Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 months, 17 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

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n4ils ping, skip this

C.I.T.A. Mutonian

Oh I love their character, where did you get the idea for them? Is transhumanism something you share with them? I personally write characters like them from experience. That and what exactly do they feel towards people, are they indifferent?

vvv Hi these are great.
-Partially a spoiler and partially being brainstormed on so this isn't the best answer, but he's actually an escaped government project (that's for sure), think reverse abduction where humans are the ones doing the abducting. He desperately wants to go back to his home planet, but he won't because I said so :).

-Yes, it's relating to Coleman! His face is moreso a shitty imitation rather than a perfect recreation. Coleman is dead.

-His ocs are something I thought about for the funnies, but they are somewhat relevant. They'd probably give you a peek into what his life may have been like, as for his actual characters they tend to be nameless self inserts without all the baggage that comes with being an alien convict. He just wants to be human at that point.

vvv Mr. brocolini has me busting up, thank you for that. And yes, Coleman was involved, but I won't elaborate on how (but do note that CITA doesn't kill with vengeance in mind, ever.) I'll ponder a tab... That's a good idea.

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Yorunoku pinksun

does she have an all time favourite exciting food combination?

does she actually care at all about the money she can make? (since shes so good at getting a business to do well)

is she single asking for a friend /j (i think shes neat)


ty im glad you like her ! :0

- its likely literal for her physical body, wherever it may be, but what we see of her isnt physical so she doesnt know!

- yoru no ku means night child ! tying in with some of your other questions, this would be related to folktales made about her. she brings the berries and herbs she collects back to the village, and though its hard for people to get a good look at her, shes pretty clearly a child they see around the edges of the village occasionally hence... night child being what shes called ! i think the folktales about her would just be related to wondering about her intentions- most people understand she means well and is just providing for the village, so shes seen as possibly being a kind spirit of some sort. theres always the occasional conspiracy theorist who wonders if shes malicious tho like oo how do you know its not hypnotizing us with cursed food or whatever

- i dont think she'd actually smell like much of anything because shes noncorporeal ahah but if i had to choose a scent she'd likely have a floral scent lingering on her

- shes not the type to rage, and shes pretty disoriented and confused so when she occasionally remembers someone isnt able to interact with her shes just kind of sad :( its physical and verbal, shes just not really able to be noticed fully since shes a spirit. she really isnt able to understand it when it happens so she just kind of carries on with a lingering feeling of sadness about it

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hosuh ノ 🐙 krak7en


※ before anything else, just letting you know he's such a lovely character, and your writing is so so pleasant to read and may even serve as an inspiration for my own! i ended up being very invested in him and his elusive personality and general presence with his role (plus im a sucker for his design. and he's a redhead. if i may gain the permission to simp platonically from afar as a fanclub president. LOL) sorry in advance if some questions are probably ones you've already answered in a different tab / fg thread / in a diff part of his bio and i missed it somehow!

• how did it feel for him that his father had to basically disown and feign his own son's death just to be able to set him free? being in his ripe age, did it confuse him; was he able to grasp the severity of the situation - did it feel like utter abandonment, or did it feel like a last throw of his rather harsh love language?
• you've said it best - he has since then developed that tug between being apathetic to those around him with barely any strong ideals yet so loyal once he found the ones he wants to fight for, which is personally one of my favorite contradicting defining tropes. because of his emotional constipation, has any of his challenges brought him to tears at all (whether he's aware or unaware he's crying), or any sort of emotional outburst? or has he gone on bottling them on like a hollow shell without knowing?
• lighthearted question: are there any specific food he could deem as close to his favorite? (if it helps put it into a grim perspective, since he seems like he's not picky / he appreciates and respects all kinds of food due to his upbringing.. if he were to choose his last meal, what would it be?)
• is he generally touch averse? or is he touch neutral? (this is just my roundabout way of asking if im able to pat his hair at all LOL)
• he does calligraphy and writing letters, but has he / would he ever try writing sijo?

• EXTRA! a little personal depending on your answer - so feel free to skip! but is there anything about him that you feel like you relate to the most and then the least? (or less personal - how do you think would you interact with him, if you were able to meet him in person?)

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(Manual bump ignore me!!!)