The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 4 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 18
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

kiss me kiss me with your eyes closed

chapter seventeen

On the third night, the crew gathers under the stars, sitting down on blankets like they had on the night they shared their stories with one another. This is all thanks to Axel, who has been oddly vague about his intentions for the whole day, or why it has to be at night.

"So, did anyone get anything useful at the ball?" Axel asks, and everyone makes a noise of annoyance at him.

"Is that seriously all that you wanted to ask? You made it out like it was some big thing and that we had to do it specifically tonight," Grey looks positively aggravated, her brows furrowed and her sightless eyes trained on him.

He seems to understand how much he's wound everyone up. "Look, I just thought it'd be fun and nice to gather like this again. I didn't know you'd all be so peeved. Besides, doing it at night is all secretive and stuff. It's cool."

Kallisto seems disinterested in arguing, quickly taking control of the conversation. "I found out that they had to fire a chef recently for putting poison in the Emperor's food. Apparently Regus didn't have to even taste it to know there was something wrong."

"Ugh, shame it didn't work," Axel sighs, disappointed.

"I found out the Emperor is getting it on with someone," Smock offers, figuring that could be some interesting news to everyone.

"Who is it?" Axel leans in, intrigued.

"Some guy called Lucifer," Smock feigns ignorance, "the guy that him and Corvus walked down the stairs with."

"I noticed they seemed a bit flirtatious with each other," Kallisto comments, clearly interested too in the news. "That size difference must cause issues, though..."

"Okay, too far. That's my grandad," Axel cuts him off, waving his hands. "Next person, please!"

There's a laugh, and then Julien pipes up, and everyone's heads turn. "I heard that Prince Soren is going to be in Athorea for a few days. He's visiting Princess Clarisse, apparently. I hear he's quite casual in walking the streets alone, and visiting the local sights without company."

"Soren?" Axel's ears perk and there's a glint in his eyes, something dark. "That's... that's great. Oh, that's really good."

Smock is a little uneasy at his enthusiasm. The plan is to go to the Pirate Lords and then continue on with killing Corvus. Soren has never been a part of that plan.

"I knew you'd like that," Julien shrugs, knees tight to his chest as usual. "We've got a plan, though. We can always visit Treokyrin later. Soren's soft, he's easy to get to."

"No. We go now. I might not get this opportunity again," Axel sounds feverish, his eye wide. "It'll only be a short detour anyway. I'll make quick work of it."

"We can't play around with time like this," Smock protests, but when Axel looks at him, a certain look in his eye, something genuine and vicious, authentic to his core, he suddenly doesn't feel so sure of himself and his argument.

"I'm sorry, Haley, but this is essential," Axel's voice is dangerous.

Smock doesn't fight him.

He spends most of the fourth day away from the wheel. He mulls bitterly over the decision as he watches the ship steer into the wound between Miria and Gore, where they find themselves approaching the outskirts of Athorea. The place is known as the Bountiful Isles thanks to its fertile soil and the numerous small islands that it claims on the borders of the four other continents. It is the number one supplier of just about everything that goes out to the other lands, and is rich with farmers and wildlife. The only flaw of this ripe location is its war scars. Being right in the middle of Aldelis made it a location of strife during the civil war, especially of raiding, and so many ruins and pieces of land unable to heal are dotted throughout it like painful blemishes, a sore reminder of what happened, though Smock wouldn't call it ugly. A wound is not always ugly.

Smock takes a spot on the crow's nest for a while. He's in no mood to socialise, especially not with Axel, so he stays away entirely, meeting his friend Baguette up top.

"Hey pal," Smock greets him, having learned by now that pets are an essential part of saying hello and happily scratching the raven's head. "It's been a while, huh? Did you like those seeds?"

The bird caws affirmatively, tilting his head and then poking his beak into Smock's coat.

"I don't have any more," he laughs, gently pushing away the bird's face, though he earns a mean peck for it. "You better behave, little man."

Baguette looks like he's glaring. Smock rolls his eyes, unbothered by moody ravens by now. Back in the Raven Queen's realm, the ravens used to bug him often, and when they didn't get their way or their attention, they would act like naughty children. One had once tried to take his quill, one of his own feathers, from him, which would have been very bad for his job. That situation had also ended in quite a lot of pecking, if his memory serves him correctly. He'd quickly summoned some angels to throw out some seeds for them, and that had calmed them down. One would think that ravens in the aether would behave differently because of the holy implications of their presence, but often they were a holy pain in the ass.

