The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 29
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

were too young to make it out lets give em something to talk about

chapter twenty-eight

Axel is upon him like a feral animal. His hands wander everywhere, under Haley's shirt, over his waist and his pecs and his hips. Haley is breathless, matching each hand with his own, feeling the rip of the scar under his thumbs and smooth muscles under his palms. They can't seem to get close enough with all of their clothes in the way, yet they don't make any attempt to undress, the alley too open to be completely nude.

Slowly Axel's hand dips lower, tracing Haley's stomach and then the lines of his hips, then down again until he comes to grasp him. A quivering breath emanates from Haley at the sensation, such a sensitive part of him being held in such warmth, then slowly stroked until every noise is a small whimper. Haley has to unbutton Axel's trousers to reach him, but when he does Axel twitches in his hand eagerly, his hips rolling into the touch.

They go like that for a while, hands moving in time with one another, pulling sounds from their throats that mingle quietly in the air with desperation. Axel's expert fingers know just how to move and squeeze to send him crazy.

That's when Axel leans in, his voice hushed. "I want to feel your lips."

Haley feels his face go hot as he lowers himself onto his knees, looking up at Axel before levelling his lips with his length. Haley presses a sweet kiss to the tip before wrapping his lips around it, sliding his tongue along the bottom. Axel inhales sharply, tilting his head back.

Slowly Haley works his lips further and further down, taking as much of Axel in his mouth as he can. He closes his eyes, feeling the heaviness on his tongue, the fullness of his mouth. He starts slow, sliding his head back and then forth, his tongue caressing the skin.

"I dreamt of having those lips on me every night on that ship," Axel breathes, one hand placed in Haley's hair, holding onto him. Haley whines, looking up at him with wide eyes. The thought of Axel dreaming about him like that makes him shudder, to know he's been wanted that way for so long.

Haley pushes himself past his limits, sinking down further than he comfortably can. The pressure against the back of his mouth is heavy but he fights it, bobbing his head and taking it each time. He tries to go further but his throat won't allow it, contracting and making him sputter. He readjusts himself, picking up the speed. Axel's breaths start to get louder and he starts to gently rolls his hips into Haley's movements, his hand gripping Haley's hair. Haley watches him, the way his lips are parted and his ears are tilted downwards in his pleasure, the way his lashes flutter, his eyes half-lidded.

Eventually Axel can't control himself any longer. He grips Haley's hair and uses it to pull him forwards and backwards, fucking into his mouth, though careful not to push him too far. Haley can't help but let out broken moans as he's used, bracing his hands against Axel's thighs and gripping them through his trousers.

Axel stutters to a still, spilling into Haley's mouth. He takes it all and when it's over he slides his mouth off Axel's dick he looks up at him and swallows, washing the taste down his throat.

Axel reaches to pull him up and he leans in to kiss him, moving to undo his trousers. Haley feels them fall to his ankles and he awkwardly steps out of them, baring his legs to the warm air. Axel spits into one of his hands and then brings it down to lubricate his dick, his other hand worming its way under Haley, pressing into him.

Haley squirms, adjusting quickly to the feeling of fingers inside of him. In this position they don't get quite as deep as they usually could, and he whimpers at the feeling. It doesn't last for long: Axel is far too desperate to draw it out. Axel lifts Haley's legs until he's the only thing keeping him up, and he presses his dick in without waiting, sliding into the wet heat of Haley's ass.

It's shameless, the way Axel takes him. He presses him back against the wall and kisses his lips, strong arms holding him up, keeping him in place. Haley throws his head back against wood behind him, gripping Axel's shoulders, trying to keep the noises he makes quiet. Axel's breaths are hot against his neck as he continues to pepper his skin with delicate kisses. Haley pushes and pulls, trying to exert the feeling inside of him.

One of Haley's hands moves to trace Axel's body again, feeling up his stomach and his chest, addicted to how he feels there, how perfect he is. He feels the man shudder under his touch, his movements stuttering before he regains himself, kissing Haley's lips with an unmatched ferocity, like he wants to eat him whole. His sharp teeth prick at Haley as their tongues collide. He feels the split in Axel's tongue, how strange yet addictive it is weaving around his, every sensation Axel gives him so unique, so him. Haley lifts one hand to weave into Axel's hair, grabbing it and tugging at it, drawing a moan from the changeling.

He watches Axel as they part, the way his white lashes flicker open and he looks half-lidded at him. Haley kisses Axel again, his stomach twisting at the way the changeling gasps and moans into his mouth, such small yet intoxicating noises. His own sounds spill onto Axel's teeth, getting louder and louder, out of his control.

