Your OC Catches The OC Above!

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 14 days ago) by celestiials
Feel free to bump this thread! I have bump notifs disabled so you can bump it if needed.

(not sure how to word the title //sweats)

But anyways, first forum game, woohoo-
The scenario is that your OC catches the above OC after running after them, or it could just be something like catching the OC above redhanded in the act.

What does your OC do? Give a gentle admonishing, a more blunt verbal beatdown, or something more... physical?
Onto the rules so this doesn't descend into chaos:

  • If any issues arise, PM me! Rules may be subject to change.
  • (New) Don't post characters that are only visible to authorized users/only visible to you; the only exception is if you have an access key, but otherwise please don't, it ruins the game flow.
  • (New) On the same vein, do not post any characters without a bio. If you do, you will be skipped.
  • Put any sensitive content under a spoiler or black it out, like this. Please make sure the text color and the background color are the same!!
  • Please, nothing sexual/NSFW; I am a minor and I can't mature this thread, so PG-13 at most.
    • Romance is allowed though (though i'm not sure if that'll ever come in this thread), but no romantic adult/minor interactions. If I catch this, I will immediately ban you.
  • Please put effort in your responses, make your response at least 3 sentences long. No cookie-cutter responses either.
  • Edited rule: Please don't get violent unless the above person is alright with that.
  • For now there's no "Wait X posts before posting again" rule since I don't know if this is going to be popular or not, but if this becomes popular then I'll add one.

Example posts (please don't copy my bad examples lmao):

User 1: *posts IC as Hermes* lol first fite me
User 2: *posts IC as Raphael* "What the- give me that scalpel back, Hermes! You're gonna hurt someone with that!"
User 3: *posts IC as Tsuko* "Wait, why am I going after you? Uhhh... is going back to whatever I was doing an option? No?"

Ban list. This thread will operate on a "3 strikes and you're out" basis, though I may ban you immediately depending on what you did.

None, let's keep it that way.

Alright, let's start. I'll be sacrificing Hel.
Major violence is OK, but please put it under a spoiler or black it out.

If you want, you can just claim a spot and skip me.

Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

   - sdhgcdhjdc ngl this is??? sending me??? honestly, good for Selene for being able to tolerate Fitzgerald like that... but also, damn right he should lose his walking privilege. it's the least he deserves for being a brat.....

Considering that the other party was literally eight feet tall, it would've been surprising if even a small, stupid ditz like Fitzgerald wasn't able to catch her in the blasphemous act of trying to eat up the box of tea biscuits he had left out for himself! Himself!

"Oh hell no, you're not going to get away with that!" he spat at her while storming into the room, arms fully extended as if he was a seagull ready to swoop in on this unexpected threat. "This is my shit! You're not going to steal those fucking biscuits from me anytime soon! They were for me! And..." The youth trailed off, allowing his initially roaring voice to diminish to a simmer as he glared at the demoness and gave her a more common pout. "... How the hell did you even get into this house?"

Imagine being ungrateful for not having to literally carry an inferi much taller than you.

Regardless of the answer (if one was given in the first place), Fitzgerald waved his hands out before spitting, "Listen, you have nooooo fucking idea how much I'll get in trouble if the owner of this house finds out that you not only infringed onto their property, but also... Stole some of their food!" Shut up, hypocrite. "You're lucky that I'm small compared to you, or I would've kicked your ass - at least verbally - by now, in all honesty. I was just about to eat these, or like... Feed them to the birds or something? You know those little songbirds and sparrows that hang around the woods outside of the house every so often? I was going to feed them those..."

This only would've been made worse if Fitzgerald actually went for the puppy eyes. But thankfully, he didn't. He was still a little bitch like before as he continued to sputter:

"I can take responsibility for you probably messing with the house's structure, but I won't stand for you eating the tea biscuits! Won't! I know I could see you eating them from a million miles away, and just... I want a box of them again! Buy one for me, as compensation! You ate through that one already, huh? I don't even know if they're that good by themselves! You probably need like... Tea or some shit to eat them properly! Did you even see the tea, or were the biscuits enough to catch your attention!? I mean, same, but-"

Suddenly, Fitzgerald ran out of breath and took in a sharp inhale, brows still furrowed. He genuinely meant all of that for once! Who cared if the other party would very much be able to kick his ass in a fight? Fitzgerald looked like a puffed-out seagull, ready to kick ass in return. Hopefully. His mind rushed with such adrenaline in this given moment that he likely wasn't even aware of the potential consequences, and that was - as always - a huge shame when it came to someone like himself.

