The Fires of Summer (first draft)

2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 21
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence


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Author's Notes

and the reason comes on the common tongue of your loving me

chapter twenty

The wind is with them on the rest of the journey home. Smock isn't sailing for most of the day, the crew insisting that he takes a break, so he spends his time in the crow's nest again, keeping an eye out for anything that could possibly cause any trouble. He sees some ships passing by, but nothing of concern, probably just civilian vessels travelling by. Miria passes by faster than ever, and as he watches it go by he starts to think back on his life as an Archangel. His memories from the day before stay out of his mind, the trauma of it all leaving him with a blurry memory and his feelings detached.

Still, he is able to think back to Apollyon, all that time ago. He remembers how the angel always seemed to be trying to get close to him, insisting (meanly) on preening his feathers for him and always finding something to complain about or bring up that kept them in a room together. Smock wishes he'd realised sooner that they were mated. It wouldn't have changed the fact he didn't return it, but he could have been gentler, or perhaps found some way to refocus Apollyon on other angels, to maybe give them the chance for the feelings to die down, possibly even help them move on to someone else.

Smock vaguely recalls the question Axel asked him about Archangels mating, and once it sticks out to him, he can't seem to get it out of his head. No Archangel that he's known has ever had a soulmate, but there is one Archangel he never got to know. He wonders idly if maybe Lucifer has ever had a soulmate. Nobody knows what he's truly the symbol of, but he is thought to be the most beautiful and perfect angel, so there's no doubt both angels and mortals alike would be drawn to him, but would he have been drawn to any of them?

It begins to bother him, how little he knows about his oldest brother. The others were always reluctant to speak of him, and nobody but Michael seemed to know much about him in the first place. Even meeting him, the only thing he found out was that Lucifer was having relations with the Emperor, which is definitely not something he was hoping to hear.

Smock can't help but feel as though there's so much more that he's missing when it comes to his siblings. He knows the most about Michael, who always seemed to be involving him in things, and then second most about Gabriel, who he'd always been close to, but the others seemed to be off in their own little worlds, where he had nothing to do with them. Sometimes he'd braid their hair or preen their feathers or spend time training with them, but most of the other times in the garden they said little of substance to each other outside of catching up on how things had been, the usual 'how are you?' and 'how's work been?' leading to just about nowhere.

He turns to Baguette, who yet again is accompanying him on the crow's nest. "What do you think? I feel like I barely even know them."

Baguette caws, unable to voice his wisdom in the common tongue.

"Yeah," Smock agrees with whatever the raven just said.

He wonders if his Archangel ravens still reside within the Raven Queen's empty domain. When a god passes their domain is rarely inhabited, unless they have someone that can take up their place when they're gone, like a child or a loyal servant. As far as Smock knows, that had been Michael for Mars, but with Azrael fallen and the Raven Queen having no children or loyal servants to speak of, there'd be nobody to take up her throne. He wonders what it would be like to go there again, if perhaps his room would still be in perfect shape or if it would be in disrepair. He thinks, with a smile, that the ravens have probably found a way to infest it by now, making the place their own perfect little realm and his room their biggest nest.

It creeps back to him slowly, however, that the others now know his identity, and that puts a quick stop to his fond thoughts of ravens. He is Azrael, and he is the one Axel has an entire dedicated shrine to, and they finally know why he is so cold all the time. They probably think he's got some cool Archangel powers waiting to be unleashed, but really he's just lame now, with humanoid organs and a sleep cycle that demands to be adhered to, and a stomach currently rumbling from a lack of food.

He heads down from the crow's nest and calls over Axel, who approaches with a shine in his eye. Smock raises a brow at the sight, but doesn't comment on it. "I'm hungry - who's in charge of food since Rabia's been resting?"

"Uhh," Axel looks across the ship, a frown on his face. "Nobody, I guess. But nobody's said anything..."

"Ax, go make some food. It's about time you got to be a ship's chef," Smock pats the man on the shoulder, then watches as he heads off to go put something together for them.

