// FAQ

…or at least, the questions I think might be frequently asked.
If your question isn't answered on this page, feel free to comment on the World with any concerns.


How do I pronounce "jelveil"?
Jell-vells. Don't pronounce it like you usually pronounce the word "veil"; make it rhyme.

How do I get an MYO?
Sales are always open, but if you can't pay, check out the prompts or any ongoing events! Or you could snoop around to see if anyone has some for offer. MYO sales will never be limited, and you will never be asked to offer art or characters to the owners to trade for a slot.

How does the donation idea work?
MYO sales work just as every other species, but instead of sending money to me, you donate it to charity.

I don’t like the lore of the species, but I like the traits. Does my Jelveil/Perforator have to participate in the lore?
Nah, the lore’s just there for some fun worldbuilding. Feel free to tweak it a bit to your liking or disregard it completely; I won’t make it an absolute requirement to follow it to a T. However, choosing to disregard the lore may restrict your character from participating in lore-based events.

I don’t like the traits of the species, but I like the lore. Can I have other characters participate in the universe? (One-offs, other CS)
Depends. Most human characters should be fine, but I don’t want any giga-ultra-powerful character roaming around. Having some sort of superpower is fine though, as long as it’s not totally OP. Just keep it reasonable. However, non-Jelveils may face restrictions when participating in species events.

Are guest artist applications open?
We have them every month.

Are permanent artist applications open?
Typically? No, not really. I’ll have posts and such up if they are, so if you don’t see any, assume I’m not actively looking for them at the moment. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re interested though! It isn’t a hard no— it’s just that we might not be in need of them at the moment.

Are mod applications open?
No, we've got a fair amount of mods already. I may open them in the future, but keep in mind the positions are always for boring stuff like masterlisting and the like. I don't really discuss lore and other creative stuff with the mods.

I do listen to the community for suggestions and recommendations and I do work with other people for things like art assets and the like, but as for who's got their hands on the wheel, hey man what can I say I’m a loner.

Are affiliations open?
Sure thing. I don’t like being picky, but I do have a bit of a requirement of it being a humanoid species, fairly established, and hosted here on Toyhouse. I do make exceptions if I find your species exceptionally interesting for lore reasons-- but in that case, I will reach out to you first. If you'd like to apply for affiliation, please fill out this form.

Is there a TOS in this species?
Yeah, it’s right here.

Is commercial use fine?
This species is intended for personal use, but you can contact me privately for commercial rights. We can work it out when more detail is provided.

Is NSFW content fine?
Slightly suggestive stuff? Sure thing. Explicit 18+ material? Also sure, but don’t show it to me please.

You might also want to check out the Notes.

Can my character have multiple different tentacle types, fillings in the pit, or materials on the veil?
Sure thing. If you're using upgrade items for your traits, different types of stuff will only consume one upgrade for that specific trait. (EG. Having flowers and snakes as tentacles on a common slot would only consume one UC upgrade.)

This species doesn't allow for tails or non-human feet; what if I crossbreed with another species?
If that other species lets you have 'em, by all means go ahead. 

What species can I crossbreed with?
Human/oid species only, and it must be an original USER species. Either open or closed is fine. No mythological creatures or real-world species, sorry.

Can my character's veil/tentacles change colour while lucid/change colour in general?
Sure thing!

Are living tentacles a mutation trait?
No, only a living brain is.

Can I use uncommon traits with a rare ticket?
Yes, of course! This also goes for the purple jelly packet-- you're free to use unlimited uncommon traits with it (and the purple cube... but at that point, why not just get a blue cube?)

Is there a max veil length?

Can my Jelveil have multiple arms?
Not directly-- but you could give them arm tentacles and put those tentacles on the head, or on any veils.

Can Jelveils with tethered necks... stretch their necks?
That's a Distorted form thing only.

Can Jelveils have unnatural skin colour?
Yeah! This isn't traited anywhere.

Why can't you have tentacles directly connected to the skin anywhere but the head?
It's a Corrosion trait (upcoming feature).

How big can a brain get?
Pretty Damn Big. This also goes for living brains. So long as it's reasonable, consider there being no upper limit.

For any glass traits, can there be stuff in the glass?
Sure thing.

Do distorted forms have to have facial distortions?

Can the tentacles on the sides of the head be the tentacles tethering the brain?
Nah, they should be separate. 

MILD SPOILER ALERT: Don’t read if you’d rather figure all the details out yourself.

Where did the name “Jelveils” come from?
Jellyfish + veil. 

Where did the name “Perforator” come from?
It’s a dictionary word that serves as a bit of a pun as it sounds a little like perfume. I also got it from Terraria.

Where did the name “Eviscerator” come from?
…Terraria. To eviscerate means to uh, disembowel something though.

Where did the concept of the Jelveils come from?
I was on a walk when I started thinking about jellyfish, specifically about how they are brainless. 

That thought sprang into a strange idea I had about jellyfish people— beautiful, but unconscious. From there, I added art to the mix— art is a very “human” form of beauty, so what happens when you strip all the humanity away from it?

I didn’t intend for the species to be far too horrific, but when you’re dealing with a weird brain-changing pill that locks you in your own head for 99% of the time while promising to turn you into a creative genius, some spooky shit’s gotta be involved.

What's up with all the warnings?
The whole idea is that SCYPH.co is selling products they know are unsafe. The original founder had realized the dangers of his work and attempted to shut down operation, but after his death, the co-founder took over and attempted to cover up all the data the original founder collected, and released tampered documents to the public. You can find the "uncensored" version of the documents using the floating "AUTHORIZED ACCESS" button on each tampered page, or by following this link. 

Can a Jelveil die?
Spoiler'd due to some potentially upsetting content.

Only from age. They could get sick or wounded, but no matter how severe, their lifespans cannot be cut. They have regenerative abilities that prevent them from being killed by anything. Their body will stitch up any gash or wound with tentacles, and the stitches will fade rapidly. It is still possible for one to gain scars if their regenerative systems are hurt, but the regeneration will always be enough to keep a Jelly alive.

However, the effects of scyphozate are extremely volatile, so while some Jelveils can age themselves to death, there are two other possibilities: a) immortality, except as one ages, their lucidity fades, and they eventually end up eternally in the dark zone, or b) classic immortality where your Jelly continues their life as expected throughout all of time.

The pill's effects on physical aging also vary, with some Jelveils aging as normal, some slowed, and some not at all.

Is 1-800-SCYPH an actual number?
No, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to have (which is good, 'cause I don't want to accidentally coincide with any existing numbers.)

Is [email protected] an actual email?
Yes it is, and I run it.

Did you really have to get Mark and Casey involved? Don’t they have enough content already?
No further comment.

Is Casey Joseph’s son?
Yes, yes he is.

Is Thomas dead?
Yes, yes he is.

Is Mark dead?
He’s too anime to die.

What are Marley's pronouns?
Use whatever you find convenient.

What the hell are you on?
Scyphozate. Lots of Scyphozate.

Can I have some?
Donate to charity.