"I won't stand for this transgression!" he exclaimed as if he was taking this as a form of personal attack, "Not one bit! So you better explain yourself at the very least, or else!"

in which Fitzgerald becomes "uwu angry" at a young person like a Very Mature Adult. here's.... a follow-up....

Mikhin, for one thing, was the one with a brain cell as the Snivy stuck close to her trainer, her nervous clicking being the only thing breaking up the silence on this particular night. Her eyes glinted with a hint of "why the fuck are we here again?" - though, obviously, if Mikhin were allowed to speak, she wouldn't be allowed to curse. No "hecks" from her in this house.

"I swear this is around here somewhere..." Fitzgerald muttered under his breath while holding the flashlight ever so carefully in his hands, yet it was also clear that the bulb was starting to get dim. "Shit; I need to get something new soon..." What exactly, he forgot. But he swore that if he had to use a match to light up a flashlight, then he might as well just clamber his way through the dark after the light inevitably died out. Oh, to be that much of a himbo... "But first..."

His thoughts were interrupted when he started to hear a hissing noise coming from Mikhin. Seriously? Why now? It's so damn late- Fitzgerald turned his light towards where Mikhin was looking at, only to see that girl and her radio. Thing.

"Shiiiiit," he hissed under his breath while the snake-like creature lashed her tail. Well, that was a shitty introduction. The youth made sure to remedy that by standing himself up straight and brushing the dust off his coat, because holy fuck, there was so much dust here. It made a fastidious individual like him wince, though to be fair, it didn't take very much to strike him in the nerves. That radio thing was no exception as she started to sing, but he attempted to ignore that taunting chant in favor of being a bitch. "She better not fucking lay a thing on my dog, or I'll make sure that fucking thing is broken to the point that nothing - and I mean nothing - can repair it. You hear me? You can beat me up all you like, but don't you dare touch my snake or my dog-"

Okay then. Time to kick his ass.

He furrowed his brows upon being given those accusations, before hissing, "Listen here, you bitch! That's not a fucking toy I'm holding! I use this to catch creatures called Pokemon! And trust me, the rest of this shit is none of your business. I heard some rare species might be here, and I'm doing it for the sake of research. If that shit bothers you so much, then just fucking know that I'll release them back here when I'm done! It's not going to be a permanent thing, got it!?" Thank fuck he was interrupted, to be honest, though it wasn't via the girl interjecting into his words.

Rather, Mikhin was getting her ass kicked by the radio.

As much as it grated against his conscience, Fitzgerald - with great reluctance - listened to the girl speak for approximately five seconds before spitting in return, "Listen here, bitch! Did you even listen to what I said!? That's real fucking brave for you to say, considering whom you're messing with, you know! And trust me... I don't. Care. I don't care if you have people on your side, because I know for a fact that they could turn your back on you in an instant. Love is more fleeting than it looks, you sack of saccharine shit. And no, even that radio won't be enough to stop me! You could've chosen to be a good little girl and stayed up in the room, but no! You infringed on someone's business and assumed intentions, so-" He was interrupted once more as Mikhin was tossed into his face with an "oof."

"And by the way, at least chinchillas have pretty fur," teased Fitzgerald with a wink, sneer growing on his face as he cradled a very apprehensive Mikhin in his arms, "Much better than leather, really. So you know what? Thank you. Now I have something I can add to my closet of inextricable fashions. Maybe you should learn something from me, as said earlier, hm?"

This user's account has been closed.
Allegretto PicklePantry

"Ah, there you are." Allegro walked besides Angie, smiling down at her only for her to seemingly avoid looking at him. He blinked, though didn't seem offended, instead choosing to look ahead as well. "Rock and roll," he said softly while listening to the radio. "You know, the first time I'd ever come to the city on my own, the first song I'd heard was rock and roll. Classic rock, actually. Highway to Hell, if I recall. I'd heard examples and studied it before, of course, but hearing it and not studying, absorbing it, was an entirely different thing for me. I enjoyed it. So forgive me for this sudden speech from a random man you've never met, but when I heard that playing on your radio the other day I wanted to listen to it and possibly know more about someone who was equally interested in it." He smiled lightly at her. "Well, I think a greeting is good enough for now. I hope to meet you more and talk about rock music in the future. In the meantime, I know of a place that does an... open mic night, of sorts, but with bands. I think I'll be there if you ever want to find me."
As he walked away, he thought about the young woman. She was interesting. Although she didn't show much emotion, he could hear plenty of it within her heartbeat. And that radio... There was something off about it...

₀₀₁. Rowan succurox

What a radiant melody.