When the islands begin to come into view, they furl some of the sails to slow their pace, and as they crawl past, Smock notices something nearby. Under the ocean, the exceptionally clear water leaves little of the creature to the imagination. It's like some sort of insect, with a segmented body and pointed appendages like a centipede's leg on a small portion of its upper body. It has two antennae on its head and two sharp mandibles. At first, Smock just thinks he's caught a glimpse of something creepy, but swiftly he realises that it's much worse than that.

The creature is following them.

Smock knows that they won't be able to outrun it. He turns to Baguette. "Fly away. I don't want you to get hurt."

Baguette is in too much of a mood to move, though he does relocate to the other side of the crow's nest, so he hopes that the bird has at least listened to him. Smock drops down on the pulley and runs for Ophelia.

"There's a creature following us," Smock tells her hurriedly, pacing towards the back of the ship, feeling slightly unwell. It's been a very long time since he's taken on anything like this. He sees its body moving through the water, a distance under the waves, keeping itself evenly behind the ship.

Ophelia is beside him within moments, having left the wheel to Kallisto, who keeps glancing at them anxiously. Her green eyes widen as she looks down at the beast. She turns her head back to the ship. "Julien! Someone get Julien!"

Within a few moments the vampire accompanies them. He too looks down at the creature, though his response is muted. "Well that's not very good. What do you want me to do about it?"

"Get the weapons from below deck and hand them out," Ophelia tells him, and the man hurries off right away. Smock's pride in the quick response is brief as a chittering noise comes from underneath.

Smock takes a deep breath. "It looks like it's got a hard outer shell."

"So we hit the underbelly," Ophelia nods, staring wide-eyed at the creature. "I never saw anything like this when I lived under the sea."

"It must be a freshwater beast," he observes, never having seen anything like it before either.

Julien returns quickly with cutlasses that had been stored in the belly of the ship. Smock remembers the weight of one in his hand the moment he feels it, like an old friend that he misses with his whole heart. He turns to address the crew but already the creature moves, rising up, its body pressed to the back of the ship, and it makes a guttural, strange noise as its jaws sweep down and go for Smock.

He almost wishes that it hit him when he dodges and its face crashes to the ship, leaving the wood splintered, chips cascading down into the captain's quarters. It hisses threateningly as it tries again, this time almost catching him, but missing in the end and sending its body back down into the water. If Smock had a heard his adrenaline would be pumping fast now, his blood roaring in his ears, but instead he just feels the eerie silence in the moments before the storm hits.

This time it appears at the deck, using its legs to hold on to the side of the ship, its weight tilting the boat to the side, pulling people with it, using that as a way to attempt to pick them off. Yet, this crew has seen things more terrifying than the jaws of a beast, and they retaliate. Cutlasses in hand, they begin to hack at its underbelly, congregating at a spot where it can't quite tilt its head to, attempting to pierce it, but nothing seems to be getting through. Their cutlasses can't pierce the chitin. Axel switches to his dagger, and while its small, fine point is able to permeate the thick armour, it seems to do nothing to the beast.

It sees that this strategy isn't working and instead starts to use its legs. Almost on cue, Smock's body seems to remember the pain of the arrow piercing through his skin, and understands that those legs will do that but tenfold. Desperately the crew wave their weapons at the legs, attempting to save themselves, but one meets its mark, striking Rabia's arm. Blood splatters across the deck as it slices a gash into her, but she doesn't relent, crying out and swinging with her other, catching the beast in its joint.

It hisses and chitters in pain as she manages to slice the sharp part off, ripping it away from the creature's body, leaving a trail of yellow-green blood as it skitters across the deck and then begins to slide back down.

Keaberos yells something to Rabia as the creature retreats back into the water, and he grabs her arm. He says something to Julien, who runs fast down below deck just as the beast makes another appearance, deciding that its legs are a good weapon and this time trying Smock again. He tries to keep its attention now, purposefully making feeble attempts to attack it, encouraging it to play some game with him, to win against this creature that seemingly has no chance yet keeps dodging its attacks. Ophelia seems to understand what is going on, and while Smock is occupied, mimics Rabia's genius, forcing its leg to wave goodbye to its foot.

