The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
40 231612

Chapter 12
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

where I go will you still follow?

chapter eleven

The next day, Smock awakens feeling very well-rested. He doesn't want to get out of the perfectly cozy bed, and so he stays snuggled into it for a while, his arms wrapped around the pillow like it's a stuffed animal.

Eventually he forces himself up, feeling the comfy material of the pyjamas on his skin and regretting his decision, but he didn't come all this way to lie in bed the whole time. He makes the bed and opens the curtains, feeling exceptionally clean, and as he looks outside he sees Axel by the pond, his hands in the water cleaning Smock's clothes, wearing sunglasses.

Next to him is a familiar face: Kallisto. He's wearing a light brown cardigan over the top of a tank top with a heart cut into the chest, and on his neck is a spiked collar. It's nothing like the armour he'd been wearing at all, but as he looks at it he decides that actually, the casual clothing looks a lot better on him, even if it's not what he'd been expecting.

Smock heads downstairs in his pyjamas and outside. It's a lot colder than he'd anticipated, but there's a faint hint of the summer heat still in the air, especially when the breeze stills. He joins the two, staring at the water where his clothes are being dunked. The contents of his coat are sitting next to Axel, all the paper weighed down by a rock.

"Hey," he says, drawing their attention.

Axel looks up to him and smiles with his teeth. "Good afternoon. You must've really needed that rest."

Smock blinks. "What time is it?"

Axel looks to the sun, able to safely view it from the protection of his sunglasses. "Half two, I reckon."

"Half two?" the pirate frowns, but by the looks of the sky, it's perfectly reasonable. "Guess I did... How'd you learn to tell the time like that?"

"Picked it up as a kid," Axel answers, which is a bit more vague than he'd been hoping, but it's as far as he knows he'll get.

Kallisto seems a little lost for words as he watches them converse, looking between the two, perplexed. "What?"

Axel raises his brow, though with only one eye, he looks a bit more surprised than he does amused. "What do you mean 'what'? You know what I'm on about."

"No," Kallisto furrows his brows. "Why are you acting like friends?"

"Jealous?" Axel laughs, pulling the shirt out of the water.

"I thought... maybe you wanted to kill each other?" the man's expression is almost doglike as he stares at Axel, waiting for his response.

"Oh, no- Haley's my old friend, you know the guy I was talking about seven years ago, when I came home after being at sea?" Axel washes the trousers next, seemingly already having finished with the coat. "Yeah, this is the guy. I did try to stab him last night, though, before I recognised his face."

Smock recalls that familiar ferocity he'd faced, the way every attack had been so relentless, how even one mistake could've left him horribly wounded. "You came pretty damn close. Anyway, nice to see you again Kallisto. Sorry I chased you last time."

Axel starts to laugh lightly, a youthful and pretty noise. Kallisto blushes, flustered by the subject. "It's alright... Nice to see you too, Axel's told me a lot about you."

It's Axel's turn to become flushed now. Smock smirks. "You talk about me?"

"No!" the changeling denies, focusing on washing. "Okay, maybe a little, but 'a lot' is exaggerating."

Kallisto mouths 'it's not' to him, but Smock doesn't press, instead wondering what exactly has been said about him. After seven years, he'd have guessed that any mention of his name would've died down, apart from maybe in hushed whispers among pirates mourning times long since gone. With all the people that Axel must have spoken about all of these years, too, the probability of it being just 'a little' seems less and less. He figures that they were really good friends back then, maybe even best friends, so it's not too weird.

When the trousers are done, Axel looks up to Kallisto and gestures towards the cabin. "Could you set up the clothesline?"

Kallisto does so without any comment, heading off. Smock watches him for a while as he wrestles with a pole on the side of the cabin. When he turns back to Axel, the man is washing the underwear that he'd completely forgotten about. Smock's cheeks redden, but swiftly he finds a way to pull himself back into control, thinking back to something the man said a very long time ago. "Guess you didn't wear the hat in your marriage after all."

Axel's eye widens a little, then he smiles a bright, genuine smile, flicking water up at him. "I'll have you know the hat was- is very much mine."

"I don't know Ax, this is pretty housewife of you," Smock teases, kicking water up at Axel in return.