It was the first thought that came to mind upon hearing the soft hum of a lone voice. Echoing as if in a cathedral, this melody was home to a familiar voice, one he'd heard in his idle moments. The red haired vampire's steps were akin to a mouse: hushed, careful, meticulous, for he didn't wish to make a single sound and hardly wanted to interrupt. It was foolish, really. He knew that the other could hear him just fine. Perhaps even the slowest heartbeat couldn't trigger a reaction from him. Peeking through the frame of the door, Rowan set emerald eyes upon a figure with snow-white hair and closed hues as if there was not a single care in the world. Allegro was in his own world and it was nothing Rowan wanted to intrude upon. So, he listened closer until he was able to pick out the little details. The melody was relatively familiar to him and followed a pattern.

A-B-A-B-C-B. D flat minor. Crescendo and diminuendo. Key change to A flat minor.

He knew these things well in his time playing piano and so, he stepped ever so softly to the piano, looking towards the other as he sat down at the bench. The brief smirk on his face was enough to know that he'd heard Rowan but hadn't stopped to check who it was. The duet started soft, with the ginger trying to find his place to improvise behind the melody that Allegro so beautifully sang, his knowledge and studies of music theory coming in quite handy. While he was certainly not trained to sing, he dabbled in the practice from time to time. Rowan began his harmony during the chorus, making sure to look over at Allegro for cues and phrases to pause. Playing for him was reminiscent of playing for Magnolia but rather her being enchanted by him, it was he enchanted by Allegro's musicianship. The song lasted for five minutes, a decently long piece and musicians birthing beauty from the pure love of making music made it feel like one of the greatest moments for Rowan.

"Monsieur Allegretto," he spoke smoothly, putting the cover over the keys. "It's been a while, has it not? I was fortunate to have caught you singing. Hearing you is always such a wonderful experience. Do let me know when you're tutoring for violin or harp. I've been wanting to learn for ages."

Lachlan the Gourmet FancyHatching

(I was thinking this takes place when Magnolia was still human in case you were wondering)

What an unpleasant guest Lachlan was. Uninvited he chose to pay Delacroix manor a visit, uninvited and preferably unseen as he was only trying to catch a glimpse of its delicious inhabitants. Beautiful people he had only seen from afar, marveling at their appearance and wondering what he'll have for dinner. His last few meals have been mediocre and he was craving something special to tickle his taste buds.

Concealed by the dark of night he attempted to spy at Rowan and his personnel, choosing to first sneak into the garden to stalk his potential prey. He had no intention to feed this night, he was simply prepping his meal. Gathering information on their habits, their interests, how he would be able to allure and capture them so he could invite them to his home and avoid the mess. He had no idea the duke was a pureblood vampire, figuring that out without ever meeting him in person surpassed even Lachlan's senses. He only knew there was something special about him that he was ready to unveil. And it would happen sooner than he had expected.

To his surprise he found the duke in his garden with the maid by his side. Sitting inside a pavillon, hidden from curious eyes as long as they wouldn't trespass on their property. Lachlan eventually gave himself away as he wasn't able to conceal his scent from the nose of a skilled vampire but it was too late and he witnessed Rowan satisfying his hunger before his emerald green eyes were locked on Lachlans location. It was a shame the spider wasn't able to remain concealed but being exposed also had its perks as he enjoyed "socializing". He abandoned the cover of the gardens greens and revealed his large and hideous figure. And despite his lower half being that of a giant spider he still chose to dress well and wore a fancy shirt and jacket, showing that he cared about appearance even when he doesn't intend to be seen.

"I suspected you weren't like the rest of them but admittedly this was... unexpected. An interesting turn of events but also a shame. You might look delectable but I'm afraid you won't do", Lachlan smiled both with arrogance and disappointment as he was really looking forward to a new delicacy. But drinking vampire blood was out of the question.
Then his eyes shifted towards the beauty next to him. She was merely a maid, usually not worth his time or attention. But he couldn't help finding her quite appealing. He looked back at Rowan with a sinister expression yet not losing his elegant demeanor.
"Perhaps you're inclined to share?".

Philomena (Outside Philomena) salternate

Philomena has never been a fan of bugs. She is not quite scared of them; she only saw them as a mere nuisance. Some bugs were fine to her, but a humanoid hybrid of eight-legged creepy crawlies? She'd rather turn and walk away; killing bugs felt like a crime to her.

She had finally encountered him during her stroll down town. Her curiosity got to the better of her as she saw the uncomfortable expression of those who passed her. Some of them almost looked petrified. However, Philomena shook this off until she abruptly stopped, finally discovering the whereabouts of the arachnid. She placed her hands on her hips and pouted.

"Excuuuuuuse me! You're in my way!" Philomena chuffed, getting his attention. Her pout intensified as he turned to look at her. However, the way he spoke had somehow intrigued her. It was almost as if she was put in a trance. However, upon noticing this, she shook it off.

