Ambrosia Rosewood

10 months, 12 days ago
1 month, 3 days ago
11 26935

Chapter 7
Published 10 months, 12 days ago

Everything all in one <3 Will include canon characters from both Ducktales 2017 & Darkwing Duck but they are also rather head cannon heavy.

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The wind howls and it ducks deeper into the tree, the weather’s proving worse than it was said to be and it’s regretting not choosing to stay at Mallard’s tonight, though the weather didn’t predict it was going to be this bad.
Which means it’s the last thing he expected to see tonight, walking into the woods is Gosalyn, alone. The minute he spots her moss drops from the tree, and once he sees the tears welling up in her eyes something strikes him and he instantly knows something is wrong.
“Gos…” it’s cut off by the young girl launching herself at them, wrapping her arms around its waist, eyes filled with tears.
“We’ve lost contact with him and I’m worried,” She manages to spit out through hiccups of tears, “He said something about Starling and I don’t know what any of it means.”
Ambrosia wraps his arms around the small shaking child, shushing her softly, with some reassuring pets through her hair, something he’s normally lectured for and the fact she isn’t means this really is a big issue. It doesn’t need to ask why she came to him,
“Come on, let's get you back, where’s Launchpad?” moss asks, relaxing its grip and she slowly pulls back, rubbing her eyes with her hoodie sleeve. She snuffles, which leads to a small coughing fit,
“He went to find Drakey, but I’m worried, it seemed bad and well…” Yeah, Launchpad is loveable and a good assistant but he’s no real one-man rescue unit no matter how hard he tries.

Ambrosia doesn’t think moss has ever done the journey from his woods and the ‘headquarters’ as quickly as he has tonight, especially with someone else with him, ensuring that Gosalyn doesn’t get bumped or too overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. It hesitates as moss and Gosalyn drop in through the skylight, Snap greets them but they can also hear talking coming from the computer room, unable to exactly identify the voices from here.
Following Gosalyn into the other room, needing to get as much information about where they lost contact as possible before they head off to try and find him. The name Starling rings a bell and it can’t quite remember why right now, they also need to find Launchpad, make sure he’s okay and then two bodies are better than one, especially as they have no idea what condition Mallard could be in. Walking into the room, it’s shocked and a bit grumpy seeing Gizmoduck stood there, talking to someone into his head set, it also seems to push Gosalyn out of her distress,
“What are you doing here!?” She snaps, and Ambrosia is glad of it’s quick reflexes, getting a vine out and grabbing her leg, stopping the child from leaping on the other hero with rage,
“I’m sure he’s here to help,” moss hisses, “which he is going to assure us now, aren’t you Gizmoduck.” it adds, not hiding the bite from it’s voice, it realises how inhuman it sounds sometimes when it wants.
Gizmoduck looks faintly taken aback, both from their sudden presences and the threats,
“Of course I’m trying to help.” It’s voice comes out rather strained, ”Launchpad called me over here before he left to try and find Darkwing.” He explains. Moss narrows their eyes at him, why would LP call for him knowing Darkwing’s own taste for the other hero, sure he’s going to help but why not Fenton or even Gyro, they work for the hero and Drake likes them.
“We don’t have time for this, where did DW disappear and where has Launchpad headed to.” moss lays it flat, it needs to know as much as it can as soon as it can, the faster they go then the better the odds are for Drake.

