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Link to comment/Discord image proof:

Recipient (remember to @ so they can find this comment easily!): Yoonkinoa

Type of transaction (gift/trade/sale): Trade!!


Hi! Do you have the link to the MYO itself? As in a link to the original comment? This will help us keep track of it in our records!


Yess i do i am so sorry!! here you go!


No worries! :)

For Yoonkinoa, you can use this comment (the one I am typing currently) to use as proof when submitting your MYO, since the given link from gutzuki isn't/shouldn't be visible to you (user deleted account, a LOT of MYO proofs got boofed due to this), but I, however, can see it and confirm it! :) (Do remember that submissions are currently closed, however these slots will not expire! Feel free to hold onto them until then, or let me know if you'd like to be notified (whether by commenting on this comment or other) when they reopen! ^^)


Please do notify me once they reopen ♡