OUT OF CHARACTER VERSION: Expectation vs Reality

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 4 months ago) by raihan

The rules of this thread are very simple! It carries the rules of my previous threads!

Hell yeah, another variation of this gd game! Basically in this game, you first write what do you think of the above person's OC without reading their bio then read/skim their bio and see if it ever matches your expectations. What's more is, you will do this OUT OF character!

User version of this thread here!
In character version of this thread here!

  • NEW: This forum game implies that you are making your claim before even checking the entire profile of the user or the character, akin to the "Expectation" part.
    So if you ever have a sensitive theme to deal with, please state it as such.
  • Unless 24 hours have passed, you can only post every after 3 posts.
  • Please  have at least 3 sentences in your reply. Although this is a crack roleplay thread, please be literate and legible with your replies.
  • Claim a post when you have a rad idea for a reply.
  • Rules  can be changed anytime. If you do not want how this thread is currently  running, please contact me at my main, colorful!
  • Have fun!
Olivier Bernard fuelli

Expectation: They seem fun and friendly, maybe a bit hyper! Given their name and the first impression I get from their icon, I'd guess they're male. I'm also thinking they may be part of a small, close friend group... Idk I feel like they're not the super popular kind of people, without being a black sheep either. I feel like behind their happy-go-lucky exterior, they may deal with social anxiety or something similar? I don't expect their backstory to be super tragic; maybe a few real-life hardships and that's it. Unless they have part of a fantasy setting? I don't really think so but let's see 

Reality: I was right, he's male! And whoopsies he's a fallen angel instead of a human, something I couldn't guess from the icon alone! Seems like he's way more self-confident and attention-seeking than I expected, even though he stays a positive person! Since you don't want to write down his backstory I won't be able to comment on it, but it looks like he indeed had to deal with real-life difficulties such as bullying! 

Zachary Merula Lemonburgers

Expectation: I feel like Olivier seems to be one of those shy and polite types. Despite the soft look, I feel like there's some sort of mystery at the same time, so perhaps a bit withdrawn. Maybe there's some troubles in the back of the mind, but there's some coping and tragedy in the backstory. Relationship wise, maybe Olivier is more outgoing than first glance, with a small group of friends unraveling a more outgoing side. Based on the name, perhaps there is a refined background and from the clothing with the jacket-vest-tie combo, Olivier is also old fashioned. Based on the "born rich" assumption, Bernard might be either coddled (and comfortable with the lifestyle), or would prefer a more modest one. Whenever there's conflict, I feel like Olivier would either be the mediator of the situation at hand or would be the reluctant bystander. I'll find out through the profile though! 

 Reality:  Well, I'm right about some sort of dark things brewing in Olivier's mind and his comfortable (but not really) place somewhere in the upper class! Same goes for the refined look that I'd imagine with his interest in literature and acting all mature-y and stuff, but I didn't see his "act smart" attitude. Based on his relationship with his friends (and especially with his family), Olivier has a bunch of stuff hidden away, even when close to others(except for Arsène). I'm also wrong as he's also melodramatic, and I didn't expect a drinking problem for one! 

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Rory Klein TenMomentsTill

Expectation: Shizuki seems like he is going to be the type of character that is very sweet and timid. He's probably easy to startle as well. I don't think he'll have a very heavy backstory. He's probably had a good life filled with loving friends and family (or at least deserves a life like that). He strikes me as being a younger sibling or at least treated this way by friends. Based off his icon, he's somewhere in the age range of 13-16. I also would be a bit surprised if he didn't like sweets.

Reality: I was pretty close on my guess. Shizuki is a timid and easily startled kid who is very kind once he opens up to someone. His backstory is rather light in themes with no serious trauma/issues in his past (he is also a sweetheart who deserves to be happy). I was wrong about him being a younger sibling though. He's a middle child. Though, he is friends mostly with people older than him so I was kinda sorta eight about his friends treating him as a younger sibling.

I defintely didn't expect him to be informally engaged to someone though. I would have never guessed that about him or the fact that he works in a haunted house.

 Lizzy Gatwin Blonda4

Expectation: Rory looks like he might be in the acting business, something about his aesthetic. Probably doesn't care what you think about him. Very chill dude once you get to know him. Kinda disorganized, but in the way where he and only he knows where everything is. 

Reality: Disaster man who's trying his best. I would've never guessed he was a vampire. Very extroverted and friendly. Give him patience and some love.