The creature does not relent this time. Axel, Grey, and Kallisto run to join them, and they stand together, watching the beast leer over the top of them. It makes a horribly shrill noise before it comes down with its head, biting at them, trying to catch someone between its jaws. The group near enough tumble over each other now, uncoordinated, trying to avoid getting caught by the beast and also one another. Smock has an idea, but he needs help to possibly have a chance at pulling it off.

"Kallisto!" he calls in the middle of the frenzy, barely stepping back from the creature's jaws in time.

Hearing him, Kallisto makes a run for it, narrowly escaping one of the beast's piercing feet with a roll, and he stops next to Smock. "What?"

Smock swiftly tells him the plan. Kallisto is apprehensive but trusts him, standing close by, waiting for a moment to strike. Grey manages to get her cutlass between the creature's underbelly plates, slicing a wound into it, spraying blood over the wood. It recoils, hissing, then thrusts its head forth, desperately trying to attack.

As it lunges forward, Smock jumps to Kallisto, who hoists him up by his feet and then throws him at the beast. The warm air rushes past Smock and he just barely catches onto its face, pulling himself up onto its head. He clings on by the antenna as it thrashes, his feet almost slipping beneath him. He hears yells of confusion from Grey and Axel, and hopes that Kallisto will explain, because he has no time, every moment vital.

Smock clutches his cutlass tight in his one hand, aims it, and plunges it into one of the creature's tiny eyes. It bursts in a spray of sickly green, and the creature waves its head around, throwing Smock with it. He clings onto the antenna desperately, the threat of the water even worse than the beast - if he falls in, he's pretty much bait.

He manages to stab another eye as it flails, and finally it begins to retreat into the water. Smock takes his only chance and jumps for the rail.

He's slightly short. The creature's grasping jaws flash in his mind, but as he's becoming sure he's going to plummet, a hand grasps onto his own.

Without ever realising they'd been squeezed shut, Smock opens his eyes to see Axel holding onto him. He's relieved, but at the same time agitated that he was the one coming to the rescue, because if they hadn't taken this detour then none of this would've happened. Regardless, he's not too prideful to refuse help, and so he uses the man's strength to help hoist himself up.

Immediately Smock runs to the main deck. Rabia is being tended to by Keaberos still, her wound no doubt having been jostled around by the beast and its ever-moving body tilting the ship this way and that. She seems conscious, but she winces as Keaberos cleans the outside of the injury.

"Are you okay?" Smock asks, kneeling at her side.

"I have had worse," Rabia assures him, pain lacing her voice.

"You gave us the idea to get between the joints," he tells her, clutching her other hand in his as Keaberos seems to hit an especially sensitive spot, "thank you."

"It is no problem," she smiles only momentarily, her agony bringing her out of it fast with a tense grimace. "I am not used to fighting on a ship."

"Yeah, it's a lot different to the land," Smock chuckles. He welcomes his cutlass to the spot on his belt that his old one used to take up then brings both of his hands to hold Rabia's. The rest of the group have gathered around now, and are talking among themselves.

"On a scale of one to ten, how is your pain? With one being the least painful and then the most," Keaberos asks as he finishes wrapping the wound, sitting back and moving around in a bag at his side.

"An eight, I think," she tells him with a deep breath. "I can talk but it is hard to think or move."

"Let me give you something for the pain," Keaberos brings out a bottle from the bag. It contains liquid that he pours until it fills the cap, and he brings it to Rabia's lips.

She drinks, her red eyes looking heavy. "Thank you, Keaberos."

"Now you must rest," he says, closing up his bag. "I'll help you to the captain's quarters for now."

"Me too," Smock nods quickly, helping Rabia to her feet. Keaberos takes up her other side, though he has to be especially careful as to not agitate her injury.

Together they take her through the door at the base of the top deck. Smock admires the room for a moment. There's a bookcase with sliding doors to keep everything in, plenty of storage, a desk at the front, and then a resting place against the back window. The ceiling is damaged from the attack, but the even bed is necessary to make sure she's able to spread out her arm and avoid hitting it, whereas a hammock would have her pressed in on herself.

They lay her down on the bed and she reaches to tuck herself in, pulling the blanket over her body, though she keeps her arms over the top.

"I'll check up on you regularly, and through the night if I can," Keaberos assures her, giving her a quick look over before he nods to Smock. "The medicine I gave you will hopefully tale away your pain. I'll give you more if you need it in a few hours."