It doesn’t take long to find Launchpad once it’s headed off, it can get through the city faster and doubts he’s worked out that Drake seems to have been pulled into the sewers. Snap wanted to come with it, but Ambrosia told him to stay with Gos, keep her safe while it tries to make sure Mallard is safe.
It drops down in front of Launchpad, taking the man by surprise,
“I think he’s down in the sewers Launchpad, but I need to know who Starling is.” It says, and Launchpad stammers, “We don’t have the time for this, Mallard’s in danger!” It snaps him back to attention.
Launchpad shifts for a second before explaining who Starling is, and Ambrosia realises why he knew the name, Jim Starling, actor of the fiction Darkwing Duck. Apparently, he was rather crazed he was to be replaced in a new film but they thought he died on the burning set - it does ask why know one knew about this and LP explains they all decided to keep it on the downlow for Jim’s memory.
“So, the fact he seems to be alive and if anything this rage against Mallard has gotten worse is just bad news all around. The sewers would also make more sense as they run under the whole city and would have been an easy way for him to slip away.” Launchpad agrees with moss, and they both head split off, heading in different directions for a couple of feet around where Drake was last pinged, there will be some form of marking to show two grown men disappeared into the sewers somewhere, especially if - as they’re presuming - DW hasn’t gone willingly with him. It doesn’t take long for Launchpad to call it over, and it’s very clear that this was definitely where they went, the manhole cover isn’t quite on fully and there’s scraps across the tarmac, traces of purple and yellow stains the floors. The two look hesitantly at each other before Launchpad lifts and moves the cover out of there way,
“They went into the sewer and we’ve found the spot, there’s a chance we go radio silent now, I trust you ensure Gos is safe up there Gizmoduck.” it hisses into the headset it was leant, after receiving an affirmative they head in, Ambrosia taking the lead with Launchpad following close behind it.
It’s like a maze under the city and even with the signs of a scuffle up above, the water has washed any signs from down here away, the fact they also can’t hear anything worries Ambrosia, that’s not the best sign. So, it turns to it’s best advantage, all the plant growth in these sewers.
The first few it reaches out ignore him. The next are all rude to him, language he’s not even sure translates to something he can share. Eventually, he finds a couple shy ones willing to talk, apparently there’s some mad yellow outfitted duck down here that scares them - and he’s just been seen with another dressed similarly but in purple. They share exactly which way they’ve gone and offer to use their bioluminescence to light the way for them. Moss translates and shares this all with Launchpad and thanks and agrees with them, just telling them to not get too close they don’t need these other people knowing they’re coming - there will be no way to reassure Mallard without also telling Starling backups on it’s way.
They travel in silence, well Ambrosia is silent and picking his arm leaves and Launchpad is nervously muttering to himself until moss puts a hand up to stop and silence him, gesturing ahead where they can see a silhouette and hear someone gloating. It’s not good it can’t hear DW; but it pulls Launchpad to the side, ignoring how the water slushes up it’s legs in a rather gross manner.
“I need you to go first LP, draw his attention, ensure that DW is… It is important you do not let him know I’m here, I need to asses how I can get us out of here best. You here me?  You promise me LP?” It states, drifting off, they don’t need to focus on what could have happened to Darkwing.  Launchpad nods, but it can tell he’s feeling slightly nervous about this and it really can’t blame him, he’s only had the quick summary of what happened last time and nothing will quite beat the feeling of actually being there.
It watches in silence as Launchpad heads in, just acting like he does and moss just has to trust that he knows what he’s doing and listen to hear any problems that could be arising. While unknown, it works on the best plan it has, trying to work out where they are in the city and what other plants he can get to come help them, there is the sewer dwellers but he does not want them to be their main go to from their behaviour before. It’s never put so much trust into Launchpad and it feels bad doubting him, knowing that he will also do the best for Drake, caring and trusting the other man with his own heart as well.
“You’re just as useless as that hack!” the man declares and Launchpad lands with a splash just in front of Ambrosia and it takes this as it’s queue. It holds steps in front of Launchpad, giving him a sympathetic look for the cut on his face,
“Be careful Ambrosia.” he states.
“It’s alright, I’ve got it.” He grins.
“You know, I feel like you’re both hacks, I’m the only one with actual powers here.” it states walking into the clearing, trying not to let it’s eyes linger over to where it can see DW slumped against a wall, though it lingers enough to see some laboured breathing.
“Who do you think you are!?” The man in front of him snaps and Ambrosia shrugs, trying to act as casual as he can, he needs to be disarming for this to work,
“Who do you think you are?” He retorts with a shrug. Play dumb Ambrosia, you know nothing about this man, nothing about any of them, you are a third party who is so much better than all of them. This seems to be working if Mr Starling’s reaction is anything to go by, and it is - he’s practically vibrating with rage, and this is just to his advantage, infuriate him enough and he’ll stop paying attention to what’s actually going on.
“You don’t know who I am? I am…” and it proceeds to zone him out, what he says really doesn’t matter to him, it’s also 90% sure this microphone is permanently recording and if they really want they can all listen back to it at a later date. Instead, it places it’s plan into action, a couple roots break through the ceiling first and once he’s realised that he’s paying zero attention to them - more sprout down.
“So glad to have spoken to you, though you are definitely the hack here.” Ambrosia smiles out, before he can even retort to it the plants grab and tie him up, pulling his hands away from his body so that there’s no way he can pull anything out of his pockets. “Well, it’s been a pleasure meeting you, whatever your face is. We’ll be leaving now.” It waves slightly and glances back to see Launchpad now gently scoop up a unnervingly limp DW up from the floor. Starling struggles but he’s going now where, as Launchpad starts to leave, it gets up into his face.
“You should be glad I’m overtaken by concern right now, you are nothing to me and if you try this again let it be known I shall be far less peaceful about it.” He snarls, Starling growls back but it doesn’t even bother shifting from it’s spot, they have no fear in regards to him. “You do not scare me.” It simply states firmly before a vine works it’s way down through the roots and he grabs a hold of it,  “The only reason that you’re not being arrested right now is I want to have a proper go at you.” It smiles before disappearing up.