He returns some time later with a pot full of soup that he sets down under the mast for everyone to take a bowl of.

Axel stands proudly beside it, eating his own serving, welcoming people in to take their share. Smock approaches and looks in to see that it's a thick orange soup with meat and vegetables inside of it, seemingly a little fish too. He sees that there are lemons inside of it, and he makes out what must be pickles, which seem like a strange addition to a soup, but he trusts it, taking a bowl full and tasting it. It's salty and sour, but he quickly gets used to it, enjoying the unique taste, something you would imagine a typical sailor eating.

"This is good," Smock praises the man, humming his delight. "What is it?"

"Solyanka," Axel smiles. "It's a good meal after a feast, because you can use the leftovers. My mother made it, but she said she only did so because it was what they would feed the guards or the peasants back where she used to live."

"She was a dark elf, wasn't she?" the pirate asks. Queen Avalia is the only dark elf known to Aldelis, leaving the land with a total of zero of her race after her death.

"Yeah, a princess too, although she hated that term. She hated everything about being part of the royal family, actually, especially if it involved her father, so she'd end up mingling with the common folk and the guards, and eating their food and enjoying their culture. When she left, she almost shunned the dark elf in her entirely, apart from shreds of what the common folk that she adored taught her," Axel explains, his expression turning fond at the talk of his mother.

"She sounds like a wild one," Smock chuckles, happy to see Axel looking so comfortable in his thoughts. But then his mind turns to someone else that deserves the title of 'wild one', and he looks around to see them approaching the bay. "Shoot. Ax, could you do me a favour? I need to stop by at Moosewater, if you can."

"Moosewater? What business have you got in that place?" Axel asks, looking as though he's just been asked something crazy.

"I have someone I need to check in on," Smock tells him.

Axel takes his food with him to inform Ophelia of their change of course, which she doesn't seem bothered by, and when they finish their food Smock watches as the ship dips closer to the right side of the bay. He can't place Moosewater if someone were to ask, but he finds himself impatiently watching each dock go past, thinking 'this has gotta be it' each time.

Finally he recognises the pretty town when they head towards the dock and he sees the walkway above it that leads out to Bo and Garrett's farm. He rushes to the side of the ship so fast that he makes his shoulder, irritated from the day prior, ache from the movement. They dock and Smock can hardly wait to get off, but he exercises self-restraint, joining everyone for their usual briefing.

"We'll regroup here before sundown," Axel says, "so you are all free to do as you wish. No objective for now, just have fun."

There's a half-hearted cheer among the crew, and they disperse soon afterwards, leaving just Axel and Smock. Kallisto appears to have gone with the others, and Smock watches him with concern for a moment before noticing him making a beeline for the trees. Must be missing the wild, he thinks, then he returns his gaze to Axel. "What are you gonna do?"

"Come with you?" Axel suggests.

Smock can't say no when his voice is so full of hope, and together they set out into Moosewater, Axel sneaking his hand into his, entwining their fingers as they walk. He leads the changeling along the path to the farm, remembering his time with Dawn walking through here.

They come to the front of the farm, and when Smock looks around the corner of the house he sees Dawn sitting on the porch overlooking the growing plants. Tears wet the corners of his eyes. "Dawn!"

At his raised voice, she turns right away, setting a book into her lap. When she sees him, her entire face lights up, and she calls something back into the doorway behind her before running down towards the fence. Axel looks between the two, perplexed, but before he can say anything, Dawn hops the fence and throws herself into Smock's arms. "You're back!"

Smock holds her tight, feeling how her body has gained more weight from being properly fed by Bo and Garrett. The two men join them shortly afterwards, coming from the front door and bringing the two into a big four-person hug, their big arms easily clutching the two close.

"We were just making lunch," Garret says as he lets go, looking over to Axel. "Are you and your friend hungry?"

Smock frowns. "We ate recently, I'm sorry."

"Let us make you something small, then - just a snack," Bo insists, coaxing Smock towards the door.

