "How could I possibly ease my mind off some of this?"

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Marie Crevan Lemonburgers

"I should have a lot of solutions! Let me see... During missions in which I have no time do stuff like drink tea or have a nice hot bath or read a nice book, I usually do stretches and breathing exercises. Maybe run in place or dance if you'd like something more active. Based on what you look like, I don't think you'd be good in being near the sun... Or being active... Perhaps lying down would be a good option. Or maybe counting backwards... Or tensing your muscles one at a time until you get sleepy... Do you want a hand massage?"

"My colleague needs a vacation! He's been blanking out more than he usually does and has been staying up all night working on things that we've haven't done yet! I offered him a break and he just turns it down, insisting that he's not going to leave the team just like that loner of that legendary team he's heard of. I know that he wants the best for the team, but I have a feeling that he'd burst out in a stress induced rage or maybe pass out in the middle of work. What should I do?"

Laurel #620 Caine

"I think you should just tell him straight how you feel! Depending on what kind of person he is, you might want to put more focus on your own worry over him, or alternatively the more... logical reasoning to why he should take some time off! And if he is worried about becoming like someone else, you should probably tell him he is his own person, and just because he takes a break he won't become that other person! One break to recharge energy won't make you a turncoat!" Frowning ever so slightly, Laurel added: "I hope you'll be able to handle the situation!" 

With an uneasy shrug, Laurel then spoke: "I have a friend I don't quite understand: he is often rude and brash and gets me into trouble, but at the same time I don't think he really means anything bad? I mean he was really mean to me when I arrived to the cabaret and I think it's because I thought I was stepping on his toes, as he used to be the only guy of the place up until I came..." He laughed nervously. "Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked! I was just wondering what I should do with him, as I find him a bit scary and rude, but at the same time I'd like to understand him more and be his friend anyway, as he doesn't really seem to have many?"  

 Lumen copiedcity

"Okay. Right. Listen to Papa Lumen. The kid's getting you into trouble 'accidentally', right? Confront him about it. You ain't gonna get to know him if you just let him trample all over you like that. And if he's gonna be an ass to you n' scare you and whatever when you tell him to calm down then I don't think he deserves that friendship. You seem like an okay enough guy, anyway."

"I have these two friends, right? And one of them's real scared of the other because he's afraid she's gonna eat him. Don't ask - it's a thing with their species or somethin'. But basically, I couldn't give a rat's ass about them but the scared one expects me to protect him and shit. And I don't wanna let him down. But I don't care and don't have the motivation to get off my ass and protect him. But he's my friend. And I have literally NO idea what to do."

the amount of times i used the word 'ass' in this post is slightly concerning

 Vayehn Lievi Commander

"It's uh, hard for sure when the motivation isn't there; situations like these can be overwhelming, and I understand. I have a friend who is very self-destructive; I can't watch him at all times, even though I wish I could. There are times where I think it's easier to just stop giving a damn and leave him to his own devices, but that's cruel in it's own right. I'd suggest telling your friend who is in danger to let you know when he needs you, stand up, and show up. I know it's hard to admit you care about this situation, but the well-being of a friend is what matters most, especially if you can do anything about it. Look at yourself, determine if you truly care about this 'friend', stop making excuses, and be there."

"So, uh, cutting to the chase, I experienced a great tragedy four years ago. Lost people I cared about in a combat zone, have been working on addressing the trauma for years now. I'm at a point where I can function with this in my life, but now that I have cleared up so much of the fear, I now realize I never had the time or the chance to properly grieve who I lost. I feel selfish for taking those years to focus on me and not honor the lives of my lost squad members, but at the same time, I wouldn't be where I am now if not for that decision. What should I do to address this grief? Would they be ashamed of me?"

 Thrill Jaystripes

"I don't think they would be ashamed of you for going on instinct. You were confused, and didn't know what to do, so of course you would spend the whole time trying to get over the trauma instead of grieving for them. Plus, isn't dealing with the sadness inadvertently grieving for them? But that entire thing about grieving doesn't even matter. I think they would be proud of you for getting over it- the whole situation- without going crazy or becoming suicidal. Plus, as long as you always remember them, it wouldn't even matter whether or not you spent the whole time thinking about yourself or them. Just take it easy. If you need anything to help get over this, I recommend making and bonding with something- a pet, friend, or item, and keeping their memory in that, so you always honor them."

"Well, it's a long story, but I'll shorten it. Long ago when I was created, the lab that I was made at was overrun by my species. I was a mistake, and therefore didn't exist in their files (they were perfectionists). This one K90 (my species) came up to me... He pitied me because I was the only one of the species who didn't kill constantly... He took me in and protected me... But then after a while he started wanting me to do requests. Murder requests. Since I didn't exist in the lab's files, I was practically invisible to all. He made me... k-kill some of us... in exchange for protection. I didn't know w-what I was doing... I did kill many... I didn't mean to. I couldn't get off the island the lab was on. I f-feel so b-bad about it always... I'm always shaking and I keep seeing the horrified faces of them... At first they were like everyone else, mercilessly killing and roughhousing, but when they were in that position themselves, they realized how bad it was... And how bad I am. A-anyways... Sorry I rambled... I need help. Was it my fault? I always feel so bad about this. Is there any way to deal with this... regret and guilt?"