Ambrosia Rosewood

10 months, 12 days ago
1 month, 3 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 8
Published 1 month, 3 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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Flora's Feelings

Gosalyn lets her gaze flick between Drakey and the flower. Drake is walking around the kitchen, organising and cooking dinner for all of them and Ambrosia’s in its usual haunt, a hammock of plants above them, under what is clearly now their skylight.
She doesn’t know how two grown adults could be so stupid.

It’s very clear, to her at least, that flower is in love with Drakey and that ze shares the same feelings. She saw it with how Drake and LP interacted and now she’s seeing it again with him and Ambrosia. This should by all means worry her - Drakey and LP are together, they’re happy and so is she and this would imply that flower’s feelings should be a threat. Especially considering the fact that Drake appears to be feeling the very same way back. But she knows this isn’t how their unit works, how her family works.

She’s known for a while, the Aloe gift as long ago as it was now, felt suspicious but as moss slowly spent more and more time with them all, she had thought that Drakey may finally get the hint. Finally understand what the other was not so subtly showing, he’s done everything but verbally said it at this point. Even the fact that it keeps getting so flustered and going bright green around zem? Gosalyn guesses that’s how it now blushes, the mutation must have changed his blood colour in some way.
What really sealed it for her was its reaction while Drakey was in recovery. No normal friend would put themselves through what Ambrosia did to ensure someone who by all means should just be a friend, was okay. Fenton offered help wherever he could, but he didn’t spend literal days not sleeping, giving herself and LP time to have a break and know that no matter what could happen that he’s got someone keeping them safe. It’s ridiculous to her that the others haven’t noticed this yet, she didn’t think they were that blind, especially after the previous hearty romantic shove she’s helped create.

Though Drake’s feelings. He has been a little harder for her to read, harder for sure then trying to get him and LP together. Though this was mostly because he kept using strange words she had to look up, and then stop herself from gagging over how sappy that actually was. Honestly, that should have been Ambrosia’s clue, but maybe he didn’t know what the words meant?
Besides this, he has done more subtle things for the other duck, encouraging him to come eat treats with zem and making meals moss has stated that it loves, wherever it needs to eat actual food again. Gosalyn kept an eye on this, it’s only when Ambrosia joins them that he makes those dishes, though never mentions it, making it seem more like sheer random luck. Except for the fact that these days are never exactly the same, so it can’t be. She doesn’t even want to mention the touching scene from when ze asked it to stay, just thinking about it too long makes her want to gag. Inviting him to meet Gyro & Huey, adding more people into the sphere that not only knows of its existence, but that he’s part of their unit and staying with them, almost permanently at this point.
Tonight is one of those nights, a meal for all four of them over just three. Gosalyn is in spy mode, and is trying to make her staring less obvious as she watches moss lean over the side of its hammock. Eyes tracking every single one of Drake’s moves, not in a way that suggests he doesn’t trust the other’s cooking but more like how one observes something it cares about.
“If you add any more garlic to that Mallard, we might as well all just chew on a bulb of it. Even the ivy is cringing from it.” It teases and Drake pauses to stare up at it.
The only response he grants the plant hybrid however, is a very childish action of sticking his tongue out. It gets Gosalyn to cross her arms from her spy spot, she’d be lectured if she responded like that. Though, despite the reaction, Drake does proceed to put the rest of the garlic away and not add it into the dish.
This is more than enough for her though, Gos does not want to spoil her appetite from anymore gagging at their sappy behaviour so leaves her spot as subtly as possible to go set the table.

There is one thought building in her head that makes her pause.
How exactly would he fit into all of this? Not to mention what even really is all of this? She’s seen a lot of different family types, not to mention the Duck clan, she’s still got headaches from the triplets trying to explain it all to her?
So maybe, just maybe she needs to poke one of the adults, just a little bit more. See what she’s actually contending with right now from their front.
Maybe she could also ask some help from one of the triplets, she’d go to Boyd but she doubts he’d be any help, neither would Huey the other duck who knows who he is. So, she’d have to hide some of the details but the general gist of it all should be enough to get a useful plan laid out. Something she may then have to tweak to actually fit her adults, but she can work from that.

Her devious plan is hidden as she finishes setting up the table, LP comes wondering in and sits straight down.
As she sits, she tries not to get lost back into thought, knowing it would betray herself as Drakey and Flower now enter the room carrying the food. Maybe Ambrosia may be the first one of them to crack, if she can get him alone that is.