Your OC Catches The OC Above!

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 14 days ago) by celestiials
Feel free to bump this thread! I have bump notifs disabled so you can bump it if needed.

(not sure how to word the title //sweats)

But anyways, first forum game, woohoo-
The scenario is that your OC catches the above OC after running after them, or it could just be something like catching the OC above redhanded in the act.

What does your OC do? Give a gentle admonishing, a more blunt verbal beatdown, or something more... physical?
Onto the rules so this doesn't descend into chaos:

  • If any issues arise, PM me! Rules may be subject to change.
  • (New) Don't post characters that are only visible to authorized users/only visible to you; the only exception is if you have an access key, but otherwise please don't, it ruins the game flow.
  • (New) On the same vein, do not post any characters without a bio. If you do, you will be skipped.
  • Put any sensitive content under a spoiler or black it out, like this. Please make sure the text color and the background color are the same!!
  • Please, nothing sexual/NSFW; I am a minor and I can't mature this thread, so PG-13 at most.
    • Romance is allowed though (though i'm not sure if that'll ever come in this thread), but no romantic adult/minor interactions. If I catch this, I will immediately ban you.
  • Please put effort in your responses, make your response at least 3 sentences long. No cookie-cutter responses either.
  • Edited rule: Please don't get violent unless the above person is alright with that.
  • For now there's no "Wait X posts before posting again" rule since I don't know if this is going to be popular or not, but if this becomes popular then I'll add one.

Example posts (please don't copy my bad examples lmao):

User 1: *posts IC as Hermes* lol first fite me
User 2: *posts IC as Raphael* "What the- give me that scalpel back, Hermes! You're gonna hurt someone with that!"
User 3: *posts IC as Tsuko* "Wait, why am I going after you? Uhhh... is going back to whatever I was doing an option? No?"

Ban list. This thread will operate on a "3 strikes and you're out" basis, though I may ban you immediately depending on what you did.

None, let's keep it that way.

Alright, let's start. I'll be sacrificing Hel.
Major violence is OK, but please put it under a spoiler or black it out.

If you want, you can just claim a spot and skip me.

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Aries Jutta

The dragon-like creature caught Leo rifling through his bag, and snatched it away from him in a heartbeat. It was only luck that he caught him at all, having glanced in the direction by chance, the little dude was stealthy. Aries caught himself mid growl and relaxed, trying to put on a less threatening smile. It wasn't easy.

"I'm not robbin' ya back man, don't worry, ya probably don't have anything how about I offer ya a deal- I'm offerin' ya a one of a kind opportunity- to join my merry crew? We could use a clever little lad around the place!" The dragon asked, he started to get lost in his own "generous" offer that he didn't notice that the boy didn't seem interested. In fact, he almost looked annoyed that he was being spoken to by an adult at all.

"Hey wait, where are you off to?!" 

SnugBug AcaciaSight

Snugbug gasped as her eyes went wide as plates in her skull. There he was, Aries, eating her last berry cake. The Nayokadoren puffed up in anger and approached the dragon. “You know you could have just asked to share that you know?” She tutted and thumped her tail on the ground expecting him to apologize. She sighed figuring that he wasn’t going to give her a blimey response so she patted him. “Next time, ask ok?” She trotted of and mumbled under her breath.

peaches Joey-D-yvern

Peaches sat up, yawning loudly. The sound of digging woke her up from her nap. What was it? A predator trying to dig up a quick snack? Yes, that must be it. With a slight growl, peaches dropped down on all fours, grabbed the handle of her knife in her mouth and began charging through her burrow. With each step, she began to psych herself up. Yes, even a tiny thing such as herself could repel a larger threat.

Soon she could see the threat, purple paws scrabbled through the earth. With a growl she thrust her knife at the paws, causing them to retreat. She could now see the creature they belonged to, an odd hurt-looking purple creature. It sure looked like a threat but, didn’t behave like one. Peach’s gaze softened for a moment before filling with irritation.

