Ask the character above about their relationship!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 months, 15 days ago) by hedgemaze


toot toot


You could ask a relationship question in one of the other Q&A threads, but I thought a thread specifically for relationship questions would be fun, and good for developing character relationships! 

In this thread, ask a question to the character a person posted above you in the thread, about a relationship in their life. You'll post IC as a character you would like to be asked about, and edit your post with your character's answer after the person below you asks them a question!

  • The relationships in this thread don't have to be romantic! You could ask about a character's relationship with their sibling, their parents, their child, their dog, their rival, their boss, their worshippers-- you get the idea!
  • If you want the person below to ask about a particular relationship (or give specific options, like either their brother or their best friend), you can specify at the bottom of your post; otherwise, people will ask you about a relationship that's listed on the character's profile. If you don't specify and no relationships are listed, you'll probably get a vague and potentially unfitting question like what their relationship with their mom is, so I recommend having at least one relationship listed somewhere.
  • Questions can be anything: how the characters met, their favorite thing about the other character, silly nicknames, the worst fight they ever had, their favorite memory together, their plans for the future-- anything about a relationship the character has. Try to ask an interesting or thoughtful question!
  • That said-- this is NOT intended to be a low-effort thread. You are expected to look at the profiles of each character you are asking about (at least whatever section describes their relationship or history together), and try to think of a relevant question to their relationship. The only exception is if there really is nothing on the characters' pages to base your question on.
  • This is not a NSFW thread. Questions and answers can be a little bit racy, but nothing above PG-13. There are other threads for adult questions.
  • This is generally an IC thread, but you can answer OOC if you want to or if you need to say something that the character wouldn't.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile. Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your response! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  •  BE NICE and have fun!    

Interested in more games for character questions?

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Why did she not get along with mina at first? How did they eventually get along?? Who confessed their feelings first and how?

 Perfume Kawaiimarshmallowkit

Do Nea and Melina have any favorite activities to do together? What's Nea's favorite thing about Melina? Is there anything Nea doesn't like about Melina that much?

NP: You're free to ask about any of her relationships with other characters, you don't have to stick to my other OCs if you don't want to! ^^

What’s perfumes way of trying to get along with roxy and vanny?

She treats them pretty much the same way she'd treat any other friend of hers (though Roxy and Vanny get more attention compared to a regular friend, since Perfume has crushes on them). She tries her best to keep them happy and make sure they're alright. She tries to hang out with them whenever she can, and she's willing to try new things they suggest doing when they talk or hang out (unless it's something that she really doesn't like the idea of doing, like if it seems too dangerous or something). If she found either one of them being upset, she'd do her best to comfort them and make them feel better.

Oris K. Shah Orisquirrelking

Kawaiimarshmallowkit What’s perfumes way of trying to get along with roxy and vanny?

Yes, actually! They didnt speak for a week after she put white hairdye in his shampoo and convinced him that he had slept through 30 years 

Hype SapphireBatWings

Has a prank she played ever damaged (even if it was only for a sort time) her friend/relationship with Peter?

Not at all. Achi is the one who did the most hurting actually. She was more power hungry and vindictive than Hype. She also had more power so she was pretty much untouchable.

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Sorrel Brinasaur

Who’s your closest friend, and what do you two like to do together most?

Sorrel Brinasaur

Who’s your closest friend, and what do you two like to do together most?

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Tom (Fantasy AU) Pimn

SeaSlurpee what would Kaori consider to be quality father-daughter bonding time? How often does she get those moments with him?

[You can ask about Tom's relationship with Santos]

I swore I had linked Santos's profile here but I hadn't so yeah this is Santos
Also lmao I forgot I didn't write anything about them.

They're lovers, although that took quite a while to happen since Santos is a literal god and mortals tend to feel a bit intimidated by those.

Is Santos aware of Tom's shapeshifting abilities? How do they feel about it?
He is, although Tom tried to hide it from him at first, since it'd give away that he's a demigod and a lot of people really don't like those because they're seen as unholy. Santos is fine with it really, though sometimes it freaks him out a bit (he worries Tom may injure himself while shapeshifting).

Do they have any shared history together?
Not really, they met quite by chance. In fact Santos lives across the continent from where Tom was originally from.

How did they meet?
They met when a couple townsfolk found Tom lying severely injured on the mountainside, and assuming he was dead, carted him over to Santos' temple so he could oversee a proper burial. Tom was, in fact, very much alive, and when Santos was made aware of this fact he took it upon himself to take care of him and nurse him back to health.

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Veritas Memoriae ProfessionalDumbass

How does Riley think that Jamil see’s him. Like does he think he’s special in their eyes

Heron Aarix

Who are his kids? What do they think of him? What kind of bonding activities do they get up to w their dad, if any?

There's not really any clues on my characters profiles, so instead you can peep my links [here]. I'm IC as Heron since I'm thinking abt him a lot lately, but you're welcome to ask about anyone's relationship with anyone... don't worry, there's only a couple of choices there ;p

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Eugenia Mehta HAIRSPRAY72

why did Hilde break her ex's nose?


surprisingly it isn't too hard! They're both big meat earters, so they don't have to worry about seperate diets and they get along pretty well just generally! The only struggles have to do with Aprils large size (11 ft tall) or with their seperate sleep schedules (Eugenia is completely nocturnal while April is dirunal)