The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
40 231612

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

im always on the upswing baybee


She wakes up early this morning.

Gently she slips from the warmth of her side of the bed, dresses herself simply in a comfortable bra and panties, and heads out onto the deck. The morning breeze welcomes her with a chill but she pays it no mind, heading for the rail of the galleon. Lovingly she breathes in the smell of the sea and climbs atop the railing, casting her gaze out to the vast stretch of calm waves, taking in the spirit of freedom and letting it course through her veins. It flows like a hot current, unending and wild, pulling in anything that it touches. It's addictive as the soft touch of a lover yet powerful as a whirlpool: a force driving those at sea that is just as unyielding as they are.

With a deep breath she takes a swan dive, feeling the rush of the wind and then the impact of hitting the water. She's as at home as an aquatic elf can be once the deep blue expanse embraces her.

About an hour later she returns, pulling herself up the anchor of the ship with one hand and clutching a basket made of kelp in the other. The basket is heaped with sea flowers and coral in an assortment of reds, pinks, purples, oranges, and a yellow here and there. She surfaces, clutching the chain and feeling the cold wind caress her pale blue skin.

Upon the ship the loud voices of the crew fill the air. Even having recently awoken cannot silence a pirate. And if they're awake, there's no doubt that their captain is too.

"Over here boys!" she calls out to them, and sure enough a group of lads lean over the railing. They're all brothers, freshly eighteen, and have an excitable air about them, their appearances a cross between a water spirit and a demonkin. They're blue-skinned with black hair and shark tails trailing behind them, and they're adored by just about everyone on the ship. Just the sight of them brings a smile to her lips.

"Gone for a swim m'lady?" one of them shouts playfully, gesturing out towards someone beyond her sight.

"Aye," she laughs, "and I'm in dire need of a bit of help."

The boy throws down a hooked rope for her. She steadies her foot on the metal and clutches the rope with her free hand, nodding to the bunch. With a jovial yell of 'heave!' the little lads easily pull her weight until she can climb over the railing, the water dripping from her body onto the floorboards.

"I'd love to stick around lads, but I've got a Captain Undying to fluster," she winks. The lads offer a unanimous 'oooh' and start making kissy noises at one another, and she can't help but roll her eyes at their light-hearted display. She slips away (lest she has to bear witness to more of their youthful cringe) across the ship, greeting the crew as she goes about it, and heads for the captain's quarters.

She doesn't knock, letting herself in and announcing her presence with a dramatic sigh. With a smile she locks eyes with the captain, who gives her one glance with his beautiful black eyes and goes flush in the face.

"Ellamia," he breathes her name gently, speaks it like a prayer. She can never get enough of it, treasuring every time she manages to draw it from his lips.

"Haley," Ellamia sweeps across the dark room to where he stands at their mirror. She plants a sweet kiss on his lips before heading to their desk to set down her basket.

"I was worried you got cold feet when you weren't there this morning," he laughs lightly, voice light despite his pirate accent, sweeping his ebony hair into its usual place, one side resting in front and the rest behind, flowing down to the bottom of his shoulder blades. He's brushed it out so it's beautifully straight, his two white streaks perfectly symmetrical in the front. It's obvious he's averting his eyes from her - no matter how many times he sees her dressed in just underwear it always manages to bring colour to his cheeks.

"As if I'd miss today for anything," Ellamia smiles. She clears the desk and starts laying out everything she gathered, putting each type in its own little pile.

"Where'd you get that basket?" Haley asks. After tucking his white undershirt into his black trousers he rummages around in the closet and retrieves a bath towel, which he comes to drape around Ellamia's shoulders.

"Made it myself. It'll probably still be useful once it dries out with how strong I wove it," she picks out a rogue piece of seaweed, looks it over, and eats it like jerky.

Haley watches her, ever-intrigued by her idea of a snack. "That's great - we could probably do with a new one after-"

"We don't have to talk about that..." Ellamia laughs. The last basket had a very unfortunate fate as the crutch of her drunken bet that it could hold the weight of their youngest crewmate.

"Right right," he chuckles, no doubt reliving what little recollection he has of the night too.

Haley helps her sort through the rest of the plants until they're all laid out on the table. Ellamia chose them well, knowing that they will retain their lovely colour even once they dry, that already evident in those that have already drip-dried since arrival to the surface.

"These are beautiful, what are you planning to do with 'em?" he inquires.

"I'm gonna decorate my dress," Ellamia answers simply, "and I was hoping you might be able to help me."

