Undead Class Documents

10 months, 10 days ago
10 months, 10 days ago
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Entry 3
Published 10 months, 10 days ago

Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1003 Hostile Apparition

Class: Hostile Apparition
Doc ID Number: #1003
Danger: Moderate

Rarity: Uncommon
Instinct: Type B
Motive: Type B
Blood Moon: Unaffected



Hostile Apparitions, the assistant of the Zombie. 

A Hostile Apparition is a nonsentient undead, they're recognizable for their unique appearance and behavior. Like all Ghosts, Hostile Apparitions are incorporeal and cannot do physical harm to humans, however they will attempt to lure us into danger. 


Hoards It's highly unlikely to encounter a Hostile Spirit by itself, they function better as support for the corporeal undead, and they are not likely to haunt by themselves. Hostile Apparitions thrive in Zombie Hoards, and they help their undead allies get their feed.
There is only so much that a Hostile Ghost can do to assist their hoard, and there isn't a lot they can do to cause harm to survivors. Instead, they will mimic human sound to try and lure survivors toward real danger.
Zombies commonly mistake these mimics for actual humans and get confused, as basic Zombies are not very clever. 

Light The way to defend against Hostile Spirits as a human is to carry a torch, as plenty of survivors do.
A large majority of Hostile Spirits are sensitive to light and can be scared off without much of a hassle if you've got one on you. Keeping batteries stocked is important. You're unlikely to see a Hostile Spirit wandering during the day, unless of course it's dark out. While it's daylight Hostile Apparitions will hide away someplace dark until it's alright to come out again. 

Electronics Hostile Spirits are capable of tampering with electronic devices. This is why it's important to defend your base from them on top of every other undead class. We need lights to see, we need hobs to cook, we need fridges for medication and to keep food fresh. Ensuring the power remains stable is vital for a lot of us.
If that wasn't already awful enough, Hostile Ghosts can also make our power usage skyrocket. We have to keep the power we use to an absolute minimum; electricity is few and far between in The Apocalypse, Hostile Spirits causing us to use more power than needs be will be disastrous in majority of cases. 

Attacking Friendly Ghosts Hostile Spirits can touch and cause physical harm to Friendly Ghosts, as can Friendly Ghosts to Hostile Spirits.
If you have a sentient Ghost as a member of your base it's optimal to take them with you on scouting trips or to let them defend the base with you. All types of Ghost can regenerate limbs, but the pain they experience is just the same as ours is, if a Friendly Ghost is losing a fight against a Hostile Spirit it's best that you try to scare the latter off.  

Possession Unlike Friendly Ghosts, Hostile Apparitions cannot possess the living, as they do not have souls. 

Speaking Hostile Apparitions can speak human dialect, but it is completely aimless.
This is entirely unique to Hostile Apparitions, and they are the only nonsentient undead class that is capable of this. Every other nonsentient undead class will make various grumbles (they are speaking real dialogue but it's being filtered by The Armageddon, so it doesn't come through to us).
What the Spirits say is never coherent or logical, but it is clear. What they say are simple words you would expect a survivor to use; "base" "zombies" "rations" supposedly practicing their mimicking. 

Halloween Oddly enough, for whatever reason, Hostile Ghosts can pick up carved pumpkins.
If a Hostile Spirit spots a carved pumpkin it will cease everything that it was previously pursuing to put the pumpkin on it's head. We survivors have no idea why Hostile Apparitions do this, and despite my best efforts I cannot figure it out either.
Wearing a carved pumpkin will impair the Ghost's vision, so during Halloween everybody makes sure to leave pumpkins out to lessen the danger. Some are tactical and use this to their advantage, purposefully carving the pumpkin to have a tight face so that whichever Hostile Spirit wears it is practically blind, others use this more humorously to give the Hostile Spirits silly faces and make them less threatening. I am in support of both sides. 

Bailey Fraser, Day X24
Hideout 199