Ambrosia Rosewood

10 months, 12 days ago
1 month, 3 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 1
Published 10 months, 12 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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Author's Notes

This character is every evolving and there isn't really one point in his timeline that's the one I will draw - though I will try to place where it sits in the timeline to which ficlet it fits with.
The ficlets will be posted as the following chapters and will be rearranged so they're always in the cannonical order

Main information

Name: Alador Rosewood
 Nicknames: Al, Flower, Rosey
 Alias: Ambrosia Rosewood

 Gender: FtM Male
 Pronouns: He / It / Moss / They
 Age: 30
 Sexuality: Homoromantic

 Species: Duck - Mallard
 Unique Features: Plant Hybrid

Alador was pretty quiet and kept to himself before the mutation, with a preference of being alone then socialising. This remained the same afterwards, though he learnt to hide the small levels of socialising he needed regarding the fact almost everyone avoids him now. Moss prefers to just sit and read, always having enjoyed nature but even more so now that they are part of it, as he says. It’s grown better at acting, both due to Fowls pressure to act a certain way but also his then need to be ‘bad’ to get anything that they need in life. Deep down moss is an extreme people pleaser, wanting to make them happy even to their own detriment, another reason they were such a good target for fowl.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
 SHUSH File: Yes -Threat Level
            S.H.U.S.H don’t exactly know Ambrosia, but they know of it.
When searching through the undestroyed remains of F.O.W.L they found the files dedicated towards him and what they did. Labelled as a threat mostly due to the mutation and the fact it ran and hasn’t tried to go to S.H.U.S.H for help like most of the other escaped victims.
They heard of the St.Canard villain who seemed to be plant based, and suspected it was the same person, but with no confirmation either way they have not specifically noted this in their file.
Alador was the child of two retired SHUSH agents, so when FOWL came back onto the scene he and his family instantly became key targets to their plans. Alador especially as it had his parents intelligence and skills, he could also be tricked easier then trained SHUSH agents – even if they are now retired.
 After Taurus Bulba brought the Fearsome Four into their world temporarily this set a plan forward for FOWL to use in regards to Alador – fascinated by the abilities Bushroot showed they tried to recreate him themselves, using Alador as their lucky victim subject. He had already been in confinement for years at this point, working on the idea that kidnapping the child could mould him to their views better, and using him for ‘simpler’ experiments at first.
They were successful – though not to the same depth as Bushroot - none of them had spent years specialising in plant science after all and it ended in a more partial transformation. The plants not completely taking over and replacing his original body, but he still had a few bonuses. The ability to control and communicate with the plant life aroundhim, some of his own body parts being replaced, providing it with extra strength and the ability to regrow when injured. It even gained the ability to photosynthesis and survive just from sun and water - though this could not sustain him solely, still needing to eat and drink normally every few weeks. FOWL really pushed how far he could survive this, only feeding him again after a month passed and it became very clear that he was weakening and becoming sickly without normal food.
Alador spent months like this in FOWL containment, only released after it was taken down once again by the Duck family, security shutting off once their leader was gone and Ambrosia wasn’t the only captive that used this lapse as a chance to finally taste freedom again.
 After his escape he wasn’t too sure what to do at first, ostracised by those he used to know in St. Canard. He even went to his parents desperate for help and hoping they would understand, at the core of it them being his parents was the issue, what caused FOWL to take him and do this, but they didn’t. Horrified by what had become of their son, and convinced that he was no longer the one in control, that FOWL must have removed everything that was their son. This broke his heart and was the final nail that he couldn't be who it once was. No one would understand him, even those who said they’d be by his side forever and always.
So he turned to crime for a while. Nothing major, he didn’t want to hurt anyone and it still wasn’t used to the powers they now had – so they did occasionally hurt people and this hurt it in return. Moss did not want to hurt people, but sometimes the plants listened to his emotions more than his actual commands, lashing out using his hurt at what he now was.
 It hit a turning point when moss was confronted by Darkwing Duck, who he spilled his life story to through tears, he was no creepy crook, but someone manipulated who just desperately wants a place in the world and the only place offered is that of a villain.

 -He now goes by Ambrosia rather than Alador since his ‘accident’.
            Something Fowl started and moss continued, it’s not the same duck it was, and especially after he saw his parents decided it didn’t even deserve to use Alador.
 -Only started using moss as a pronoun after its change.
 -His power level is similar to the original Bushroot and would be comparable even stronger when moss actually works out how they work and really accepts who he now is.
            The plants feed and listen to his emotions and while he’s still tearing mossself apart it’s not going to get any stronger.
 -Genuinely does not want to be a ‘bad guy’
-Loves ‘sunbathing’ to photosynthesis, he’s been known to continue to do it even while it rains heavily, meaning moss comes in covered in mud and soaking.
-Wasn’t told about the actual Fearsome Four that was temporarily brought into their world, moss worked out its mutations were inspired by Bushroot but simply thought they’d taken the idea from the show.
-Gosalynn is trying to think up a new ‘hero’ name for it, but he’s pointed out that
            1] It doesn't go out and crime fight with them, not yet anyway
            2] That would be to protect his civilian identity - and it can’t really have one of those.

‘Current’: -Takes place after the entry - 'Meeting Darkwing' and covers the general rough future
Ambrosia spends the next few months still living in the woods, heading over and crashing at Mallard’s when he’s actually hungry as well as offering all the information he knew about FOWLS plans. It breaks his heart he can’t help Gosalyn with information about her grandfather, but does reassure her that Drake seems to be trying his hardest, and he shall keep his ears open from any whispers the plants can provide, they’re wicked gossips after all.
Slowly, moss spends more and more time there. Keeping Drake company when Gosalyn is at school or sleep overs and Launchpad’s working - this more frequent use of the offer brings some plants into Drake’s space. A permanently sentient - though Ambrosia points out they’re always sentient just not normally to this level - dog like snapdragon, and Drake’s favourite, a large Aloe that Ambrosia has encouraged to grow as large as it can and as potent as it can for the hazardous crime fighting duck.

Set during ‘current time’ - post both meetings with Darkwing and current notes.
Gosalynn Waddlemeyer - Friendly
            The first of DW’s crew & people in general to actually give him a chance after his mutations.
Drake Mallard / Darkwing Duck - Friendly - Crush
            Ambrosia is grateful for Drake listening to it and also offering it a way out of crime and a place to stay. It’s trying to ignore the feelings that are developing for the other Mallard.
Launchpad McQuack - Friendly
            It’s not spent as much time, especially alone with the slightly chaotic man, but it enjoys his company and finds him very sweet.
GizmoDuck - Neutral-Negative
            Only have seen it a few times, as well as overhearing him talk to DW, it dislikes how he treats the other man. It also does not know Gizmoduck’s identity.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera -Neutral-Positive
            Has only met him once and was literally crashed into, but he thought he was really nice and didn’t deserve to have to work for a boss like Gizmoduck.
Corvus Swellow - Neutral
            Launchpad connected them, and Ambrosia was a little put off that the others first statement was how he thinks he could cure moss - it’s accepted that this is who he is now and it’s fine with that.