KoL: The Comic (discontinued)

4 months, 1 hour ago
4 months, 52 minutes ago
7 2477

Chapter 2
Published 4 months, 1 hour ago

old comic scripts i wrote for my kol characters, which i discontinued after drawing one part. this was the predecessor to the kol fanfic!

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KoL Mini Comic: What Best Friends are For

It's late at night. The squad was joking around, drinking, and laughing, while Cassidy and David (Dandy Doo) sat next to each other on the balcony.

Cassidy: *all drunk and borderline falling off the railing*

David: Woah there, be careful! *grabs her and prevents her from falling and pulls her in*

Cassidy: ... *doesn't reply*

Long silence

Cassidy: ...David?

David: What?

Cassidy: ... Promise you'll never leave me...

David: ...

Cassidy: Don't leave me like everyone else did...

David: Don't worry.. I never will *hugs her*

Cassidy: *in tears* Tell me that you'll be my friend until we die...

David: I will. I always will be.

Cassidy: ...Thank you...

David: *smiles and looks into the distance*

David: I won't ever leave you. That's what best friends are for, after all.