The changeling recoils, giggling like a child. He throws the wet underwear at Smock's face, and he yelps in surprise, throwing it back. Axel dodges the attack and they fall on to the pile with the rest of his washed clothes. "Hah. Suck that."

Smock rolls his eyes. "Oh come on, that was hardly a victory."

Axel grabs the pile of wet clothes and begins to head towards where Kallisto is standing, watching them with that same confused expression. Smock follows, and gets tripped up by that long white tail, cursing as he spreads his arms to keep balance.

"Bastard," he mutters fondly, keeping a safe distance between himself and the tail from there on out.

He helps Axel and Kallisto hang the clothes up with pegs, hoping the breeze doesn't send any pine needles into them, and then the line is tightened so that everything is high off the ground.

"Fuh," Axel breathes, pronouncing it 'foo', as though he's just worked very hard, though he definitely hasn't, "I'm glad that's over. Who's for breakfast?"

"I'm alright," Kallisto says, wiping his brow of a little sweat, having pulled the weight of the operation. "Keaberos invited me to have breakfast with him and Gray."

"Keaberos is making you breakfast? That's a treat, what's gotten him in such a good mood?" Axel says, sidling up to Smock as though a little bitter about it.

Kallisto rolls his green eyes, crossing his arms. The cardigan slips off one of his shoulders. "It's probably just so we can discuss the latest method for attempting to get you to take your medicine."

"You little-" Axel goes to clip him around the ear, but Kallisto swerves out of the way and takes off down the trodden path. "Yeah, you better run!"

"Love you too, Ax!" Kallisto calls back with a laugh, disappearing into the treeline.

"Ser'yozno..." Axel groans, running a hand through his hair. "Right, breakfast is just for us. Come on then."

Smock can't help but wonder what he's saying, but he has no time to ask as they start on their way back to the house.

Past the living room, which looks a lot different in the daylight, they enter what must be a kitchen. It looks a lot different to Bo and Garrett's kitchen, and the one at the church at God's Lake, with black marble worktops and lots of space, and an open fire stove that's already lit, burning on dry kindling, wood, and coal. Axel hums to himself as he sets up a pan on top of a metal grate over the fire, then goes through what must be his pantry, retrieving a baguette, five small eggs, milk, oil, and butter. Next comes some tomatoes and mushrooms, and then some herbs, and then a few extra bits. Smock can't quite figure out what those last things are.

"What are you making?" Smock asks, watching as Axel cuts the bread into four pieces.

"Savoury Grenki," he replies simply, setting down a bowl. He pours some milk in, then takes a knife and an egg. He tosses the egg in the air, then catches it perfectly on the knife, cracking it in half and letting the whites and yolk drop into the milk. It's an impressive little trick, though Smock isn't sure whether he does this habitually or is just making a show of it for him.

"Nice," Smock says, sitting back in his chair and watching the whole process. Axel makes quick work of it, frying the bread and then some mushrooms. Next he makes some sauce for the mushrooms, then tops it all off with some poached eggs and herbs. The sauce and eggs keep the heat flowing through the food, and he sets their plates down at their respective spots of the table, Axel sitting at the head of it, next to Smock.

"Enjoy," Axel doesn't wait to start eating, splitting open each of his eggs so the yolk flows over them before picking up his first piece of bread and eating it like that. When he opens his mouth, the pirate can see his elongated canines, almost draconic in nature.

Smock mimics his actions, cutting the egg and picking it up, then takes a bite. It tastes very good, and he finds himself especially enjoying the sauce on the mushrooms. "God, I should've let you cook on the ship."

"Yeah, you should've," Axel chuckles, then he suddenly perks up. "Forgot drinks. Orange juice? Apple juice? Water?"

"Orange, please," Smock says, thinking back to the fresh orange juice that Bo and Garrett gave him.

"Uh huh. Say, what was the name of that chef, anyway?" the changeling asks as he returns to his pantry.

Smock watches him grab some pretty glasses and pour in the orange juice, followed by the addition of some ice cubes. He figures there must be a part of his pantry that uses ice magic. "Fuckin- Peter wasn't it? But we called him Smiley Pete 'cos he had that goofy smile. Look, he wasn't that bad."

