Ask the character above about their relationship!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 months, 25 days ago) by hedgemaze


toot toot


You could ask a relationship question in one of the other Q&A threads, but I thought a thread specifically for relationship questions would be fun, and good for developing character relationships! 

In this thread, ask a question to the character a person posted above you in the thread, about a relationship in their life. You'll post IC as a character you would like to be asked about, and edit your post with your character's answer after the person below you asks them a question!

  • The relationships in this thread don't have to be romantic! You could ask about a character's relationship with their sibling, their parents, their child, their dog, their rival, their boss, their worshippers-- you get the idea!
  • If you want the person below to ask about a particular relationship (or give specific options, like either their brother or their best friend), you can specify at the bottom of your post; otherwise, people will ask you about a relationship that's listed on the character's profile. If you don't specify and no relationships are listed, you'll probably get a vague and potentially unfitting question like what their relationship with their mom is, so I recommend having at least one relationship listed somewhere.
  • Questions can be anything: how the characters met, their favorite thing about the other character, silly nicknames, the worst fight they ever had, their favorite memory together, their plans for the future-- anything about a relationship the character has. Try to ask an interesting or thoughtful question!
  • That said-- this is NOT intended to be a low-effort thread. You are expected to look at the profiles of each character you are asking about (at least whatever section describes their relationship or history together), and try to think of a relevant question to their relationship. The only exception is if there really is nothing on the characters' pages to base your question on.
  • This is not a NSFW thread. Questions and answers can be a little bit racy, but nothing above PG-13. There are other threads for adult questions.
  • This is generally an IC thread, but you can answer OOC if you want to or if you need to say something that the character wouldn't.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile. Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your response! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  •  BE NICE and have fun!    

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Cyrus Beauregard Yamroll

How exactly did Mant and Barry meet? (Seeing how they have almost completely contrasting personalitie)



“Well it’s uh…complicated. You’d think someone as introverted as me never got lonely, but well, I got lonely pretty often. Only friend of mine was Tom. Then during college I met her. She was so sweet to everyone, heck there was these other 2 (maybe even more than that) guys who liked her. I never thought she’d like someone like me. I mean even back then I was already wanted for stealing multiple artefacts and artworks. So I convinced myself that I didn’t like her. Better not to get my hopes up.

Then of course, the incident happened. While I was out on a heist, Erica being the curious girl she was (and still is) decided to follow me. I don’t know how she got up on the roof with me (I mean, how else would I enter the museum?), but however she did so it didn’t seem to attract any attention. I still got kinda mad at her anyways. But aside from getting mad at her, I thought that she’d also make a great partner in crime. From then on the both of us would go on heists, as friends at first. Soon we grew closer and after a near escape from the police…lets just say I sort of, well, confessed to her. Honestly, she was the first person I was ever comfortable with and wasn’t my family or Tom. And it turned out she liked me as well hehe.”

Voxel charmingterror

How did Cyrus figure out that he liked Erica?


"Might sound weird, but I love to just...sleep with him. Not in a sexual way. Like, I love it when he just holds me basically. I feel comforted in a sense, more or less I don't FEEL like a succubus, I feel like an actual person. He's always super warm too, gatekeeper of hell things and all. I, of course, put my wings around him a lot when I'm sleeping with him. He doesn't mind it either and enjoys it the same I do. I just feel happy to know he still loves me when he's doing that. I literally just could go on and on about this topic for a while but--  I'm guessing you get the point already."

Delphi Xi CetaceaCyberia

What's Voxel's favorite thing to do with Bennard? 

Edit: It was hard for her at first to believe that he had actually remembered her, much less come back looking. That, followed with the shock of finding out where he worked really stunned her, but she was over all extremely happy to have been reconnected with him

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Are there any particular games/activities that Louis and his son like to do together?


I never got too in depth with Makoto and Mooncrystal's relationship with his owner, but from what little we discussed they met sometime when they were hunting.

And to answer the second question, as August, Makoto's previous life, was sacrificed himself, Makoto actually feels bad for the dragons being sacrificed as the majority of them are young and have much more life to live, but there isn't really anything she can do to stop the sacrificing ritual once it starts.

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Elijah memeathon

im so interested in pierrot and the twins! he was so hesitant even travelling with them after they rescued him: are there any standout moments that helped him trust them? what terms are they on now? are there any defining traits that make him feel differently about one twin or the other?

Yukio sunnyshrimp

i'll throw a ping your way just 'cuz it's been a bit! memeathon - how does elijah feel about his older brother specifically? understandably it hurts that his family seems to care more for him than they do elijah, but does he feel resentment toward his older brother? does he resign himself to just being bitter about it, or is he actively discontent and always trying to one up him? 

Yukio can't hold back his smile - although he'd like to. Ah, what was the harm - what were the odds this creature knew of Mikiko past his name?

"I've met him many times." He's grinning, now. "But the first time was when he was that ugly child. Humans are a sight for sore eyes. But it is a crime when they are as egregiously ugly as he was - so I killed him. I do not regret it - it seems my offering to Death caught his attention, finally."

He cracks his fingers, spewing off on his delusion like it were common sense. "He's.. ah. How should I say this? Mikiko Orochi is my pathway to Lord Death. If he is not in my peripheral at all times, I fear I may lose a.. valuable opportunity. But why linger in his shadow? It's much more fun to see what makes him tick - as it would be with anyone, you'd certainly want to get to know all about someone you're forced to be so close to. Don't you agree?"


How did he and Mikiko first meet? What caused Yukio to start tormenting him?


As far as I'm concerned, this is pretty much stated on Rift's profile, but I'll explain it here cuz idm talking about my ocs lol

So Rift's mind basically fell in a dark place after their relationship became strained due to work issues (ie: not seeing each other all as much), and she began to do some bad stuff, like vandalising, bullying little kids, breaking stuff, you get the gist. Antares was oblivious to this until Rift asked her to steal the Core of the Universal Order with her (which is basically the most powerful thing in Fixianor, their universe). Antares says no and Rift goes to steal it anyways, and she gets caught and taken to be executed.

Antares was EXTREMELY reluctant to execute her but for the sake of keeping her species safe she kinda had to. Rift ran away and Antares pursued her down to Mainland, where Antares was now tasked with finding and bringing her back for her death. Their friendship basically entirely broke at the execution part as Rift saw this as Antares betraying her.

Amber hedgemaze


How did Antares and Ruin's friendship fall apart? Did Antares watch her friend change and become more power hungry over time, and did she try to stop her? Or had their relationship already broken before that?

How did Antares feel about having to execute her?

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Leika and him are like two years in a pod, as soon as they met they had this connection, he couldn't escape it. He tried so hard not growing the same 'attachement' to little Salie, by being distant and leaving the simple training to other recruits,but it fails. Salvador grabbed him like a lost baby koala and at some point saves his life so Ros just can't stop but 'fatherly' like him