The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
40 231612

Chapter 28
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

wake from a dream where i was stuck losing my teeth

chapter twenty-seven

"I'm going to hit you with this frying pan!"

"I've got a knife, bitch!"

Haley's cooking experience has been a lot.

Vane and Jack have gotten into a disagreement, and as per usual, they've decided to resort to violence.

Vane holds the frying pan in one hand, then reaches to his side with the other, pulling out one of his most loyal friends. "And I've got a gun."

"May I remind you we are trying to cook?" Henry shouts.

The meal that they're attempting to make is a dish made of octopus and squid with lentils on the bottom, but so far just getting to cooking the squid and octopus has been a challenge. Jack, despite his lack of sight, has managed to cut the squid into pieces, somehow sparking an argument as he goes along. Vane is already frying the octopus over the fire. Axel is waiting on the squid to be thrown into his pan. The others are working on the sauce that the lentils are going to go in when they're done boiling.

Haley, knowing that Jack won't actually hurt anyone, pushes herself gently in front of him so she can drop the squid into Axel's pan, finally getting the cooking back on the road. Jack looms over Vane's shoulder. "You're doing it wrong."

"You can't even see it," Vane hisses.

"I can just tell," Jack smirks.

"I'm gonna lose my fucking mind, every time we cook-" Gambi groans, gesturing at them with one hand and stirring the sauce. "Ugh."

"Can we not argue on my coming-home day?" Haley asks, knowing that they won't say no to her, no matter how much they want to antagonise each other.

"Fine," they both sigh, though the air between them is still undeniably thick, and Jack doesn't move away.

Eventually, they finish making each part of the dish, and it comes time to put it all into bowls. The Pirate Lords have fancy carved wooden bowls and metal utensils for their meals, better than most people have. Vane and Axel look at each other for a moment, unsure who should dish up, but then they settle for both of them, and together they fill the seven bowls swiftly, making a good team in cooking and presentation. They sit together in the front room, pulling their chairs in closer so they're not across the room from each other.

The food is perfect. Axel and Vane make a good team, and Gambi, Henry, and Dixie made some good sauce. Jack, she supposes, did a good job cutting the seafood. She finishes hers in no time, having been much hungrier than she thought she was.

She stays downstairs talking with Axel until it starts to get dark, and with him beside her she starts to actually get tired.

"It's been a long day," she tells her dads as she gets up from her chair, yawning. "I'm sorry I can't stay up drinking with you. Maybe tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it, you just get some rest," Gambi smiles, opening a bottle of rum and taking a long drink. "We'll see you tomorrow morning."

She gets a goodnight from everyone else, and then takes Axel with her upstairs, where they both undress and get comfortable in her bed. It's nice to sleep in a proper bed, although they have to rest under the throw blanket, the main one much too thick for the summer heat. Axel tosses and turns for a while, keeping Haley awake, until suddenly he rolls over for good, the two of them facing each other, and whispers, "Can I have a goodnight kiss?"

Haley smiles, unable to stop herself from letting out a little laughter at his request. "Of course you can, you big sap."

She leans in to press a kiss to his forehead, then his nose, then his chin, and finally his lips, lingering there for a moment before gently pushing a piece of hair behind his ear. Axel smiles a sleepy smile, turning over again. Haley snuggles up to his back, wrapping her arms around his thin waist, and then she knocks out completely.

Tonight Haley is cursed with a nightmare.

She's drowning. The water is thick around her, too thick, swallowing her whole, dragging her deeper and deeper in. She opens her eyes and everything is deep red, all apart from the faint glow of something above, a light. It seems so far away.

With all of her strength she starts to pull her way through the liquid. It resists her, fighting to claim her, to drag her into the abyss to never return. She refuses to allow it, her head finally breaching the surface. The liquid sticks to her face and her hair, and as soon as she tastes it on her lips, her stomach twists. It's blood.

It stretches for miles in every direction, no land anywhere in sight. Her whole body is heavy and she struggles to stay afloat, but she can't let her head fall beneath the surface. Something is down there.

Around her three dark shapes start to form beneath the surface, like something rising up out of the blood. She watches as the shapes emerge into what's unmistakeably clothes, and then further until they are bodies. Lifeless bodies. Haley stares, unable to take her eyes from the first one, its stomach shredded like it's been attacked by a feral animal, watching its lifeless face, pale purple with two short horns poking out of his head. It's got freckles and curly black hair tied back into a bun. Haley's eyes widen. Beck.