Haley is quiet for a few moments and she can pretty much hear the gears turning in his head. She turns to him, raising a brow, until he speaks with an unsure tone. "Isn't it a whole thing that the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding Mia?"

"Yeah, for your kind," she smirks, wrapping her now dry arms around his shoulders, "my people don't have silly rules like that. What's the point if we don't get to spend some alone time before the big event?"

Holding her waist, he leans in to touch their foreheads together, looking deep into her shamrock green eyes. "I'm starting to think you aquatic elves do just about everything better than we do."

"Damn right we do," Ellamia runs her fingers through his soft hair, feeling special with how much effort he's already put into his appearance for her. The thought of seeing him all dressed up makes her heart flutter.

"...On second thoughts, everything except eating wet seaweed and kelp," Haley teases, the tips of his full lips twisting into a smile.

"Oh and now you're insulting my diet," she pushes him away playfully, feigning offence. "If you're going to marry me you're going to have to put up with it for the rest of your life baby."

"An absolute tragedy. I don't know how I'm gonna cope with it honestly," dryly he answers, but he reaches out with his hands for hers, weaving them together. "But y'know, I think I might be able to handle it if you give me a kiss."

Ellamia runs her eyes over their engagement rings, then back up to Haley. She can't help but adore him with all of her being, admiring just how gorgeous he is. He's got an overall androgynous appearance, with a masculine jawline and a short, groomed extended goatee but otherwise feminine facial features. His eyes have pretty and thick lashes, his lips are dark and full, and his brown skin is wonderfully smooth. There's a single beauty mark underneath his right eye that she can't help but kiss every time she lingers on it. His thick brows form a kind expression, resting in a neat arc. He has a wide nose with an inward curve, which is the victim to the next press of her lips. His tall, straight high elf ears flush with colour at the small gesture. She's unable to fathom the divine luck that must have gifted this man to her.

"Was that my kiss?" Haley breathes, face dark with a heavy blush.

"Sure," Ellamia lifts one hand to cup his cheek. "Anyway, if I stare at you any longer I'm never gonna get to work."

"I wouldn't mind that," he says quietly.

She kisses his lips this time. "Me neither, but I would like to marry you sometime today."

"...Well at least promise me I'll get to gush when we get to bed tonight?" he holds her hand tighter, looking sincerely into her eyes.

"I promise, Haley," Ellamia squeezes his hand back, and she knows in that moment more than anything that there couldn't be a better man to spend the rest of her life with.

After decorating her dress, Ellamia and Haley head out to the deck, dressed in just their casual shirts and trousers for the time being. The crew's hard work is evident, with the rails and masts of the ship all decorated in ribbon and cloth the colour of coral and the sea. Makeshift pews made of wooden crates are set up on the deck leading up to the bow where they'll be exchanging their vows.

With the leftover flowers in her basket, she takes to helping the crew out, lining the sides of the 'pews' with them and scattering them at the front of the bow where she'll finally get to marry the pirate she loves.

The little lads are out painting the boards of the ship in all the colours of the ocean, drawing out pink corals and ushering people away from the wet paint as not to ruin it. For all their youthful spirit they are still very hard workers - the deck looks stunning, erupting with colour. It'll no doubt look beautiful when it's finished.

Ellamia heads over to where they're working, mindful to keep her boots away from the fresh paint. "Loving the work you've got here lads. Keep it up."

Little lad one, Beck, a freckled boy with his curly black hair tied back into a bun, offers her a bright smile, "Thank you miss Ellamia! We're gonna have it all finished by sunset-"

"Yeah, long as people stop walkin' all over it," the second, Max, a boy almost identical to the first if not for his curlier hair, bigger horns, and narrower eyes, looks up for a moment to meet her eyes kindly before returning dutifully to painting. "We've had to repaint, what? Three sections now?"

"Geez, sounds like you need a lookout," Ellamia muses, looking out across the deck for someone that can help keep an eye on things, when she thinks of the perfect candidate to sit around and do nothing for hours. "Y'know, I think I've got just the guy. Have any of you seen the outcast?"

The third little lad, Cass, shorter than the rest, wearing his hair in a large ponytail and identical to the first if not for his lack of freckles, pipes in quietly, as though he's afraid the subject of their discussion will hear, "I think he headed into the storage room this morning. He's probably still in there doin' whatever he does."

"Not for long," she smirks, "I'll be back up in a second boys."

"You're puttin' Axel in charge of us?" Max whines in exasperation.

"Oh c'mon, he'll ward everyone off just by being there, he's the best candidate for the job," Ellamia winks, taking off before she can hear any more of their complaints, far more concerned about bothering Axel than she is about him 'bothering' others.

