KoL: The Comic (discontinued)

3 months, 30 days ago
3 months, 30 days ago
7 2477

Chapter 6
Published 3 months, 30 days ago

old comic scripts i wrote for my kol characters, which i discontinued after drawing one part. this was the predecessor to the kol fanfic!

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Author's Notes


Chapter 3: Dandy Doo

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (Part 1)

Hey there! My name is David, but you can just call me Dandy Doo.

shot of him playing the piano

I've been homeschooled by my mom for basically all my life.

David: Hey mom, I found a stick!

Mom: Don't touch that! You might poke yourself!

She was pretty protective, but she's a great mom

Mom: You see this note? It reads C.

David: And what are these notes?

Mom: I see you take an interest to music!

I grew up thinking that the world was much more innocent that it was.

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (part 2)

The reason why I was homeschooled was because there was a problem with the muscles on my left arm.

shot of doctor explaining stuff

My mom decided it would be best for me to stay home while the doctors get the problem fixed

So what did I do in the meantime?

shot of him and his mom drawing

I played music and drew in my free time.

Mom: You've got real talent in art!

David: Maybe I'll be an artist or a musician when I grow up!

Mom: Well, you might change your mind when you get older, sweetie.

And when I got older, I did become a musician. Kind of.

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (Part 3)

Mom: David, sweetie, I can't just keep you inside this house forever.

David: Why not, Mom? I really like spending time with you!

Mom: You see, the real world is much larger than the two of us. I want you to understand that.

David: Then... what should I do?

Mom: Go out and do something adventurous! Use your talents to amaze people.

David: Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll play music in the public.

So after saying bye to my mom and hugging her a hundred times. I set out for the world.

shot of him standing in front of a huge crowd of people

David: Wow. There are a lot of people.

Person: Hey! Someone! I need help!

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (Part 4)

David: *walks up to person* What is it, kind sir?

Person: *thinking* Good. He seems like he'll make a great Moxie user.

Person: I'm really low on cash!

David: Oh, I could just give you some-

Person: No, no. It has to be specific cash.

Person: *points to cq and nugget sitting on a bench* I want you to steal some meat from those girls over there.

David: *Steal?* Why not just ask her?

Person: Then that would defeat the purpose!

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (Part 5)

David: I- I guess I'll try, then...

shot of cq and nugget talking

David: *attempts to blend in with the crowd*

cq: *notices that he's standing suspiciously close*

cq: Hey, buddy, what are you doing?

David: *bows down* I'm so sorry! I was told to steal money from one of you!

Nugget: Steal? Why not just ask us!

David: Because that would defeat the purpose!

cq: Huh. It's not that common that someone would try to steal money and apologize when discovered.

Nugget: We could... teach... you to steal from us?

David: Huh?

The Kingdom of Loathing: Dandy Doo (Part 6)

cq: Yeah, you wanna steal our meat, right? Then we'll teach you!

Nugget: Even though we're in the Mysticality class...

David: Hm? What's this about Mysticality?

cq: You mean you don't know yet? That's one of the classes for adventuring!

David: *remembers his mom's words* Go out and do something adventurous!

David: How do I do adventuring, then?

Nugget: Oh, you just talk to the Toot Oriole and he'll give you the basics.

Person: *listening in* This is going much more differently than I expected.

cq: We'll lead you there if you're interested.

shot of him standing in front of the Toot Oriole

Toot Oriole: Oh, so you like music? Well, you can steal things while playing music!

And that's how I became an Accordion Theif.

Pretty soon, I became a part of the small group with the two girls that I was supposed to steal from

shot of them inside the meatcar

I think I've made Mom happy. I just wish I could see her sometime.

The end