"I'm pretty sure I threw up a few times eating that guy's food, you pirates are just crazy," Axel laughs, bringing over the drinks. He's got that look in his eye, like there's a lot going on in his head. "I remember Ellamia being able to neck it without any problem. I mean, wasn't she from some noble aquatic elf family? Surely she was used to eating better than that."

Smock smiles fondly as he thinks back to it. She was notorious among the crew for having an... intriguing taste in food, eating raw fish and happily wolfing down the chef's concoctions. "Yeah, she was never inclined toward their posh stuff. When she came to Pirate Island she must have gotten a taste for our food."

"Aurora was the same," Axel chuckles. He's almost done with his breakfast by now. "Did I ever tell you about her favourite ocean delicacy?"

Smock has to really dig through his brain for that, but he very rarely forgets anything, especially when it comes to small details. "Clownfish, right? I think you told me she had a vendetta ever since one of the fuckers bit her while diving."

"Damn right. Little shits deserve it, I say," Axel smiles, finishing his food.

Smock does soon afterwards, though he feels like he could eat it all over again. "Yeah. Scourges of the sea, clownfish. Lucky they usually live alone, otherwise they'd definitely have killed someone by now."

Axel huffs. "Yeah. Oh, and speaking of death - I recently found out that they use herbs to prepare bodies for public display. Is that right?"

Smock immediately perks up. "Yeah! It makes the bodies smell better and also helps with preservation. They don't tend to do it in displays that are meant to set an example, because I mean... Gorik displays probably smell awful outside of the capital, but otherwise, for things like open caskets, yeah. Alcohol is also commonly used for these, which has that particular scent too, so finding a good mix of the two can be essential to making a corpse smell good-"

He keeps going on and on, and Axel seems happy to listen as he cleans up his dishes, periodically asking questions that he answers with enthusiasm. Smock's favourite subject in the world is death practises and embalming and just about everything to do with what happens in the aftermath of someone passing. He could talk about it forever, but today he cuts himself short after he gets through all of the preservatives that he can think of.

Axel turns to him with a warmth in his expression. "Your knowledge is really impressive, Haley. I'm more experienced in death as it happens, anatomy and whatnot, but joining it with everything you know just makes it all the more interesting."

Smock doesn't read into the implications of that. "I'm glad you like it, Ax. Maybe you can tell me about your side of it sometime."

"Yeah, when we get some downtime I'll tell you all about it. For now, though, I wanna spy on whatever little meeting Kallisto is attending," Axel smirks, tossing the knife in his hand when it's clean before putting it away.

"Oh yeah, what was it Kallisto said... your medicine?" Smock asks.

Axel lashes his tail once, and it makes a dull noise as it hits the varnished wooden floor. "So, Keaberos. He's under my charge, he's a doctor and therapist. He's... prescribed me a few things, but I don't like medication, so I don't take it. I have injections for my," he fumbles for the word, "physical condition," he's referring to the flowers all over his body - Smock knows the condition as anthoalgiaemia, he's had it as long as they've known one another, "but I hate all the other stuff they try to give me, and nobody in this place can go five minutes without making a joke out of one another."

"Maybe they've got a point?" Smock suggests tentatively, but it only seems to make Axel's tail lash more.

"C'mon Haley, not you too," Axel sighs, betrayed.

"Alright alright," Smock relents, understanding it's not his favourite subject. "Your friends - they don't happen to be down in the city, do they?"

Axel hums, intrigued. "Why?"

"I'm sort of wanted down there," he rubs the back of his neck, "I stole a coat from a guy called Lukas, and then he found me stowing away on a cargo ship he was sailing to the capital, so he's kinda hot on my trail. I escaped but only 'cos I had help"

"Well you're lucky because they're in the mountain," Axel assures him, then both of them have their attention drawn by the sound of a bird at the window.

Smock recognises the noise immediately, and he's not at all surprised to see Baguette sitting there, staring intently at the two with his good eye. He gets up to shoo the raven when he begins to caw at Axel unhappily, picking him up and throwing him out like he'd done before. Then, he shuts the window before the bird can return. "I made some friends along the way. We should probably get going before they find the other windows."