It's a lot darker below deck. Nobody's there (which is no surprise) so she heads without disturbance down into the storage room. There's a new pile of wine crates near the door. They're marked with the red Sanguis snake and only minimally damaged, and she smiles remembering the trading ship they sunk to get it. It was a beautiful frigate that, on second thoughts, could've probably been overtaken and sent to Pirate Island for auction, but the appeal of sinking a Sanguis ship outweighed any other benefit by far.

She can't wait to crack it open later - the rumours that led them to the ship said that the Emperor's favourite would be onboard.

Ellamia looks across the room, and sure enough she sees the very pale lavender skin of Axel. "Ohh..."

The changeling is sitting on a barrel with a bottle of gin in his hand, his completely white eye watching her intently. There's freshly-bloodied bandages around the other side of his face, and around his neck. A huge, deep, colourful scar runs from his exposed brow, down his neck, and to his body, one hand riddled with it. It looks as though it's from a terrible injury, one that ripped the man completely apart, but nobody aboard the ship has ever heard its story. His wavy white hair, about mid-neck length, is a complete mess, with no care put into it whatsoever. He's taken the time to put in all of his jewellery, his numerous golden piercings on his long ears standing out against his pale skin, He'd be stunningly princely in appearance if not for his complete disregard for himself. He's dressed in his black shirt and trousers, no overcoat to be seen unlike usual. When he speaks his ever-confusingly muddled accent shines through, a strange amalgamation of posh Greek, Russian, and the voice of the common people, "Pleasure to see you around these parts, first mate."

She looks him up and down with a tense air about her. "You're not looking so good Ax, I mean- gin? That's a bit unlike you."

He sighs, leaning forwards, elbow rested on his knee and his chin rested on his hand. "I felt the need to drown away my sorrows with the first thing I could find."

"Sorrows on my wedding day? Such a downer," Ellamia frowns, unsure quite what to do with him. He doesn't sound drunk, and she does need someone to help the kids. When he doesn't reply, she stands in uncertainty. "Well uhh... what's the problem?"

"Nothing that you need to know about," Axel returns, taking a dejected swig of the drink. Seeing that she doesn't seem intent on leaving just yet, he sighs. "What do you want?"

"The little lads need some help up top. People keep on stepping on their paintjob," she tells him, weighing out whether or not she should take the bottle from him before he does get drunk.

"It's bright outside. I'll end up with a migraine," he argues, shifting uncomfortably where he sits. "Besides, I don't think the lads like me all that well. It'd be better to get someone else. Try Whitmore or something, he's pretty popular right?"

"Axel, everyone else is up top working their asses off and you're down here all miserable, drinking probably until you black out. You've gotta do your part - you're lucky I'm only asking you to watch paint dry," Ellamia warns with an agitated frown. Reasoning with Axel is much better left to Haley: most people on the ship figure that out very quickly.

Silently he regards the bottle in his hand. He fidgets with the cuff of that side of his shirt, then adjusts it, and then he stands up. He stands about six feet and three inches, easily causing her - at five feet and seven inches - to have to look up at him. Despite this he's quite the opposite of intimidating, built slim enough that Ellamia's half sure a hard shove from her would knock him over.

"Whatever. You're going to make me sick, but if you need me so badly..." Axel murmurs, swirling his drink in his hands pensively.

Ellamia can't help but take note of his unusually reserved demeanour. Most of the time they end up going back and forth with insults until Haley stops them, or they at least banter to some degree, albeit an unfriendly one. He seems deflated, defeated, and she knows that can mean no good.

She stands aside to let him pass; Axel heads upstairs, then upstairs again, and as soon as the light hits him he lets out a pained groan. He squints hard to filter out as much light as he can and finds his way over to the lads, who reluctantly welcome him. Ellamia watches for a few moments to make sure they all settle. Axel exchanges a brief but seemingly decent conversation with the three, letting them pass the gin between them before he returns to it, though he seems to be reluctant to go bottoms up with the sun staring down at him.

It's not long before their work, and the light of day, begins to draw to a close. Ellamia occupies herself with getting out the wine and moving the remaining unused crates that usually sit on the deck into more manageable spots. Whitmore, a brunette half-elf with a slim figure and dark eyes, calls her over for help with a particularly heavy crate, and she hurries over.

Ellamia laughs as she lifts up her end of the crate, "Damn, this thing is heavy. You got any idea what the Hell's in there?"

Whitmore shrugs, bringing them both over to the starboard deck, "I reckon it's part of what we plundered from that Sanguis ship. Storage 's been overflowin' since."

