How Well-Known is Your OC on TH?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Orca

Because I TOTALLY need to make more of these

"Would You Steal the Character Above?" is so popular, it's time to make a character version of "How Well Known are You on TH?" This works exactly like that thread, but you know, with characters. Post IC with your participating character, but respond OOC.

Wait until three other people have posted before you post again, unless it's been 24 hours. In that case, only one other person must have posted.

Let's start this off probably already know.

wavecore htespagheti

1/10, I think ive seen them a couple times, or maybe just in your whole character list for other forum games

 Light Filfi


I think I saw them before but it might just be the art style? :o

Colette ChickieDee

0/10 I don't think I've ever seen him around before!

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Alcott Northwind PicklePantry

10/10 I recognize him easily!

Dr. Fire Orca

10/10 Your second most recognizable character, only next to Smiley. :)

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 Guts GutsNGorey

0/10 I don;t believe I've ever seen them before

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Haggis hedgemaze

0/10 I really like her, but I don't think I'd ever seen her before? :c

Yelisa 🌷 birthday

1/10 i think ive seen them once or twice before in games, but always too late for me to ever interact lol

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Pluto Storm_Clouds


I don't remember seeing them around much, really.

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