"Bring out your wings," Axel's breath tickles his skin.

He indulges Axel, summoning forth his wings, curling them around him. Axel leans forward to kiss his way along the sensitive membrane, then buries his nose in the feathers. Haley tightens his legs around Axel's back when one hand loosens his thigh, spreading across the other wing, touching him in every way that makes his chest explode. Haley throws a hand over his mouth to muffle his moans, biting down on it, squeezing his eyes shut tight. Axel's breathing becomes more and more ragged and Haley knows he's close. The hand on Haley's thigh moves up to grasp his dick, stroking him again with urgency, and it doesn't take long for him to come undone, spilling into Axel's well-placed hand, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.

Axel follows, rolling his hips into Haley until they still and their moans become laboured breaths. Haley feels a warmth within him, filling him to the core. Neither Axel's hand nor face move from the wings and Haley keeps his hand in Axel's hair, stroking it gently.

"I love you," Axel whispers.

"I love you too," Haley whispers back.

They remain entwined, the warm air caressing their bare skin. The street outside is empty and the air quiet apart from the distant noise of the tavern, putting no time limit on how long they can spend in one another's arms, passion still simmering between them like the wisps of a small flame. Haley craves nothing more than to stay there forever, and slowly he realises that this desire to be close is so much more than the bond, so much more than just love.

He's my soulmate.

Haley finally understands. The need to be close to Axel, the satisfaction in his touch and the discomfort when it's taken away, only being able to sleep beside him... it's all because he's his mate. The feelings inside of his chest are more than just love, they're adoration, and he can't do anything about it.

When he reaches out his mind to Axel, desperate to feel the same feeling emanating from him, Haley can't find anything at all. For a moment he panics, but he remembers whispers among angels, that no matter how much a non-angel loves someone, only another angel's bond can be felt. He remembers angels driven mad by their love for a mortal, all because they couldn't feel the connection inside of them. They were the kinds that had to be reset, although they never worked the same after that, as though their soulmate couldn't be erased from them.

Haley's hands tremble as he remembers it all. Is that what's going to happen to me? Am I broken?

But when Axel's face comes to rest against his chest, hand idly stroking his feathers, he feels far from broken. How can something so perfect be wrong? Loving Axel feels so easy, so right. Sure, he can be difficult to deal with at times, but Haley hasn't regretted a moment of being at his side.

He squirms as Axel pulls out of him, his mind returning to the present. The changeling's hand moves from the wing and he lifts his head to look at Haley properly. He plants a gentle kiss on Haley's lips, then moves away a little to let him put his trousers back on.

"We should head to the shore," Axel says, "you made a mess of my hand."

Haley blushes, looking away with a tight laugh. "Sorry about that."

Axel just smirks, his clean hand grasping Haley's and pulling him to the mouth of the alleyway. They head back in the direction of the Quivering Clam, which is still alive and noisy when they pass it, and then down to the docks, where they lean down in the space between two ships and wash their hands in the seawater.

"Look, I think those are mermaids," Axel suddenly points out at the sea, where two shapes are moving as though dancing. Scales glitter in the moonlight as their long bodies weave around each other.

"Let's do what they're doing," Haley grins, grabbing Axel and pulling him to his feet. He takes his now-clean hands and starts to dance with him.

Axel gets into it soon enough. The two fight for control, but Haley is the better and more dominant dancer, winning with ease. Axel smiles down at him as he takes the following role, moving his feet in time with Haley, stepping with him rhythmically. Haley hums a tune, one that he heard the bards playing many years ago that stuck in his head. Axel closes his eyes, melting entirely into their dance, letting Haley guide him. He spins Axel into a dip, and there he kisses him, the two smiling with a great warmth.

They dance for a while longer, even after the mermaids disappear back into the depths, until Axel missteps and they both topple down onto the sand. Haley falls on top of him and the two laugh, kissing each other again and again as the waves crash behind them. Haley doesn't want it to ever end.

"You're mine," Axel says, as if he can't believe it.

"I'm yours," Haley presses his forehead to Axel's.

When Haley rolls off him, they both sit on the beach for a while, watching the water ahead of them. It's peaceful at night, the light shimmer of the moon on the water. Haley wonders how many merfolk live near Pirate Island if they're out at night. Pirates are no strangers to merfolk - one might even say they tend to be friends - so it would be no surprise if they made their homes nearby. Ellamia had always disliked them, saying that the people of the sea often don't get along.

Haley has no reason to love the sea as much as he does. It offers him the greatest freedom of all, but he's lost everything to it: his wings, his friends, his family, his wife... if it could take his life it would've a long time ago. He wonders what keeps drawing him back. He could've settled on Pirate Island, but he craves to sail and adventure and spend his life upon it.