"I suppose a snack won't hurt," the pirate looks back to Axel, who seems to be making acquaintance with Garrett's hug. It's funny watching his slim body get scooped up and squeezed by someone much bigger.

It's nice to be back inside Bo and Garrett's house again. Dawn drags him back to the seat he used to take up in the living room. There's a candle on the table, a new addition since the last time he was here, and with excitement Dawn takes out her wand. She says a simple incantation and the candle lights up with a small flame. "Look! I've been learning how to do little things like that."

"That's amazing," Smock smiles with pride. It hasn't been that long since they parted, and already she's learning tricks. "What else can you do?"

"I know some house magic," she answers, creating some small sparks from her wand by just waving it, "and a few little visual things. I can change the temperature of water and revive a houseplant, stuff like that, it's super easy."

"I'm so proud of you," Smock's eyes are gentle. "You're gonna do so well at the school."

"Emilio said so too!" Dawn grins.

Axel comes to join them, taking the next seat nearest to Smock. He smiles at the girl kindly. "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Axel."

She looks him up and down, staring for an extra moment at his tail, then she smiles back. "I'm Dawn, and it's nice to meet you too! Smock told me about you."

"He did?" Axel raises his brow, looking to Smock with a smirk.

"Yeah, he said you're weird," she giggles.

Smock goes deep red. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"You totally did," she puts her wand away and reaches out to usher a cat onto her lap, but it seems to be bristling at the sight of Axel and walks away after a hiss. "Huh, Pig doesn't like you."

"Animals don't tend to get along with me," Axel sighs. "Anyway, you named a cat Pig?"

"I think it's a cute name," Dawn shrugs.

"Ignore him, he's just a pain in the butt. You wouldn't believe how difficult he's been on this entire journey," Smock is only half lying.

"Oh yeah! Tell me about your adventures!" she leans in, and on cue they are joined by Bo and Garret, who come in with some sandwiches for Smock and Axel and plates full of meat and veg for them and Dawn.

With everyone together, Smock and Axel begin their tale, of their time at sea and the ball and the sea monster they fought. It turns out that Smock is a far better storyteller with a far better grasp on the events, but he figures it's just the pirate inside of him, always ready to tell a tale to the crew or to willing listeners at a tavern. When the story is done, the others look absolutely intrigued, but Dawn has an especially important question.

"What about Apollyon? Did you see him?"

Smock pauses, unsure exactly what to tell her, but she deserves to know. "You don't have to worry about him anymore."

Axel looks like he's dying to say something about it, but Smock shoots him a glare and he keeps his mouth shut. Dawn seems satisfied with the answer.

"I can't believe you've been to Gore," Garrett says, "is it true that there's barely any farmland there?"

"Yeah, although it seems like there's certain plants that can grow out of cracks in the rocks, so maybe their farms are just way different," Smock speculates.

"I hear that a lot of the resources are imported," Axel shrugs. "This is really good food, what is it?"

Smock realises he's barely started on his sandwich, so he gets to eating. It's made up of some sort of chicken, but nothing like any chicken he's tasted before.

"Raptor chicken," Bo answers him. "We decided to get some last year and got way too attached to them, but we decided it was about time to cull some of them after Smock left."

He can't say he's ever heard of raptor chickens, but they're pretty tasty. He finishes his sandwich and leans back into his seat, feeling very full. He can always rely on Bo and Garrett to make sure he eats well. "How have things been since I've been gone, then?"

"Pretty good. Although, there's more Sanguis guards around here lately - they're really cracking down on any suspicious people travelling in, or anyone that seems like a pirate," Garrett frowns. "You two had better be careful around here now. You haven't had much trouble, have you?"

"Nobody stopped us on the way in," Axel shrugs. "Corvus said he'd be upping security but I didn't think it'd happen this fast."

Smock frowns. If everything is moving this fast, there's no doubt Pirate Island will be under attack very soon. "They haven't been bugging the locals, have they?"

