Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 17
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Miscellaneous Trivia

  • Cat is considered an eponymous OC because she is based off of yours truly, but she has developed into her own character that distinguishes herself from her creator.

  • Cat's dog, Cookie, is based off an original Nintendog of the same name.

  • Cat's pen name, April Snow, comes from a certain species of camellia japonica flower of the same name.

  • Despite the fact that Cat's parents are divorced, they are civil to one another.

  • Cat is not a picky eater; she'll eat anything and doesn't mind trying new foods once in awhile. She'll turn down certain foods only if she has tried them once and knows she doesn’t like it.

  • Cat hates it when people record her on video or audio without her consent. It’s considered invasive and rude.

  • Cat was born with mild autism, yet she was diagnosed when she was about 4 years old. Autism in females isn’t uncommon but it can be hard to detect sometimes. She can function normally and is not treated any different because of her disability. However, she struggles with social interactions and self-advocacy. She gets upset when someone tries to break her away from her self-established routine for no apparent reason and whenever people call her on her cellphone without prior notice (meaning she is obligated to know when to expect the phone call and who will be calling ahead of time). She will never initiate conversation or make eye contact for prolonged periods of time; do not scold her for this as it makes her uncomfortable. She gets nervous in large crowds and around strangers, especially being in the center of a crowd. She will almost always have music playing in her ears as a defense mechanism from loud crowds and strangers; the only exception to this rule is if she is waiting to receive her order in any given restaurant. Cat tends to be something of an echoer, meaning she will repeat certain things in conversations. While her disability has blessed her with hypersensitive hearing that is beneficial for her musical talents, she cannot tolerate anything too loud like a rowdy concert or sports event as well as the buzzing of flying insects. To put it shortly; she hears everything.

  • Cat is a natural empath - or rather, she is hyper-empathic due to her autism. She is considered a fauna empath as she can understand the needs and feelings of any animal she comes in contact with, although some take more time than others to warm up to her. This is only limited to mammals and birds that thrive in wintry climates. She can form alliances with most any animal except completely feral ones. The animal must have some experience with human interaction in order for Cat to establish a connection between them. In Rise of the Enchanted, Cat can feel the spirit of the animals she befriends and hone their abilities whether in protecting her homeland or in her personal life. Too much use of this power can cause Cat to slowly lose her humanity. She is also a claircognizant and a physically receptive empath. As a claircognizant, Cat seems to find suitable yet unconventional answers to questions that leave others puzzled; her imagination is highly active which helps her come up with creative solutions. As a highly sensitive person, Cat can tune into emotions of other people with the trade-off being social exhaustion. Her empathy is something not meant to be taken for granted.

  • Cat's quirky passion lies in the strangest things, which results in overstimulation. The things that entice her passion and aesthetics are things most people wouldn't care much for or isn't considered normal. It’s mostly of subjective interest.

  • Cat is considered the ‘old soul’ of the group. Her refined tastes often contrast with her youth, meaning she may appear too young to know of such things. She is also quite nostalgic for the days of old - particularly lifestyles and memorabilia from the 1930s to the early 2000s.

  • Cat’s powers are inspired by Elsa from Frozen and Starfire from Teen Titans. Her powers are linked to her emotions like Elsa, fluctuating in strength and stability depending on her overall mood. In combat, Cat’s energy is condensed into ‘frost bolts’ (a nod to Starfire’s star bolts) where snow appears dancing around her hands. When she fires a frost bolt, it’s sharp to cut through steel and icy stone walls. Her eyes glow icy blue as a nod to Starfire’s neon green glowing eyes.
  • Cat doesn’t like swearing/cussing, but she comes from a family of sailor mouths so she might slip a few words and phrases under her breath.