"What do you think you'd be doing, if you grew up with your parents?" Haley asks, looking up to the moon and the stars. The Mother watches over them.

"If I grew up with Corvus?" Axel laughs. "I don't know, I'd probably be his cursed attack dog or something, and he'd be battling Regus to stop him from murdering me."

Haley smiles, "That's one way of putting it. It's weird to think of you actually having anything to do with Corvus."

"It is," he nods, his smile dropping after a moment. "This whole plot, I didn't really think it'd get this far. I thought it'd just be another one of my impulsive plans that goes to shit. I can't believe I'm this close."

"It's what you've wanted all this time, right?" Haley grasps his hand.

"Yeah. I think I'm just a bit scared," Axel shrugs, drawing in the sand.

"You, scared? You're not scared of anything," he bumps his shoulder gently.

"Pff," he smirks for a second, his eye soft. "I'm just scared of what happens next. For me. What's left for me to do?"

"You have your job back at home, and your friends. You won't stay out of trouble for long," Haley says. He can't imagine Axel ever truly sitting down. Even seven years ago, on the Bloody Undead, he'd seemed restless, like there was more for him to do.

"And I'll have you," Axel smiles at him, squeezing his hand, "and my kids."

"Yeah, you will," he says, and then they fall into a comfortable silence. Haley can't help but wonder what the end of this adventure will mean for him too. What will he do afterwards? Will he go back to being a pirate like before? Will he come to visit Axel after a long adventure and stay with him for a while? His life has been so full with adventure since he's been with Axel. The thought of that coming to an end is terrifying.

My kids, Axel had said. Thinking about it makes his chest tighten and his stomach coil. He takes a deep breath, looking down at himself. Maybe it's time.

Haley tries to work up the courage to speak. His hands start trembling and he feels breathless, the air suffocating.

Just as words are about to fall from his lips, Axel grabs his hand. "We'd better go back to your dads. They're going to be wondering where we are."

"Yeah, you're right," he agrees, getting to his feet and pushing it aside. I'll get another chance. He casts one last look of longing to the water, then turns and starts on his way back home for the night.

Along the journey back the streets are mostly empty apart from some crews and sex workers doing their jobs. Most people keep to themselves at night, allowing those that are heading home an easy journey. Haley's legs begin to ache a little but he pays it no mind, knowing he's going to sleep well tonight.

When they arrive home Dixie lets them in. The Pirate Lords are playing a card game. It seems to be getting very heated, because Gambi is glaring across the table at Jack.

"You're a bloody cheater!" Gambi slaps his cards down on the table.

"How can I cheat? I can't see," Jack cackles. Admittedly, he has a point.

"His dad's an Archdevil, he's probably got some weird underworld luck," Vane rolls his eyes. "Devils and demons love card games, right?"

"I've never seen my dad playing a card game," Jack grins, and everyone else groans.

Jack's father is an old enemy of the Archangels. Among the underworld there are devils that serve the gods there similarly to the Archangels, just without a bond. Furvus, Jack's father, is one of them, serving under the demon prince Beelzebub.

"Well Jack wins this time," Henry sighs, collecting the cards from everyone and putting them back in their pack. "The money is yours."

There's a small amount of coin on the table that Jack scoops up and pockets. He sits back, smiling. "For the son of an Archdevil I'm pretty useless. Devilishly good looks," there's a huff from Vane, "and great luck with card games? Couldn't I have gotten like, cool demon magic or something?"

"We'd all be screwed if you had 'cool demon magic', Jack," Gambi grumbles, crossing his arms.

Jack reaches for Pig, who hops down onto his arm. "Vane would be-"

"I will turn you in to the King if you don't shut your mouth," Vane warns him, but all that does is make Jack laugh.

"I'm right here," Haley raises a brow.

"I promised you a drink," Gambi says, his annoyance immediately fading as he looks to his son. He goes to the kitchen and returns with a bottle of rum that the Sanguis men tend to drink, no doubt stolen from them.

"Are we included?" Dixie asks as he finishes what was left in his last cup.

"If you want to be," Gambi chuckles, pouring out a cup for himself and then one he's been keeping spare at his side for Haley.

"Do you want any?" Haley asks Axel as he goes over to take the cup.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm not a rum person," Axel replies.

"Ugh, our son is dating someone that's not a rum person? How can you sail with a pirate if you don't drink rum?" Vane complains as he comes over to get some rum poured for both himself and Jack.

"What he said," Jack agrees.

"Am I being pressured?" Axel looks betrayed.