"We've had no trouble, although some of the sailors have," Bo says, finishing his food and snuggling up to Garrett. "It's usually okay in the daytime, and we don't go out much at night anyway."

"Hopefully it won't be like this for much longer," Axel says. To anyone else it might just sound like optimism, but Smock knows better.

"Hopefully," Bo agrees. "Anyway, are there any resources you need for your travels? If there's anything we can help out with, we will."

"There's no need," Axel smiles. "We've only got a little bit further to go before we're stopping at home, but thank you. You guys are very kind."

"There's no point in anything if not to be kind," Garrett chuckles. He gets up to collect everyone's plates and returns them to the kitchen, then comes back with milk tea for them all. Smock appreciates the sweetness of the tea, sating a craving that he hadn't noticed until this point. Axel takes extra sugar with his, satisfying what seems to be an everlasting sweet tooth.

"Are you guys gonna go out and attack Sanguis ships in the ocean?" Dawn asks after a while, warming her hands with her teacup.

"Hell yeah," Axel responds with a smile. He seems to be getting along with her well. "There's nothing I'd love more than to send those-" Smock glares at him, and he tones it down, "...guys crying to their mothers."

"That's so cool," she sighs. "If I wasn't going to magic school I'd go fighting with you guys! I bet I could fight so good."

"Well good thing you're going to magic school, because working on a pirate ship is very hard," Smock quickly jumps in as deterrent. As much as he loves sailing, the thought of someone as young as her on a ship fighting navymen doesn't at all sit right with him.

"Yeah, well I'd be really great at it," she argues, going to drink her tea but finding it too hot, making a face at it. "I'd climb all the rigging and do the sail stuff!"

"Been reading those pirate books, huh?" Smock chuckles warmly, sipping his tea.

"Yeah! Turns out I'm not very good at reading big books, but I'm getting through it," she beams, reaching over the side of her seat to a small table. From it she pulls a book with a leaf in its pages about halfway through. "See? I'm not doing that bad!"

"Nice one, Dawn," he praises her, glad to see that his money has been well-spent.

Garrett and Bo are snuggling now on the couch. Garrett is almost done with his tea, and he looks to Dawn with pride too. "She's been at it all the time when she's not studying magic. Not to mention how helpful the extra pair of hands have been."

Smock smiles. "Have you managed to make any friends among all your reading and hard work?"

"I met some people in town that I hang out with sometimes! They're not going to the magic school, but they're pretty nice," she opens the book, picking up where she last left off. "I think I'm the only one of them with a brain, though."

"That's mean," Bo says, but he can't help but laugh at her honesty.

"But it's true! They keep trying to do dumb things and chase after deer in the forest and stuff. One of them fell out of a tree, and the tree wasn't even that tall!" she protests.

"Okay, well maybe you're just really good at climbing trees and other people aren't," Smock suggests.

"I dunno, I think they sound pretty dumb," Axel shrugs smugly.

"See, he gets me," Dawn giggles, pleased to find an ally.

The group stay there for a while, talking about the farms and more about the ball and Gore. The topic of Corvus and the rest of the royal family comes up, and Axel can't help his charged way of speaking about them, making his opinions very blatant. They learn quickly not to ask him any extra questions on the topic. Eventually the sun begins to go down, and they remember their promise to return.

"We've got to get going, but I'd like to give you all a gift," Axel says as he stands, reaching into an inside pocket of his jacket. He retrieves a handful of drachma and puts it down on the table, then some more. Smock is amazed at the volume of money that just seems to be hanging around in there, not in any sort of pouch or anything. There ends up being a notable deal of money upon the table. "Share it among yourselves as you will, but I'd like to leave you with plenty for your kindness and the farm, and for Dawn's magic school."

"This is far too much money," Bo stares wide-eyed at it all.

"Not at all," Axel smiles, "and I'm not scooping all of that back into my jacket anyway. It's for you, it's really nothing."

"Where do you get this much money?" Dawn gasps.

Axel laughs, tapping the side of his nose, and then he turns to go.