"Hey! You better not be pulling any funny business! Are you trying to...kidnap me? You know, I know how to fight! If you lay your grubby fingers on me, I'm going to have to break one of those legs. I'm sorry, but that's the way that life works. You try to hurt me, and of course I'm going to act out."

Skinner (Human) kafkaesque

Skinner swore that he saw the canine before, and no, the reasoning wasn't some weird space-time continuum that was being fucked up. It was, in fact, due to the fact that he remembered that a while back, he had encountered a canine with a similar appearance and... Totally identical personality. How bizarre! he thought with a raised brow, for he had to do a double take when he spotted her the middle of the foyer; even then, though, there was a part of him that viewed her as a stranger as he tip-toed in her direction, ever so carefully.

"How did you even get in here?" he asked her with a wave of his hand, "Don't tell me-" He interrupted himself to look over in the direction of his wife's study, then at the front door, which was... Unsurprisingly, left open. Then the older man remembered that just an hour ago, Brown had to ask him to help her haul a particularly large skull fossil through the door, and... Was that the reason why? "Darn," he told himself with a sniff before rubbing his hand against his chin.

"It's smart either way. Is this part of one of your stunts, or something like that? Like... One of your television shows, or whatever?"

Skinner gesticulated like a boomer trying to be hip and cool with the younger generation, and it was pretty fucking unsightly. Never do that again.

There was another pause before he hopped into the room, then settled himself close to one of the couches, leaning against the leg like - again - he was trying to be cool. But if anything, Skinner was just making sure she was still her usual self - not any more or less tense thanks to the new environment she was in.

"Though I must admit," he opined further with a wave of his hand, "I find it rather irrational for you to be going into a rich person's house when opulence is what you're trying to escape. I imagine it'd remind you a bit too much of your... Fame, yes? But... I get it. Maybe fame and opulence are two separate things, and you want the opulence minus the fame..." Huh. That was... Actually an interesting point. Skinner sniffed, then walked over to the couch so that he could sit on it. Was this what Brown was talking about when she always complained about those... Parties?


A grin now expanding itself across his face, Skinner proclaimed with clasped hands, "Which is perfectly understandable! But... As you know, we do have a party later on! At this house!" Oh god. "You can go if you want; I don't think we're inviting anyone as long as they're not criminal, but... I think there's a way you can get involved without revealing your identity. How about you help the employees clean the house a bit? Hm? How about it? I think it's a good idea, really." No. No it wasn't. Stop.

after like. at least a month. I finally make a follow-up for ol' Skinner. thank you pickle for the necromancy...

“Hm?” piqued in the older man once he heard his name being called.

In all honesty, Skinner expected his wife to be rushing towards him, but… He fucking wished. Her voice was far rougher, and there was no way in hell it’d have that particularly joyous inflection; if anything, she’d either be reluctantly abiding by his directions with a grumble, or screaming at him while not so subtly trying to kick his ass with one of her impromptu moves… Or weapons. He shuddered at the time she tried strangling him with one of her ribbons, claiming that she wanted to give him a bowtie as a present. Not a fun time.

However, once he turned around, he was… Relieved. Far too relieved, really! He grinned as the princess approached him, stopping in his tracks so that he could catch up… And so that Brown, who had been walking alongside him, could trail off a bit…

Shitty decision. She was going to find out and make him implode later on.

“Oh, you were running after me?” he replied to her with a laugh and sheepish grin, “I almost didn’t know, really! I was busy beforehand! I really expected someone to just be passing by, mm?” For a moment, Skinner tensed up, as if he expected to be watched, but… When he glanced over his shoulder, he could still only see Brown’s backside. He frowned for a moment, then returned to his usual jovial self when he faced the siren princess again. “But yes, it’s good to say ‘hello’ to you too, mm? It’s a pleasant surprise, believe me.”

It wasn’t once his wife kicked his ass, but sure.

And it was ironic that he received her with such pride, because if Brown actually did the same thing, he’d be scolding her for - well - being so reckless. She was being unladylike, too warm… Maybe? He would’ve at least preferred her being overly happy to see him over whatever the hell she was now, but he was still being an asshole regardless of how intentional it was.

With a well-placed chuckle, he reassured her while giving her a pat on the head, “Oh, it’s no problem! Anything for a friend, hm?” He grinned before gesticulating with his hands, ready to start going apeshit with his words at any minute now. “But of course, no problem! I wouldn’t mind going to the castle eventually, as well as meeting your father. I’ve never been to anything that regal, admittedly,” Skinner teased before breaking off into a chorus of laughter.