“I live here! Look before you dig!!” the hybrid irritably shouted.

She began to hop off before turning to glare at the creature.

“do that again and I will bite your fingers off!” peaches declared.

Her little heart raced as she began to hop back to her resting spot. Sure, she was scared but, sometimes a little intimidation/ bluffing is needed to get larger creatures to back off. She sure hoped it would work.


He wasn't sure where he was, but he had sensed he'd have a new encounter soon. There were burrows laid out wherever he looked; warning himself that his next encounter would be soon, perhaps out of one of these small holes...? Regardless, even though he warned himself, his curiosity got the best of him — there was no use trying to warn a curious cat, even as it was about to be killed.

From the air were creatures he had never laid his eyes upon before — one of these being Peaches. Now, wasn't that strange? She took a straight dive towards Kankan, whose reflexes were on his side, catching her before she could do any damage to him, " Kyaahahahh !! How funny of you !! "


skip me, bump

 Viethro FoofyFaun

It was a normal day for Kankan.  Or, so he thought.  He had missed the bus from school that day, so he was walking home rather than taking motorized transportation.  The sun was shining, the breeze was calm, and he was anticipating relaxing at home to indulge in some Neopets.  All seemed perfectly fine and normal until a blinding light shot out of nowhere in front of him!  Shielding his eyes from the blinding blast, Kankan soon found himself in a peculiar situation.  He moved his arm away from his eyes and standing before him was none other than a divine god of light.  Kankan tried to turn tail and flee, but the celestial creature reached his four arms out to grab him.  He turned Kankan around.

"Sup?" He said nonchalantly, as if he were used to just popping up in front of mortals. "You know, you don't need to scurry off so quickly. I heard you think nothing in life matters.  I don't like that attitude." He held his index fingers out with each of his four arms. "How 'bout I give you four wishes and change your mind? You're too young to be making such fast judgement about the world." He narrowed his eyes as Kankan continually stuck his tongue out.  Viethro brushed his side with one of his four arms and rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Or... just make disrespectful faces at a god. Whatever."


Viethro was curious about the adolescent boy wandering the the woods. Pondering such questions in his mind. "Why does he have an axe? Why is he wandering around there at night?" He followed him slowly and carefully, not realizing he had stepped on a twig and snapped it. 

Jackson turned around quickly, staring straight at him. Viethro stepped back after noticing his unnerving grin. He started running, Jackson quickly catching up. He grabbed his arm to stop him. "Why ya running buddy? Are we playing tag?" Jackson asked and tilted his head. "I guess I'm it then." He said and let go of him. "I'll give you a 3 second head start okay?" 

Viethro didn't hesitate to run quickly. Even if he was a god, Jackson spooked him a bit. His demeanor was off. "One... two... three! Im gonna getcha!" Jackson yelled and ran after him, swinging his axe in the air.

$15 hiqory

The scene was unnerving, to say the least. Long, abandoned halls with broken, flashing lights. Glass was strewn across the floor and there were apparent signs of a struggle. There was nobody around except Jackson. Or so he thought. The deafening silence was split when the light bulb shattered above Jackson's head. Glass rained down on him. In the silence just beyond the visitor's peripheral, a small chuckle erupted. It grew louder and louder, like it was coming closer. It seemed like it was... mocking Jackson. A long, soft tail brushed along Jackson's jawline, smelling of wealthy silk and vanilla. The scent was sweet and calming in its own way. Jackson's eyes grew heavy and he looked down at the small plush sitting at his feet. It looked limp and innocent. It was in pristine condition and smelled faintly of vanilla. Mustering the last of his strength, Jackson pulled the small note from under the plush. As he faded out of consciousness, the note fluttered to the ground. In large letters it said "Gotcha..". It smelled faintly of vanilla.

Entropy SparklingEntropy

//alright fuckers im gonna revive this even if it kills me. here we go\\ also just a word of warning, entropy's able to warp her body to any degree she wants so there'll be some Slight body horror.