She covers her mouth before she can scream. Her stomach churns violently. Beside him is none other than Max, and then beside him Cass. For a moment Max's body sputters to life.

"I'm scared," he chokes out, but then his head lolls back and he goes still again, silent.

Another body rises from the blood, a boy with black hair and burns all over. It's Klaus, robbed of that youth he carried with him, torn away by the flames.

Next comes someone that shouldn't be here. A girl with coily hair and dark skin floats up. Haley hears her sobbing until the sounds turn into gasping breaths, then cut off into silence, and her chest stops heaving. Haley doesn't know she's crying until she starts hyperventilating, a horrible feeling rising in her chest and up her throat.

Adayre and Maya float up together, their bodies heaving for breath the same way Dawn's did. They die at the same time, hands atop each other's, even death unable to tear them apart. Haley can't hold in her screams anymore. Instead of sobs, shrieks tear themselves from her lips. She looks to the sky, where there's a red moon hanging above her.

"Please," she cries to it, "please make it stop."

That's when there's a horrible pain in her stomach. She looks down, screaming her throat raw, but far beneath her there's a huge silhouette moving through the blood. She can make out a long body and six shapes protruding from its sides like wings. It glides easily through the liquid like it was made for it, and then the shape gets closer and closer, circling. Something silky touches her foot.

Haley shoots awake, gasping for breath, her face covered in tears. She clutches at her stomach, tucking her body in close, sobbing.

Axel sits up beside her, awoken by the noise, and immediately he comes to hold her, stroking her hair and whispering gently to her that it's all okay, that she's safe. One of his arms wraps around her back and the other comes to rest its hand gently on her stomach alongside hers, so warm and soothing. She focuses on the sensation, then looks to him, staring at his very much alive face. His eye is gentle and sleepy and his ears are tilted downwards, everything about him soft. Haley's breathing slowly evens out and she manages to drag her hands away from her stomach, resting them instead on Axel's chest, feeling his heartbeat.

"That was horrible," she whispers.

Axel holds her tight, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry, I've got you."

Haley leans into him fully, resting her head against his collarbone as he rocks her so gently, so safely. She can smell the faint hint of blood on his skin and rose petals mixed with sea salt. She lets him lower her back down into bed and pulls the thin cover over her shoulders, closing her eyes, letting his presence calm her back to sleep.

In the morning, Haley shakes Axel awake and gets up, her chest still heavy from the nightmare. She looks at herself in the mirror and sighs; today is not a female day.

"Can you call me a man today?" Haley asks Axel, who is still laying in bed, snuggling one of the pillows tight.

"Of course I can, angel," he drawls, pushing his face into the pillow. His tail shifts under the blanket.

"Thanks Ax," he smiles, putting his body back into its male form. He looks at the marking on his back, the star and the two-headed serpent, then to where Axel lies on his front, the exact opposite of someone you'd expect to be bonded to an Archangel. Haley comes back to his side when he's dressed and runs a hand over Axel's back. "Come on, you. My dads will be making breakfast."

On cue, there's the sound of something falling on the floor and a vulgar shout. Axel hums, looking to her with sleepy eyes. "Come back to bed?"

Haley sighs, getting back on top of the sheets. He feels the changeling's tiredness pulse through him. "Alright. I'm sure it'll take them a while to finish cooking."

He closes his eyes and snuggles up to him, allowing himself a little nap.

They awaken to a knock on the door and Gambi's voice. "Breakfast is ready."

"Coming," Haley calls to him. He gently removes Axel's arms, earning a groan, and sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Come on, Ax, time to go."

Axel finally pulls himself up and gets out of bed. He dresses himself and they both head downstairs, where there are two plates of fried fish and eggs for them. There's no reason that it should've taken them long enough that Haley and Axel were able to nap, but it's at least very tasty. Vane is the primary cook for the Pirate Lords and he knows how to do it well.

"Got any plans for today, Haley?" Gambi asks when he finishes his meal.

"I'm going to go find my friends," Haley answers. He already feels guilty enough for not looking for them yesterday.

"Tell Vimmie we said hi," Vane says. He's already smoking, which is rare for him - he's usually completely stress-free in a morning, especially after cooking.

"Not Gray?" Haley raises a brow.

A single look across his dads says the answer. Even after all these years they're bitter over how it ended between him and Gray. Haley supposes he can't blame them.