"Ah, that's not at all ominous," Axel laughs, finishing up with the washing and leaving it on the side to dry. "I know better than to disregard a warning anywho. Let's go."

As soon as they leave, Baguette lands on Smock's shoulder and starts making his complaints loudly known to Axel, who seems to be very confused about the bird's distaste. "Jeez, you'd think I killed its mother."

"I don't know what his deal is," Smock tries to pet the bird into silence, but he keeps going on and on, so eventually he decides to hold Baguette in his hands like a baby, and he seems to accept it as a truce for the time being. "He's been following me around for a day or two. Usually he's been helpful, but right now he's just being childish."

Baguette lets out a defiant 'caw' before settling again, closing his eyes.

"You always had a certain way with ravens," Axel notes, though he seems a little perplexed with the notion as he watches them interact.

"Guess so," he responds neutrally, hoping with all his heart that his companion isn't clocking it as something suspicious.

"I kind of get it. This place is called Serpent's Nook, and it used to be riddled with venomous snakes, but they never seem to do any harm to me or my friends," Axel continues, allowing Smock to relax a little, feeling a little less defensive. "Then again, animals usually tend to either hate me or avoid me, so it's probably just another case of that."

"Aw, why don't they like you? It's not like you hate animals or feel anxious around them or anything," Smock says with a little concern. Axel is a very caring man, one who would certainly never hurt an animal (though a person is a different matter entirely), and he can't think of a single reason any creature would have to avoid him.

"No clue. It's been the way ever since I was little. Not even a scavenging dog would come near me," he shrugs, as though that isn't very strange.

They walk away from the cabin and into the trees, where Kallisto had gone earlier. Along the way is nothing of importance, but eventually they emerge into another clearing. A large building sits in the middle, surrounded by an array of different flowers and shrubs, all looking wonderfully healthy. The building itself is made of white panelling and black beams, with brown wood to accompany it in places. The roof of the first floor either comes to an sharp tip or joins with the walls where there is a second floor. Around the raised foundations of the house runs a deep stream, in places partially obscured by flowers or water-based plants, where a few fish are travelling. The stream goes all the way from the back of the building to the other end, cutting through the path, and out into the rest of the forest that must lead to the edge of the mountain.

"Keaberos' place," Axel tells him as they quietly walk up the steps and onto the decking that reaches all the way around the building. Smock keeps his footing light and stays to the inner wall, as does Axel, creating as little noise as possible.

Stealthily they creep until the sounds of voices begin to grow nearer. Axel points forwards, and looking over his shoulder Smock can see a spot where the panels are open, though he can't see into the room itself.

"That can't be right," he overhears a soothing voice, that of a man, speaking. "Surely, after so long..."

"We all knew about the death. You'd have to be living under a rock not to," a woman's voice speaks this time, her voice something confident.

"Well if you don't believe me, have a look for yourself," it's Kallisto's voice this time, sounding quite frustrated. "Do you seriously think I'd lie to you?"

"Don't give me those puppy dog eyes," the woman groans, a hint of affection in her tone.

"I don't think you'd lie, but you would believe what Axel believes, whether that's for better or worse," the soothing man responds.

Smock hears Axel suck in a very quiet breath, ears twitching and angling downwards in slight agitation.

"Well I really do mean it, not just 'cos Axel said so," Kallisto insists. "And anyway, how can you tell I'm making puppy dog eyes?"

"I don't have to be able to see to know you're doing it. You do it every single time you're trying to guilt trip someone. It's your favourite way to win over Axel," there's a smile in the woman's voice, then the sound of movement.

"Hey!" Kallisto protests at something.

"Grey, don't antagonise him," the man sighs. Papers shift, the noise emerging from the same place his voice is. "Anyone for more tea?"

"Sure," Axel can't seem to wait any longer. He steps forward, hands folded behind his back, Smock following close behind and suddenly feeling guilty for eavesdropping.