He perked up when the harp was mentioned… And even more when the seafood was brought up! Okay, Brown might as well whack him from here, because he would’ve at least been knocked out in euphoria, but… Hell yea, was he down! (Too bad he was pretty sure the young woman wouldn’t be nearly as enthusiastic.)

With an all-too-characteristic whoop, Skinner exclaimed gleefully, “Oh, I will consider, for sure!” He reached out a hand for her to take. “Thank you for your kindness, and your offer! I’ll be sure to repay you sometime, mm? But for now, this is good enough! Now-” He was about to chatter excitedly to Brown when he realized that she was… Gone. Did she even notice he ditched her?

His smile faltering, he looked back at her and finished more calmly, “Now… I should probably see if my wife allows it in our schedule, mm? But I’ll definitely try arranging some free time for this. Trust me.”

Ennette PicklePantry

"Skinner! Skinner!"
The princess ran to him as fast as she could, and when she stopped besides him it caught up with her. She doubled over and gasped to regain her breath, after a minute she was already standing tall with a bright smile on her face. "I'm glad I caught up to you!" she said. "I saw you from across the area! I didn't think it was you, but when I got closer I recognized you! I wanted to say hi."
Running as fast as you could, across an undetermined patch of land to say hi? Oh Ennette, Ennette. How could you not think this over?! What kind of princess does something like that?! That's not ladylike at all, let alone something a leader for a country would do! You have to be strict! Fearless! Now look at you! You've made yourself look so silly, and in front of someone as sweet as Skinner! Oh Ennette, you absolute fool!
Her smile twitched at the mental scolding, though she perked when she remembered something important enough to push the criticism back. "Oh, that's right! I'd been meaning to talk to you," she said. "My dad is very grateful for you helping me when I was sick. He was so worried about me that I though HE might get sick!" she laughed lightly. "If you ever have the time, he said he wants to meet you and Brown and thank you both for your help! I hope you can make it, I'd love to show you around the castle. If you think Liszt is impressive, wait until you see my harp!" Her smile widened. "I remember you talking about seafood before, too. My home is near the sea, so we have seafood all the time! It'll be an all-you-can-eat buffet! Please do consider!"

Hearing the voice, Ennette squeaked and spun around, holding the sword defensively. "You," she hissed with narrowed eyes. She wasn't sure what happened that day her dad left with him for a walk. She knew he was going to talk to him about it, but she couldn't understand why they came back together! Happy!!
Upon Roswell's comment, she clenched her jaw and tightened her grip on the sword. She wanted to scoff at his comment. Just because he could trick her dad didn't mean she was as naive. Although she had to admit, she hadn't heard of anything being taken lately... No! Once a thief, always a thief! He was only being cautious right now, he'd steal again the moment her dad stopped watching!
When Roswell unsheathed his weapon, Ennette took a nervous step back, feeling a bead of sweat roll down the side of her face. To her surprise, though, he didn't strike at her, instead showing the functions of each part of the weapon-- the kram, he said. It was... amazing. There were so many aspects of it she hadn't considered, and many that made sense in hindsight.
The kram pointed at her, and Ennette quickly lifted the sword she hadn't realized she lowered. There was indeed plenty of anger inside her, but now she was conflicted. He was helping her... why? She shook her head. Maybe it was just another tactic. If he wanted a fight, then he'd get one!

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"Well well, well, would yer look at dat," Roswell said. As he silently crept out of the shadows, a big almost greasy grin resting on his face.
"Watcha doin' with dat sword kid?" He dogged. It wasn't En's sword Enette was carrying. It was a practice sword, simple in design, light...But made of metal, not wood, ánd sharpened. Innocently Roswell lifted his hands. That same grin still on his face.
"Come now Enette, don't act surprised dat oi'm still here and don't wave dat metal at me. People can get hurt yer know and with people oi mean me: yer pah's gran' friend," he said. Pestered.
"Oi'm just showing me interest in yer hobbies 'ere. No more stealin' at least not from 'ere, not dat oi've stolen in de first place," nice recovery old man. 

