Stellar Tomorrow

4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
19 19741

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

Vale Cristalle and his friends are thrust into a world of magic, and are given the ability to transform into Amphites to help save all of the worlds from being destroyed by the Nether Brigade.

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Chapter 1

"Good morning Vale!" Vale Cristalle turned his head to look at his closest - well technically only - friends Esmerelda, preferred Ezzy, and Alicia Scarlet Abernathy as the latter ran up to him.

"Alicia, don't go too far!" Ezzy called to her sister. Her dirty blonde locks were tied up in a ponytail today, while her sister's scarlet red hair was in the usual pigtails.

Vale walked alongside his friends, blue locks rustling in the autumn wind. His large black coat kept him from receiving any chills. School ended late last year. That pushed back the first day of this year, but Vale didn't really mind. He always preferred the colder seasons.

It was just like any other day until a huge purple orb appeared in the sky, and exploded into what seemed to be small cellphones. Three landed right in front of Alicia, who brought them back to Vale and Ezzy like a dog playing fetch.

They were silvery, but shaped more like a handheld console. On the bottom half, instead of a screen, there was a black button, surrounded by many other colorful ones.

"Hey, wait." Vale glanced around."Nothing's moving."

He was right, and Alicia worriedly grabbed Ezzy's arm. "I'm scared, big sis. What's going on?" Ezzy looked over the small devices. It was then that they started to speak.

'Greetings new recruits!" Though there wasn't an image on the screen to indicate that someone was talking, it was for sure the electronics. "Confused, are you? You've been chosen as Amphites. This is an honor, you get to fight in the name of the eight gods and goddesses of Tuphere!"

Vale huffed. "This is a dream, isn't it?" The voice continued as Vale pinched himself.

"Press the big black button on the Amphone to be transported to Tuphere, where you will take the Elemental test."

"Alicia, keep holding on to me. I'll play this weirdo's game, just for amusement." Ezzy glanced over at Vale. "Are you ready, Vale?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," The blue-haired boy grunted, as the three pushed the buttons in sync.