Alongside Kallisto is a woman with freckled pale skin and hair a neutral shade of grey. Her bangs frame her cheeks but fall to her jaw, and the rest of her hair is in a high ponytail. She has the ears of a wood elf and wears a red cloak, much like Dawn's, and a white shirt beneath. Most striking of all are her cloudy silver eyes. Guessing from her statement about not having to see, he figures she must be blind, though she seems to be able to pinpoint his location just fine just from him entering the room.

The third at the table, no doubt the owner of the calming voice, is an autumn elf. His hair is ginger and has a curl to it, pulled back into a bun tied with what must be the stem of a plant. A few loose strands curl over his forehead or behind his ears, but otherwise it is perfectly neat. His skin is fair and dappled with dark brown spots that originate at his ears, which resemble half an orange leaf from a tree. His low-lidded eyes are a deep amber and have a kind look to them. He wears a simple white vest with some loose brown trousers.

The room itself is very spacious. A table low to the floor is in the middle, surrounded by chairs that are just a cushion and a backrest. On some of the white panels are paintings, most of nature, a few of wild animals.

"I thought you might join us," the redhead laughs, appearing to not at all be bothered by the intrusion. "Who is your companion, and their bird friend?"

"This is Haley," Axel says evenly, though he seems a bit agitated. Smock would usually correct him, but considering it seems they've all already heard plenty under the name Haley to begin with, he doesn't bother. "And this is Haley's raven, of whom I do not know the name."

"Not really my raven but his name is Baguette, hello," Smock says awkwardly. It feels like all eyes are on him.

"A funny name for a raven - I like it," the ginger elf smiles, standing up and collecting the teacups from the table.

Smock thinks fondly of Dawn, and offers the bird a scratch under its chin.

"Anyway, Kallisto does not just go along with whatever I say," Axel insists, heading in to take a seat at the table with the others. Smock follows him, taking the seat next to him. "You and Keaberos pick on us so much."

The redhead, who must be Keaberos, seems unbothered by the accusation. "Or perhaps our frequent opposition is an indicator that we're right about more things than you realise."

"Hey- don't use that 'I'm so smart' talk on me. It just makes you sound like an asshole," Axel huffs, folding his tail in his lap, where he idly messes with the flattened spikes. "What were you talking about, anyway?"

Grey extends her upturned palm towards Smock. "Nothing that concerns you. Haley, would you mind if I just felt your hand?"

He's used to this sort of thing - one of his dads is blind, and his preferred method of ensuring Smock hadn't come home with any new injuries or hadn't changed too much was to feel his face. He places his palm upon hers, and she hums thoughtfully. "You're a handsome one. You know, Axel's wife had black hair a colour very similar to yours, in fact she even had a white streak quite like-"

"GREY!" Axel hisses, his face hidden under his hands. Smock doesn't really understand.

Kallisto seems to be putting something together in his head, silent.

"How can you tell from just my hand? If you don't mind me asking," Smock tilts his head as Grey retreats back to her end of the table. Jack was never able to do that much, at least not without his raven.

"I've always been able to, though other people frequently turn it into more of a curse than a blessing. It's as though I just know when I touch someone or something," she explains with a smile, though there's a little sadness alongside it. "Anyway, have you heard from Julien or Ophelia? Julien said he was too busy with his work to come join us, and Ophelia... well, she's just been gone for a while."

"Julien's always busy with his work, and Ophelia is due back later today," Axel answers. "What the hell is up with this secret little club you've got going? Do you do this often?"

Smock can't help but laugh a little at how offended Axel sounds. "I don't know, Axel, I can get the appeal."

"You don't even know these people, stop picking them over me!" he complains, though he doesn't sound actually upset.

"And that is why we have a secret club," Grey sighs playfully.

Kallisto comes in as damage control. "She's pulling your leg. We don't do this all the time, and usually you're invited to Keaberos' tea parties, remember?"

Axel crosses his arms. His black leather jacket ripples with the movement, creasing at his shoulders and elbows. "Whatever."

Keaberos returns with fresh tea on a tray. The tea itself is already in the cup, but there's some milk, honey, and sugar on the side for them to use, plus a teapot for refills. As Smock takes a teacup for himself, he can smell a faintly zesty scent, like a lime, and figures it must be a herbal tea. It's orange like the colour of tree sap and as he takes a sip he decides that it would go well with a little honey. Just one spoon of it is enough.