They carefully place it down against the rails, careful not to crush their fingers. "You make a good point. They sure do love their extravagant ships, huh?"

Whitmore looks over to the mast. There are a few crates still there, but they're mostly out of the way of everything else, so only a handful need moving. "If that ain't true I don' know what is, Ell'mia."

She chuckles warmly, heading for their next heavy lift and proceeding as before. Somewhere in the middle of moving the third crate, she lifts her head and manages to spot Haley helping someone putting up decorative netting in spots lacking the ribbon and cloth. He turns at just the right moment and they lock eyes, shamrock green on deep black, and the captain offers a smile. Gladly Ellamia returns it, watching the way his face lights up and the tips of his ears redden ever-so-slightly, and she would've watched forever if not for Whitmore lightly saying her name to draw her back. They put down the third crate. Two more and they're done.

"Really giving the bride a workout huh?" Ellamia remarks light-heartedly, taking a stretch before she picks up the next crate. Being a pirate, she's well-used to heavy loads and exercise - hauling the ropes for the sails is not easy work - but it's been a long time since she's had to lift anything.

Whitmore offers a small smile. "More like the bride's givin' us a workout. Y'better have one helluvan after party after all this work. We gon' be bringin' out that Sanguis wine?"

"You better believe it," Ellamia smirks, "we didn't steal it for nothing. What better way to celebrate Captain Undying's wedding than to drink the wine stolen from his enemy?"

"Especially it bein' the Emperor's favourite 'n all," he says with a laugh.

"They say the recipe was made by Emperor Regus Sanguis himself. One huge kick in the face to go and drink it if you ask me," finally they put down the last crate.

Whitmore wipes his forehead. He looks as though he's been working all day with how exhausted he is. "The old man'll be rollin' in his luxury sheets jus' thinkin' about it."

"You know it," she chuckles, sighing in relief that the heavy lifting is over. "Anyway, sit down Whitmore, take a break. First mate's orders."

His dark gaze meets hers for just a moment. There's bags under his eyes and the sclera red. "Thanks Ell'mia, I'll be waitin' in my seat if y'need me. Sun's to be settin' soon, not long now huh?"

Ellamia looks to the sky. Spring's just beginning. Time's flying by, the sky darkening into beautiful blues and pinks. The clouds are a dark plum, framed by the golden light of the setting sun and slowly fading alongside it. When you look hard enough the faintest glimmer of the stars can be seen. It seems that the night is going to be a clear one and whilst the weather is getting colder there's no doubt the wine and the dancing will warm people up once the party begins.

She looks for Haley among the crew, spots him, looks at the way the remaining light sits upon his features. There he looks like an angel, laughing with a crewmate, lips curled into a smile. "Yeah. I'm really lucky to be marrying him, Whitmore."

"It'll be a priv'lege to bear witness," he bows his head and finally takes his leave, where he joins a few of the crew that are done with their jobs on the makeshift pews. Only a few remain, most notably the little lads who are working hard to get their painting done. Axel sits with them still, one hand holding his head. The bottle of gin is at his feet, finished.

Just before the wedding she returns to the captain's quarters, soon followed by Haley. She's halfway in her dress when he gets there, and she turns to him. "A little help baby?"

He rushes over, helping her to pull up and settle the dress on her body. It's a mermaid dress, but at the bottom it fans out and trails a little behind her, decorated with the sea flowers and coral. It's coloured all sorts of red-pinks and has touches of sea blues, a lovely embodiment of the ocean. She looks at herself in the mirror, Haley at her side, waterfall braiding her hair.

Ellamia has never thought much of herself. All her life she'd been told the large, dark birth mark on the right side of her face was ugly. It was imperfect in a culture where perfection is put above all else, and her noble family had made that very clear to her. She learned to see it akin to a wound on her cyan skin, at least until she came to the surface. Haley had always seen it as unique, a mark of self more than an injury upon it.

Her thick lashes sit heavy on her eyes, painted with dark eyeshadow, and her nonchalant expression leaves her with somewhat of an air of intimidation. She has thick lips, currently coloured with deep wine lipstick, and a small and pretty nose. Her hair, long and magenta, is wavy on top and she has bangs that reach her cheeks. Like most of her species, her ears take the form of webs, the webbing dark blue and ending at her gilled neck. Her shoulders, tattooed with thick black stripes, are exposed to the air.

Despite everything her family has ever said, despite all the standards and expectations she could never meet, she feels completely beautiful.

