Undead Class Documents

7 months, 8 days ago
7 months, 8 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 7 months, 8 days ago
617 5

Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1001 Zombie

Class: Zombie
Doc ID Number: #1001
Danger: Moderate

Rarity: Very Common
Instinct: Type C
Motive: Type A
Blood Moon: Affected



Zombie, the primary undead class. 

A Zombie is a nonsentient reanimated corpse that is moved by instinct. Unlike their human selves, nonsentient classes lack intelligent thinking, and are more akin to animals than they are people. By themselves, Zombies are hardly a threat, as long as you are prepared to encounter one. They're generally passive and unaware if they have yet to be set off by human presence. 



Hoards Occasionally, Zombies will buddy with each other, these undead groups are known as "hoards" among survivors. Plain Zombies are generally weak, and it seems as if their instincts know that.
It's fascinatingly common to see Zombies travelling in packs, and for stray Zombies to join any hoards they meet. From time to time these hoards can include a mix of undead classes (such as Hostile Apparitions or Brandishers) and it is not uncommon to see a mixed-class hoard. 

Blood Moon Effect The Blood Moon is an uncommon lunar phase, but a deadly one. It's Blood Rain drives The Zombie's killer instincts to their height.
Zombies, usually dense otherwise, are in the blink of an eye made into utter monsters. All sensical instinct previously had is temporarily thrown out the window for the night. The Blood Rain heightens their hunger and Zombies become desperate to feed, and they can be observed behaving irrationally (screaming furiously, running into walls, etc.) Cite Doc ID #2098 for source of evidence. 

Infection Once someone is fully turned, they cannot be cured, but infection can be treated in time if you have the resources. Zombie infection is spread through physical harm, usually as bites or scratches, and can be treated with most disinfectant formulas.
Catching the infection isn't the only way to get turned into a Zombie. Even if you had never been in contact with the infection during life, if you pass during The Apocalypse there is a chance that your corpse could get reanimated by natural forces, this is why when someone passes they are usually buried, moved somewhere safe, or their body is restrained. Cite Doc ID #2032 for source of evidence. 

Zombie Renaming Once someone has reanimated their new self is assigned a different name, we survivors do this out of respect for the dead, and it has become a regular part of apocalyptic culture.
We all understand that our ally's murderous walking corpses are no longer that of what they were during life, and we take them as separate people. The split between the human self and the reanimated self is particularly important to a lot of us, especially those who have lost loved ones to the hoard. (Note that this practice applies to all of the insentient reanimated, and is not exclusive to Zombies.) 

Attacking Friendly Ghosts Oddly enough, Zombies attack Friendly Ghosts the same way they would a human, or at least they try to.
I am genuinely curious about it, as I cannot quite figure out why they would do this. Friendly Ghosts do not physically resemble their human selves, and they do not have any of the appetizing qualities that Zombies are after.
My two theories are that the Zombie understands that the Friendly Ghost is creating sound akin to a human, and mistakes it for one, or that Zombies are drawn to living souls. I still feel the latter is unlikely. 

Attacking Animals Zombies, and all undead classes for that matter, do not attack animals. They are not interested in them. What's to note here though is that Zombies will not use animals as a sign of potential human life, whereas smarter undead hunters will.  

Bailey Fraser, Day X1
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