"I will keep that in mind," Rabia manages through her pain, and then Smock and Keaberos take their leave.

When they're outside of the room, Smock asks what he's sure everyone is thinking. "Will she be okay? That wound looked really bad."

"She should be fine, but she'll be out of commission for a while. There should be no infection under my care, so she will keep the limb if she heals well," Keaberos tells him, a serious look on his face. "We need to head back home, if you would be willing. I've got more efficient methods of healing there, and a wound like this will heal better and faster with them."

Admittedly, Smock is not willing. The last thing Pirate Island needs is less time, but he can't allow for Rabia to suffer. He couldn't stand knowing he refused and allowed someone that's worked so hard to be forced to struggle through her recovery. "Yeah. After Axel is done in Athorea, we can head back home."

"Thank you, Haley. Your kindness will not be forgotten," Keaberos bows to him politely before taking his leave to assess the others for injuries.

Smock stays up in the crow's nest for a while afterwards, keeping an eye out for the beast in case it returns. On occasion he does see a shape swim through the water nearby, but nothing chasing them, and certainly not the insect creature that had attacked them. He figures freshwater animals must be a lot more territorial than those in the ocean, and much more unused to such large intrusions as galleons travelling through. He almost feels bad for poking out its eyes, but on the water it's either the enemy or them, and he knows where he stands.

They sail for some time longer before they find a spot to dock. Athorea's land welcomes them with lush sand and green grass and short trees, and the small seaside town they dock at is bright, with rooves made out of orange brick and walls made out of white stone, some with additional pale wood. The pavements are made of stone and seem well-maintained, with hardly a crack in sight.

"Before we go anywhere, we need to do some repairs," Axel tells them all before they make their way off the ship. "Ophelia, could you take a look around and see what needs to be done? That way I'll know what I've got to buy."

The woman nods and goes about examining the damage to the ship. From what Smock can see, most of it is light, with some damage to the sides and some to the back of the ship, the biggest damage being to the rails and the boards above the captain's quarters. He figures their main purchases will be wood and nails, and perhaps some paint to ensure it fits the rest of the ship's colours. While a boat must certainly be functional, most people would opt to have it be aesthetically pleasing, too.

Ophelia returns and gives Axel an idea of what they need, and he picks the strongest of the crew to help him, which happens to include Smock. Kallisto comes, and without realising Axel had called out Rabia's name, only to quickly correct himself and call for Grey. While Smock doesn't have the best overall strength, his upper body is well worked from his years at sea, though being under it definitely deteriorated him. Just steering has certainly worked some of it back up, though, with his slim arms gaining a slight shape to them.

The others wait on the ship as Smock, Axel, Kallisto, and Grey head off. When Smock's feet touch the ground he feels disorientated for a moment, but he quickly adjusts, his senses coming to him as he gets used to the solid ground underfoot. His shoes make a satisfying sound as they step over the stone, and he finds himself putting his feet down with purpose to hear it, though he can't mess around too much as he keeps pace with the others, who are trying to stay even with Axel.

Placed appropriately on the row of stores facing the sea is a store made especially for materials. It seems to sell a bit of everything, but its main focus is on planks and wood and nails, and all that a ship might need for repairs.

Smock is tasked with carrying some planks back to the ship. He carries them atop his shoulder up the steps to the boat, and places them down at the top, next to the damaged floor. The damaged planks will have to be lifted and replaced completely, too splintered to be saved. When the others return with more materials and the means to get to work, he does without hesitation, calling down an apology to Rabia in case the noise of hammering disturbs her from any rest.

The job comes with its fair share of splinters. He has to pull some out of his fingers, groaning in agony at the pain (why do the small ones hurt the most?) before getting back to work. Once the new planks are placed down, he gets to nailing them down. It's definitely his favourite job, considering it reduces the risk of him taking piercing damage, so he does it with much more joy. When he's finished, he looks over the rails at the others. The rails are already repaired, so they must be working on the sides.

Smock goes down to help whoever's working on the side facing the ocean. To his dismay, it's none other than Axel.

"Hey Haley," the man smiles at him, but he doesn't smile back, simply getting to work on helping Axel hammer in more nails.