She turns around to Haley, who is dressed in a black suit, the blazer decorated with designs of golden feathers and ravens, the rims of his sleeves and collar sporting gorgeous golden patterns, and his weapon belt, and wraps her arms around his shoulders, touching their foreheads. She closes her eyes, completely comfortable, and warmly she breathes, "I love you so much, Haley."

Hands squeezing her waist, he lets out a gentle reply, "I love you too Ellamia, with all of my heart."

Haley leaves first, taking his place at the bow in front of everybody. Ellamia follows shortly afterwards.

When she leaves the captain quarters it's like she's seeing the ship again for the first time. Everyone's work is concluded, the deck painted beautifully. Where she steps out is where the coral is painted, like the sea floor, and as she walks down the aisle, everyone's eyes upon her, she watches as the painting changes. It gets lighter, gets closer to the surface, until she's stepping up onto the raised platform of the bow, where foamy waves lap onto a painted beach. There she joins Haley, who immediately joins hands with her. The sky is a beautiful darkening purple-pink, stars shining clearly within its vast expanse.

Their priest is terribly nervous. Of course, nobody on the ship is quite qualified to officiate a wedding (or to say the fancy words) so naturally they kidnapped someone who was. Alas, he knows better than to mess up one of the most important pirate weddings of all time, and he doesn't keep them waiting. "We are gathered here this evening to witness this man and woman join together in h-" he pauses, looking among the crowd, and after a moment's deliberation continues, "unholy matrimony."

He presents his speech, albeit a little reserved, and finally it comes to their vows. Haley goes first, his eyes glassy with the beginning of tears. "I, Haley Smit, make this vow to take you, Ellamia Eelloss, to be my wife, my first mate, and my closest and dearest friend from this day forward; for better and for worse, for richer and mostly poorer," a chuckle from the crowd, "in sickness and in health, and in every challenge that this life brings us. I promise to love you unconditionally, no matter where this Drowned Sailor's Sea takes us, to support you in everything, to respect you above all else, to laugh and cry with you, to cherish and adore you, 'til death do us part."

Ellamia can't help her eyes from clouding either, but she doesn't once move them from Haley's, staring to intently into the very fabric of his soul, drowning out all else. "I, Ellamia Eelloss, make this vow to take you, Haley Smit, to be my husband, my captain, and my closest and dearest friend too from this day forward. I'll be here for you through better and worse, richer and definitely poorer, in sickness and hopefully health, and in everything this damned world can throw at us. I promise to love you unconditionally, wherever we go whether it's the sea or beyond, to support you in everything, to respect you above all else - unless you make me mad, then I may reconsider," she laughs a weak laugh, her tears spilling over, "to laugh and to cry with you, to absolutely cherish and adore you, 'til death do us part."

Even the priest, beyond his terror, manages a smile. "Please bring forward the rings."

Cass, face puffy with tears, stands and brings forth their rings on a little pillow. They're both silver with a glimmering sea blue gem on top.

Ellamia takes the first ring. She holds Haley's left hand, runs her thumb along it, and slides it on. Already she knows she'll never tire of seeing it. He returns the gesture, holding her hand so gently as he puts it on her finger, where it sits as though it was made to be there.

"If anybody has any opposition to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

There's a lengthy silence, but for Ellamia and Haley it passes by in a heartbeat, knowing that nothing could stand between them.

Most likely relieved by the easy ceremony, the priest presses his hands together. "So do you, Haley Smit, take Ellamia Eelloss to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He smiles, "I do."

"And do you, Ellamia Eelloss, take Haley Smit to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Not a moment's hesitance, "I absolutely do."

"Then with the power invested in me, I pronounce you to be husband and wife. You may now kiss."

Ellamia leans forwards like she's been waiting an eternity to kiss him, and with the utmost adoration she does. It's chaste enough as to spare the crew, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the gentlest and sweetest of her life. Just through the small gesture she feels the beginning of their new life, of everything settling warmly onto her shoulders, and when they part she feels like a new woman entirely,

Everyone begins to clap and cheer, the little lads contributing especially to the noise, all teary-eyed and weeping almost as much as the newlyweds. They get to their feet and all start hugging each other like it's the biggest emotional moment of their life. Spending time on a pirate ship quickly makes one familiar with not only the noise, but the dramatics. Ellamia looks over them with pride. Not only is this her crew, but now it's her family.

"I love you, Ellamia," Haley says softly, holding her hands tight.

She turns back to him, smiles with adoration. "I love you too, Haley."

After a few moments' silence, Haley awkwardly glances at the priest. "We should uhh... probably get him on a boat."

The priest does not look pleased.

