open | little scribbles

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 22 days ago) by kiyolks

edit: hello reviving thread~ drop your kiddos below for some art practice :^)
feel free to comment again even if you have commented already!

I can only draw humanoids! (humans, kemonomimi, demon, angel, elf, etc)

no promises for quality / type ;;;
not fcfs! I'll pick whatever i feel like drawing at the moment~
I might come back to draw older requests as well

you can see my art at kiyolks and kiiyotan on dA or th gallery
but I haven't posted any new stuff in awhile /o\

I will be uploading directly to your character galleries so be on the lookout for that!
all doodles will be here! (pls only save the doodles that are for you!)

thank you everyone for your cute kiddos and kind words! ;v;


 Ghast larkstea

Consider my character maybe? Thank you for the chance & hope you get to feeling de-stressed soon qwq!!

Christine Evelyn Anderson Cliodna

Christine Anderson perhaps? You can have artistic liberties with her hair and clothes if you like.

Or This One.

Or a chibi of Velembi. :P

Thank you for the chance.

Adhara Niles


Hope these doodles distract you a bit. Stress is never good x.x

You are is very nice. Maybe this boy?

Thanks a lot for this chance and feel better soon!

Arthur Centineo josefumi

maybe this boy will interest you?

good luck with school and thank you for the opportunity!! your art is so lovely! c:

 Izumi waffwle

Hello! I'll leave this bab for your consideration ^^ Thank you for the opportunity! I hope things will get better for you soon!

Valentina VincentVanGoat

I'll leave one of my most fun humanoids!~ I hope she can somehow help with the stress by just seeing her but well maybe she just does that for me. But well maybe drawing her will be fun, if she catch your eye of course.

But yeah I hope you can help with stress, I've been out of school too long, but I do remember that stress it brought. Never fun. You got this though I'm sure!~

Thanks for the chance, and I hope the stress doesn't get worse, and heck, goes away sooner than later~


Ah, stress sucks, I hope you feel at least a bit better soon! Here's my lovely flower boy, Alex, if he is of any interest. Thank you for the chance!

Neo Hasegawa Rainbow000Pegasus

Hey there! Would you be interested in drawing Neo?
Your art style is lovely, by the way!
If not, that's fine. Thank you!


Hopefully your stress will go away or die down as you settle back in! I also hope that drawing these wonderful characters from others will help you get lost and forget about the stress too!

As for me, I have quite a few characters if you'd like to take a peek and choose someone that interests you here?

 MoonLotus MoonLotus-Hime

Ah! Being stressed suck especially now school back.>.> I'd truly hope everything settled back down for you catch a break! Have a relaxing drawing to calm your nerve.

If you like give MoonLotus a try~

Thank you for opportunity!

Baraqijal Nyhkan

Maybe my little water demon boy? :3

 Refs Crestonia

Hello ! I have all my kids in tabs on my ref character if you wanna take a look ! Your art's really cute,, I hope your stress gets better ! School is hard,,


Here are two soft characters that might help. I too would like to de stress but idk How to post art examples. I’m practicing pixel art so I’d be happy to do a pixel gif of any of your characters 

