Ambrosia Rosewood

10 months, 12 days ago
1 month, 3 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 5
Published 10 months, 12 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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Staying Over

Ambrosia stretches, enjoying the slight click their shoulder gives as they do so, a yawn escaping at the same time. They glance down from their perch above - a hammock of sorts made of vines and leaves that have now crept through Drake’s open skylight giving moss a perfect place to nap and photosynthesise - watching Drake tidy up.
“You know if you actually cleaned up your plates after you’ve used them you wouldn’t have a whole stack to clean before Gosalynn gets back home and makes fun of you for it.” His tone is light but still earns a glare from Drake.
“You! You exhausting eggplant,” Ambrosia can’t help the laugh that escapes, “If you happened to help out.” Drake complains, he seems angrier then moss knows he is so they just settle back into their vines.
“You need to get more plant terms if I’m going to be spending more time here Mallard, you’re getting desperate. Plus, I tidied up after you came soaked and muddy last night, and considering I’ve not been eating, I can’t be blamed.” It retorts.
Drake mutters something under his breath, but doesn’t continue the argument, neither were really that angry about the situation,  not to mention Drake’s finally starting to work out how Ambrosia’s brain works and it was not trying to start a fight - simply pointing out something which he knows himself. He glances up at the duck hybrid above him and can’t help but smile, watching as a small flower blooms as the person drifts into a nap. He has to admit, it’s a bit odd watching Ambrosia nap in the sun, sustaining itself through photosynthesis, it’s not something he’d like to have to do, though maybe he’d feel differently if he also had no choice in the matter like moss does. He does at least enjoy the company, the large place feels less empty even if the other body is asleep, and then there’s the snapdragon who’s currently chewing on one of his old ruined capes in the corner, occasionally pulling chunks off…
Ambrosia isn’t completely asleep, eyes closed warming in the sun but still paying attention, listening to Drake potter about and the occasional songs he quietly sings along to just above his breath. He hates being alone, he doesn’t like people but silence is too much, at least when he was in the woods there were noises carried on the wind and the trees, but nothing quite beats knowing there is a living being below you who knows and… Ambrosia assumes Drake cares for him in some way or another.  Moss shifts his hand, gently stroking one of the vines with a tired finger, thanking his plant friends, he’s not sure if he’d find an actual bed comfortable anymore, too used to the foliage that gently shifts to keep him comfortable even when he’s long out. Drake’s left the room, from the directions of his footsteps heading towards the door, it has no idea what the time is now, maybe it’s Gosalyn, that would make sense - it should know soon enough.
It is in fact alerted that it's Gosalyn by the young duck suddenly launching herself onto him, and they curse softly at the plants for helping her up to do it, but he knows they also have a soft spot for the young girl.
“We have guests over!” Comes out of her first as she leans on Ambrosia’s chest peering into his face to see if it’s awake.
“No hello, good to see you’re still here? Glad you’ve not become a carnivorous creeper and attacked Mallard while you were gone?” He asks, cracking his eyes open and gaining a laugh from Gosalyn.
“You’ve spent too long around him, you’ve started to alliterate. Anyway, hello Ambrosia, Fenton and Boyd have dropped by, apparently Drakey was having an issue with our tech.” She explains, getting off of him and gently tugging a vine, which carefully drops her so she lands back on the floor.
That makes sense - Drake has been complaining that their tech has been having issues, he even glared at the snapdragon who was so innocently chewing on the corner of a unit, he’s learnt not to bite the wires because it hurts. Moss pauses for a second, deciding on if he wants to be sociable, he’s met Fenton before, he knows they’re here and seems nice enough - he’s not sure who Boyd is, but they’re probably also trustworthy.
So, with a single command all of the plants pull themselves back up the window par one long vine, Ambrosia drops, twisting so he doesn’t land smack on his back and grabs the vine just before hitting the floor. Swinging once to lower his momentum before feet touch down and the vine also retracts back up through the roof, shutting the skylight behind itself. What it didn’t realise is moss had gained an audience and looks up to see Drake, Fenton and a small parrot [probably Boyd] watching him, Drake’s mouth open.
“You should close your mouth Mallard, you’re resembling a stunned sunfish.” It can’t help but quip which gets Drake to shut his mouth with a slight blush.
“Good to see you again, Ambrosia.” Fenton greets, “This is my… this is Boyd.” he adds, gesturing towards the small parrot, so it’s assumption was correct.
“Well pleased to meet you Boyd, though warning you now Fenton don’t believe Mallard when he tries to blame the Snapdragon, that stuff is more likely to be faltering because Launchpad landed on it, then it being chewed on.” It has to be defensive over its plant friend. A look of confusion spreads across Fenton’s face, probably trying to work out exactly what it means. However, they’re distracted by Boyd and Gosalyn then disappearing off from their sides and off, probably to the girls room to talk about something or other.