After raiding the storage room of all its goods and bringing them up top, they send him on his way with a bottle of the Sanguis wine in a little rowboat. The little lads spend a good while cheering him on as he goes, everyone else getting into a party spirit and popping open their drinks. They start with the rum (classic) and drag the pews aside, repurposing them as chairs and tables off to the sides. Full of energy, they start the party by getting the two bards of the crew to start playing, breaking into a dance, swinging each other around. Excited, Ellamia pulls Haley into it with her. Everyone is careful to avoid her dress whilst they go about it and she can't help but laugh in the thrill of it all. Haley laughs too, and they travel across the deck until they finally transfer and Ellamia's arm is taken.

Cass is her new partner. He looks overjoyed, and she guesses this must be his first pirate wedding. The boy smiles to her, "Congrats m'lady, that was a lovely wedding."

"Why thank you," she laughs. "You made for a lovely ring-bearer kid, thank you."

"It was an honour," he returns brightly. his blue eyes shining. "I'm so thankful for you takin' me and my brothers in."

Ellamia remembers the very night that they found the bunch. "It was one of the best decisions we made. I've never known a bunch so hard-working as you lot. You didn't hear it from me, but I think you're outshining the rest of the crew."

"My lips are sealed," he giggles, and then they're both swung away.

Ellamia makes her way through the crew. At some point she hooks arms with Whitmore, who despite his dark eyes seems to have regained some of his energy, and they dance briefly but warmly. After him, she's caught back in Haley's arms, and with a kiss he whisks them both into the middle of the crowd. On cue the bards' music slows and the crowd disperses, heading out to the sides, swaying to the music whilst they let the lovers take the stage.

As he always does, Haley takes the lead as they begin to slow dance. They share their gaze, moving as one, stepping together as though they've memorised every move for lifetimes. Everything melts away in his arms, like they're meant to be this way, entwined unapologetically. She twirls and he dips her down, holding her in his arms, her propped against the sea painted on the boards and him placed among the starry sky. They hold one another's gaze, an aquatic elf among the waves and an angel among the glittering night sky, until he whisks her back up and around. Ellamia is pulled tight against his body and they hold one another close. She tucks her head into Haley's neck, takes in a deep breath, feels him do the same.

When the crew breaks into a clap they finally part, Ellamia bracing a hand against her husband's chest. "I'm in the mood for some wine."

Haley kisses her forehead, then looks to the others, "Alright lads, time for some Sanguis spirits!"

They cheer and someone digs their blade into a Sanguis crate, prying away the front and reaching into it for a bottle. They throw it to the newlyweds, and Haley catches it perfectly in his hand. Ellamia reaches into his overcoat, knows where to find his dagger, and with it she pops out the cork. "Bottoms up."

With a laugh Haley lifts the opened bottle to the air. "To my wife!"

Laughing and shouting the pirates dig into the crate, doing what they do best: drinking themselves stupid.

For some time the newlyweds part, veering off to speak to the crew who offer numerous congratulations and jokes and all sorts. Haley ends up next to the bard who, upon conversing, he concludes is a total lightweight. The chat doesn't last very long so he ends up standing beside him, leaning on the railing of the port deck.

Soon enough someone else joins him where he leans, having approached just out of view, and when he turns to look he almost has to do a double take. "Axel? I thought you'd be spending the night down in yer bed, what's brought you back up pal?"

A frown sits on the changeling's scarred face. Something about it is especially melancholic. "My migraine settled, and I didn't want to miss out on congratulating my friend."

"Well I'm glad you're here Ax, it wouldn't be the same without ya," Haley smiles to him, draping an arm over his shoulders, just a tad merry with drink.

Axel sighs, looking up at the stars. His messy hair shifts and the pirate sees that the bandages on his neck are bloodied, and around his eye too. "I'm glad. I'm really happy for you, Haley."

He raises a brow playfully. "Bold of you to be calling yer captain by his first name... but I'll let it slide just this once."

"How could I ever commit such a heinous crime?" Axel says dryly, though Haley's words do manage to get just the slightest smile out of him. He takes a deep breath, looks down at his feet, radiates a sort of energy that can't be placed. "I remember when I got married," he lifts a hand, Haley sees his ring, "and it was the best day of my life."

"You don't speak about yer wife often," he comments, handing Axel the wine.

He takes a hefty gulp, then hands it back over. "Aurora was a lovely woman. She would've gotten along with your Ellamia, I reckon - she was charismatic, strong-willed, beautiful..."