Axel drinks it with added sugar and a touch of milk, which makes Smock cringe, and Grey with a touch of honey too, but Keaberos and Kallisto have it as is.

"When are you planning to leave, Axel?" Grey asks after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Tomorrow, with any luck," he answers, swirling the tea in his cup with a stirrer like a child playing with food.

Smock frowns. He didn't want to have to confront the topic of Ellamia and the wedding night so soon, but if there's not much time left to do it...

"What's the plan, then?" she continues. Baguette stirs from his rest as though troubled, but only changes position into a loaf before going back to sleep.

"I need you all on the ship for midday, then we'll take our leave," Axel replies. The plan sounds like it's very important, yet he recounts the steps as though it's a light matter. "Kallisto, did you get in that experience with sailing?"

"A little. I'm sure Ophelia won't mind teaching me a bit when we're out, though," Kallisto answers. He holds his teacup with both hands, like he's worried someone's going to take it from him.

"Great," Axel nods. "I'm looking forward to it, honestly."

Smock feels like he's missing some really important context, but he feels too awkward to interject, so he simply listens to them talking about some ambiguous thing that they're all planning, and all the various things to do with said thing that they've worked out. It goes over his head on the most part, so he just focuses on his tea.

"Well, Haley, it's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope that we'll be able to be friends," Keaberos suddenly says, with his hand extended. Smock hadn't realised that the conversation was drawing to a close, but as he looks around he realises everyone is getting up. He's finished his tea, so he doesn't mind, but it's a little jarring.

He shakes Keaberos' hand. "Yeah, you too. And you, Grey."

Next he shakes Grey's hand, and then Axel starts to walk off without saying a thing at all to him, as though he's got places to be. Smock calls back a 'sorry' to the others as he runs after the changeling.

"You're so abrupt," Smock complains lightly, following Axel along the decking.

"Am I?" the man seems a little surprised, and he slows down his pace a little, though he seems unfamiliar with the idea of slow.

"Yeah - you sped out of there like you were gonna be sick or something," he chuckles, evening pace so they're walking together.

"I've never noticed," Axel shrugs, frowning to himself for a moment before he perks up again. "Y'know, it's probably that attention thing that Keaberos said I have. Whenever I sit down I end up dying to get up and leave - it used to cause me problems when I was younger. I'd just... get up and go when I was meant to stay somewhere."

Smock looks to his feet as memories begin to arise, though they're things that he can't speak about. "Yeah, that'd make a lot of sense."

Axel hums in agreement. As they walk, his pace begins to increase again, though this time Smock doesn't mention it, making an effort to keep up with his brisk speed even if it's not exactly his preferred one. They break the treeline and return to the cabin, and when they enter Axel makes a point of closing all the windows, not keen on any of Baguette's friends making themselves at home. Reluctantly, Smock lets Baguette go, although he protests profusely the whole time, not wanting to take his leave.

"Don't worry pal, you can come hang out again soon," he assures the bird, petting him gently until he decides that he can cope with being separated from Smock for a while and takes off to join the other ravens nearby.

Axel leads Smock to a little spot tucked under the stairs. The back of the first part of the stairs faces the back wall of the living room, making it completely obscured at first sight, and even then there's a well-painted door that you wouldn't take note of on first glance. Through there is a set of stairs that head down, then a landing with another door. Axel opens the first one with a key, then the second with a phrase in another language, and from there the stairs continue downwards. Smock can't help but notice how different everything is down here - it's like entering into another world made of black stone and dotted in places with red crystal.

The passage opens into a sitting room with a final door at the end. Axel murmurs another phrase to it and pushes it open to reveal an extension to the sitting room that looks exceptionally comfortable, with lounge chairs and a pretty carpet and paintings on the wall. Corridors sprout from both sides of the room, and as Smock looks down them, he can see clear influence from Gorik architecture. There are black pillars, all with beautiful and intricate designs carved into them, and archways all the way along, and open curtains attached to the archways. Lanterns hang on the ceiling, lighting the walkways. If it weren't underground, Smock is sure this place would be an exact replica of the buildings in Gore, with their large, open plans and beautiful, detailed decor.

