Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 10
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Least Favorites

Least Favorite Animal: Insects, especially flying buzzing ones like flies, bees, mosquitoes, and wasps. Also fire ants, centipedes, and millipedes.

Least Favorite Book: Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey

Least Favorite Characters: Anyone that's not really believable/relatable

Least Favorite Color: Warm colors - you won’t catch her wearing red, orange, or yellow any time soon...or ever.

Least Favorite Dessert: Stale cake

Least Favorite Drink: Anything alcoholic 

Least Favorite Food: Garbanzo beans (whole; except for hummus), wasabi (taste), sausage, red onions (doesn’t like the taste and texture when raw; caramelized onions, however, are an exception), hamburgers (avoids eating beef, doesn’t like fast food), lobster (tastes like rubber), balut (cooked unborn duck egg), undercooked crab legs (if it still tastes like the ocean, she will spit it out), crawfish, lamb, quail (refuses to eat); anything spicy (low tolerance to anything spicier than a pepperonchini/frigitello), candy (too much sugar), hot dogs (upsets stomach), sardines, horseradish (taste)

Least Favorite Flavor: Spicy

Least Favorite Games: Anything for real money; doesn't gamble

Least Favorite Holiday: 
Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, her birthday 

Least Favorite Landmarks: Grand Canyon; fear of falling in

Least Favorite Literature Genre: Political biographies

Least Favorite Movie: Jaws

Least Favorite Musical Genre: Death Metal (too loud and head-pounding), rap that’s too explicit (self-explanatory), atonal 20th century music (doesn’t understand it)

Least Favorite People: Rivals of her friends, racists, sexists, complete strangers, narcissists (like Kian), corrupted politicians , Master Xyro

Least Favorite Pizza Toppings: 
Sardines, sausage

Least Favorite Place: Anywhere loud and crowded 

Least Favorite Restaurant: Fast food restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, etc.

Least Favorite Room in Their House: Garage 

Least Favorite Season: 

Least Favorite Scents: Anything that attracts insects, any dirty article of Dynamic Dork clothing, garbage

Least Favorite Song: Turn Down For What by DJ Snake feat. Lil Jon (Sorry; but it's garbage)

Least Favorite Sounds: Buzzing, loud alarms, crowds of people talking/shouting simultaneously

Least Favorite Store: Hardware stores, car shops, mechanic shops

Least Favorite Subject: Anything that doesn't appeal to her interests

Least Favorite TV Show: Reality TV shows like America's Got Talent, X Factor, The Voice, etc.

Least Favorite Time of the Day: Late Afternoon (1-4pm)

Least Favorite Time of the Year: Mid-summer; intense heat

Least Favorite Weather: Hot

Author's Notes
  • Regarding Cat’s least favorite holidays; she finds Valentine’s Day pointless for its commercial use, finds Halloween immature, and Christmas triggers bad memories of her mother and grandmother’s falling out. She hates her birthday as it serves of a grave reminder of her dwindling youth. Despite her feelings, she ends up celebrating these holidays to some extent.