Ambrosia Rosewood

1 year, 1 month ago
4 months, 4 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 10
Published 4 months, 4 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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Flora's Feelings P2

Dewey raises an eyebrow at Gosalyn, who’s staring at him expectantly - well he’ll give her the fact that he’s never had a boring conversation with her. He’s not even sure if that would be possible from everything about her life they’ve discussed at this point, and how it just seems to be getting stranger and stranger. Man he thought being part of the duck family was weird, whatever LP’s got going on with this lot, even weirder.
“Can we rewind again, to who this person actually is first? I’ve not been over in ages.” He really drags it out, to the point he’d probably lecture himself for doing it.
It’s been just that long since he’s been invited over.
If you asked him, it’s really weird that this past year he’s not been invited over even once - sure he’d only been over a few times every couple of months beforehand; but it feels like they’re hiding something from him. Even Huey was invited over, he let that one slip, but clammed up the second he asked about, just mumbling it was boring and WANDA needed fixing, nothing else; but it’s more then clear now that there is something else going on here.

Gosalyn flushes slightly, before batting her hands at him, almost offhanded like it really doesn’t matter to anyone.
“Who it is really doesn’t matter, Dewey. What matters is how do you tell adults that they’re being blind and very dumb about their feelings? LP made it so easy for us before.” She sighs.
Dewey wants to argue back that who it is does really matter, for him at the very least, considering that setting people up isn’t really his thing, especially if you don’t want it made into something public and a spectacle. Which is the one thing that Gosalyn is really firm on, well that and clearly not telling him who they’re setting up, which could be rather messy.
He’d say this would more be Webby’s thing - but Gosayln almost panicked and stammered something about how she wouldn’t understand him and that could be really dangerous. Something that’s also set off Dewey’s alarm bells, but then he’s curious and not the triplet know for his smarts so he’s going to hear this out.
An idea comes to his head and he’s about to suggest it, before then realising it would be super dumb.
Having him ‘save’ Drake worked with getting him and Launchpad together - but well, he doesn’t know what really happened when Drake was hurt, but he had got to live with LP and Gos’ stressed reactions for that awful period of time. So, that completely strikes the plan off -  especially if this other man is as close to them all as Gos is implying. Though that’s also what makes this weird, he’s got no problem that they could be poly, but what do you mean he’s not been allowed to interview the newest member of Team Darkwing, he has an exclusive first rights contract with them.

“Have you maybe thought about just waiting to see if they can work it out on their own?”
Gosalyn looks at him.
A look that implies he may just have grown another head, rather then made the most sensible suggestions of their far too long winded chat.
“Ugh - this, Dewey, is why I regret you being the triplet we’re the closest with.” She gals but there’s no real malice, so what should really hurt him doesn’t,
A frustrated grunt just escapes her as she leans back, this is far too hard.

Maybe she should have Ambrosia & Dewey meet. The thought drifts into her mind.
He has already met Huey after all, though it was only briefly while WANDA was being fixed and it seems like he may have forgotten about it. Or forgotten who he can mention that it happened to.
“Well… maybe if you met him, things would be a little clearer to you..”
It’s a very hesitant suggestion.
Though it makes all of Dewey bright, and he leaps to his feet, ready to go. This pulls a laugh from Gosalyn, she can’t help it, at least he’s eager though hopefully will understand how important it is to keep this on the downlow.
“I just, you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone about him. Especially not Webby!” She warns and Dewey nods.
He’s not sure why she’s so worried about her knowing, maybe it will become clearer. His curiosity is just taking over from his sensible head, the one that should make him pause and ask why she can’t know. She helped Lena out, what could be anything more different than that?

Gosalyn nervously enters their home, with Dewey very much hot on her heels. She already knows that Drake and LP have gone out for the evening - they told her before sending her off to school this morning, it’s why she was hanging out with the other kids. So there’s no reason why Ambrosia shouldn’t be here, it was clear he wasn’t invited with the other two adults. But it also doesn’t really share it’s calendar with them, even if he stays with them more then he doesn’t now, it’s still a 50/50 shot as to if he’s in or not.
The door’s shut behind them as she’s still in thought.

Snap raises its head, before padding over to both of them, and she gives it to Dewey, he does not freak out at the sight of it, nor as it begins to cover him with sticky pollen. Maybe it’s her calm expression and reaction,
“This is Snap,” She explains, “Picture him as a weird dog. The pollen’s sticky but washes off pretty easily.”
Dewey takes it all in his stride, so she shows him the best places to pet him, which parts it prefers and the couple of spots to avoid.
Content the two won’t cause any issues, she heads towards the doorway out of the maine room before pausing for a second and pointing back at him,
“You, stay here. I’ll go see if he’s actually asleep here or not, otherwise you’re not getting to meet him today.”
Dewey goes to say something as she heads off towards the kitchen, but decides against it. He knows nothing about this man, maybe he can only sleep on a kitchen chair and not a bed, anyway for now he has this very strange plant like dog creature that wants a lot of pets; and he is more than okay with giving him that.
Maybe he’ll ask where she got him, it would be awesome to have one running around in the mansion.