He leads Smock through a corridor that ends in another lounge, where there are three doors. Axel only takes interest in one of them, leaving Smock's curiosity to peak higher and higher.

"I've got a big question to ask you, but first, as a gesture of trust, I want to show you something," Axel says with his voice low and quiet, spilling with a deep sincerity.

"Alright?" Smock agrees, a little unsettled but trying not to show it.

Axel opens the door, and as soon as Smock sees what's inside, he feels sick to his stomach.

Spread out on the far wall is a set of wings, but not just any wings. Smock would recognise them anywhere, the pitch black with a gentle blue shimmer when Axel starts the lanterns and light hits them. The spots behind his shoulder blades ache, and he wants nothing more than to shrink away. To make matters worse, there's a table with a black cloth sitting over it, reminiscent of a very particular veil, atop which numerous items sit, akin to a shrine. Smock makes out a quill that must be from the wings sitting alongside an ink pot, then some more fabric, and then multiple small drawings and cut-outs from books and reports. Smock approaches, making out a few framed paintings resembling him perfectly. On the floor, beside the shrine, are a few pieces of art or writing that, from what he can tell, are all categorised by their inaccuracy.

"It's all for Azrael, the Archangel of death," Axel sighs dreamily. "All my life I've had this... this pull. I couldn't explain it, but it's the one thing I've always known above all else."

Guilt sets in to Smock's chest like a heavy weight, but on the most part he's lost for words.

"They say that they disappeared around thirty years ago, and the Raven Queen followed more recently, in those seven years you were gone. They used to be the first one anyone would go to about death or grief or to ensure their loved ones made it into the next life, although nobody really knows where that is. Sure, there's the underworld and the overworld, but what about those that go to neither? What about those that don't believe in either or believe in something unique?" Axel begins to ramble. "Well, none of that matters, anyway. They're such a perfect Archangel, but so misunderstood - a lot of people think Azrael is some bringer of evil and death, but they really just come alongside it. Hey, you know, nobody can quite come to a perfect conclusion about Azrael's gender? They're so androgynous that there are even debates in some places about it."

Axel continues on for a while, and Smock is only half-listening. He wonders how his old wings ended up in Axel's hands, and how they ended up on Aldelis at all, for that matter.

When he fell, it had been into the sea. Perhaps they'd amputated his wings when they saw that they were too severed to save and sold them off, or perhaps his body had simply rejected them and they'd separated that way. He can hardly remember, having been unconscious for a while after hitting the water, after feeling the salt water permeate his body, which had been growing more and more mortal with every agonising minute. All he knows is that he woke up and they were gone.

He zones back in to Axel looking at him expectantly, and dejectedly he offers a, "Wow, that's... really great."

"Yeah," Axel seems a little disappointed by the response, his excited expression fading back into his usual smug look. "This thing means a lot to me."

"I can tell," Smock breathes, becoming all too aware of how weird he's acting. He frowns, straightening himself up and forcing his eyes to linger on the shrine for a few moments longer than he'd have liked. "You've clearly put a lot of love into this. The wings look... very well-taken care of."

All he can think about is Apollyon and all the weird happenings back at God's Lake. His stomach twists.

"Yeah, they are," Axel seems to brighten up a little at the additional approval, though he's got a very certain look about him now, something Smock can't read. It makes his feet restless. "Anyway, I just wanted to show you, because I'd like to ask you something important. Not here, though."

"Alright," Smock agrees simply, relieved at the notion that he's finally going to get out of here.

They head back upstairs together, then outside again. Smock can't help but feel a little weirded out by how Axel had gone out of his way to take him down there to show off his Azrael shrine, but then again, the man has always been a strange one. He'd never brought up Azrael, though, which puts him off more and more the longer he lingers on it.

Axel brings him to the edge of the cliff, next to the pond, where he sits, his legs dangling over the huge drop, and takes off his sunglasses. His tail sits evenly behind him, twitching every now and then as he stares out at the scenery before him. It's later in the afternoon now, and the sun will no doubt be going down very soon.