It meets Launchpad back on the surface at the closest manhole, and both of their attention is instantly on Drake, trying their best to be able to check him over, while in costume as to not reveal his identity while out in open. Launchpad doesn’t want to let go of him, so it works while he’s still in his arms, pressing his fingers to Drake’s neck checking his pulse.
“It’s slow but he’s still alive, his breathing seems to the biggest problem I guess Starling was using him as some form of punching bag. We need to get him back to see what we can do ourselves and what needs some more further attention.” It explains, Launchpad nods, careful not to jolt Drake who groans anyway, he then tries to mutter something. Ambrosia shushes him, gently growing one of his vines to wrap itself around Drake’s wrist to reassure him, that they’re ones who has him now,
“We’ve got him.” It simply says into their microphone.
The journey back is slow, they don’t want to jolt Drake too badly and moss doesn’t think they’ve ever seen Launchpad drive so carefully, he’s taken charge of holding Drake, it’s taken this as an opportunity to check over any further wounds, using some of it’s vines to wrap around his arms and legs. They don’t seem broken but are definitely delicate, to the touch and the support can be nothing but helpful for him right now, it’s trying to ignore the soft comforts it keeps mumbling to him, just above his breath and he doesn’t even know if Drake can hear or is processing any of what he’s saying. To be honest, with some of what’s pouring out of moss’ chest it really hopes that he can’t otherwise this could be very embarrassing later.
Once they’ve finally arrived they’re greeted by Gizmoduck who it hesitantly hands Drake over to. He and launchpad follow them in and Gos greets them at the door, but it carefully holds her back,
“He’s okay Gos, but he’s delicate he needs to lay down for a bit, but rest assured once he’s better he will want nothing more then a large cuddle.” It reassures her and instead she wraps her arms around his chest,
“Thank you for saving him.” She says between gentle sobs.