The kitchen has more plants in it than normal, as Gosalyn walks in.
It drives her eyes up and towards a massive plant platform rather than the usual hammock and some soft muttering from it, never before has she been quite so glad for how ridiculously tall these ceilings actually are. Quietly, as to not disturb him, she walks to one of the vines that’s draping onto the floor. Gently stroking it before grabbing a hold, the plant gets the idea and raises her up towards the platform, she’s still faintly wobbly at it, nowhere near as smooth as Ambrosia but she’s getting good at it.
Ambrosia still hasn’t noticed her - instead he is seemingly in deep deliberations with a few different flowering plants. Ones she recognises but couldn’t name for the life of her, like all of the ones she used to point out to her grandfather at the garden centre’s when she was younger. She can’t quite make out what it’s saying to them however.
“What you doin’?”
Ambrosia jumps and mutters a swear only just above its breath, before turning to look at her.
“Gos, hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at the manor until the others got back?” He asks, almost uncharacteristically nervous from what she’s seen with the plants normal reactions.
It makes Gosalyn fidget, nervously.
“Well… I brought a friend over, Dewey, he wanted to meet you.” She explains.
Ambrosia pauses for a second, just blinking at her, before turning back around to the flowers. One of them disappears before it returns his attention to her, as if the distraction helped make a decision to rule something out.
“No ulterior motives?
“Nu uh!”
“Okay then” Though he still appears a little nervous.
The whole platform shifts beneath their feet before it lowers as one. Ambrosia reaches out and grabs one of Gosalyn’s hands, to help stabilise her where she doesn't have clawed feet to grip on. The vines begin to shift again as they hit the floor, and she has to admit that it feels very odd to have the plants move out from below her, replacing her feet onto the solid floor. She didn’t even realise that she was staring at the plants until her head clears and she looks back up to spot Ambrosia smiling over at her fondly.
He didn’t seem to have realised he was doing it either, as she catches his eye he turns and looks way, a soft flush of embarrassment.
“Right. Your friend?” He reminds the both of them.
She nods, yes, that’s what they were doing, that’s what they were meant to be doing. Before heading towards the living room, Ambrosia trailing behind her.

“Dewey, let me introduce you to Ambrosia.” She flourishes slightly as it interest the room behind her.
He spots the duckling, clad in blue and near identical to the one clad in red he met a couple of months ago. He gets up off of the floor in response, gently shaking Snap off of himself. Ambrosia isn’t too sure if he likes the look that grows on the child’s face as he takes it in. Not malicious or afraid in anyway but like he knows too much and that is something it finds unnerving. What have these two been discussing together? He is already not believing Gosalyn’s promise of no ulterior motives.
Snap comes padding over and he’s snapped out of his thoughts by the sharp thorns of Snaps as it clambers up Ambrosia, before heavily flopping around its shoulders. The closest thing it has to a yawn occurs before nestling in, presumably falling asleep against his master.
“Well, it’s good to meet you, Dewey. Though I suspect that there is an ulterior motive to us meeting?” It’s framed with a slight head tilt to glare gently at Gosalyn who laughs a little awkwardly in response.
She forgot how much less naive he is compared to the other two when it comes to her antics.