"Listen, dose practice dummies aren't going to give yer a fair foight," Roswell continued. He unsheated his kram in a fluid motion. The curved dagger was maybe half the length of the practice-sword Enette was carrying, but it didn't seem to bother Roswell. He pointed the weapon back at her. 
"If yer want to learn 'ow to chase off thieves in yer kingdom, yer 'ave to learn how to fight one," Roswell said. He lowered the point of his kram, to show her the weapon. 
"Most of dem use similar weapons like dese. All though are krams pretty Kretts. Void, even de name is Kretts. But," Roswell let his finger tip the harden iron point in bedded in ivory at the back of it's handle. 
"We use dis to break upen window's, glass. But can use it in a foight as well, if yer floor someone yer can knock de lights out so to speak," Roswell continues. "So watch de end. De curve," he let his finger now trace the blade's curve without touching it. 
"Its for ropes, especially wallet ropes. Yer 'ook dem behind it and, rats, cut it loike butter. It determine de style of foightin' with such things too. Thieves can 'ook it under blades and misdirect the thrusts. Its mostly a weapon to deflect and creating opportunities. Yer need some dexterity while wielding this," Roswell explained. 

Then he lifted up de kram again. Its point pointing back at Ennette. 
"Sure yer want to unleash some, 'eld back anger at me kid," Roswell said. The greasy smile from earlier had changed in a teeth-baring grin. More like a twisted snarl. A challenge for sure.
If yer want to be a knoight yer better start learnin' 'ow those dud chunks of metal yer call a weapon work." 

Unlike what Ponzu Roswell hadn't seen her approach. He was too busy with observing this house, that he did not hear the demon's footsteps. That was, of course, until it was too late. Roswell had the feeling his heart stopped right there and then, but (un)lucky for him he'd kept on breathing.
"Void's arse!"  he cursed underneath his breath, "Void," he added softer as if to correct himself. "Stealin'? Me," slowly a smile formed on the startled face of the thief. "Aye oi loike de sound of dat deal," of course he did.
Don't worry about him swinging his weapon at you Ponzu. Roswell a) smelled money and was thus quickly convinced this partnership was a good deal and b) was more bark then bite. Or well, more smile then bite. As the slow-smile had turned itself into a grin.
"Alroight, listen," he said. Leaning into Ponzu's direction, "yer see dat house over der? De owner is out. Probably pokerin' and drinkin'. Oi wanted to sneak in from de back, big garden a lot of places to hide if we 'ave too.. And well, swoop in de nearest window and grab everythin' of value oi can find. Sounds easy hu? Easy as pie!"

Ponzu Pyntuma

Ponzu stifled a giggle, eyes boring into the back of the older man as she slowly crept up behind him. A thief, eh? Ponzu had been enjoying the nightlife when her incredible nightvision had landed her a new target for the evening. A thief and a prankster, what a meetup. Ponzu knew that he probably already knew she was there; he also probably knew that she knew that. But, even this was part of the game. One look at his face had told her plenty about the type of person she'd run into; an undoubtedly interesting target. 

So, tail swishing like a cat, Ponzu cheerfully pounced, carefully maneuvering her claws to avoid catching in his sleeve as she hooked her arm enthusiastically in his like they were out for a stroll. "Why helloooo!!" She greeted with a grin. "What are we stealing tonight, buddy?" The game of the evening was thievery. "I can tell you like bein' sneaky, and hey, I do too!! Let's collaborate! You can keep whatever we get, I'm just so boooored." Her manner of speech was casual and friendly, but there was a chaotic energy about her in the way she walked, the glint in her eyes; almost mania. Even if he had pulled out a weapon and stabbed her, she would have maintained her grin. She IS a demon, after all. A demon bred for war, in fact. So, she didn't have much to fear from mortal weapons.

A response to mah boi Roswell (above)

Ponzu hadn't been able to stifle her giggle at his evident surprise to her appearance; luckily the man didn't seem to mind much. She was quite happy he was willing to indulge her presence; she hadn't had anything else lined up for the evening and had been searching for some fun for hours. Stupid people being normal. Luckily, she was a temporary thief now. "Yessir!" Ponzu replied cheerfully, bringing her clawed but hidden hand up for a salute. "Bet I can get in first, though." With a mischievious grin, she gracefully scaled over the fence surrounding the huge garden Roswell had mentioned, her strong, animal-like legs perfect for leaping and climbing. Ponzu glanced backwards once to see if he was already following, but regardless of the answer, she carefully maneuvered her way through the garden. The house appeared to be deserted, as Roswell had said, so she carefully inserted one clawtip into the lock on the rear door. Sure he'd said he wanted to enter the window, but it was more fun to pick a lock. She was very proud for learning this skill recently, after all. You'd be amazed at the skills a bored demon could teach herself. Wiggling her claw around, she listened for the telltale click of an unlocked door, tail lashing excitedly. There it was! She was in!