They don't speak at all, and Smock is full of relief. He knows he's getting too bitter and perhaps slightly petty, but he can't seem to get over himself, his frustration bubbling under his skin so much that it's better that he just refrains from saying anything at all. He feels bad for holding a grudge for so long, but he can't help it when it comes to his family and their safety.

When they finish, Smock hurries up before Axel can go up and offer his arm. He goes to sit at the bottom of the main mast, waiting for everyone to regroup and map out their plan. Baguette flies overhead, but doesn't come down to land, perhaps sensing Smock's bitter mood. He watches the bird for a while, wondering what it is that keeps him coming back, though he's not complaining. He always thinks of Dawn when he sees the raven, and wonders how she is back in Moosewater. I hope I'll be able to visit her soon.

Everyone gathers near him, and Axel takes up the head. "I'm planning to head straight into Óchthi Potamoú, find Soren, and do what I have to do. You're all welcome to do whatever you want until I return. I won't take long."

Óchthi Potamoú, Smock remembers, is the capital of Athorea, where the Princess claims residence. Smock doesn't remember what it looks like, but he knows that others have said it's built upon a vast meadow with a little forest behind Princess Clarisse's home. According to what people say, she goes by 'Clari' to most, especially those that live within Óchthi Potamoú. Smock can't seem to recall what the name of the place means, but he knows vaguely it is to do with a river that runs through the middle of the land.

"I'm going to stay here with Rabia," Keaberos says. "She'll need someone to keep an eye on her while everyone's away, and if anything were to happen then the town is only here."

"Alright. Everybody else coming?" Axel nods, looking over the rest of the group, who unanimously nod.

Smock can't deny that he's a little bit tempted to stay behind, but he knows he'll quickly become bored, and traversing the town alone wouldn't be all that much fun, so he puts his pettiness behind him about the matter, and decides going along will probably be entertaining. While he doesn't like the sound of Axel detouring to kill his eldest brother, he'd rather be out with the others doing something, and familiarising himself with Óchthi Potamoú. He'll have plenty to tell his dads about his travels. He wonders how much of the world they've actually seen, and if they'll be interested to learn about all these new places.

Julien heads downstairs to grab their camping equipment. As he does, Axel explains his plan further. "It will take us a day or so on horseback to get to our destination, so that's what we're going to do. Athorea is exceptionally safe, so we'll be fine to camp out in the open and light a fire. We'll head back right away, and from there we've got to head home for Keaberos and Rabia, and then we're off to Pirate Island. Does anybody have any objections?"

Me! Smock thinks bitterly, looking away from the man and his stupid grin.

"Well then," Axel clasps his hands together, "let's go rent some horses."

They make their way down into the town again, and from there Axel seeks out the nearest stables. Almost everywhere bigger than a village has them, and they keep a steady supply of horses for locals and travellers as well as house them. Smock wonders how Dawn's horses are doing back at home. He'd forgotten to say goodbye to his trusty steed, but he's sure the horse wouldn't be offended.

Yet again he finds himself in the company of a black horse. He's not sure if Axel did it on purpose, sensing his theme, or if he seems to stumble upon them by chance. This one, though, is vastly different to the others. Its body is covered with blue-black feathers and it has eyes fully black like the colour of night. He'd recognise a raven horse anywhere, but he wonders what they're doing outside of the Raven Queen's domain. He never saw any of them down on Aldelis or just about anywhere outside of her reign, yet here he is, clutching the reins of one as it brushes its nose against his hair.

He pets the horse, figuring that strange creatures are pretty normal in Aldelis hence the silence from the others. As though realising there are other creatures he can reasonably befriend, Baguette appears too, flying down from some rooftop and coming to sit on the horse's back. The horse makes no objection to it, placing its head in Smock's hands.

"It must really like you," Grey comments as she places her hand on his horse. He expects to see something like intrigue in her eyes, but instead there's something hard to read, something complex, and he doesn't like it.

"Yeah," Smock agrees, trying not to be suspicious. "It's kinda weird."

Admittedly, its presence as a whole is weird, but he knows very well why it's buddy-buddy with him. He wonders if it being here is a result of his Queen's absence, the matter pressing into his mind, though only momentarily as he's forced to focus on Grey. Her hand hasn't moved.

"It doesn't seem bothered by that raven, either," she says, petting the horse slowly.

"I guess so," he replies neutrally, doing his best to look confused, knowing she can sense his every move so long as her hand is there and he's petting the horse, and it certainly demands his attention.