"Thank you so much," Garrett calls after him, then he looks to Smock. "Really, thank you. Be safe on your travels."

"We will be. Take care," Smock takes a hug from each of them before following Axel out of the farmhouse.

Axel is waiting for him, hands in his pockets, and he reaches to take Smock's hand as he comes out. "Your friends are really nice, but is that your daughter?"

Smock stares at him for a moment. "Oh, no, Dawn isn't my daughter."

"Are you sure? I mean, she looks exactly like you," Axel insists, starting to walk back along the path to the dock with him. "You can tell me if you do have some secret daughter. How old is she?"

"Fifteen, but she's seriously not my daughter," Smock argues.

"...Did you have some secret lover before Ellamia?" Axel gasps like he's in on some sort of drama. "Oh, that's sad. I'm sorry."

"She's from a cult, Axel. I met her like... two weeks ago," Smock finally says, giving the man a glare.

"Oh," it sure shuts the man up, and they walk the rest of the way to the ship in silence.

They decide to stay docked for the night and set off again in the morning thanks to the dangers of the woods and the mountains, but Smock and Axel don't yet go to bed. They share some wine and watch the waves out over the dock, catching a glimpse of the local orcas out in the water. They talk about nothing important for a while, until Axel changes the topic to something Smock would rather avoid.

"So, Archangels can be bonded to people, right?" Axel asks, not meeting his eyes.

"Usually gods, but I guess one could be bonded to a regular person. But it's not an easy thing to do, and you have to be very powerful," Smock answers with a frown. He can't say he's ever heard of an angel, and definitely not an Archangel, being bonded to anyone normal.

"Even if they're fallen?"

Smock messes with the rim of his shirt. "I guess so."

"Well I've been thinking," Axel goes on, tapping his glass with one of the fingers holding it idly, "and would it not be helpful for you to be bonded to me? We both need power, especially with how dangerous it's been getting for us both."

"Axel, you understand how serious it is to bond to an Archangel? How would you even know what to do?" Smock stares at him wide-eyed.

"I understand, and I've read plenty about it," Axel says simply. "Besides, you can't deny that I'm right. This would be good for both of us."

Smock stares out across the bay, lips in a tight line. Apollyon's attack comes to mind quickly. His mind refuses to fill him in on the details, but he remembers feeling vulnerable and pathetic, something no Archangel should feel to an angel. Then he thinks back to the beast that wounded Rabia, and then the Sanguis guards, and then Lukas. With his Archangel power back, and Axel's enhanced, none of it would've gotten so bad, or caused so much destruction. Helplessly he watches the darkness below them, remembering how easily the water swallowed him and dragged him under. "I don't know Ax, it's really drastic... Are you sure?"

Axel turns to look at him, and grasps their free hands together, their eyes meeting. "I'm completely sure. You can trust me, Haley. I promise I know what I'm getting myself into, if you'll let me."

He hesitates, but the man seems to be sure of himself, and he puts his trust in him. "Okay, Axel. I'll do it."

The changeling's expression lights up and he leans in for a half-hearted hug that ends up being more pressing their bodies together, both of their hands occupied. "You won't regret it."

"I better not," Smock grumbles, taking a lengthy sip of the wine.

The next morning he takes up sailing to Wolf's Rest, though he's mindful upon arrival to switch with Ophelia to avoid anyone recognising him. They sneak past the guards like before, and begin on their way up the mountain.

Along the way, he finds himself in the company of Kallisto, who speaks to him in a hushed voice. "So... you and Axel, are you fucking?"

Smock looks at him like he said he killed the Emperor. "Excuse me?"

"Are you two fucking? Like, together, you know?" he goes on, tired eyes watching Smock.

"No, why would you think that?" he furrows his brows.

"You guys have been acting like a couple," Kallisto sounds just as confused as him at the answer. "Like, holding hands and stuff. I thought..."

"No, no - we're not together. He's just really affectionate with me, I guess," Smock frowns, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry to disappoint?"