Entropy's eldritch capabilities help them fend off the being's seeming ability to knock one into a state of unconscious, though her lethargy makes her feel a bit...otherwise, only slipping into the walls and travelling in her more void-like form helped with it. She hears a glass bulb break nearby and immediately warps back into the wall and slinks into the vents. There, she wiggles her arm, letting the appendage seem to almost...extend. It looked like one of the arms those inflatable dancing gas station men would have and it nearly makes Entropy giggle, but she keeps her mouth shut for now, letting the shadowy appendage, an eye opening on its palm, slip through the vent's opening and, in no time flat, after she senses noises, snatch the being up. Entropy snickers, feeling it writhe in her hand, though she pulls back as one might draw back a fishing rod, her arm returning to normal once it reaches her and her second going to wrap it's hand around the creature as well. Entropy's grin lacks malice, she had no evil intent with the creature, though she was definitely rather tired of it's attempts to incapacitate her. "Hehe, gotcha~" she giggles, her body turning back to it's shadowy, void-like form as she pulls the creature into the void with her.


Yak was going through the cave, looking for the troublemaker that rolled off with his treasure. They were going to pay! 

It did not take Yak long to find the culprit. He saw them in a dead end of the cave. They looked like a human, minus the four horns they possessed on their head. But that wasn't exactly something uncommon to see where Yak came from. He just thought it was another one of those monster looking humans roaming around the caves to look for treasure, like Yak himself. But he could never be sure.

"There you are!! Now, give me back the stolen goods!!! Or else, you shall feel the wrath of my shovel!!!"

Yak pulled out a shovel from behind his back. The orange man sounded serious, ready to just get at a fight with the stranger. But he did not know about the haunting ability that said demon looking thing possessed. Needless to say, it was a recipe for a bad time.

Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

okay fuck I made my response way too long so I'm chucking it in a spoilers box so scrolling isn't a pain. :"))))

Perhaps too casually for his own good, Fitzgerald was minding his own business as he scanned the nearby mines. All of them screamed desolation and dirty jobs to him, which made him question why he was even close to the area in the first place. If anything, he might as well go back to his home and complain over how the dust ended up tarnishing their oh-so important shine! Then he remembered that he was doing this for a research project.

"'Oh, go and see if there's anything in the mines. They might contain rocks and other minerals that could be native to other regions,'" the young man repeated bitterly as he repeatedly opened and closed his hand, then rolled his eyes, "'I- You'll get famous that way, Fitzgerald! Just follow the procedure and make sure typical scientific precautions are followed as you explore!'" With a groan, he added, "Yea, like I'm ever gong to do that in the first place. And I thought he knew me!" He kicked at a nearby rock, almost stubbing his toe in the process, before crossing his arms and staring at the entrance of the nearest mine with a huff.

He honestly expected himself to just have a staring contest with the entryway, but that ended up being thrown out of the window when an orange man came straight out of it. Am I seeing things? Damn, this heat is really getting to me, the young man initially thought while rubbing his eyes. Just in case... After a few blinks, Fitzgerald realized that said orange person was still there, and he happened to be carrying a whole bag full of... Somethings. Fitzgerald squinted for no reason. He had no idea what the bag's contents were, but judging by the fact that the stranger had just come out of the mine, he assumed that it most likely contained rocks. Wait...

An idea suddenly came into his head. He didn't need to get the rocks himself! He could just... Go up to this orange man, ask him for a few, then move on with his day. That was not only going to save a lot of time, but also money, because he felt that he was going to need to replace his entire outfit if he took one step into that accursed cavern. (Not to mention his ego, but that was pretty obvious at this point.)

"Perfect," Fitzgerald muttered to himself before sauntering over to the stranger while calling out, "Hey, you there!" He took a glance at the bag, then looked back at him with a saccharine smile starting to form on his face.

