Undead Class Documents

7 months, 9 days ago
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Entry 7
Published 7 months, 9 days ago
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Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1007 Friendly Ghost

Class: Friendly Ghost
Doc ID Number: #1007
Danger: Conditional

Rarity: Uncommon
Intelligence: Type A
Blood Moon: Unaffected

Soul Bearing


Friendly Ghosts, the humans of the undead classes.

Friendly Ghosts are the only known undead class to be completely sentient. They retain all the memories and experiences of their living counterparts, the only true difference between a Friendly Ghost and their living self is the lack of a corporeal body.


Unfinished Business Friendly Ghosts come back after death if there is no corpse to reanimate but The Apocalypse still has to carry out it's will.
The Process is the exact same as when a survivor dies of natural causes and returns undead. The Apocalypse will reanimate them and bring them back as a zombie through their remains. If there is no remains to zombify the Friendly Spirit will return through the cracks and climb to the surface.
A very upsetting majority of survivors (survivors as in Friendly Ghosts themselves too) will tell you that they came back because they had some "unfinished business" or that "the universe knew it wasn't their time" but it's truly much more factual and uninteresting than that. Sorry I suppose.

Zombic Friendly Ghosts, being undead, can actually hear through The Apocalypse's Zombie groan filter and can understand what they're saying completely. (Cite Doc ID #1104 for source of evidence).
Much like Hostile Spirit speech, which us humans can understand clearly, they aren't really saying anything exciting. Apparently their talking has very poor effort put into it (words slurred, nonsensical, random pauses) their speech is completely braindead.

Physical Appearances Friendly Ghosts hardly ever resemble their human counterparts.
A Ghost's appearance is formed from two factors: the way they died, and the way they lived. The relation to their cause of death can show up on them physically in several different ways, such as patterns or scars or resembling the Zombie that ate them, but the form being composed of the way they lived is truly what makes them look so different from their living selves.
Their appearance inhabits some sort of personification of their lifetime and person, their hobbies and what matters to them. Because of this you can tell a little about a Friendly Ghost purely off what they look like. 

Soul Colours All Ghosts have a unique colour to their aura. Ghosts may share a hue but their shade is always true to them, no two ghosts will be the exact same colour. A Ghost's colour is seemingly random, as Friendly Ghosts will cite that their colour wasn't a choice they got.

Immortality Like all Ghosts, Friendly Spirits are regenerative. The damage they sustain is still painful and can be felt, but a Ghost can not be killed and will recover from any harm caused to their physical form.
It's considered rude to bring up a Friendly Spirit's mortality, as most of them just believe they can move on once their unfinished business is over and don't wish to think on it much further. Most Friendly Spirits are just glad that they're still here and aren't too keen to think about the negative side of the afterlife.
There is no unfinished business or act they have to carry that will make them ascend to the third plane, they come back and they have to stay. I wouldn't want to believe that either.

Contact Physical contact is sudden and startling for Friendly Ghosts, and they don't enjoy it unwarned. Friendly Spirits are unfortunately only capable of making contact with other Ghosts (and also chairs but only if they're sitting on them, note that Friendly Ghosts can't just miraculously move chairs.) They'll phase through walls if they walk into them and they'll feel uneasy if they make pass through a corporeal soul-bearing being.

Hostile Spirits and Friendly Ghosts Friendly Ghosts come from those who passed and were then reanimated, all during The Apocalypse, whereas Hostile Spirits are only from wave one, when The Apocalypse began and the first undead emerged from the cracks.
There are no Friendly Ghosts that passed before The Apocalypse and there are no Hostile Spirits that passed during The Apocalypse. Friendly Ghosts are often mistaken as "Half Ghosts" but they are in fact, simply, just Ghosts with souls, which Hostile Spirits lack.

"Friendly" Ghosts "Friendly Ghost" is a little bit of a strange title for their class I'll admit (I wasn't the one who coined and popularized it, I would have just titled them Sentient Spirits, like a smart person) the origin of the class title comes from Casper The Friendly Ghost, which isn't a realistic depiction of Friendly Ghosts at all I'll have you know.
Not all Friendly Ghosts are necessarily friendly, some are downright untrustworthy, the title purely classifies ghosts that are sentient. Very confusing, I hate whoever coined the term.

Possession Dissimilar to Hostile Spirits, Friendly Ghosts can possess any vessel with a soul, but there are rules to the process.
Both parties need to agree to the possession, and the host can take over whenever they wish and can kick the spirit out if needs be; think of it like a house party, the Ghost has been invited to stay but the host has power over everything that goes on at the party. The possessed can make contact with anything, including Friendly Ghosts and Hostile Spirits.
Possession is a very personal thing for Friendly Ghosts, and it's an uncomfortable experience for them. A Friendly Spirit will only agree to possession in emergencies or if they're extremely close the potential host. Possession is a strong act of companionship between Spirits and survivors, to know a Spirit who trusts you enough to let you host them is an honour.
Survivors who have allowed themselves to be possessed state that it wasn't an unpleasant experience during, but that they felt uneasy for roughly an hour afterwards, "like a hangover" to quote them.

Bailey Fraser, Day X33
Hideout 199