Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Allies: Miara

- Affinity between them:  Miara was Torrine’s first queen who was blessed by a moon spirit. Miara was a kind and compassionate queen who cared for her people and her environment, despite her frozen powers. Not much was known about her personal life. When Torrine was attacked by an evil entity, Miara sealed her power in an enchanted talisman as a last act of strength to keep the enemy away from her subjects. Evidence of this ancient kingdom under her rule was lost to time, speculating the enemy had destroyed everything. Eons later, Cat receives Miara’s blessing upon completing a sacred trial proving her worth as her descendant.

Enemies: Master Xyro, Entity X

- Affinity between them: Due to Master Xyro's hostilities against her and her friends; Cat won't hesitate to face him in battle, even if she does so alone. Entity X is a malevolent organization whose goal is to plunge the world into absolute chaos and redeem it through his order. Cat has a malicious doppelganger created by Master Xyro himself. Master Xyro is cunning and usually two or three steps ahead of her, thwarting her intuition in the process in order to lead her to her demise. His company consists of several other generals who are devoted to his nefarious purpose.

Best friends: Shea Miller, Zani Abdel-Aziz, Kyra Alberti, Rochelle Reynolds, Genevieve Kingston, Gwen Fujioka, Casey Henderson, Marco Alberti, Atticus Wyndham, Kalle Wyndham, Sutton Elliot, Nadir Jhaveri, Antonio Giuliani, Blaze Taylor

- Affinity between them: Cat will sacrifice her time and (possibly) her life for them. Her longest friendship on record is with Shea, who she sees as a sister. Shares a sibling-like bond with Blaze, who she sees as a brother.

Co-Workers/Colleagues: Riya Khatri, Kristen Phelps

- Affinity between them: Cat meets up with them at least twice a week to work on various group projects. She’s developed a mutual, professional connection with these two ladies, despite being the youngest of the three.

Crushes: Kian Prescott (formerly)

- Affinity between them: Kian was Cat’s childhood crush and current ex-boyfriend. Cat’s pure and innocent puppy love (or in her case, kitten love) wasn’t enough for him to return her affection. The reason is unclear: Was Cat too desperate? Was she not attractive enough? Whatever the reason, Kian dismissed Cat by making her feel her emotions were invalid. Kian was already quite popular with the ladies in high school and wouldn’t dare be caught dead with someone childishly unappealing. Regardless of his initial impression of her, Kian took advantage of her naïveté as she followed her misguided heart to pursue him. While she struggled to break free of Kian’s toxic narcissism, Cat moved on from the heartache inflicted upon her after accepting herself with the help of her friends. To put it simply; Kian is a titillating, provocative stud with a growing harem who’s mad with lust over his former classmate. He is also part of a band known as Mane Event as lead singer and guitarist. 

Friends: Keani Mahelona, Shirin Opulencia, Nate Foster, Tawny Rayner, Aimee Campbell, Chelsea Davis, Desiree Valdez, Fallon Harper, Jared Coleman, Ceja Flores, Everly Campbell, Dalton Gardner, Anise Gardner, Amanda Nelson, Asher Ryan, Kiyoshi Akiyama, Michiko Akiyama, Alondra Cruz

- Affinity between them: While she is not exactly close with these people, Cat has mutual respect and trust for them. Cat and Shirin are next door neighbors while Fallon lives across the street from her; both Fallon and Shirin keep an eye on her place while she is away. Cat can sometimes be seen with Shirin’s boyfriend, Keani, who has a penchant for her grandmother’s homemade lumpia.

Rivals: Karla Velasquez

- Affinity between them: Karla and Cat are rivals by association. Karla is one of Tina Marlowe's cronies. While the main conflict is between Zani and Tina, Karla stands as an obstacle for Cat. 

Family: Carson (father), Karol (mother), Jake (brother), several grandparents (both maternal grandparents and paternal grandmother; paternal grandfather deceased), aunts, uncles, and cousins

- Affinity between them: Close to parents, but has some disagreements with her overprotective father due to misunderstanding. Rarely sees her brother due to work, but she calls him regularly. Loves both sets of grandparents dearly. Given the fact her Filipino grandmother is a war bride, Cat is often surrounded by large families of other Filipino war brides; it’s one, big military family. Sadly, a falling out between her mother and grandmother crushed family morale. Despite her efforts, Cat wishes for peace and love restored to her family even if it means risking her own life.