"Oh, there's nothing to apologise for," Kallisto smiles a little awkwardly. "I'm sorry for assuming."

"That's okay," Smock returns the smile with the same energy, and from there is left alone for the rest of their journey.

When they get back, Rabia is taken to Keaberos' place for further treatment of her injury. Smock is left to himself for the time being, with Keaberos promising to check on his wound once he's done taking care of hers, but giving him some fresh bandages to wrap it with. He takes a seat on the decking of the cabin, the warm breeze comfortable enough for him to take off his shirt and dress his wound, which aches at the touch. It'll appreciate some ointment, he thinks, but he can wait - it's not urgent.

He watches the sky for a while, wondering where Baguette is right now. Perhaps the bird decided to stay a while in Dawn's company - he'd surely be missing the girl that named him. Smock smiles fondly thinking of their time together. He makes note to visit her when the summer is over, to see how her start to school has been.

When the night once again is upon them, marking the end of yet another day, Smock goes inside after putting his clothes back on. He sees Axel and expects for him to be directed upstairs again, but that is far from the plan.

"Hey," the changeling smiles, "I want to show you something - come with me?"

Smock nods, allowing Axel to lead him downstairs, and then down one of the dimly-lit corridors. They stop at one of the circular lounges, where there are three doors, two on one side and one between the entrances to hallways. Axel opens the door, with a sign hanging from the handle saying 'Haley', to one room to reveal a pretty bedroom decorated with blacks and purples, with a very comfortable-looking bed, much like Axel's.

"I thought you should have a room, considering you're working with me," Axel follows him in as he looks around the place in awe.

Smock smiles brightly at the gift. The room has decorations featuring feathers and birds, some ravens and others non-specific. There's a black fur rug in the middle of the room, and a fireplace to the side where there sits a rocking chair. "Thank you so much, Ax. It's really nice. Where did you get all the stuff for it?"

"I keep plenty of resources around in case we get new recruits. Maya and Adayre have a new room too. Wasn't sure what theme to go for so it's a bit less done-up than yours," Axel explains, placing a hand on the man's back. "I have something else I want to do tonight, though, if you'll come with me."

Smock closes the door to his room, trying to remember the path they'd come through to get to it, though he's not too concerned about it thanks to the addition of the sign. He follows Axel through to somewhere he recognises - the room outside the shrine. But thankfully, they don't enter the shrine, instead walking into another bedroom - definitely Axel's.

This one has a theme of black and sanguine red, with decorations of snakes and dragons. The bed is grand and there's a black fur rug next to the fireplace with a rocking chair, much like Smock's new room. There's a painting above the headboard of the bed of the sea at sunrise. Smock can make out five handprints, so subtle that most wouldn't be able to spot them, three appearing to be from children. There's a desk in the room with a neat pile of papers, though from how perfect they are he figures that they don't usually look like that. Actually, the entire room is quite clean, so he figures it must have been cleared out prior.

"We should start with the bonding," Axel looks to him with a catlike smile, watching.

Smock sighs, dropping to his knees and extending his arms wrist-up to him, lifting his eyes to the man above, offering his submission. The most important part of bonding is ensuring the angel is giving complete submission, so important that the process can't be complete without it.

Axel stares at him and then laughs gently, smirking as he takes Smock's chin in his hand, pulling it up until they are facing each other evenly. Smock frowns, confused, until the man speaks. "I was thinking another type of submission, angel."

Smock's face heats up immediately and his eyes widen, his thoughts completely silencing, his mind totally shutting down for just a moment. Axel extends a hand for him which he takes, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. Not waiting another moment, Axel presses forward, holding Smock's chin up so that their lips meet perfectly, opening around each other, tongues meeting. Smock feels those fangs he's only caught glimpses of, their sharp edges, eight in total, prickling against him. He feels where Axel's tongue is split at the tip, one of his seemingly endless body modifications. The cold metal of the man's piercings press against his skin.