“I’ll lay it out,” Dewey grins and Gosayln begins to manically gesture at him to just stop, which makes Ambrosia raise an eyebrow and just encourages Dewey to continue with more vigour.
“I’m here because Gosalyn wants to get you to confess your supposed feelings to Drake and she doesn’t know how to get you to actually do that.”
Ambrosia turns on his heels to glare a little harder at Gosalyn who’s face planting hard and it can feel his face heat up. He knew Gos worked it out, she let him know that at their stakeout; but he can’t believe she has told someone else, let alone someone he doesn’t actually know yet.
“What! Your blush is green!?” Dewey exclaims, uh well that at least gives Ambrosia one answer - no one else has brought this up to him yet and moss never knew how to ask about it.
“That’s not the point - though good for me to know,” He states before then turning his attention back to Gosalyn.
“Look, I know you mean no harm Gos, but I really don’t appreciate you prying into my life. Especially not by involving other people into it.” He lectures softly, and he can’t believe she has the nerve to not even look guilty about it at all.
She goes to say something so it just raises its hand to silence her, this also stops whatever was about to come out of Dewey as well.
A second hard glare is sent out across both of them, before he then lets it calm down.
“Now, you’re both children so I'm going to leave before I say something I shouldn’t.”
It comes out snappier than he wanted, but he’s pretty sure that he shouldn’t cover the children with plants - there’s the likelihood that they’d bite at this point in time with his mood and he really doesn’t want to do that.
It would sour every bond he has with both Drake and Launchpad, though does hope that they’d understand his reasoning as to why it happened. Though might remind him that they went a little over the top with it all.
“Oh come on, Ambrosia, you’re pining and we can help!” Gosalyn moans, causing him to pause.
He bites his tongue as to not snap, he needs to calm his nerves, she’s just a child who’s trying to help, so breath.
“Which would work better if we had Webby’s help!” Dewey decides is the best thing and time to interject with, getting the attention of both of them.
Ambrosia has been told about Webby, well more warned about her and that housekeeper of theirs. It’s been told it can trust the main members of the Duck family if the others are around, but those two specifically are very close with SHUSH and their loyalty and mortals towards them may overrun anyone else's words.
“What would work better is us leaving, and you two canning this whole production before anything actually sours.” It states, shifting a nervous hand up to stroke Snap’s back.
It awakens with a slight stretch but makes no attempt to move further, let alone get off of it’s comfy creator, not that Ambrosia’s sure how they could actually be comfortable like this,
“Now, I shall be off.”
He heads towards the door, just as his hand touches the handle, it swings open and it’s greeted by at first a couple of startled, but then the soft smiling faces of both Drake and Launchpad, who briefly share a knowing look.
“You’re back early.” Gosalyn chirps in from behind them.
Launchpad looks really guilty for a second, but a sharp nudge from Drake snaps him back out of it. Ambrosia narrows its eyes at them, they’ve got some plan going on here and moss is very suspicious, not just because he’s already been set off by a suspicious plan, but this is another one - and it doesn’t know if he likes that they also have sort of plan going on. A grin forms on Drake’s beak.
“Actually no, we’ve just come back to grab something. Ambrosia, would you like to join us?” Drake says and for the second time today it can feel his face heat up. This is highly suspicious and if he’s being honest he’s highly tempted to say no, everything has put him on such an edge today. But then he looks at Drake’s very hopeful face and he doesn’t want to let him down, especially not with that expression on his face.
A soft sigh escapes it, clearly everyone was plotting against it today. It encourages Snap up and off of his shoulders, to which he happily leaps down and goes over to clamber up onto Gosalyn instead.
“I’d love to join you.”
Drake’s face lights up and a giddy grin appears on Launchpad’s face as well, yeah, it’s definitely agreed to something less innocent then it appears here.

As they walk along, Ambrosia notices that Launchpad has hung back from walking directly beside them both, and Drake’s nervous twitch of shifting with his shirt sleeve has begun. Ambrosia’s trying to stay relaxed and not catastrophizing this all.
“So, we’ve been discussing,” Drake starts and Ambrosia tilts his body slightly so that his full attention is clearly focused on the other duck.
Drake’s turned pink, and it deepens as he realises that Ambrosia’s eyes are now resting on him, which causes Drake to turn his head to the side away from it a little. Put less pressure on himself as he speaks, he takes another deep breath to try and calm himself before then continuing his statement.
“I know we have both been less than subtle with our feelings, so if - if you’d like - Launchpad says it’s fine if we want to try actually pursuing it.”
Ambrosia can’t help but let out a laugh, and grabs Drake’s closest hand, sliding it into his own as a large Bird of Paradise flower grows off its arm and around both of their hands.
“You know, Gos invited Dewey over to try and work out how to get us together, she’s going to be so upset.” It’s still chuckling lightly at the thought of it all.
This sets Drake off,
“She never trusts I can get my feelings out. I can, it just takes a little longer than she’d probably like.”
At this point Launchpad has rejoined them, it’s clear he’d been listening in to them, not that Ambrosia has any problem with this. His hand grasps around Drake’s other, open hand, leaving them now walking three abreast. Taking up all the path which would be annoying to anyone else if they happened to want to walk down the path as well.
A vine creeps along, around across Drake’s chest to form a flower upon Launchpad’s wrist as well, a clear sign showing Ambrosia’s thankfulness and the knowledge that he was here first. No matter how much he cares about Drake and his own romantic feelings, he will always stop and pull himself back if LP becomes uncomfortable with this, he loves Drake but he also loves the whole group, so it’s not something he wants to get in the way of.