KoL: The Comic (discontinued)

3 months, 30 days ago
3 months, 30 days ago
7 2477

Chapter 7
Published 3 months, 30 days ago

old comic scripts i wrote for my kol characters, which i discontinued after drawing one part. this was the predecessor to the kol fanfic!

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misc scripts/monologues

 — 09/17/2018 This isn't a comic, but it does include a huge part of lore for my KoL AU

You know, the Kingdom used to be a very safe place. It's still relatively safe right now, but, just not as much as before. One of the main targets were always the adventurers. Adventurers used to roam this place, you know? Every place you turned, there was at least one. But it all went downhill when an adventurer was found shot dead at her campsite. It was strange, since residents from the Kingdom don't usually die from bullet wounds or weapons in general, unless something was added to it. So basically, after that, more adventurers were found mysteriously dead all over the place. Slowly after that, the amount of adventurers decreased until it was very rare to find one, and in your case, and entire group of young enthusiastic people. Maybe you'll even find the solution to this problem, who knows. Anyways, I just wish you luck on your journeys ahead. But here's a small warning: Nothing is ever what it seems to be.

— 09/27/2018 Small story, I'll let you figure out what character I'm writing

Ah, you wanna know why I drink? No, no, it's not just because I like it or I view it as "cool." There's actually something behind it. I may not seem like it, but I'm not all happy and cheerful all the time. I have my ups and downs, just like anyone does. But what I feel isn't just temporary sadness or distress, it's... well, deep down. And the thing about alcohol is that it erases things. Your mind goes numb and you forget about all of that. It's just something that I use as... well, comfort, I guess. Why am I even telling you this? Forget I said anything.

— 10/17/2018 (kol) the [REDACTED] au thingie

It was late at night. Cassidy was lying in her bed, unable to sleep. She didn't know why, but it just felt like something wasn't right. Eyes shifting around, she noticed a strange glow coming from her closet. Slowly getting out of bed, she cautiously walked over to it and pulled it open... but there was nothing there. Confused, she inspected the insides of the closet before deciding that it was just her imagination.

But right as she turned around, a pair of hands grabbed her from behind, pulling her in. Only it wasn't a closet anymore, it was a large, swirling portal.

The voice behind her whispered, "Sweet dreams, cringe queen," and somehow, Cassidy blacked out.