A response to the lovely Dolores (below)

Ponzu fixed a glare at the dog tugging on her sleeves. That was one place she didn't like being touched. Her steely glare would undoubtedly cause the dog to release her; Ponzu could seem quite dangerous when she wanted to. She didn't hate dogs though, so she wouldn't actually do anything to it. But a rule of the animal kingdom is intimidation; and she had no qualms with that. A grin returned to her face as she looked towards the human who had found her. Ah, an old one. Ponzu pitied old people; she would never get old and gnarled like some people, as a self-sustaining demon. Besides, old people weren't fun to prank. So, Ponzu simply shrugged. "Sorry for the trouble lady, didn't know this house was occupied." She didn't offer an explanation for her actions; the old lady probably would be troubled by anything illegal and she didn't want inconvenient police after her. At the mention of food, she brightened a bit though. "Mind if I take it to go? Your dog probably won't calm down 'til I leave." Ponzu had a soft spot for human world food. "I won't like,, hurt you or anything. Got the wrong house is all." Ponzu added with a carefree grin. She wasn't violent unless someone really set her off, so this elderly human had nothing to fear from her. She'd shrug back from the old woman's touch on her sleeve though. "Mind the claws, lady."

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RawrXD Please put more effort into your reply; even if it does technically satisfy the 3 sentence mark, it's still way too short otherwise ;___;

Edit: next poster please claim for @Pyntuma

Dolores (Human) kafkaesque

A loud crash, then a clang, then several agitated barks from Poffin as she ran off towards the kitchen alerted Dolores from her slumber as she rubbed her eyes and absentmindedly muttered, "It's... It's not that early or late now, is it? The sun's not that bright at this time of day..." She trailed off as she got up to her feet and carefully steadied her posture before following the trail her dog had made in a frenzy. "Poffin, dear," sighed the elder, "You can't be so loud like that when guests are around. You know that's-"


When she had rubbed her eyes enough to make her vision clear, Dolores was already in the kitchen, and the first thing she saw was her cupboards all opened, and her pots and pans strewn throughout the hardwood floor. Oh, that's going to be such a mess to clean up! She held her hands to her face while looking around in utter dread, but... There wasn't any other room that got looted, with the exception of one of the windows being opened... And probably letting in a lot of snow and cold drafts in the process. Great.

Her dog continued to bark while the older woman carefully stepped her way past the fallen utensils, then closed the window, before proclaiming, "Goodness... If one needed to ask me to stay for a night, they could've just knocked on the door-" Her little frustrated remark was interrupted as Poffin growled and tugged at... Something. Dolores winced, but then looked over at the source of the sound to finally realize that her terrier was confronting the intruder firsthand. A not-exactly-human, seemingly harmless intruder, to say the least.

Expecting some hardened criminal to come steal her possessions, then kick her ass, Dolores sighed before stepping towards the unexpected guest and asking, "You're not here to take anything, are you? Not that I should be asking, but..." Looking down, she could still spot Poffin giving one of the other party's sleeves another tug, before stepping back; even then, the dog's ears remained pinned back against her head while she lingered close to the elder. "... I apologize for my dog. She's not a guard dog by any means, but... You're not here to cause any harm, are you?"

"I can clean up the mess myself, by the way!" added the former maid with a laugh... Despite literally having nothing to do with how the clutter was made in the first place. Poor Dolores. "I just... I just wish you at least went in through the door..." Nice. She chewed on her lip before reaching a hand to gently stroke the sleeve the dog had tugged on, just to make sure the fabric was still in decent condition. "Again, I do apologize for my dog. She's not normally this aggressive, you know..."

She paused for a moment before brightening up and offering with a smile, "Oh, um... By the way, while you stay here and wait for the snow to subside... Do you want some cake? It's not fresh, unfortunately, but... It's still in good condition. I've been baking more often lately, you know. For some of my friends in the lowlands. You can try some if you want, of course... I just don't want it to go to waste!"

Dolores is still.... the tiniest bit dumb, as a treat. or maybe she's being too nice to Otto and her collection of "questionable" friends in general. who knows.

follow-up time.... :)c

Oh, poor sweet Dolores… Imagine making a “friend” who just wanted to get your ass to work, and presumably take her out of her “retired” status in the process… Not that she exactly considered the estate’s owner one, but there really was no other term to call him, huh?

That, or maybe she was just the tiniest bit simple-minded and overly generous, as a treat.

She shuffled through the library with a feather-duster in her hands, though she hadn’t been cleaning for a while now. Instead, the older woman was admiring the impressive collection of books that adorned the shelves, likely concerning various subjects and topics that the elder wouldn’t even dream of talking about back at home. The elder paused for a moment to lift up a duster and gently nudge at one of the books higher up and just out of her reach, though she wasn’t able to really move it much before she heard the door open behind her with a crack-

Perking up, Dolores turned around to see the noble, before grinning sheepishly and apologizing, “Oh, was I not supposed to clean this room, sir? I thought I was, in all honesty. I think you told me earlier, but you know how an older brain can be at times-” She laughed shakily before setting the duster down onto the wood with a slight click, then running her fingers through her hair. Sure, it was unprofessional, but… At this point, the poor elder was still convinced that she was a guest who had to do work every so often, not…

Not a little project of his.