“No, I think we’re going to need to get Gyro over here to fix this.” Fenton groans as Ambrosia enters the room. It glances across the room at all the open panels and spaghetti of wire it wouldn’t have a hope of understanding and from the look on Drake’s face, neither does he. Both of them groan however, at this realisation - all it knows about Gyro is he also works with Fenton and Gizmoduck and he’s some scientist who actually knows what he’s doing. Drake says something it can’t hear from the doorway, from the bits moss can, it’s clearly about how they need this system up and running and he really doesn’t want to go back to being without it even for a short length of time.
“Tell me if it’s a dumb suggestion, but can Launchpad bring him with him when he comes over this evening?” They both work for Mr McDuck, so it would make sense to moss if this was something possible. The other two men look up at Ambrosia’s voice and then look at each other,
“Why didn’t I think of that? I’ll phone Gyro and ask if he can get a lift over with Launchpad.” Fenton smiles before gently pushing past Ambrosia before disappearing off into the hall to call him. It enters the room further, careful to avoid the spread out system, not wanting to step on it for two reasons, one that would hurt and two, it doesn’t want to mess anything up.
“Yeah, it definitely wasn’t the Snapdragon.” Drake says, crossing the rest of the room to stand by Ambrosia, an exhausted sigh escapes his throat, a weary hand rubbing across his forehead. After a ‘I told you so’, moss shifts slightly awkwardly, he knows they need to keep the people that know about him down to a minimum for now, they’re pretty sure S.H.U.S.H is interested in him due to what happened, and that doesn’t imply that it will get to keep moss’ freedom. The risk of this Gyro coming over with Launchpad and Boyd already being over with Gosalyn implies that at least one of the triplets will probably also join them - he’s pretty sure they all know about Drake or at the very least he’ll have the heads up to get into costume.
“So,” It finally breaks the silence, “I guess me and Snap should clear out for a bit, Mallard.” It finally states,  gently tugging the leaves from its arm in an anxious tick he still slips back to sometimes. Drake looks over at him confused slightly, so Ambrosia continues,
“I mean, I’m wanted by S.H.U.S.H, because of…” moss gestures at itself, “and we were trying to keep my connection to you guys down to a minimum to keep you safer…”
It’s cut off by Fenton dipping his head in, “Huey is also going to be coming over with them, they should be here soon, especially with Launchpad driving.” Fenton laughs before heading back into the hall, leaving Drake and Ambrosia alone again. Moss can’t help but fidget again, it did guess right with one of those children tagging along and he really doesn’t want to risk anyone.
“I don’t…” Drake starts but Ambrosia cuts him off with a glare,
“Don’t pander playing dumb with me, Mallard. We both know that me being here is a threat, to both you and Darkwing’s safety.” it’s anger and pain that gets the best of it, “So, we will be going.” As he says that Snap comes running, little leaves wagging, to his master.
As moss turns heel and leaves it almost hurts that Drake doesn’t follow him, doesn’t even call out to him.
It bumps into Gosalyn & Boyd as it leaves,
“Where are you two going?” She asks and it sighs softly, hoping to have gotten away without her noticing,
“There’s some more people coming over, so Mallard’s getting ready and I’m heading off with Snap.” It leans down and scoops up the small plant creature who proceeds to launch forward in his arms and cover Gosalyn in a small coating of slightly sticky pollen. Which makes her laugh softly, but there’s still a frown on her face, she doesn’t say anything though as it heads over to the skylight, it will be the easiest way to leave without any potential of bumping into anyone. One of the vines before reaches and opens the skylight before lowering itself for moss to grab, just as it grabs hold of it,
“No, Ambrosia, wait.” It turns to see Drake, well no, now it DW, coming into the room, still shifting around with his hat. Which causes it to lift an eyebrow. “You don’t have to go… you don’t need to go…” it doesn’t loosen its grip on the vine and he’s lifted slightly off the ground, “I - ugh - I don’t want you to go.”
Ambrosia freezes and the vine he was holding drops him before shooting  up a couple of feet, not completely leaving but making it harder for them to make a quick getaway.
“I-I don’t get what you mean Darkwing.” it’s still not used to calling him that but knows not to mix names once the uniform is on. DW shifts from foot to foot and runs a hand across his cheek feathers.
“Look, you live here too Ambrosia, and you’re part of my team. I know none of these people would go to S.H.U.S.H about you and even if they did I’d stay by your side, so would Gos and LP. We, we all care about you, you’re one of us.” He explains and moss tries to ignore the heat rising to moss’ cheeks. Neither says anything else and Snap squirms his way out of Ambrosia’s arms before then bounding off, off to find Gosalyn no doubt, it’s very fond of the girl.
“Are you sure? There’s no going back if they do…” It’s hesitant and goes to pull another leaf but is stopped by Darkwing grabbing his hand instead.
“Of course, we’re a strange unit but we’re all part of it, and that means sticking together and you’re one of us and that means sticking with you, you anxious adonis.”
It’s well aware moss is blushing now, and it really does wonder if it blushes red or green nowadays, it also prays that adonis was chosen purely for the plant term otherwise it’s not sure why Mallard’s playing with its emotions.
They’re both snapped out of their trance by the sound of the door opening and Fenton greeting people, Darkwing pulls his hand back off of Ambrosia before smiling warmly at him, then heading off to greet his partner and the other new arrivals.