Harahel (Henri) fuelli

Expectation: Elizabeth seems to be ANGERY. She (?) probably seeks revenge or something; I imagine that her backstory must have some kind of injustice or rough past? I think she doesn't have many friends; she's either distrustful of people, or just isn't into social interaction. It also seems like she's a fire elemental; she's maybe humanoid but not quite human? 

Reality: OOOH seems like I was mostly right! She definitely is a fire elemental with a rough past who now seeks revenge. Despite the fact she hates "annoying people", she's more social than I thought; I didn't expect her to have a boyfriend and a best friend! 

Isabelle "Sophie" Schirch fuelli


(If you already know Henri you can do Isabelle instead, however be warned that her profile has a warning; of course don't check it before playing as you would probably be biased in your expectations, but please know it's here) 

Arin Morrison Oddlem


She seems like a really happy and easygoing person.  Since she has pretty elaborate clothes she most likely comes somewhere from wealth, so maybe she wanted something more and ventured away from home to go on adventures or had some kind of tragic backstory. I'm assuming she's the kind of person to believe in things-- maybe hoping that magic exists even though her story is possibly more grounded in reality, or even just in herself. 


I guessed right on the tragic backstory part, though not nearly in the same scale of what the reality is. I definitely didn't get her personality right, she's not as happy and carefree like I originally thought and more of a cynic. In fact, I thought I got the exact opposite which is interesting. :0

Also I'm real happy about the trivia regarding the Scarlet Devil-- I was wondering if that was a reference or not while reading for the reality section, good to know that was the case. :D

Caelum nanamint

Expectation:  Arin might be blind and seems to be stressed out over it. Maybe his sight was robbed from him and he's looking for ways to regain his eyesight. It looks like he has a hard time adapting to this situation. He's pessimistic and hates interacting with people but he has to do so in order to find the person responsible for stealing his eyesight.

Reality: Okayyy im off, way off...      

Lucky WaterSpiritKelpie

Expectations: Caelum seems like a snarky kid who will do what he wants when he wants. Looking at his cloths I'm going to say he's a wizard of some sort like an alchemist or anyone who knows of some kind of unknown force. The red eye also suggests that he was delving into something he shouldn't have or someone else. Looking at the face harder it is possible that he is very nervous and might have sealed himself away to continue to work.

Reality: Got the wizard part right yee and the fact he is a hermit but he is not a snarky ass but from what I can see a nice guy who went through an edgy stage. Also no magical incident causing the heterochromia but a talent in a forbidden art.

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Expectations: She seems super cute. Maybe she's an elf or a demon because of her ears? I'm thinking elf because of her skin tone. It looks like she's wearing some kind of skin-tight shirt/collar so maybe she's some kind of archer or mercenary?

Reality: Oof, not even close: down to the gender and the race. Vertel's lore is fascinating and the amount of worldbuilding you've done amazing! The concept of a race basically implanted/programmed to rule, love and protect humankind from the moment they're born or come into existence is really cool. I actually skimmed Camellia's as well out of curiosity. Rip vertel boyo tho

Snow Shoe RustHeart

Expectation: he looks like royalty, probably a very clean and prideful person.  Maybe has a bit of a feminine side to him.  He doesn't look like a very friendly person, perhaps someone who would stab me in the back.

Reality: I feel like I was close.  He's defiantly not a very nice person and he does seem prideful like I thought.  Sounds like the kind of guy that would backstab his 'friends'.

 Faust deadngone

expectations: some kind of angelic prince? he's got a halo / aura thingy.. rich kid based on the furs + cool necktie he's goin with, maybe nobility. personality wise maybe.. aloof but acts like a nice guy.

reality: i had the angel idea down, aloofness too woooo- he likes messing with people cause.. revenge? made a god or demon or something.. tactician guy instead of nobility, that crown threw me off.

edit: i got.. ninja'd fffff... was going for the guy 2x above me :')

Kip 🥀 oldmanyaoi

cl a i m - 

Expectation: I assume this guy is some kind of rad king. They sure look pretty cool, and chill. Some kind of demon possibly? I'm going off of the horns. Possibly a male, judging by the title of king? 

Reality: So I was correct, he is a demon and a male. More of a god than a king, which is respectable, I like it. He's not nearly as chill as he looks in his profile picture. He is the anti-chill. He eats humans. I think that's pretty not-chill. But anyway I was pretty close??? Ehehe.