“But I wouldn’t get lost, not even in this building,” she explained bashfully while glancing off to the side, “I don’t know why, sir. I think I’m just good with directions, but…” Her eyes eventually locked onto the shelves, as well as the book she had tried nudging earlier. Accordingly, her stomach turned while she wrung her hands together. “... I guess I like reading. I just don’t do it often. I hope that’s not, uh, a bad thing, sir.” What, reading, or… Not reading? You decide. She nonetheless jumped when the door closed, then picked up the duster and held it close to her bosom.

“And… That’s… Understandable,” parsed Dolores carefully while stepping forward, so that she didn’t look so much like a cornered animal one step away from imploding in on itself. Instead, she slowly adjusted the position of the duster in her hands.

Nice try, hon, but you objectively suck at fibbing.

With another laugh, Dolores added, “Besides… I’m not that inclined to children- I mean, bearing them, at least. But I like taking care of them. Maybe you should introduce them to me in time, mm?” Are you sure about that? She thumbed the elaborately decorated handle while the middle-aged man traversed through the room, admiring the decorations before briefly stopping at the glass adorning one of the doors to admire himself. With a sniff, Dolores then looked off to the side for the sake of mentally steeling herself for what was potentially to come.

The problem was just that she didn’t know what exactly…

“Thank you for the advice, sir,” she meekly replied without question, even dipping her head out of reflexive deference, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Dolores did hesitate, however, when he brought up the books. Tilting her head, she asked, “Are you sure, sir? About the books? Not that I’ll lose them, but… Well… They’re such ornate tomes. Surely you wouldn’t want them to get marred by use, let alone use by a mere maid-” She combed her hair with one hand as he brought up her house.

In a lame attempt to joke, the elder quipped while shuffling her feet, “Well, I doubt that a mansion up in the mountains will be that practical. Too much required resources and frozen noses. And the city up there isn’t that, well, important either…” Her voice lowered to a shaky whisper as she took a step towards him. Oh no. “... Don’t tell them that, of course- I mean, the folks at home, at least. They’re peaceful, but also a bit proud of themselves… Mm?”

Otto Alkaev II Vapor

In an ideal world, Otto did not exist. Alas, the man currently stalked the middle corridors of the estate. He found it a pain in the ass to go here, and there, and everywhere just to get to his office, and he cursed whichever late kin of his built the château centuries ago for not having convenience in mind. It felt like every three to five years, he was reminded of a room in the manor that he either forgot or simply didn't even know existed, though he liked to think he had most of the rooms and their locations down pat.

For example, he was pretty sure the room he heard shuffling from was the upper library. [Holy fucking shit who needed two libraries in their house?] So, he inched cautiously towards the door, taking pause before silently pushing it open to find... an old woman. The former maid who he was trying to turn back into a maid, actually. He pushed the door in further, and this time it whimpered an annoying creak. It sounded like a dying cat, which now that he thought about it, didn't spell anything good for his oldest retainer.

Wow, he really hoped her cats weren't dead or anything.

"Did you get lost, or do you just like to read?" Otto asked the elderly woman with a bit of laughter. He stepped farther into the room, the door shutting behind him with one last, miserable wail. "You can admit to the former -- sometimes I regret the loss of staff when I returned to this place. It's made navigating the manor difficult even years later."

"I thought you were one of my children, though." he added, "My younger son visits here after his studies to tear through the texts, and my younger daughter... is smart, and she likes to read, but she's not as studious, you know?" And the other three are a potential band kid and a girl with severe anger management problems and a pre-fetus. All of Otto's children suck. Imagine having kids.

The nobleman walked closer, coming to a stop by the bookcases. He gazed upon the glass, catching sight of his reflection, and in that second pausing to caress the side of his stubbled face. He wished he would grow a beard already, but then he would probably hate it.

"There is a guest bedroom here on the second floor, if you would like to use it." he offered, "And, if you want, you may take whatever books from here to there." Another pause. He scoffed, rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Though, it's still a bit of a walk... I love this place, miss, I really do, but let me say that your house is much more forgivable, even when high in those mountains..."

i will hopefully write a follow-up post!

Kao Kunani charmingterror

Kao watched as Zaleos was falling over after tripping and such, Kao, being the Dalmatian he was, quickly caught them. He set them propped up and smiled, tail wagging. “Don’t fall next time!”