Ask the character above about their relationship!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 months, 26 days ago) by hedgemaze


toot toot


You could ask a relationship question in one of the other Q&A threads, but I thought a thread specifically for relationship questions would be fun, and good for developing character relationships! 

In this thread, ask a question to the character a person posted above you in the thread, about a relationship in their life. You'll post IC as a character you would like to be asked about, and edit your post with your character's answer after the person below you asks them a question!

  • The relationships in this thread don't have to be romantic! You could ask about a character's relationship with their sibling, their parents, their child, their dog, their rival, their boss, their worshippers-- you get the idea!
  • If you want the person below to ask about a particular relationship (or give specific options, like either their brother or their best friend), you can specify at the bottom of your post; otherwise, people will ask you about a relationship that's listed on the character's profile. If you don't specify and no relationships are listed, you'll probably get a vague and potentially unfitting question like what their relationship with their mom is, so I recommend having at least one relationship listed somewhere.
  • Questions can be anything: how the characters met, their favorite thing about the other character, silly nicknames, the worst fight they ever had, their favorite memory together, their plans for the future-- anything about a relationship the character has. Try to ask an interesting or thoughtful question!
  • That said-- this is NOT intended to be a low-effort thread. You are expected to look at the profiles of each character you are asking about (at least whatever section describes their relationship or history together), and try to think of a relevant question to their relationship. The only exception is if there really is nothing on the characters' pages to base your question on.
  • This is not a NSFW thread. Questions and answers can be a little bit racy, but nothing above PG-13. There are other threads for adult questions.
  • This is generally an IC thread, but you can answer OOC if you want to or if you need to say something that the character wouldn't.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile. Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your response! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  •  BE NICE and have fun!    

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Ivy gummy

How is Eugenia's relationship with her daughter, April? Is it hard with her being a demon and Eugenia being a ghoul?

They met through a mutual friend named Victoria, who contacted both of them for her militia. Since then they really just started hanging out together. Her and James have real different personalities, with Ivy being down to earth and James taking things way too seriously; like a fantasy buddy cop troupe with no cops lmao. Ivy loves to travel, but James tends to stay in one for the most part unless for work related purposes, so they may go years without seeing each other but when they do its always fun!

Sanya Itrillis Cliodna

Hm, vampire and a siren as drinking buddies. How'd she meet James? Also she likes to travel but he seems to be more of a hitman type - do they meet often? How close are they?


EDIT: A very interesting question! The roleplay ended recently so I can give it a canon answer. Before the final couple of rp sessions the two got along...somewhat  alright. Ella rarely felt much empathy for those she wasn't close to,  but could be caring and almost motherly to her friends. She was a wild  card, but generally of the "keep a close eye on her and offer moral  guidance if necessary" kind of wild card, though at times the woman could be downright creepy. For Sanya Ella crossed the moral event  horizon when she sided with Usar (her fiance, and the campaigns' main villain). And she'd sided with Usar even though he had mistreated Sanya's love-interest and would've been willing to kill all of us + the native population of  a planet in order to get his hands on an alien artefact. I don't think Sanya ever tried to do anything "bad" to Ella directly. That's not to say they didn't hurt one-another in the latter portion of the campaign, but it was in the heat of battle as Ella got in the way of Sanya trying to kill Usar. That said, by the very end of the storyline Sanya was disgusted by Ella and regretted not shooting the two as they were running off to their happily-ever-after. :P 

We established with Ella's player after the campaign was over that she'd have started a family with Usar. If Sanya ever learns of it...then they'd leave an anonymous tip with CPS as a matter of principle, but would be unlikely to pursue the pair further. These two are the police's problem now, not Sanya's.

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Keane chendraws

Switchboard what's up between you and Orion? 

(Ask him about one or both of his lovers! And I'd be glad if you tag me in your answer!)



"My fave memory? Let me think... We've been together for quite a while, and we have many memories together....My favorite?..."He stoppped to think for a second "With rodrick, I still remember every day that one concert... we were days away from our third  anniversary, and in the end, he dedicated Rio and I a song and some words infront of everybody... It was great" He smiled fondly at the memory,rubbing the back of his head  as he thought "And with Rio? The day he opened up to us about his past and his scars, it  was a really hard topic for him, but he trusted us enough to tell us, that night we ... cuddled, yeah cuddled, until we collapsed in bed".

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Sanya Itrillis Cliodna

(posting again because answering to the previous question was so much fun :D)

How does Costello's job as a maffia boss affect their relationship? I.e. does she approve of it, does she even know, does it create any tensions or awkwardness between the two?


The downside of this thread is that I doubt anyone's actually reading the replies. XD Another interesting question though! 