Axel kisses him like he's something special, slowly and adoringly, unwinding him so easily. Bony hands move over Smock's body from his chest to his hips, feeling him at a gradual pace and with utmost adoration, the way a wave caresses the sand. They press together as though they are made only by each other, a part of some grand design that brings them closer, chest to chest, Axel's heart thrumming a quick beat against his bones.

Parting from the kiss just momentarily, Smock takes in the other's face, the bliss written all over him, his half-lidded eye and his parted lips. Smock braces his hands against the changeling's chest, feeling the body he's laid his eyes upon more than once now, brushing over soft bumps beneath the fabric of his shirt, evidence of the flowers that bloom upon him. Smock can't help but weave his hands beneath his clothes, touching his warm skin, the scar that breaks through him.

They break away again, and Axel starts undressing, throwing his jacket to the floor, then his shirt. Smock follows a little self-consciously, a deep blush spreading across his face, keeping his eyes on the other man's body rather than his face. Axel is something crafted by gods, with wide shoulders, a slender waist, and slim legs. Without his boots on he comes to his regular height of five-foot-three, standing only a little taller now than Smock. He's ethereal in his beauty, sculpted by otherworldly hands, space itself torn into the wound on his figure. When they're both down to just their underwear he closes the distance, their naked skin touching.

Smock ignores the way they move together so perfectly, ignores the way their lips slide together, ignores how those hands touch him like they have traced each mark on his skin like it's burned into Axel's memory, all in favour of the sweet bliss he chases, climbing higher, deeper into his skull. He ignores Ellamia's face when she comes to mind, blowing her away like the petals of a rose. With it goes the guise of the name Smock, a name to hide himself, but he can't hide anything from Axel any longer, bared to him. He ignores it all because this truly feels like heaven.

They teeter slowly towards the bed, lips tasting each other's sweetness as their bodies press together. They kiss each other wildly, like there is nothing left holding them back. They are shooting stars bound to hit the earth, corroding into nothingness. The stars freckling Axel's skin caress Haley's aches, enveloping him in the night sky. He feels as though he is nothing but a glimmer in the universe, but with Axel he is a nova burning up the grass and dirt and rock beneath their feet until they are nothing but a constellation kept in memories.

Fuck, he thinks, fuck, as those devilishly talented fingers dance further and further down his body to grasp where he is sensitive. Then he is backed up against the bed and pushed onto it, Axel crawling atop him and moving his hand down further. The moan on Haley's lips is stolen by a tongue, a loud whine collecting on Axel's sharp teeth as that hand presses within him, blessing him both inside and out.

Haley is unique inside, with a wetness given to him by his formerly Archangel body that had once been comprised internally of just liquid, and Axel takes advantage of it, curling his fingers maddeningly well before he withdraws them entirely and exposes them both in their entirety to the air.

"Get comfortable, Haley," Axel breathes, gesturing towards the pillows above, and Haley quickly shifts to place his head against them. From there he watches Axel crawl his way up the bed to him, parting Haley's legs and slotting himself between them, their bodies entirely bare and pressed to one another now.

Their kisses only cease for a moment as Axel lifts himself to rifle through a drawer for something that Haley doesn't care to watch for. The changeling breathes a quiet check-in to him, ensuring all is well, before he presses to a spot that makes Haley turn deep red, heat filling him to his core. Initially the welcome intrusion is unpleasant, his body adjusting after all the seven years he's been away, and then he settles into the fullness, and then Axel moves and shooting stars burst into sparks. Even the aether's divinity would bow to this feeling.

Haley clings to the other tight, unashamed of the noises he makes, his voice truly one of an Archangel's. A voice that is capable of singing the most beautiful of hyms or welcoming a soul to death is now suited to sounds of bliss, singing for Axel so sweetly, gasping beautifully. But Axel is no different - he is loud in his euphoria and his voice comes in harmony to Haley's, meshing together as though this is all their vocal chords are made for.