"Go have a good time, Haley, but be back tonight. You said you'd come drink with us," Henry reminds him with a smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Haley assures him. He collects everyone's plates and puts them on the side in the kitchen to be washed later, then returns and stands, holding Axel's hand. "I'll see you all later. I love you guys."

There's a unified 'I love you too' from the Pirate Lords, and like that Haley takes Axel and heads out into the wooden city.

Haley struggles to remember where Gray lives. It's one of the apartment complexes on the island, of which there are many, so he ends up dragging Axel around to building after building, staring at the walls in deep thought, trying to make out a detail that sparks a memory, but nothing seems to be quite right. He asks around but nobody that knows Gray actually knows where he lives, until finally he approaches a woman dressed in revealing clothes who is asking passers-by if they would like to spend a little free time in her company.

"Hey darlin'," she says when Haley approaches, looking between him and Axel with seductive green eyes. She's a high elf with tanned skin and black hair and she wears heavy makeup. "Are you boys lookin' to spend a little time with a woman like me? I'll only charge half for you, pretty captain, and I'm sure I could make a deal for your handsome companion."

"Oh no, sorry," he rubs the back of his neck, looking away. He's never enlisted the services of Pirate Island's sex workers, but being friends with one, they're all familiar with him. Axel grips his hand tight. "I'm just wondering if you know where Gray lives. The dragonborn with the short tail."

"Gray's perfectly friendly with little 'ole me," her painted lips curve upwards prettily. "He lives in number ten of the complex by Silvain's magic shop. Decided to visit old friends, captain?"

"Yeah. It's been a long time... thank you for your help anyway," Haley smiles back at her. He meets her eyes again, looking at her makeup. "I love your eyeliner, by the way."

"Why thank you," she crosses her arms under her chest. "Tell Gray Marie-Madeleine Malette has a discount for him, courtesy of his dashing friend and your rugged company."

Axel's nails are almost digging into Haley's hand. Haley nods to Marie-Madeleine. "I'll let him know."

He pulls Axel away, looking up at him as they continue down the street, on the lookout for Silvain's shop. Axel doesn't look down, his eye focused on the path ahead.

"What's wrong?" Haley asks, squeezing his hand and pulling him aside into a little nook between two shops. Axel finally looks at him, his expression too hard for Haley to read, but he knows it isn't good.

"I don't like it when other people hit on you," Axel says. He sounds like he's holding something back and his ears are tilted back. "It makes me feel like... I don't know, like my heart is being squeezed really hard."

"I'm sorry," Haley says, placing a hand gently on the changeling's cheek. "She probably talks like that to everyone, I'm sure she wasn't interested in me or anything."

"Better not have been," Axel shakes his head. "Can we wait here for a minute? I don't like when my head does this."

"Of course we can. Do you want to talk about something else?" Haley asks, thinking of topics.

"Yes please," Axel squeezes his hand, looking at him with trust.

"You know how you do blood magic?" Haley starts. "Well, there's no rules about it on Pirate Island. You won't get in trouble for using illegal magic here, as long as you're not killing anyone with it and following basic decency and all. There's probably more blood magic users here like you."

"You think? That's not something you see often," Axel smiles a little, his expression softening.

"Yeah, Pirate Island is a haven for all kinds of magicians," Haley says. "How did you get into blood magic? It's one of the rarest kinds."

Axel looks at his hands. There's a scar on the right and the one white ring finger on the left. "I would punish myself with the blade for everything, so I found a way to turn that into power, so I would be better than what everybody said I was."

"I see," Haley says, resting his palms on Axel's, drawing circles on them with his thumbs. "A lot of things about you have a difficult origin, huh?"

"It's hard for it not to after I got thrown onto the streets," Axel laughs, looking out to the street. "I think I can go again now."

"Alright," Haley grasps one of his hands and pulls him back onto their path to the apartment. The magic shop isn't far off, and when Haley sees it he stops and looks around for the tall wooden building that the apartments are made up of. It's behind the store down another street. When they turn to head down it Haley sees that it's a residential street, with the apartments on one side and a few houses on the other. There's a small patch of grassland beside the apartments, like some sort of miniature park.

Haley recognises the place when he walks through the door. There's a certain paint on the wood that he remembers, a sandy colour that he's never been able to figure out the idea behind since it looks very strange. He climbs the steps with Axel and comes to number ten.

He stands there for a few moments, working up his courage. He looks at Axel, and suddenly feels as though it's not a good idea for him to be here, but there's no turning back now. Haley finally knocks.