"One hell of a woman," Haley chuckles. Unknown to Axel, he and Ellamia had crossed paths with Aurora on multiple occasions, though Axel was always below deck. Still, he plays along, "I can't imagine you manning a ship. Was she the one wearing the hat in the relationship, Ax?"

"Hey!" Axel laughs, elbowing him in the ribs gently. "You can't say anything, Ellamia is definitely wearing it in yours, physically and-"

"Alright alright, no need for that," he huffs lightly, punching him lightly in the shoulder. "I wonder how she'd feel if she knew her husband was disrespecting his captain!"

The other laughs, then sighs, resting his elbows back against the rail. "I think she would've been happy to know I was keeping up the whole pirate deal without her, you know. It meant a lot to her."

"I can bet - keeping her spirit alive, huh?" Haley squeezes his shoulder in reassurance.

He glances away for a moment. "That's a nice way to think of it... It's never the same without her though. I'll never forgive the damned Sanguis family for taking her from me."

"Yeah," Haley pats his back. "We'll get 'em one day Axel, I can promise you that."

"I hope so," Axel turns to him and manages a fond smile. He lifts a hand, perhaps to take the drink, but before he can a shout rings out above the noise.

"Sanguis ships on the horizon!"

"What?" Axel hisses, pushing himself away from the railing.

"Fuck," Haley follows swiftly, putting down his drink and rushing to the middle of the ship where he quickly reunites with Ellamia. He takes her free hand, her other still holding wine, squeezes it tight, knows this is bad news. The crew gathers around them, all but Axel who slithers away into the darkness, and he instinctively places his free hand on the hilt of his cutlass, thankful that he'd decided against ditching it.

The ships come properly into view. Most are frigates with red sails but in the front is a beautiful man of war gilded in gold and flying emerald instead of red. It's much bigger than the galleon as it pulls up at its side, standing tall and proud just like the man that comes to stand at the rails.

Adorned in a gold and emerald crown and numerous pieces of jewellery, the King himself stands with his peacock wings spread at his sides and his tail feathers slightly raised in a display of authority and, no doubt, to show off. His pale lavender skin is mostly covered by white clothes most likely made of the finest silk, and his scrutinising golden gaze travels across each and every one of them. His accent is thick, posh and Greek. "It seems I've stumbled upon quite the party. What event do I have the fortune of bearing witness to?"

"One you're not invited to, Corvus," Haley replies simply, picking his words carefully. "What's all of this about?"

"Why, I've got a little bit of an event to host myself, Captain Undying," King Corvus Sanguis smiles a deadly, pretty smile, and with a wave of his hand a set of dry ice stairs freezes between the ships, locking them together and most importantly giving them access to one another. "Where is my useful little birdie?"

When Haley realises, his heart sinks to his stomach. He clutches his wife's hand as tight as he can manage. He knows Ellamia will have figured it out too, and he's stuck somewhere between a boiling rage and deep betrayal when he hears a voice.

"'M sorry that this had to happen on the weddin' day," the man says, "Piracy jus' ain't holdin' up like it used to, 'n I can't keep livin' like this on the edge. 'M sorry cap'n 'n I'm sorry Ell'mia, truly. I gotta do what I gotta do."

Swiftly it turns to sorrow. Haley looks between the half-elf and the King, "No no no, what? Whitmore, you're with them?"

"I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse - after all, your crew is a small price to pay for the luxury of working as a royal guard. As he says, piracy really isn't what it used to be," Corvus gloats, beckoning Whitmore up to join him. As the half-elf begins to leave, the crew starts to get noisy, throwing him insults. A few drops of rain begin to fall.

Ellamia's gaze is steel. "You cheap fucking sell out! What, are you going to take the King's cock up your ass next for a few pieces of gold and bread?"

"Don't be so generous Ell, he'd do it for a slice of mouldy bread," Haley laughs bitterly.

Somewhere behind them, one of the lads joins in, "Nah, I don't think our dear 'ole King has it in him to top."

Corvus looks uncomfortable. "I can't believe my sister used to like you foul-mouthed sea rats."

"Right, well can we pull this to a close please? I'm trying to enjoy my wedding night and all of this wine, courtesy of your trade ships," Ellamia raises her bottle and takes a taunting sip.

"If we must," the King sighs, keeping a notable distance from Whitmore when he comes up. He stands up straight, folds in his wings, and points to the pirates. With a hiss he speaks, "Kill them all."

Haley's heart drops. He turns quickly to Ellamia, clutches her close, kisses her lips. "I love you. Give 'em Hell."

"I love you too baby," she returns as shouts arise all around them and Corvus' men descend upon the ship. "It's what I do best."

