Undead Class Documents

7 months, 9 days ago
7 months, 9 days ago
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Entry 5
Published 7 months, 9 days ago

Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1005 Withered

Class: Withered
Doc ID Number: #1005
Danger: Considerable
Rarity: Infrequent
Instinct: Type C
Motive: Type A
Blood Moon: Unaffected


The Withered are a Zombie variant that behold a monster-like appearance and special abilities, impossible to have been taken from their human self.

Withered maintain the same lack of intelligence as a normal Zombie but are more able due to their physical differences and abilities. (These monster attributes can include horns, layered teeth, claws, fur, wings, and more. Their abilities vary from enhanced senses, night vision, regeneration etc.) 


Lacky Withered Some Withered will have less special attributes than others, and can be mistaken for regular Zombies. This can be a detrimental mistake.
Withered, despite having the same smarts as them, are more powerful than your average Zombie, and actively entering battle with a Withered under the assumption that it was a Zombie may end poorly.

Blood Moon Effect Unlike their variant, Withered are unaffected by The Blood Moon. Cite Doc ID #2098 for source of evidence.

Infection Withered are incapable of turning the living. They are the only Zombie variant like this.
Keep in mind, some killed by The Withered may still become reanimated, but never due to any spread of infection. If someone were to be reanimated after meeting their end with a Withered it would be due to The Apocalypse's will, exactly like how those who pass naturally will occasionally return reanimated.
Because The Withered can not spread their infection their class is infrequent to come by. Most Withereds around today were from wave one's cracks. The only way to return from death as a Withered would be by chance, and would depend on whether or not your death was a cause of the infected.

Insectile Withered Withered with heavy insect-like traits have noteworthy differences in behaviour from other Withered. Insectile Withered are drawn to light (something us survivors would usually carry on outings) and will drop anything they were previously up to if it even so much as catches the corner of their eye. Insectile Withered have reduced vision during the day, but will still roam and hunt during daylight. Cite Doc ID #2098 for source of evidence.

Aquatic Withered Mistakeable for Drowned, aquatic Withered are Withered with water-creature-like attributes (note my wording of water creature instead of sealife, as aquatic Withered take from all water-dwelling life).
Aquatic Withered may hold multiple attributes similar to various sea creatures, for example an aquatic Withered may have the gills of a fish with the waterbreathing of a frog and the tail of a seal. All Withered are capable of having mixed traits but it's more common in aquatic Withered.
Although the majority do, not all aquatic Withered will reside in waters, and some will roam (and hunt) exclusively on land. Cite Doc ID #2098 for source of evidence.

Bailey Fraser, Day X25
Hideout 199