After a few moments there are footsteps from behind the door, then it opens to reveal none other than Gray. He's a dragonborn man with scales and spiky plates on his shoulders and the outsides of his arms, all different shades of grey like he's made up of seaside pebbles. He has a broad chest and teeth that poke out of his jaw. His face is scarred and his eyes are steel blue. His horn - the other is broken - is jagged like a harpoon. His hands are shaped like the talons of a bird of prey and his feet are wide like a dragon's. He wears only some baggy trousers with a sash around them, and from his backside sprouts a tiny but thick tail. He stands taller than both Haley and Axel at six-foot-six. Gray's eyes are wide as he looks at Haley.

"Holy shit," he blinks, "it's you."

"It's me," Haley smiles, opening his arms for a hug.

Gray takes the offer, lifting Haley into the air and squeezing him tight. He hugs Gray back, finding the spot behind his neck where he can wrap his arms because the scales are flat.

"Who's that?" a voice calls from behind Gray, coming closer, and beyond his shoulder Haley sees Vimmie approaching. She squeaks in delight when she sees him, running up to the door and stealing him from Gray's grasp.

Vimmie is a changeling much like Axel, but today she takes on a human form, her skin tanned and her almond eyes black. Her hair is white on the top and pulled back, then becomes the colour of a pale plum on her bangs and the rest. She wears a black bralette and a coat that hangs off her elbows, plus a bow tied to the side of her neck. She looks well. She's shorter than everyone here at five-foot-five, her arms wrapped around Haley's waist and his around her back.

"Where have you been?" Vimmie asks, parting from the hug and staring at him with wide eyes. "And who's your boy friend?"

"Axel, and he is actually my boyfriend," Haley introduces him, reaching to hold his hand. Axel offers his most friendly smile.

"You got a boyfriend?" Vimmie gasps, moving to hang off Axel's other arm. "He's handsome. Nice scar."

Axel blinks at her. "Uh... thanks."

"Let's get inside," Gray says, moving to let them in.

Gray's apartment is decorated in blues. He has a cozy place, with the same furniture he had all those years ago, dark wood. His place is tidier than it had been and he's rearranged the couches to be on opposite sides of a table, with two chairs on the other two sides. There's no way he ever has enough people over to fill all of the seats, but with Axel and Haley they at least take up a little more space, making the room look full.

"So this is the latest dick you're riding?" Gray sits with his arms spread across the back of the couch, Vimmie laying on the other side with her legs across his.

"You say that as if I do it often..." Haley looks away, going a little red. Axel doesn't say anything.

"I don't know, do you?" Gray laughs, his eyes looking Axel up and down. "I mean, c'mon Haley, you can do better."

Haley squeezes Axel's hand, looking to him and catching his expression dropping into that empty look he gets when he starts to tick. Haley gives Gray a hard look. "He's better than you were."

Vimmie looks between them, hand covering her mouth. Gray just grunts, looking away. "Fair."

"Be nice anyway, he's my boyfriend and I thought you'd be happy for me," he continues, feeling the slight tremble of anger in Axel's hand. He squeezes it again, looking to him with a gaze meant to reassure. Axel softens a little at it.

"I'm happy for you," Vimmie pipes up. "Besides, Axel has killer style."

"Thank you," Axel says, "it's hard to shop for."

"You should have a look at some pirate shops, you might find something you like," she recommends, replacing the tension in the room with a newfound friendliness. She's always been good at this with all the fights Gray used to get into. "You know what? We should go out. That's always a good way to get to know each other. I bet Emir would love to see you again, Haley. There's a show on tonight."

Haley's eyes widen at the mention of Emir. He's relieved to know Emir is still here, and even more that he's still running shows. It's been a long time since Haley has gotten into drag, and even longer since she's been a part of a proper show. "Let's do it."

The group get up shortly afterwards and leave, Axel glued to Haley's side, heading out down the street and back onto the main stretch. They're headed to the Quivering Clam, a tavern on the edge of the island with great prices and an even greater reputation. They have only the best entertainment with a drag night every month and at least one event every week, and for tonight to be the night of the drag show... it's the best 'welcome home' Haley could've received.

They arrive at the Quivering Clam and as soon as Haley walks in heads turn. People cheer at him, raising their glasses before necking them. There's an extra scream of delight from a man who had been at the bar, who runs over immediately to greet the group.

"Haley!" Emir cries, pulling him into a hug, "I knew you were alive but to see you back. Darling, you have been so missed here."