"Anyway, I'd better go get my horse," she smiles, wandering off, following the sound of Axel's voice to her steed, which she seems to be sharing with Ophelia for the time being.

Smock allows himself to breathe, though he can't help but feel as though Grey knows something that he doesn't want her to. He moves Baguette from his spot on the saddle and jumps up instead, mounting the friendly horse and grouping up with the others. Axel has a white horse, his dark attire offering a harsh contrast between him and it, and he seems a little tense.

"Julien, would you take the lead? You've got the map, and animals really don't like me," he laughs a little nervously. His horse seems to be uneasy too, though it isn't darting or making any major signs of upset, resigned to its predicament.

Julien agrees, taking up the front of the group and leading them slowly out of the town. Athorea is mostly meadows for miles, with some trees breaking it up here and there, and some forest to their sides. From where they'd arrived, they head north-west, bringing the horses to a gallop. They seem to be in high spirits running across the sprawling meadows, even Axel's horse seeming content.

Smock takes the time to observe his surroundings, even if they're going past him quite fast. He sees a number of centaurs in the distance, running too, though not in the same direction as them. You very rarely see centaurs on the sea or around Pirate Island, though he does remember the latter having an extremely small population of them in the small part of the island still clinging to a shred of nature. Typically they don't fare well at nor enjoy being at sea, and they're a little limited in their options with roles aboard a ship.

He spots what must be a tribe of orcs spending time together around a beautiful tree, two sitting against it. He's surprised to see them in the open - anywhere else in the world it would be a risk. But then again, Clari is notably progressive in terms of races, putting in protection for just about every race and creature that inhabits Athorea. There's no question when it comes to how the Bountiful Isles prosper as greatly as they do when the Princess is in charge.

Smock recalls fondly that his sister Ariel took a strong liking to the area, alongside Miria. She is the Archangel of nature, so it's no surprise that she would enjoy a place so protective of it. He wonders if she's taking any notice of his presence now, or if she's disinterested by it all, or perhaps more concerned about what the former Archangel of death means for the local wildlife.

They ride on into the night, their pace slowing to allow the horses some rest, and eventually they decide to settle for the night. Smock sets down his tent easily enough, having gotten used to it in his years of adventuring, sometimes setting up with his crew on long sandy beaches where they knew the tide wouldn't quite reach them. He sets down his bedroll and crawls in, the ground beneath him soft, and he settles down as he hears the sounds of crickets and the faint glow of fireflies outside, lightly illuminating the place.

Smock is just about to go to sleep when someone enters into his tent. He sits up, rubbing his eyes, feeling no threat, only to see Axel standing there shirtless, looking guilty.

"I can't sleep," Axel says. "Kallisto is out for the count but I was kind of wondering if I could sleep in here, with you."

Smock frowns at the sleepiness in his friend's voice, this vulnerable and genuine noise. His frustration and annoyance with the man dissipates as though it were never there in the first place. "Go get your stuff and you can put it next to me."

"Thank you," the man smiles, ducking back out and going to retrieve the contents of his tent. He returns quickly afterwards and lays down his own bedroll. "I guess I've been sleeping more when you've been around, so I figured being here might help."

"I hope it does," Smock smiles back.

"Can I snuggle up to you?" Axel asks, his voice hopeful.

Smock hesitates for a moment. Snuggling with Kallisto had been fine and had felt totally friendly, but he feels strange snuggling up to just one person, more for comfort than for warmth. Still, he doesn't mind all that much, and he opens his arm for Axel to cuddle under, which he promptly does, wrapping his arm around Smock's chest and his legs around his leg, his tail weaving around his calf. His bare skin presses to Smock's.

"Thanks," Axel says, his warmth spreading throughout Smock. "I'm sorry if it's weird."

"You're fine, Ax," Smock reaches over to ruffle the man's hair lightly, then he absently starts to brush his fingers through it, untangling the last few days worth of mess. He works his hands at undoing and then redoing the braids on the side of his head, making sure to be gentle.

Axel makes no complaints. His eyes wander to the bandages on Smock's arms, and he frowns lightly at the sight of them. "Your bandages... Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Smock hums lightly, confused by the question.

Axel seems sad. "Because bandages cover wounds, and if you're hurt and need to talk-"

Smock suddenly realises what he's saying. "Oh! No, no Ax- that's not the reason I have bandages."