Like lightning she turns away, face-to-face with a tall man, and with a force she smashes her wine bottle over his head, blinding him with wine and drawing blood. Haley could stand and watch her fight the Sanguises all day, but more and more men are pouring onto the deck, and it seems they're outnumbered.

He swings into battle, cutlass tearing into the nearest navy man he can find. Blood splatters all over his suit, darkening the already black material with a deep sanguine hue. Crying out in agony, the man attempts to catch him in his side, but the pirate captain is no amateur. He dodges with ease, cutting into his opponent's leg. He crumbles to the ground, dropping the weapon, and Haley wastes no time in charging onwards.

Suddenly a huge bang bursts through the air, and Haley feels the impact of an explosion push against him. He whips around to see his ship alight, traces the flames to their point of origin: the crates Whitmore and Ellamia has been moving against the rails. The fire burns brightest there, bright orange illuminating everything around it, the heat emanating with power. Pieces of wood are scattered across the deck, bodies laying on the ground, the raging fire moving to burn them to ashes.

Haley's chest tightens. With a roaring cry he locates the nearest enemy and cuts open their throat without mercy, kicking them to the ground and stepping over their body, rinses and repeats with anyone that dares to cross his path, until he's drenched in their blood and panting for breath. The smoke starts to fill his lungs but he doesn't falter, downing another man before his eyes dart across to three men against the rail. Thunder roars in the distance, the storm growing thick and violent. The sound alone makes him tremble with fear, almost frozen, until he realises who the bodies belong to.

He runs to them, steps over limp shark tails. Beck's eyes are half-lidded, head lolling back against the wood, chest no longer full of the life he held so vividly. His stomach is shredded, ruthlessly torn open like he'd been attacked by some ravenous animal. Cass is on the floor, covered in red, lifeless too, clearly having been thrown there with complete disregard. Only Max is breathing, huddled next to Beck, his entire body shaking. Haley feels sick, his entire stomach flipping, body feeling weak.

Haley drops to his knees, reaches for him, pulls him into his arms, looks over him as he trembles. There's a wound on his stomach and one on his chest, both deep and bleeding heavily. Max just barely opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, captain. I wasn't strong enough."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for," the captain assures him, holding up his head, watching him gasp for air. Haley's heart feels like it's being squeezed by an unseen force, aching painfully behind his ribs. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you."

Max's head rolls to the side, and he looks at his brothers, breath stuttering. "Where do we go when we die?"

"I think we go to a beautiful garden," he answers quietly. Screams and shouts and crackles of fire fill the air. He doesn't know how to drown them out. "Where we're all safe with the ones we love."

"I'm scared," Max sobs, too weak to lift his hands.

"Don't be afraid. Beck and Cass will meet you there, I promise," Haley holds him tight as he watches Max's blue eyes turn blue-grey, then gently he returns his body to Beck's side, finally letting his tears spill as he looks upon them, sees more than ever that they were just boys.

He stands back up, heart heavy in his chest, and he tries to take a deep breath, feeling sick to his stomach. He stares at the broken ship. They're losing the battle. The once beautifully painted floor is charred black and splattered red and the boards are breaking. Bodies are strewn across the floor, both pirates and navy men, no mercy given by either side. The decorations are all broken and ripped, Ellamia's flowers burning bright, gorgeous gifts from the sea never meant to be caught alight. He sees the remainder of his crew fighting for their lives, outnumbered, cornered. He feels his clothes clinging to his skin, drenched with rain. And then he sees Ellamia through a wall of flame.

In front of her stands none other than King Corvus Sanguis himself.

"Ellamia!" he yells in absolute desperation, running towards her as fast as he can. "Ellam-"

Just as he's about to breach the wall of flame, just as she's almost in his reach, the floorboards splinter and crack and give way beneath him, and he's plunged into the dark, watery depths of the hull. It's being pulled down beneath the waves and he sees some of the crew's belongings floating. The ship is sinking fast and he tries desperately to reach for the boards. He grasps at them but they crumble under his hands and he can't pull himself up. He breathes in gasps, clawing and clawing and clawing, but it keeps breaking and the water is rising, and his body is weak with the slight remnants of intoxication and the heavy pull of his clothes.

Haley can't fight anymore.

Water grasps him like a warm coffin, flows into his lungs when he tries to gasp for air, constricts him. It pulls him under, wraps him in its warm embrace. There's darkness for miles, pitch black like death, empty. Vaguely the flames glow from above the surface, the only light in the vast expanse, and it's all that he sees before his aching body gives in, and he sinks.