Ambrosia didn’t know he could last without sleep for as long as he does, they’re reassured Drake doesn’t need a Doctor and if things get worse then Gizmoduck can get them to a doctor via Mr McDuck who won’t ask any questions.
Launchpad sits vigil with him for the first day, Gosalyn stayed for the rest of the night but was ushered off to sleep, she had school but Ambrosia reassured her that if she needed to come home early it would leave momentarily to get her. She didn’t however, the children gathered around her and she’s spent the last couple of days with them, getting frequent updates but it’s best for the child to be able to put her mind on something else - her stress won’t help anyone and Drake wouldn’t be impressed if she made herself ill worrying about him. Launchpad left, first due to the fact he kept falling asleep and nearly hurting himself, and only left when moss pointed out that he’d also been hurt and needs to rest it off. Yesterday he went back to work, needed to focus on something else with the promise he will be told the minute anything changes with Drake. Which is why it has stayed so vigil, for both mosses own stress but also that of the other two people who love Drake.
It’s brought back out of it’s thoughts by the rustling of the sheets beside it, causing them to pull itself up and brush the leaves off of the bed that it’s been dropping while waiting. Looking down, a few mixes of emotions pass across it’s face as Drake painfully opens his eyes, he goes to speak but Ambrosia gently shushes him - also trying to ignore the vine that's now slithered from where it was left around Drake’s wrist and tangles around his fingers.
“You’re throat will be sore, I’ll get you something to drink before you try to speak Mallard, plus I need to message Launchpad and Gosalyn. They, they wanted to stay with you but with work and school we thought it was best they try to live in a sense of normality and not just focus on their worry for you.” It explains, pulling another leaf from its arm.
It hopes it’s not said anything wrong, not made it seem like the others didn’t also care and weren’t also worried. However, it’s nerves are settled after Drake blinks slowly and nods.
Moss leaves the room, asking one of the vines to go and fill up a glass of water and another the meds Gizmoduck told them to give once he has woken up. It fires a quick text off to Launchpad, telling him that Drake’s just woken up and that moss is going to fill him in over what’s happened since he’s been out and maybe try to gently pry some information out of him over what happened before they arrived if he can bare. And if he could be the one to tell Gos, she could probably do with being told in person.  
Pausing in the hallway just long enough to ensure that Launchpad has seen the message [he sends a simple heart in response to it] it grabs the glass off of the vine and heads back into the room, trying to ensure it doesn’t look too nervous or stressed.
Drake has pulled himself up into a more sitting position which earns him a lighthearted glare, and the medication waved slightly, very much reminding Drake the doctor’s orders and that he really shouldn’t be doing that. Walking up to him, moss sits back into it’s chair that it had taken residence in the last couple of days, waiting for Drake to wake back up, praying he did in fact wake back up - something that should and luckily did happen, but with them not knowing exactly what Starling did to him, wasn’t completely guaranteed.
With a nod from the man, moss carefully brings the glass of water to it’s bill, trusting that hydration first will help, and then lead him to being able to take the medication himself, Ambrosia isn’t too sure how it’s going to quite help doing that. After a couple of sips, the glass is lowered and moved away from Drake who lets out a rather hearty cough, which then leads to a slight wheezing sound and he clutches his chest. Ambrosia’s eyes furrow in worry, he knows he wouldn’t wake up suddenly perfectly fine, but that sounded very worrying and definitely something he’s going to have to bring up to Gizmoduck - not that he’s going to tell Drake that, that is who has been helping, not while his recovery could become hindered with his anger. Drake seems to pick up on their worry, and carefully raises his hand, briefly staring at the vine wrapped around it before grabbing it’s anxiously tapping hand - he takes a small breath before then taking a deeper one, letting his body get used to how it’s currently feeling.
“How long?” He asks, voice hoarse and Ambrosia has to stop itself from wincing, it’s used to the bravery of Drake - his Darkwing person and even it’s weaker moments but not like this, that's not right to moss.
“It’s been, five days since we got you back. You were awake for the first day but I’m guessing you weren’t lucid.” it states, going to pick a leaf before remembering the hand currently holding his own and it can’t help but use one of the fingers to brush softly across the back of Drake’s hand..
“Oh… Starling?” It coughs again, dry and hacking.
It shifts uncomfortably at this and looks away, it got into a fight with Gizmoduck about just leaving Starling there and he wasn’t there when the police could finally get around to it,
“I- I had him with the plants, but you were so hurt… It felt more important to me to get you to safety then ensure he was arrested.” It states, there’s no way he could let Launchpad take any of this blame because it wasn’t his fault.
Drake can clearly sense it’s anxiety and gently squeezes it’s hand back, a comforting gesture that Ambrosia didn’t quite realise how badly he needed at this point and Drake’s warm smile reappears on his bill.
“That’s fine - I just can’t thank you enough, I can’t thank you or LP enough for getting there - I … I dread to think what might have happened to me if you both didn’t get there.” Drake hesitates, clearly his mortality is finally setting in and it hopes this doesn’t change the way he acts, he loves being Darkwing and that’s clear to anyone who knows both personas. “Anyway, I should get to those drugs before the others get back.” He smiles and it feels like the rest of reality finally hits again, the small mixed bottle of pills sat almost forgotten, forgotten by it at least beside him. Words can’t get from his muddled brain to his beak, so it just nods, about to point out that he may want some more water to take this whole cocktail, when one of it’s vine friends brings another one in, there’s clearly been some sloshed out so it should find where that’s gone - when the others get back will probably be the best bet, even awake it doesn’t really want to leave Drake alone.  Drake takes the glass with a thanks to the plant and Ambrosia picks the pill bottle back up, and Drake lets go of it's other hand, gently running his fingers across the back of its hand as it does so, and Ambrosia can feel it’s cheeks heat up.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know exactly what all of these are, but as you’re still here right now I’m going to say I trust who gave them to me.” It replies handing the now uncapped bottle to Drake’s outstretched palm. There were a few pills he’s taken before itself, others it definitely knew the names of and it’s pretty sure that it knows what they do - and that the reason it was given matched up with these uses it knew. The others, well it just had to take Gizmoduck’s word and what he then said that other doctor suggested he should take, and even though the two heroes don’t seem to get along, the fact that they are both known heroes should stop any attempted murder that could happen.
It almost feels like perfect timing, as Drake takes the last one, Ambrosia can’t help but raise it’s head at the voices it can hear coming, easily identified as both Launchpad & Gosalyn’s. He can’t help the smile that grows on it’s beak which mirror’s Drake’s own expression,
“I’ll leave you alone with them Mallard, but do remind them you’re still in recovery.” It smiles, trying to do it’s best Doctor impression, though it’s pretty sure it fails miserably.

Neither Gosalyn nor Launchpad greet it as they pass, but they don’t mind, knowing that Drake being awake, thus signifying that he’s going to be okay is all any of them need.
Now however, not needed by Drake’s side it occurs to him  exactly how exhausted he is and it’s as if all of it hits him at once. It less works by itself more, puppeted by it’s plant friends up and into a hammock under their skylight, it can’t even be bothered to stifle it’s yawn as the sun warms it’s face - exhausted and rather hungry.
Just a small nap can’t hurt anyone, not to mention it’s not like it’s disappeared, if anyone needs moss they can come and get moss. And it drifts off into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.