Ambrosia Rosewood

10 months, 12 days ago
1 month, 3 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 4
Published 10 months, 12 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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A Gift

Ambrosia narrows his eyes and stares at the potted Aloe Vera, it’s small and rather sad looking, he managed to bribe that employee to give it to him rather then just toss it in the trash - though he is a little worried that she may have thought it was attempting to mug her. Ideally moss knows that they would first put the plant into a bigger pot, but that involves money and he’s also sure it’s something Mallard could do at a later date.
The reason he has the plant is he wanted to get the other duck a gift, a thank you for letting it stay with him - something moss had been taking advantage of more and more recently, and he feels bad that it’s just been freeloading from them all. The Aloe chosen for the specific reason of seeing how damage prone the hero is, the cuts, bruises and other general sore bits he seems to return home with every night after fighting the crime that’s cropping up in the streets of St.Canard. This wouldn’t do and they know they can help, so right now he’s trying to convince this Aloe plant it would be in everyone’s benefit to become more potent and grow larger - and increase its rate of new growth.
“Look, I can promise you it will be a good home for you and they’ll really appreciate what you can do for them. You like to make people feel better and by the sun they need that frequently.” It tries to reason before then pausing to listen to the plant's reply.
“Yes, I know you’ve not had the best start with people, and they were going to kill you because they claimed you were useless but actually neglected. Not all people are like that though I promise.” It stops to listen again, “I am also there frequently so can speak up for your wellbeing.”
What moss really wants to do is walk off and shout, this is a lot harder then the TV show showed, but then this isn’t the show, he actually has been given these powers and isn’t just some fictional character. It also knows that doing that won’t look good in the eyes? of the Aloe so it just needs to stick through with this. His full attention is brought back to it as it suddenly replies to him. To which they pour their full attention to.
“You will! Oh thank you so much, you won’t regret this!” He exclaims and watches as the plant starts to grow in front of his eyes, it knows this requires a lot of energy and will finish over the next few days but for now this is more than good enough.

Ambrosia sidals in through the skylight of Darkwing Duck’s headquarters / Drake’s current place of residence. It’s late so he knows they will either all be asleep or out fighting crime but that’s to mosses benefit for once. Heading to the side table in the main living area, he carefully places the plant down, knowing it will be instantly recognisable as something new to approach; from both its placement and the lack of plantlife currently existing in this place apart from one face bush by the fireplace. Placing the pot down, he mutters another thanks to the Aloe and sets out to find some paper and a pen to write down his note.
Explaining it as a gift, and something that should aid them in their heroics when they come home all bashed up, simply gently tug out one of the leaves, and crack it in half and use the Aloe’s healing goo. That it has kindly agreed to make this more potent and that she will grow faster to keep up with when they need her abilities. Also, she needs  to be regularly watered, given sun and fed some fertilizer. A larger pot as soon as possible will also be greatly received - he would have provided one, but well, he’s not really welcomed into stores anymore.
The letter is signed with a leaf and his first name,  including his surname, feels too formal for what’s needed, it’s also not sure if it’s actually shared it with the hero team yet…
He’s just handed the letter to the Aloe who is now gently holding it, before it hears what can only be described as a kerfuffle at the door and moss takes that as it’s que to leave, heading back to the skylight after blowing a final kiss at the plant and disappearing back up onto the roof and off. Apart from the gift the only sign he’s been here is a single discarded leaf on the floor, something any other group of people would just brush off. Part of him wanted to see how the gift was received, but moss has never been good at giving gifts, always getting flustered, unsure how to react to the receivers reactions.

It gets it’s answer however, the next time it drops in a few days later, the Aloe still sat where he left it but with a few less leaves then before and sat contently in a larger pot. Not to mention the Aloe Vera goop still spread across the newest scrape all the way up Mallard’s leg, no thank yous are given but they’re not needed, the fact his gift is being used is more than enough to prove it made the right move and that the gift has been appreciated and acknowledged.