Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 13
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Home: Camellia Garden Villas, located on 45330 W Chrysantha Ave

Transportation: Vespa Scooter (sky blue)

Pets: Cookie, female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Blenheim)

Living Arrangements: Lives with Shea

Description of daily surroundings: 

  • Living room has leather sofa and recliner, coffee table, TV with entertainment system (VCR and DVD players included), and remote lighting. Gaming consoles include a PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Nintendo Wii U.
  • Kitchen has granite countertops including on the island, cherrywood cabinets, refrigerator, toaster oven, conventional oven, and pantry. 
  • Dining room seats up to 8 guests, located next to kitchen. 
  • Cat and Shea’s rooms are upstairs across the hall from each other. 
  • Bathrooms located on both floors - downstairs used by guests. 
  • Garage holds two cars. One car belongs to Cat, but rarely used.
  • Laundry room next to garage; must go through this room to get to garage.
  • Backyard has home garden for flowers and certain kinds of vegetables. Patio area includes seating up to four, bistro style with room for a medium-sized grill; hardly used except during the summer when friends visit

Description of bedroom:

  • Full sized bed has ice blue sheets and a snowflake patterned comforter with matching pillows, all on a white wood sleigh bed frame. 
  • Walk-in closet meticulously organized with storage containers and cubbies for shoes, belts, and purses. 
  • White dresser for other articles of clothing that aren't normally hung. 
  • Ice blue walls decorated with snowflake fairy lights along the window, 3’ snowflake light hanging above bed - used at night. 
  • Nightstand is a pale ivory; has small silver touch lamp for reading along with a coaster and a box of tissues. Drawers are full of miscellaneous items.
  • White laminate wood flooring with a blue fluffy throw rug in the center. 
  • Home office layout includes a white desk, ice blue office chair, and an Apple iMac Pro. Keyboard and mouse slide from underneath desk.
Author's Notes

Cat's Vespa scooter looks something like this: 532da793b5cb7bf70a63dee450cd9925.png

  • Other attachments include a sidecar her brother installed for an additional passenger or her personal belongings.