Emir is a skinny high elf with short rose pink hair and bright green eyes. He's got extravagant red and gold makeup on and his earrings are all rose themed. He's got a red boa wrapped around his arms and he wears high heels that always click perfectly against whatever surface he walks on. He's about as tall as Haley is with the heels on, an inch shorter without them.

"I've missed it too," he says, hugging him back tight. "How's it been since I've been gone?"

"We've gained some, lost some," Emir says, pulling back and examining Haley's face, his hands gentle as he turns his jaw. "Gosh, you look just as good as the last time I saw you. How do you take care of your skin?"

"Pure luck?" Haley answers with a laugh, smiling at the other man. He gestures back to Axel, figuring he should introduce him since Emir already knows the others. "This is my boyfriend, Axel."

"Ooh, a new boyfriend? Isn't he charming," Emir gasps, approaching Axel and looking him up and down. That seems to be happening a lot to Axel today. "I'm Emir, a pleasure to meet you."

Axel seems to like Emir a lot more than the others. He extends a hand for them to shake which Emir gladly takes. "A pleasure to meet you too."

"I hear you've got a show on tonight," Haley says, looking around the Quivering Clam. It's the same as it's always been, with its run down look despite its good income and good size. There are various seashell and clam decorations around to fit its name, and a stage sits opposite the bar, big enough that you could hold a small play on it. That's where the drag shows usually take place, with a little backstage area for all of the performers.

"I was hoping you'd mention it. Haley, I would love to see Raven Queen back on stage," Emir grasps at her free hand, looking to the others. "And I'm sure your friends would too. Has your boyfriend ever seen you in drag?"

"No," Haley blushes. He's not afraid of showing Axel, but he does wonder what his reaction will be to his drag persona.

"Oh, you must," Emir gasps. "We still have all of your old stuff - please will you join us?"

Haley looks at the three standing beside her. They all give her a solid nod. "Why not? Count me in. What time is everyone meeting tonight?"

"Eight," Emir answers, "and we'll reserve a table for your friends."

"You're the best, Emir," Haley smiles, offering him another hug. He returns to the bar to make their arrangements, and the group sit down for a drink together, all in good spirits. Gray refrains from making any further comments towards Axel, keeping the peace between them for the time being.

When they're done, they all head back home to prepare for the night. Haley and Axel have dinner with his dads, then he hangs out in his room with Axel for a little while, doing his makeup.

"What's Gray's deal?" Axel asks him after a while, pacing behind him where he sits at the desk with Vane's spare makeup and a mirror.

"I don't know, he's just really good at winding people up," Haley shrugs, frowning. "I'm sorry for everything he said. I didn't think he'd be that rude."

"It's not your fault," Axel huffs, finally sitting himself down on the bed. "I just... ugh. I want to punch his stupid face."

"A lot of people would agree with you. But hey, I'm sure it'll be okay tonight. Just keep your eyes on me and the others and ignore anything he says, okay?" Haley tells him, working on his eyeliner.

"I guess that means no fighting," Axel's lips quirk into a small smile.

"Yes, no fighting," Haley laughs. He paints his eyes with a design like raven feathers, then finishes his look by dabbing his lips black. When he gets to the Quivering Clam to get dressed, he thinks he'll add some of his old raven feathers to his face.

"This is gonna sound dumb," Axel looks away, his cheeks a little red, "but do you think you could do my eyeliner?"

"You wear eyeliner?" Haley asks, admiring the way Axel's blush settles on his handsome face.

"Well, no, but I thought it'd be nice," Axel says, his ears tilting downwards. "For my family, only passive men wear makeup, but I think it's pretty."

"Well never mind what your family does, I think you'll look nice," Haley picks up his makeup stick and the pot of mixed olive oil and charcoal and comes over to Axel. "Lie down."

Axel does as he says and he climbs onto the man's lap, leaning over him. He makes a point to be as gentle and precise as he can.

"You know, you having one eye makes this a lot easier. I don't have to worry about symmetry," Haley chuckles. He gives Axel a wing with two flicks that follows the pretty curl of his eyelashes. He thinks it looks quite pretty.

"I'm glad my lack of an eye is easy for you," Axel smiles, opening his eye and settling his hands on Haley's waist. Eyeliner suits him. "How do I look?"

"Pretty," Haley whispers, leaning in to place a kiss to Axel's lips.