With a raised brow, he greeted calmly while trying not to express clear distress over the other party's appearance (which he had just noticed), "Hello, mister, I see that you just left the mines after working so hard to gain your... Treasures." His words had a slight edge to them, almost as if he was trying to pry for potential soft spots that he'd hit later on. That, or he just really felt like being a prick, a likelihood that wasn't too unusual either. "I'm sure that they weigh down your shoulders so much, given the amount of your bounty," Fitzgerald added with a delicate twirl of his fingers, "Mind if you give me a few spare... Items, in that bag? It'll be a benefit for both of us, but mainly for you." He chuckled and started pacing around.

"You see, not only will this arrangement get some weight off your back in the literal sense, but... There's a figurative component to it too. I'm sure that based off the way in which you exited the caverns, your method of getting what you have probably wasn't the most legal." Slowing down to a stop, he looked over his shoulder for a reaction. Then he continued, "Now, if I were to report you to law enforcement, they'd probably believe me - a rich man with connections - over some nobody who probably doesn't even know my name. But that'll all be okay, if you give me some of your bag's contents, I'll just turn a blind eye to what happened and let you on with your day."

With too much confidence, Fitzgerald stretched out his hand in some sort of expectant handshake as he finished coolly, "So, what about it, sir? Is it a deal or no?" Was he probably overestimating the effectiveness of his charisma? Most likely. But for Fitzgerald, the payoff of not having to ruin his clothes was definitely worth it.

you know what time it is... follow-up time yeet.

"Um, teeth?" Fitzgerald stuttered while looking up at the taller man. It was silent, except for the rushing of his blood as a kick of adrenaline made him jog in place. Why? He had no idea, and frankly, his brain was too... Focused on the individual slowly approaching him to really process the conundrum posed by his feet moving but not moving at the same time. A flicker in his mind considered just trying to wriggling his way past the man and to freedom, but as usual, he remained frozen. Like a deer. No, a fawn. A fawn who had yet to grow his antlers and was most likely going to never grow them.

All because of his own boasting.

Under his breath, he spat, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" The direction of his spite was entirely new to him; never in his entire life, at least not until now, had he ever tried deriding himself like this, but now Fitzgerald felt that making an exception this time around wasn't going to be too humiliating. Not when he probably didn't have much time left anyways, and said time was just going to be spent squirming in vain. His stomach dropped as he glanced at the ground, then at his shoes, then back up. Am I really going to go this way? Or am I just going to get robbed?

Oddly enough, the latter thought made him relax slightly - probably because it didn't involve him dying. Sure, he was going to be embarrassed to hell and back for the next lifetime or so, but at least it was better than counting by seconds? He rubbed the back of his neck, still shuffling his feet as he remained in place. By now, the young man could feel the chances of escaping without a scuff shrinking by the minute - no, by the second.

Wait, didn't the other man just ask for him to show his teeth? Maybe, if he followed that direction, he'd be able to get out of this dilemma without losing something... Letting out a deep breath, Fitzgerald puffed his chest to the best of his ability and showed the biggest grin that he could make.

Through a clenched jaw, he said with a mixture of bitterness and desperation, "There, this make you feel any better? Teeth, just as you wanted. Now, please, just let me out of this damn alleyway..."

Dan Test PicklePantry

Dan felt like he was in some kind of horror movie, only he was the scary murderer chasing down the frightened person! Honestly, all he'd wanted to do was see Fitzgerald's teeth. The young man boasted about his "brilliant smile" that he claimed had never once gotten dirty, but when push came to shove he refused up and down to show the dentist proof! He remembered seeing him back up a step when a candy wrapper fell out of his pocket in front of him, Dan looked up from it and Fitzgerald was gone in a poof of smoke!
Oh, but he wouldn't let it end there. He was hot on his heels! Every corner Fitzgerald turned, Dan followed. Every street, every building, everywhere! Until, finally, the poor man was faced with a dead end at street alley.
"Finally," huffed Dan as he approached him, pulling out a small box of floss from his breast pocket. "Now why don't you stand still and let me see those teeth."