Undead Class Documents

10 months, 10 days ago
10 months, 10 days ago
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Entry 4
Published 10 months, 10 days ago

Mild Violence

Written, Documented, and Researched by Bailey Fraser

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#1004 Paranormal Object

Class: Paranormal Object
Doc ID Number: #1004
Danger: Conditional

Rarity: Rare 
Instinct: Type D.5
Motive: Type E
Blood Moon: Unaffected



Paranormal Objects, the oddballs of the undead classes.

A Paranormal Object is a nonsentient undead class. They appear physically to be regular objects but they possess a special ability that class them otherwise. All Paranormal Items are unique to themselves and no two Paranormal Items can hold the same ability. They are tagged as an undead class due to their abilities coming from the dead, a Paranormal Object's effect is not randomly assigned to it. The effect it has relates to the person giving it it's property. Cite Doc ID #2098, #0108, and #0109 for source of evidence.


Danger I feel rather disappointed in myself for having to class Paranormal Objects as having a varied threat level , but they truly are a mixed bag. I've dealt with Paranormal Objects that have been completely harmless, and then I've heard stories of people nearly dying to one. Keep in mind, some Paranormal Objects can be useful and are considered desirable or precious.

Worth And Trading Paranormal Objects, while not being the rarest things in the world, can be worth quite a bit when trading depending on their power.
While some survivors still use currency, others use items of value for trade, typically weapons or resources. A Paranormal Object could get you anywhere between a rusty pocket knife and a fresh packet of seeds.
Always make sure to discuss with your team if you're considering putting your Paranormal Object onto the market, they can help you discern it's value and if it might be worth keeping.

Walking Counterparts The dead granting a Paranormal Object it's strangeness doesn't necessarily have to be entirely gone. It's not uncommon for a Paranormal Object to hold it's ability while another counterpart of itself still roams the land.
The counterpart can be a nonsentient or sentient undead class (or entirely gone, with the Object being their only remains). Sentient undead classes with a Paranormal Object counterpart are not naturally aware of the counterpart, but may realize that it's related to them after they discover it, as a Paranormal Object's ability is based on the person or was owned by them during life.

Bailey Fraser, Day X24
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