Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Elementary/Middle school (K-8)

- Name: Silver Creek Elementary School 

- Location: Phoenix, Arizona 

- Age Completed: 14

- Year Completed: 2007

- Favorite Classes: English and Writing 

- Least Favorite Classes: Math and PE

- Favorite Activities: Art

- Least Favorite Activities: Choir

- Average Grades: Straight As

- School Friends: Shea Miller

- School Crushes: Kian, 3rd - 8th grade

- Best Memory: Meeting Shea in 7th grade

- Worst Memory: Being alienated by her peers

High School

- Name: Eastbrook High School

- Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

- Age Completed: 18

- Year Completed: 2011

- Favorite Classes: English, Psychology, and Band

- Least Favorite Classes: PE - Kian was in the same class as her and she couldn't stay focused

- Favorite Activities: Marching band, literature club, creative writing club

- Least Favorite Activities: Homecoming, prom, and student council elections

- School Friends: Zani, Kyra, Marco, Blaze, Sunny, and Shea

- School Crushes: Kian, Sunny

- Average Grades: Mostly As and Bs

- Best Memory: Winterguard winning championship, becoming colorguard captain by the end of her freshman year; Shea winning the academic decathlon

- Worst Memory: Having her heart broken and manipulated by Kian


- Name: Saffron Hills University 

- Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

- Age Completed: 23

- Year Completed: 2016

- Favorite Classes: Creative writing, English, Psychology, Band

- Least Favorite Classes: Algebra and Geology - didn't apply to her majors

- Favorite Activities: Lunch lol

- Least Favorite Activities: Basketball games - they get too rowdy, and because she was in the pep band she was on her feet most of the time. At least she had Sunny to keep her interested.

- School Friends: Zani, Kyra, Rochelle, Atti, Marco, Blaze

-School Crushes: Sunny

-Average Grades: As and Bs

- Best Memory: Winterguard competitions; won championships. Private flute recitals; her friends would often come to watch her play

- Worst Memory: Writing essays late at night. Kian’s stalking and attempted rape.

Degrees: Associates in English, BA in Literature, BA in Music Performance

Author's Notes

Author’s Note: The names of these educational institutions are purely fictional and established through a name generator. Chances that there are actual places with these names in other parts of the world are purely coincidental. The places listed solely exist in the fictional  world of Torrine.