Axel kisses him over and over, those shooting stars seeming to now be in never-ending eruption, painting them both in perfect desire fulfilled only by each other. Haley thinks that he might have dedicated all of the changeling to memory by the end of this, unable to ignore his details any longer in favour of the overwhelming bliss. It comes to him all at once: the way pleasure looks on Axel's face, the muscles that move in his shoulders, his slim hips, his messy hair. In the low light he looks more of a prince than ever, beautiful and powerful and elegant.

"Haley," Axel breathes his name and it's ethereal, sending jolts through Haley's body.

"Axel," he gasps back, pulling him impossibly close, rose petals delicately kissing his skin. The changeling peppers kisses to his neck, each press of his lips like an individual act of worship, slow and delicate and adoring.

Axel moves to begin the ritual. Haley watches him draw a dagger from the bedside table. With it he draws blood from both of their palms, then presses them together to bind it. When he speaks he is breathless, speaking between vocalisations of his pleasure."Be mine, Azrael. Be bound to me like a serpent to endless hunger until this apocalypse releases us from its grasp. Entrust me with your power as I entrust you with mine, and lend me the means to do what must be done. From here on know Axel Sanguis as your god, and you my Archangel."

Around their joined hands a chain forms, wrapping around their wrists and joining at the middle, glowing blood red on Axel's end and black on Haley's. Axel stares at it wide-eyed before it tightens and then sinks into their skin, sending a new feeling coursing through Haley's veins. Bonding is meant to feel good. It is designed to keep a hold of an Archangel, to ensure servitude and loyalty, but he has never felt how it is to regain a bond. Power seeps into his body slowly, creeping in with a rising pleasure, and he knows he must be leaving marks with how hard he is clawing at Axel's back.

Axel's breaths become more and more ragged. Haley wonders if he's feeling that energy within him too. Everything begins to melt away under the heavy blanket of pleasure, his mind growing more and more absent with each moment, everything becoming too much in the best of ways, until it all reaches a peak.

"Azrael," Axel gasps.

Heat pulses through him at the name. "Axel."

They open their lips against each other as it all peaks. Haley melts into the stars on Axel's skin, cries tearing themselves from his throat, his body involuntarily arching with each wave of bliss. Strength flows through him, and all he can think of is Axel, over and over again, coursing through his mind and body.

Without realising it he has grown sweaty, and so has Axel. They lie together for a while, overcoming their shared euphoria, until eventually they part, bodies breathing in the air. Haley has made a mess of himself, and with shame he closes his eyes, trying to will it away. Instead of magic coming to clean him up, the softness of a recently-cleaned towel comes to his aid instead, Axel clearly having prepared for everything. The changeling wipes him down with tenderness, kissing his stomach when it is clean, and then he takes care of himself before coming to take up a space beside him, playing idly with the pirate's hair.

"I think I'm in love with you, Haley," Axel says, and suddenly Haley feels very sober.

The pirate stares wordlessly, then he bolts upright, wiping his face and his eyes. Ellamia, he sees her again, and this time he can't push her away, can't get rid of her shamrock green eyes and the way they stare. She's everywhere, in his every move, and he feels an incredible shame, his bones filling with guilt. "I... I can't."

"Haley?" Axel sits up with him now, face written over with confusion. He lifts an arm to set across Haley's back, but the touch only startles him further, and he crawls off the bed, collecting his clothes.

"I'm sorry Axel," Haley says hastily, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He dresses just his lower half and doesn't look back to Axel when he rushes out of the door. His body is heavy and his mind heavier, and finally he cries, the weight of it all crashing down on him.

I'm bonded, he wipes his eyes, I agreed to be bonded.

With shame he remembers how good it all felt, how he pushed Ellamia out of his mind. His chest is so full with her yet he'd been selfish enough to take Axel's for a while, to use it and wring it dry, then run when it's exposed to him. Idiot, he scolds himself, trying to find his way through the dim hallways. He finally finds his way to the door to his room, and he throws himself down onto the bed.

Idiot, is all that rings through his head as he curls up, balling his hands into fists, clutching the sheets beneath him, still aching, and cries.