Atlas Aska



3 years, 10 months ago


Name Atlas Aska
Age 24
Object GPS
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Taxi Driver
Basic Info

Optimistic. Polite. Loyal.
"Idealistic, sure. Optimistic, definitely. Crazy? Not a chance."
What are objectoids?


Atlas is something of an idealist, and will tell you that in detail. He holds strong beliefs that objectoids should be equal to humans, and he talks about this to anyone who will listen, and also those who won't. This often results in him getting in fights with more hot-tempered and less patient people. However, this also results in him making quite a lot of objectoid friends, plus the fact that he's the best cabbie in the city means that just about everyone without a car knows and uses his services.

Atlas speaks with a subtle British accent, a remnant of his early childhood abroad. He enjoys music, and used to play the drums with Sin. He is generally very cheery, and doesn't let other people get him down. He insists on dressing nice, even if it runs the risk of his nice suits getting ruined in a fight.


  • Can only drink tea with five sugars.
  • Owns several suits.
  • Is friends with most of the small shop keepers.
  • Unironically likes outer Toy Town.
  • Gets dizzy with heights.
  • Suffers pretty bad motion sickness when he isn't driving.
  • Fights like a dying fish.
  • Remarkably forgiving.


  • Pizza
  • Sight-seeing
  • Car races
  • Playing the drums


  • Spicy food
  • Violence
  • People staring
  • Air planes

Hair color Black
Eye color Right red, left black
Height 5'11
Nationality British
Body shape Lean
Clothing style Semi-formal, business
Object type Device
Power type Lesser

Mods and Ability

His skin displays satellite GPS images, with his right eye marking his current location. When determining a destination, a blue line will appear marking the direction to it, and he will understand the fastest route there, the travel time, and traffic conditions. He can sometimes locate familiar devices such as cell phones he's seen, although this takes a tremendous amount of concentration.



Atlas moved to the United States when he was a child, and has lived there ever since. He used to live close with his brother, Aleko, until ten years ago when Aleko went missing and was later presumed dead. Then, seven years later, he returned with a new name, and told Atlas that he was now the leader of Europe's most dangerous terrorist organization. Atlas was less than pleased.

Atlas is a taxi driver/tour guide in San Francisco. He, himself, is something of a tourist attraction. People can request him specifically, with an option of two different modes: go-fast and sight-seeing. Go-fast mode will give you a roller coaster of a ride, getting you to your destination at breakneck speeds. It is not for the faint of heart. Using his ability to know all traffic movement and police car positions, Atlas will speed down the fastest route possible, even if it means breaking a few traffic laws. Sight-seeing mode will give you a pleasant tour of the city, from the man who knows it better than anyone on earth. He'll give you the best eating places, the best souvenir shops, the best sights, hangout spots, pools, anything you want. Between his job as a driver, Atlas often visits many of his objectoid friends and helps them where he can.



Older brother

Even though Atlas doesn't approve of Aleko's new life, he hates the thought of seeing a headline of the Falconer's death or even arrest in the news.


High school friend

He and Sin met in high school and have been drinking buddies ever since, and Sin will often get Atlas out of trouble (usually by causing more of it).


Love interest

He's gotten to know the waitress at the bar where Sin works. He has a crush on her, but isn't brave enough to tell her.


Frequent drunk passengers

Atlas has become friends with these three from the Nightlight Night Club, because he has taken them home many, many times.


Reclusive friends

Atlas makes deliveries for Fable's pet shop and Callan's art studio on occasion.


Frequent passengers

Atlas drives Felix to the university a lot, and drives Fili and Hush around when they're in town.



Atlas is helping Bee write a travel blog article on Toy Town, as well as learn more about objectoids.



Atlas drives Randall when he comes to visit Sugar in order to avoid attention. He is happy to keep their secret relationship safe.



Atlas will sometimes race Helen in the street. Although he isn't a fan of scrapfighting, he will sometimes watch her matches.



Mikhail is the owner of the Clockwork Bar where Sin works. Despite his gruff demeanor, he is always nice to Atlas.