It's not a matter of betrayal, but rather - indeed - Sanya's initial hate for Nea's father and his mission. Sanya and Nea had, in many ways, opposing political views and moral differences. Sanya's a rather pascifistic supporter of Central Government, whilst Nea idolizes her father Anchari Maleios, whom the majority sees as an anti-Central radical and warmonger (or a liberator and enlightened ideologist fighting an oppressive regime, if you believe his followers). Sanya had been responsible for talking the rest of the party into breaking Nea out when she was unfairly apprehended by the police and as such felt responsibility both for her well as her future actions. Sanya had occasional internal battles along the lines of "If she goes on to use her seer-powers to join her father and wage a war against Central Government, would all those lives be on my concience for having helped her? Should I treat her like a criminal for her views, though she's never hurt a fly and has very understandable motives for her beliefs?".

The two mended some of their differences by the end of the campaign, with Nea starting to question whether Central Government are the "bad guys" (largely thanks to Sanya not treating her like a ticking time bomb and the two being comfortable having philosophical arguments with one-another) and Sanya growing to empathize with her people and her fathers' teachings (though not his methods).

When it comes to the crush itself...Sanya found Nea to be insanely attractive as well as cute, graceful, brave, selfless, headstrong, fascinating in her similarities and stark Sanya probably got some satisfaction out of getting to be her "knight in shining armor". Often it wasn't the deepest nor the healthiest relationship, but it had a bright-burning star-crossed earnestness about it. :D

Sinclair kewpiekinz

Would love to know more about Sanya’s crush on Nea! Is it complicated in terms of betrayal, does Sanya have a hate for Nea’s dad or his mission? My brain works 90 miles per hour


there is an instance in CV where the two have to face eachother, and it does NOT go well! Its hard for both, but Bailey took it too far threatening and roping Kapow into their history. Sinclair will never forgive her since she continues to live in a funhouse fantasy, and Bailey dies alone

Its okay he has Loopy! Someone who loves him for who he is :0)

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 Silver uwutuber

What happened with Syaxi and The enemy  ? Were they the said person who betrayed them?


He technically has a boyfriend (Zach (zipzap) ) and they actually are pretty close. He doesn't have other any friends though 

Ayo Wolfypoof

Does Silver have anyone in his life he would call a friend? How close would he say they are? 


Because they are forced to be. Nah I'm just kidding. Though they mostly hang out and keep in touch because of the rest of the group. A lot of it is Ayo's pride but he does care about Purry to seem degree. So it's an act to prevent her coming too close and to get out of her feelings. Purry also wants to look past that time they had and become good friends. The rest of the group staying together also helps them develop a friendship haha. 

Sanya Itrillis Cliodna

Is there anything he likes about Purry? It says on his profile that he finds her annoying, never had feelings for her and doesn't like her having feelings for him. Why do they keep hanging out and being friends?

Sanya's earlier questions from this thread:

o Given  the opportunity, would Sanya do anything bad to Doctor   Ellaseerandiarius Safariensis? How sour exactly is their relationship?

o Would  love to know more about Sanya’s crush on Nea! Is it complicated in  terms of betrayal, does Sanya have a hate for Nea’s dad or his  mission?

Sanya's relationship to Nea's dad Anchari Maleios is complicated and depends on which point of the campaign we're talking about. The two thought of one-another in antagonistic terms before meeting face-to-face. For context: Maleios was widely considered a "terrorist ideologist" and Sanya had been a key part of a mission that allowed the police to take down Maleios's mothership. 

The two directly interacted over a period of about...three days? Sanya sought Nea's dad out near the end of the campaign to get the man's aid in killing Usar and getting Nea to safety. After that Sanya was treated as his guest until...the events at the end of the campaign. But for the duration that Sanya was Maleios's guest the two got along pretty well. I think their mutual amity was based on recognizing that they had exactly three things in common - both hated Usar, both loved Nea and both had powers from an extraterrestrial artefact.

 Sanya's feelings towards Maleios were complicated by that point - they saw that Maleios was brave, headstrong, charismatic, patriotic and a loving father...but also willing to do anything for his goals. Maleios, according to my GM after the roleplay was over, didn't have time to form a strong opinion on Sanya. He respected his daughters' decisions and had no issue with Sanya and Nea being romantically involved, but probably would've liked Sanya more if Sanya had more "fighting spirit" in them.

Oris K. Shah Orisquirrelking

What’s Sanya’s relationship with Nea’s dad? Have they interacted much, do they pretend to be friendly?

nope! She thinks of Ash as a sibling!

Tarus ArtisticTiger

      Has Oris ever had any feelings for Ashley?


     Tarus and Andrina met at a cafe Tarus was working at. Andrina requested a song and Tarus played it well. They bonded and started off as very good friends. They slowly developed feelings for one another. :)

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Cyril Dinlos

So, what happened between Arsenic and Switchoard?

“Well, I usually have evenings off unless I’m on a business trip so I get to spend more time with the kids more than it may seem. Tom on the other hand has long holidays. We have talked about it, yes, but I’m fairly certain I’m going to work as long as I possibly can, but Tomas has only few years left before he retires.

Pfft, no one should have a favorite child. I do different things with a different kid. They all are the best kids I know. We all like to travel and see strange animals and play board games. For more casual thing we’ve try to keep a habit of eating together at least once a day, around the same table. I don’t think kids appreciate it as much as I do but they are my favorite little moments during the say.