Undead Class Documents

7 months, 9 days ago
7 months, 9 days ago
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Entry 2
Published 7 months, 9 days ago
779 2

Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1002 Drowned

Class: Drowned
Doc ID Number: #1002
Danger: Semi Substantial

Rarity: Uncommon
Instinct: Type D
Motive: Type A
Blood Moon: Affected



Drowned, the undead of the water. 

The Drowned are an underwater Zombie variant. They lurk in lakes, sewers, abandoned swimming pools, oceans, and (in some rare cases) damp areas on land. Drowned naturally know to stalk their prey before they persue them, they do this to observe their behavior and to estimate how likely they are to succeed in the pursuit. If a Drowned has actively decided to peruse you it is best to not fight back, and to instead flee, as the Drowned will likely have the upper hand on you. 



Rain While some Drowned can only leave the waters if it is raining heavily, all Drowned can leave their posts if it is raining.
They can breathe both water and oxygen, but they will suffocate if they dry up, rain keeps them moist and allows them to leave the waters if they so wish. Although being out in the rain isn't an issue to some survivors it can still be a risk to wander in the open while it is raining. Drowned maintain their unique hunting style while out of water, and it's exceedingly rare for a Drowned to put themself into a pursuit that they know they won't succeed in. Cite Doc ID #0003 for source of evidence. 

Blood Moon Effect Drowned can freely roam during a Blood Moon without the risk of drying up, as the Blood Rain keeps them wet. However, during a Blood Moon The Drowned tend to lose their sense of rationality.
While they're under regular conditions Drowned remain sly and cunning, but much like basic Zombies, they lose any sensical thinking once the Blood Rain starts to fall. The unique stalk of the hunt previously held by The Drowned is ignored for the night, and they'll start to behave in the same uncaring blood-crazed way all affected do while under The Blood Moon. 

Origin For a long while at the start of The Apocalypse nobody had a clue where Drowned zombies came from or how they worked, this was due to people understanding that waters were unsafe and rarely encountering Drowned.
From my own investigations I concluded that the Drowned did not come from the first wave, they came from survivors whose bodies were in water when they passed. There are no Drowned that came from the cracks when the nuke hit.
You don't necessarily have to had been drowned in order to turn into a Drowned, your corpse just has to have died in or been left in a body of water. 

Swimming Drowned are not built to walk, most can barely run. The Drowned are built for swimming, and they excel at it. Your regular Drowned can swim at 4mph, the same average as a trained athlete (I nearly became a Drowned measuring this.)
Drowned missing limbs or freshly turned Drowned are less of a worry. Cite Doc ID #1982 for source of evidence. 

Fish Drowned, as Zombies, will not attack or attempt to eat anything nonhuman, it simply just isn't in their instinct to do so. Eating nonhuman meat will make Zombies sick (Doc ID #2098, and #1102). It makes sense that Drowned would have to share their waters with regular fish, but Drowned actively seek to get fish in their waters. I've seen fish in places that they would have no way of getting to without help, such as swimming pools or bathtubs.
While it rains Drowned can be observed carrying fish out of their usual waters and bringing them to their post. Drowned do this to keep their waters comfortable, fish clean their waters of grime. It's difficult to stay focused on their prey if they're are living in an intolerable environment, this is terribly similar to how humans struggle to function if they sleep in untidy rooms. 

Sharing Waters Two or more Drowned sharing one body of water is common; however, it can be bothersome for The Drowned.
Picture it as such: A human has entered a lake with three drowned lurking under the water. The three drowned are observing the human, but they know one of others could go for them first, so their assimilation must be quicker than the other two. This could end in them falsely deciding that they were stronger than the human and losing the pursuit. The more Drowned sharing one body of water the less time they all have to assimilate their prey. If there are too many Drowned in one body of water none of them will ever begin a hunt.
Waters shared by several Drowned are considered safer to enter. 

Bailey Fraser, Day X12
Hideout 199