"Seems like you are," Haley laughs. "Have one swig for my dads, as a sign of your dedication."

Axel sighs, approaching Gambi, who smiles up at him with mischief in his eyes. He takes the bottle and stares at it for a moment, as though considering his life choices, and then he has a drink. The Pirate Lords cheer at his participation, and Gambi gives him an approving nod. Axel then places himself on the arm of Haley's chair, cheeks red.

They talk a while about their days, which consists mostly of the drag show on Haley's end and how annoying Jack and Vane have been on the Pirate Lords'. Their days mostly consist of spending time together and sometimes going out when they're not at sea, but otherwise they spend most of it indoors, playing games and drinking. On occasion they have to deal with business to do with Pirate Island or handle something that's happened on the island, but those days are quite rare, and they tend to make quick work of it. Pirate Island doesn't really have a process for punishment like the mainland, so there's no long process that has to be done to see someone face consequences for their crimes, of which there are very few.

As it becomes later and later, Haley feels himself getting quite tired. He finishes his second drink and gets up. His dads are drunk by now so they have little complaint with him going upstairs with Axel. As soon as he's back in his room, he throws off his clothes and climbs under the covers, followed shortly by Axel, who pulls him in by the waist and then promptly knocks out. Haley stays awake for a little bit, hands resting on his stomach. He thinks about how close he'd been to sharing his secret. They've only just made their relationship official - it all feels like it's happening too fast.

Axel will understand, he thinks as he wraps his arms around his stomach. It won't be that bad.

Then, slowly, he manages to drift off to sleep.

The next day, Haley takes Axel out to meet with Gray again. Axel complains about it in the morning, protesting that Gray is a dick (true) and that he doesn't want to end up feeling jealous again.

"It'll be fine, Vimmie will be there," Haley says to reassure him.

Before they leave, Dixie stops Haley at the door. He's holding something behind his back and he has a smile on his face. "Before you go, me and the others decided you're underdressed, so we got you a gift."

Haley can't help but smile. "Go on, what is it?"

Dixie's hands come forward to reveal a pistol. It's elegant, with shiny black metal where others have gold, and the wood is a deep red-brown. Haley takes it, feeling that it's well-balanced in his hand, easy to hold and aim. He places it under his belt, feeling a little bit more complete than he was before. "We saw you lost yours, and we thought it'd be nice to get you a 'welcome back' present."

"You didn't have to," Haley looks to him and his sleepy brown eyes, trying to communicate his appreciation.

"You're our son, Haley," Dixie places a hand on his shoulder, "it's our pleasure."

Haley takes his leave soon afterwards, in an especially good mood after his gift. When they get to Gray's apartment, Vimmie is very much not present. Axel looks like he's going to lose his mind. Gray, though, doesn't seem in much of a mood to wind Axel up.

"What's up with the water?" Haley asks when he notices the cup on the table.

"I'm not feeling very well - my head is awful," Gray groans, sitting down and crossing his legs. "Vimmie is back at work today."

"How's her business going?" Haley asks. "It's been a while since I talked work with her."

"Quite well. She's had business from some kind people lately who have left generous tips," Gray answers, stretching his arms over the back of his chair as he usually does.

"That's good. How's work been for you?" Haley quickly realises he hasn't asked much about Gray since they've been together. He always seems to forget the normal things you're meant to talk about with people.

"It's been whatever. I don't really like butchering meat but it is what it is," Gray shrugs, looking away for a moment.

"I'm surprised you're still working that job," Haley says, "it must suck."

"It does," Gray sighs. "Anyway, the show was great last night. Everyone was talking afterwards about how much they liked your outfit. I'm sure you're not surprised that it went down well with Pirate Island."

"I thought they might like it," Haley laughs. He wonders if the guards were there, and what they must have thought when they saw him. "Anyway, do you want to go out for a bit? The fresh air might clear your head."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to go out," Gray reaches out to finish off his water. "I could do with getting myself a new dagger or something."

"It's a plan then," Haley says, getting to his feet. Axel and Gray follow, and they leave the apartment together, heading for the shopping quarter of Pirate Island.

There's a huge range of shops. Pirate Island has everything: clothes, weapons, magic, resources... you name it, the island has it. Haley is familiar with the weaponry shops, having gone to them with his crew many times, so he knows where Gray can find a dagger he'll adore. He takes Gray to Jenny's Bladesmithy, a shop that specialises in, as the name indicates, blades.