Smock joins him, though he sits a little further back from the edge, crossing his legs. He's not particularly afraid of heights, but being high up unsettles him a little, being so used to the sea and the lower forests. The breeze flows over him and he hugs the pyjamas closer to his body, increasingly aware that he'd forgotten to change out of them.

Axel kicks his legs like an excited child, though his face still has that odd expression on it. "This... this is a lot, what I'm about to ask you. But I think you'll understand."

Better not be another creepy shrine with some angel wings, Smock can't help but think to himself. "I'm all ears, Ax."

The changeling smiles fondly at the nickname, turning to face Smock. "I've been planning for years now, and finally I think I've got my chance to kill Corvus."

Ah. Regicide. Arguably worse than angel wings, he hums in acknowledgement. But then again, Corvus...

He can still remember the man standing on that man of war, his feathers spread, with that regal air about him. He sees it all over again, the flames parting to reveal him fighting with Ellamia, the last time he ever saw her. "I'm listening."

Axel's eye shimmers. He looks back out to the view. "A public royal audience is being held very soon, on the [date] of summer. Rumour is that Corvus is planning to double down on pirates and outlaws, and people have even been speculating he's going to make a trip to Pirate Island. If I can just catch him when he gets to Pirate Island, he won't have enough bootlickers to save him, and I'll have the whole island on my side."

"He's going to attack Pirate Island?" Smock suddenly feels even more obligated to join Axel's side.

"Rumours say so, but I don't know for sure, which is why I need to be there for the audience," Axel answers. "It'll be the perfect opportunity. I'll kill him and nobody will stop me. I'll free everyone from his reign, forever. Maybe Regus will finally get off his ass when I do and realise how much the world is fucked."

"How can you be so sure you can kill him?" Smock asks. Sure, it sounds like he's got a good idea of what to do, but it just seems a little ambitious.

"There's another rumour, about one of Regus' inventions. I know it won't be so easy getting something the Emperor himself made, but it's my best chance at killing Corvus, and doing it the way I wanted to as well," Axel laughs, sounding slightly delirious.

"How are you going to get past the guards?" Smock frowns.

"Easy," he smirks, and suddenly his form changes. His skin becomes more purple and horns grow from his head, arching backwards and forming into a perfect downwards-facing point. His hair grows a little longer, and his face even changes its shape slightly, making him look like a very different person, especially to anyone that doesn't know him so well. Smock stares in awe for a moment, before remembering that while he certainly has his usual form, the man is a changeling. "Just got to knock out some guard and steal his armour and I'm good to go."

"Well I guess you've got it all mapped out then, huh?" Smock smiles. With Axel's rightful vendetta against Corvus, it's no surprise he's worked it out so well.

"I sure have," he flicks his tail, which now has turned slim and the same colour as the rest of him, though it still has its spikes.

"I don't think I could turn down something like this," Smock agrees after a while. "Corvus has done unforgivable things to me and the people I love. I'll support you in seeing him dead, and help out where I can."

Axel seems unable to contain himself. His form shimmers back to normal and he throws himself at Smock, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pulling him close. "You have no idea how much that means to me. I'm so glad to have you on my side."

Smock is a little surprised, but he returns the hug, holding the other with his arms around his back. It almost makes him tear up, having his old best friend hugging him so tightly, like he's been needing it for a very long time. "Yeah. I got you, Axel."

He feels the man draw in a deep breath, shuddering periodically as though it hurts to breathe, before he pulls away to dangle his feet again, looking down at the drop like he's thinking hard. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it, Ax. I think we both needed that hug," Smock smiles. The sun is going down now, and they have a perfect view of it being swallowed by the ocean, casting a glow of orange and pink over the world. "I don't like the mountains very much, but you do have a great view of the sunset."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Axel smiles, his eye gentle as he lifts his head a little, gazing over the scene before them.

They watch as everything darkens. Orange and pink turns to red and purple, and then turns to a deep blue, and then black, and all of the stars become perfectly visible in the sky, watching over them like great protectors. On this side of the sky, they can see the morning star shining bright. Smock doesn't notice all the ravens sitting with them, staring too at the beauty all around them. Neither Axel nor Smock have to share a word, sharing a mutual understanding that this is the beginning of something important. For better or for worse only time can tell.