Ask about the above OC's VISUAL DESIGN

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Hello and welcome!

This is a question game specifically for talking about characters' physical appearances. Their outfit? Their hairstyle? Their scars? An accessory they always wear or a sword they always carry? You get the idea.


To help clarify what kinds of questions are allowed in this game, I've made a list of correct and incorrect examples! Hopefully this should help out anyone who's stuck thinking of a question!

Format example:

Person 1's post: Why does Spike have a necklace of house keys? Edit: Adder got the scar during a criminal job that went a little wrong.

Person 2's post: Where did Adder get that scar from?

You can post IC if you want the next person to question a specific character, or you can post OOC and let them pick for themselves. If you post IC, try to stick to characters that have something noteworthy in their designs - while there's nothing wrong with more plain characters, it can be hard to think of an interesting question about them.


1. Stick to the theme of the game. Your post must include at least one question related to the character's design. You are allowed to ask non-design questions as extras.
2. Don't be rude or passive-aggressive towards other people or their characters in any way.
3. Wait for at least 3 people to post before you go again (unless over 12 hours have passed since the last post, then it's fair game for anyone).
4. All characters must have at least one, SFW art piece. This means characters with no art, or only 18+/filtered art, cannot be posted. You are allowed to skip people if they have no art or only 18+/filtered art.
5. Please do not post the same character repeatedly. This is to lessen repetition of the game.
6. Do not skip people (unless they're breaking Rule 4). Even if the above user has blocked you, that is not valid reason for skipping them.

I actively monitor the thread for rule-breaking, but if you think I missed something, please PM me and let me know.

If you break rules: Depending on the severity of the situation, I may either PM you with a warning or immediately ban you from the game. Regardless of severity, you can be banned if you repeatedly break rules.

 Aurel Volkov Caine

Zaten I noticed their old design is up and the black eyes don't seem to be part of the original design! What made you add that feature to Sho? And still on the topic of the old vs new design, what were you the most dissatisfied with in the old design? 

Not really! Though now that I think about it, I feel like the colors of his dress were probably unintentionally inspired by this dress Marie from Sherlock Hound is seen wearing in one episode!

Rowdy CorbinEntity

I saw that a lot of pastel colors are used in his design; were you inspired by any particular palettes?



I was actually first inspired by some promo art on the website! It was of this one mime dragon doing a performance thing. I’d also say that his overall design, lankiness, etc, IS partially inspired by the original species ‘Synx’, though mostly in body shape and a few other things. Other inspirations I’d say would be hyperendocrin dinos from The Isle (the splitting jaw), centipedes, maybe some hollow knight inspiration in my subconscious while making him, and probably a bit more!

Zach RadiantRaindragon

What gave you the ideas/inspiration for his design in general? His whole design/anatomy is pretty interesting, so I was wondering if anything specific inspired him, or just what made you decide to give him the design elements you did?

He's only missing his hand, I'm pretty sure the rest of his arm is still intact - and the hook prosthetic is basically attached with straps/buckles that run up his arm to his shoulder; it probably takes a while to take on and off.

Nope, he's naturally right-handed! He had to learn to use his left after the incident, though he was dedicated and learned quite quickly.

polly htespagheti

how far up is his arm missing, and how does his prosthetic attach? liek is there a fabric sleeve or belts or smmhtng else holding it on. and is he naturally left handed, or did i hav 2 learn 2 use his left after tha right wuz cut off

u can also ask any1 in my mains/sonas

it wuz experimenting on itself n accidentally idk grabbed the wrong vial or smthng i havent decided n basically bug legs started growing out of its torso lmao :) tha hair is dyed, it wuz originally black u can see in its younger ref sheet, but it changed its dna so its naturally white n easier 2 dye <3


I wanna know how they got that torso.. also, is their hair naturally pink or do they dye it? Very interesting 

You can ask about anyone here

Edit: his hair is naturally colorful!

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 Risu Caine

Bri has such a fun color scheme going on, especially with her dual tone hair! Was there anything in particular that inspired you to pick those colors? 

Also, since I had David's profile open as well, what's the purple color around his neck shown here? Is it related to his curse? 

In his original design he doesn't have either! I think back when I decided to make him I thought his feet more like human feet than animal with some fantasy twist, but I'm planning on giving him more "proper" tiger paws the next time I draw him- including the claws!

Oska 🍊 cryptid-shawty

Does Risu have paw pads? His feet look like paws, I was just wondering if he had claws too!

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Oska thinks that they are cute!! For better and for worse they are a part of him. 

Jules RadiantRaindragon

How does he feel about his orange eyes/tongue/paw pads? Does he enjoy having this trait that makes him more 'unique', or wishes they were normal-coloured?

I don't know exactly what the injury was, but basically he was trying to help defend a village from bandits and got wounded somewhere around his knee. Maybe damaged the tendons or something? Jules probably doesn't know himself, due to the lack of experienced doctors/medics where he lives. But whatever happened, his leg never fully healed and has been stiff/painful ever since.

Savageowstic Pinkapop

What happened to Jules's leg? What kind of injury that got his leg so stiff

Another one about scarf...gosh love this XD
Sav and his family got the same scarf to differences them from the others. He got the piece from his father, it's unknown where his father got it from
For the attachment, it's still about his family. After he parts from them he refuse to even let anyone take the scarf off, it's the last keepsake he's got to remind him of home

Shrike Vapor

Where/how did Savage gain his scarf? Does he have any attachment to it, and if so, why?


tldr hopefully spoiler-free version for the first question: she went with the bird motif for her costume [specifically a shrike motif with the grays + the black mask] because she impaled a guy right when she was first starting out :')

as for her alternating... i've actually decided this a long time ago that she just wears the same costume everywhere LMAO. so, if she's caught out in some snowy mountains... yeah, she's gonna get frostbite, simply because she never thought about creating something for different climates/seasons/what have you. that cape won't save her.

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Atlas Aska RabbitJaguar

Why does Seung-Cheol prefer to keep his hair long?

Most people notice that something's off, but only see the map marking when they're up closer. This tends to attract stares, and people typically hesitate slightly to shake his hand.

Raziel (Ambroise-Amédée) fuelli

Atlas' skin seems to have a map on it, which I find really interesting given his species and occupation! Do regular people notice it? If yes, how do they usually react? 

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