The outside of the shop is the usual wood of the rest of the island, but there's a sign outside shaped like a sword with the name on it. Inside is a whole other world. It's hard to take much notice of the wood that makes up the shop because it's painted black and there are an endless number of blades all over the walls. There are many different types of swords but a particular emphasis on cutlasses, and there's a wall dedicated to knives and daggers that Gray heads straight for. Haley watches as Axel follows him, and for once the two seem to be getting along, talking about blades together and showing off their weapons. Axel compares one or two to his own blade.

Gray finishes looking around, and takes a dagger that he seems set on. It's got a serrated blade that looks like it could do some nasty damage to a person.

"Why do you want a dagger?" Haley asks after Gray purchases the weapon.

They exit the shop and Gray turns the weapon over in his hand, looking at his reflection in the metal. "I guess I've been thinking about branching out. Maybe doing something with my life."

Haley widens his eyes. "You're thinking about leaving Pirate Island?"

"Yeah, I am. Maybe I'll finally go and see what the pirate thing is about," Gray shrugs as though this isn't the biggest deal of his life.

"Gray, that's great, you're gonna go out and see the world!" Haley is so excited that he could shake the man, but he refrains. "Are you thinking about joining anyone in particular?"

"I got along with Pistrix last time he came here, maybe him," Gray says. "It doesn't really matter to me, anyway. I just want to get out of here, and out of my shitty job."

"I'm really happy for you," Haley opens his arms for a hug. Gray takes the opportunity, hugging him tight. Axel looks away, giving them their moment. "I hope you like it, Gray."

"I'm sure I will, Haley," he pulls away and for once offers a genuine smile as he puts the weapon under the sash around his trousers. "What's the plan now, then?"

They don't get to decide where they're going next, because there's the clicking of heels approaching fast and then Vimmie is at their side, panting. "You've got to come. There's Sanguis ships on the horizon and the Pirate Lords are gathered at the south dock."

Haley's good mood dies immediately. He looks to Gray and his weapon. "You might be needing that. Come on."

The four of them hurry to the west dock. Pirate Island has docks on all sides, with the east dock being the one that's always full because it faces the rest of Aldelis. Most attackers would come to the front, or to the west dock, because they're the most accessible from the rest of the land, but the south dock is always empty. Always underdefended. The logical idea would be to attack from the back, not the side, so Haley can't help but feel as though something is terribly wrong. How the Sanguises could've found out about the south dock... his stomach feels horribly unwell.

When they arrive at the dock, there's a crowd of people already there, watching, waiting. Haley pushes to the front, where her dads stand, all staring out at the water. There's a huge fleet headed their way, led by a giant man of war that no pirate would stand a chance against. There are more huge ships following behind it, then galleons and frigates behind them, enough to destroy any and all opposition.

Haley clutches Axel's hand. "They've come for us."

"I'm going to kill him," Axel hisses, and he doesn't have to elaborate.

There's nothing they can do to stop it. The great ship gets closer and closer, towering above them all, its golden guns shining in the light. The ship turns to its side, facing all of the cannons at the island and the watchers in threat, a gesture that tells them they have no control over their fate.

A tall man comes to the side of the ship. Peacock wings, orange and blue, are spread wide. Corvus looks the definition of otherworldly elegance where he stands, staring down at them with his gold eyes like they're vermin. "You were wise to not attack me. I would hate to eradicate you before you've even gotten your chance to choose."

There's shouting from the crowd, everyone venting their righteous anger towards the King. Haley hears Jack chuckle from nearby, "God, Corvus has really let himself go, look at him."

There's a groan from Vane, who stands beside him, but the light-hearted energy is short-lived. Gambi points his cutlass up at Corvus. "You have a lot of nerve coming to this island."

Corvus looks down at him with critical eyes. "You have a lot of nerve terrorising my seas and killing my people. It's about time I put an end to it all - I've let you run free for long enough now."

"You mean we've kicked your navy's ass into submission for so long that you finally decided you're sick of the embarrassment," Jack yells.

"My men have been picking off yours for a while now," Corvus returns evenly. "And an overwhelming amount of them have taken pardons. I don't think that's very embarrassing for me."

"So what? You're just going to stand up there and gloat us to death?" Jack laughs, hand on his cutlass.

Corvus smiles. "Are you that eager to fight?"

"I'd like to see you try that toothpick on us," Vane is, as per usual, smoking, offering little care towards Corvus' threats.

"If you insist," Corvus says. He brandishes his serrated spear, a great weapon with blades on both ends and sharp wings near where it's held, and his crew throw down a bridge from the ship for him to walk down.

A shot is fired at Corvus, but with a flick of his wrist there's a shimmer of frost in the air and the clatter of a bullet hitting the floor. He paces unharmed over to the Pirate Lords, guards starting to filter down after him, and the all-out battle begins.