Love interest: Sunny Abdel-Aziz

- Affinity between them: Sunny is Zani’s older brother. Cat was hesitant about having feelings for her best friend’s brother at first but Zani encouraged her to listen to her heart. Cat had difficulty breaking away from her ex-boyfriend Kian and all he did to her. However, Sunny was able to see the signs that Cat needed help to let go and move on which wasn't an easy task. In this relationship; Sunny is full of surprises, and Cat certainly enjoys them. Sunny is highly creative and spontaneous with a knack for enjoying life’s full range of gifts. Sunny's authentic charm can always put a smile on Cat's face even on her worst days. Cat is receptive to Sunny's emotions and helps him sort out his rather intense emotional energy; in turn, he confides in her. Cat enjoys Sunny’s company as he does his best to ensure her happiness and feel comfortable in life. Although she feels her autism might be a hindrance in their relationship, Sunny can easily accommodate for her as he understands her needs are different; she is grateful to him because of this. They are both authentic and genuinely compassionate for each other. However, no relationship is ever without pitfalls. Sunny tends to harbor negative emotional energy that even Cat can't handle. He can get bored easily with mundane activities and tends to put things off until the last minute. Sunny isn’t emotionally fragile surprisingly, but Cat is highly sensitive. On the other hand, Cat can be extremely private and choose to withhold certain information depending on her mood, leading others to believe she is ice cold. Despite any and all odds, she can always count on Sunny for just about anything.

Animal companions: Cookie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Glimmer the blue-chinned sapphire hummingbird, Nelina the Blue Frost Pegasus (Arcticorn)

- Affinity between them: Cat has rescued these animals to an extent (except for Nelina) and developed connections with them.

Cookie ran away from an abusive owner and was attacked by two stray dogs until she was found by a local pet humane society wounded and famished and was brought back under their care until Cat adopted her. Cookie was brought home with much needed love and care. In return, Cookie showers Cat with much affection that brings sunshine to her daily life.

Glimmer fell out of his nest when he was a baby. Cat and Shea nursed Glimmer back to health and got his name from the color of his wings as he grew older and well enough to be released back into the wild. Glimmer often stops by the feeder hanging in the backyard to visit. In summertime, Glimmer drinks the nectar from the flowers growing in Shea’s victory garden.

Nelina is Cat's main companion in Rise of the Enchanted. She was part of Miara's sacred trial and a gift for passing. She is a rare species of pegasus known as an Arcticorn, known for surviving in colder climates. Her coat is a pale bluish-white and thick to keep her body temperature regulated. She has feathering on all four hooves. Her turquoise mane is long & wavy. Her wings are white with a turquoise gradient. A key feature is her horn that shoots ice from the tip at the cost of Cat's magical energy. The feathers of Nelina’s wings can also be frozen into ice crystals and fired at will. Nelina resides on the mountainsides of Wesmos where it heavily snows and a monument dedicated to Miara is found. Nelina is Miara's former companion and the only one of her species. There have been reported sightings regarding Nelina, yet nobody has really encountered her and only hunted for her horn before she met Cat. She is loyal to her rider and rather playful. She can be wary of strangers at first but can soften up if she likes them, especially Cat’s friends.

Person they are Closest to: Shea Miller

Author's Notes

Cat's Family

Cat's mother's side is predominantly Filipino, more specifically Spanish-Filipino due to Spanish colonization in the Philippines. This can be traced back to Cat's first Spanish ancestor, her great-great-grandfather whose surname was 'Alova'. Cat's grandmother is from the Visayan islands in the Negros Occidental province. Her grandfather was stationed in the Philippines during the Vietnam War. Considerably, her grandmother is a 'war bride'; many of Cat's great aunts are also Filipina war brides in the sense their husbands (her great uncles) are all American military veterans - all who served in the Air Force. Her aunts and uncles are children of her great aunts and great uncles, and her cousins are children of her aunts and uncles. Cat's immediate uncles - her mother's brother and her mother's sister's brother-in-law - have also served in the Air Force. One big military family.

Cat's father's side is predominately German with traces of Polish. However, her grandmother is of Mexican descent as her maiden name was 'Lopez'. Her grandfather (deceased) was an Army veteran. Her father has 5 other siblings, making them paternal aunts and uncles. All uncles except one have served in the Air Force, her father included.