They leave shortly afterwards. Before Haley can meet up with everyone, he has an idea for his outfit that he needs some help with. He finds one of the guards that he'd been sailing with and asks them for a simple favour. Then, he heads to the Quivering Clam. Haley goes backstage where he's greeted by a whole host of people, some he knows and some he doesn't. He shares a hug with each of them regardless, complimenting them on their outfits as he gets dressed.

His outfit is priceless. He pads his chest to give himself an exaggerated bust and tucks in the private booth in the corner. He layers armour he'd borrowed from the guard over a pink dress that brings out his features in all the right ways. He tops it all off with a curly black wig and, of course, the raven feathers that he sticks to his face.

When he parades out onto the stage he gets a cheer of approval from the Quivering Clam's patrons. Emir hypes him up with his commentary, and then each Queen gathers on the stage after they've each shown off their appearances and the bards at the side of the stage start up their music.

Haley is an Archangel. Almost every angel is good at singing. She kills it.

The song is about none other than Corvus Sanguis, called 'Long Live The King'. The twist is that instead of singing Corvus' praises, the song picks out every little thing they can mock him about and goes for it. It says enough that the song exists at all, but the lengths each verse goes to to mock him is an entirely other level of brutality. It's pirate through and through.

Haley misses the feeling of singing and dancing in his high heels. He laughs backstage with the others when they go back. There's people touching his arms and brushing up to him, and for once he likes it. They do another song together and some of the other Queens do a little comedy (he's never been very good at that part), and then the show finishes and everyone goes out to talk to people all dressed up.

Haley goes straight to his friends, who all smile up at him. Gray has a mischievous look in his eyes and Axel looks a little bit like he's about to explode. Then there's Vimmie, who just looks like she's having a good time.

"Enjoyed the show?" Haley asks, pressing his hands to the table and leaning over it.

Each offers their approval. Gray takes a sip of his drink. "That dress really does you justice."

"Thank you," Haley says innocently, not catching on.

"I love seeing you on stage," Vimmie smiles. She's all dressed up for the night in a pretty black dress and her eyelids painted blue. "Even after all these years you haven't lost your talent. Your voice- oh my God."

Haley can't help but blush at her words. Vimmie always knows how to do that to someone. "Thanks, Vimmie. And you look really good."

"Aww, thank you Haley," she touches his arm affectionately.

"What about you, Axel? What do you think?" he looks to him with bright eyes, reaching out to place one of his hands on Axel's.

The changeling looks up at him with a new smile, "You're stunning. I could watch you all over again."

"You're too kind," Haley laughs softly, leaning in to give him a kiss on the head. "I'm gonna go get dressed, I'll be right back."

Haley comes back in his regular outfit, sitting down beside Axel and grabbing his hand. "Who's getting the next round of drinks?"

"My turn!" Vimmie says, getting to her feet. "The same for you too, and the usual for you Haley?"

Everyone nods and she heads to the bar to get their drinks, leaving the three men together. Gray finishes his drink. "I remember when we used to come out here and you used to get right up in my business. Those were the days."

Axel bristles. "Well you can keep missing it."

Haley looks between the two, at the glare they share with each other. Gray rolls his eyes. "Possessive, huh? Does that run in the family?"

"I have nothing to do with the Sanguises," Axel hisses.

Ouch, Haley frowns. He knows this isn't going to end well. Thankfully, Vimmie returns and the conversation turns back to normal, with Gray making the odd comment about Haley's appearance that keeps making Axel get more and more tense.

They finish their drinks and Haley stands. "I'm gonna get back for the night. My dads wanted to drink with me."

"Alright," Gray nods, looking to Vimmie. "I think we'll stay for a while. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," Haley agrees, then he says goodbye to them both and pulls Axel out.

Axel finally breathes when he's outside. He walks slowly, saying nothing, until suddenly he pulls Haley into a quiet alleyway, right to the back next to a pile of empty crates. He looks at Haley with a complex look in his eyes, then presses him up against the wall, chest-to-chest.

Haley takes a sharp breath, "Axel?"

Axel's body is warm against his and his lips tickle Haley's ear. "I need you."

He whimpers when teeth prickle against his earlobe. "What's gotten into you?"

"I can't take it anymore," he sighs, his lips coming to press to Haley's jaw. "I'd knock Gray out, but this is just as good."

Haley curves into his every touch, wrapping his arms around Axel's shoulders. He gasps his approval when Axel presses a kiss under his chin, then his throat, moving down and down.

"I need you," Axel says again, and then again, and that's all he needs to make Haley come undone.