"Oh," Axel says softly, laughing to himself. "Sorry."

"It's alright," he returns, his eyes glancing down to Axel's arms for a moment. "But if you ever need to talk, Axel, then I'm here."

"I appreciate that," Axel tucks his arms in closer to his body as though self-conscious. "But don't worry about it, Haley."

"I can't help but worry about you," Smock says after a moment, finishing with his hair and running a hand through it to feel the slight softness in it, though it's still a little tangled without the assistance of a brush.

"I'm sorry," he sighs, playing idly with a strand of Smock's hair. He's gentle with his touch, careful not to pull, simply parting the strands and then letting them fall back together.

"You don't have to be," Smock assures him, wrapping his arm around the man's shoulders to comfort him.

They are silent for a while afterwards, though it's not uncomfortable. Smock can't quite place the air that settles between them. It's something like the trust of a friendship, but it feels so much deeper.

As Axel curls in tighter, his body pressed entirely to Smock's, he speaks. "Do you like men, Haley?"

The question takes him by surprise. He doesn't really talk about it often. "Yeah. I like a bit of everything - dýo, I think they say on the mainland."

"Me too," Axel says. "It's funny, the meaning of it."

"I guess it is," Smock agrees with a small smile.

"I've known since I was young," Axel goes on, his voice gentle as though reminiscing. "But the world has never gotten any easier, and people haven't gotten any wiser."

"Yeah," he frowns a little, thinking back to when he'd been a tailor, and remarks made by navymen out at sea. "Pirate Island was never like that. I've never felt safer than I have there, but then you step outside and it's an entirely different place."

"Such is Aldelis," Axel laughs with a certain bitterness, but then his tone softens again, deepening a touch. "Have you ever been with a man before?"

"I have. His name was Gray," Smock recalls, frowning as he remembers the course the relationship had taken. "It didn't really end well, though. He was a better friend than lover. How about you?"

"Not really, not as in dated. I've flirted with people and kissed people, but I guess I've always been distracted by..." Axel sighs, as though considering whether or not to bring it up. "I've always been distracted by Azrael. It sounds insane, but my eyes were on them since the day I met them. I wonder where they are now."

Smock isn't quite sure what to say. He wishes he could shrink into a little ball and disappear forever. "Me too, pal. I'm sure he's doing great."

"I guess," he shrugs, but then he moves from where he lays, using his grip on Smock's leg to hoist himself up so he leans atop him, hands moving to sit either side of his head. Axel's face is close, and there's a strange look about him. His voice is smooth and full of breath. "It's always been Azrael, yet... there is one man that seems to have captured me just the same."

Smock stares up at him, not understanding. Is this another game like on the ship? "Who's that? And why are you telling me like this?"

"Haley," Axel laughs, his eye lighting up, shining. His lips curl, his smile like a cat finding its prey, and then he lowers himself onto his elbows and takes Smock's lips in his own.

Smock is shocked at first, but it melts away into a dull aching feeling, though he can't place it as a bad one. He kisses Axel back, remembering the feeling of those soft lips on his own, the only part of his body not torn by scars or callous. The metal of Axel's lip piercings presses to him, keeping him grounded to reality. They slot together like clockwork, their bodies pressing close, that fire inside of Axel heating them both to the core. Smock's mind is weightless with bliss and he allows himself just this moment to feel free, the world melting away as though it were some mirage that had been keeping them separate until now.

They part only momentarily, and Smock opens his eyes to see Axel half-lidded, his lips slightly parted, those familiar fangs in sight. He looks so regal like this, his expression blissful instead of shocked, his ears tilted downwards in passion. He moves in again, locking their lips together once more, and then again and again, until Axel starts to move his kisses down. He starts at the jaw, pressing hard kisses to it, then sliding against the underside of his chin, then his neck, where those fangs start to prickle against his vulnerable skin. Smock gasps, but a sudden wave of wrongness washes over him, and he grabs Axel lightly by the hair, pulling him up oh-so-gently as not to hurt him.

"Haley?" he breathes, his face like something from a dream, so pretty.

Smock doesn't respond, instead pulling Axel into his body again, turning to hold him. Memories wash over him that he can't control, and he eventually finds sleep with Axel in his arms and him in his, uneasy as his mind wanders on and on to people he will never see again. Ellamia's face stains itself into his head, and he doesn't fight her. He can't fight her.