Cat's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 8333 2

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Abilities & Skills


Logical: Emotionally

Mathematical: Can compute simple equations mentally

Artistic: Draws traditionally by hand yet a beginner in digital art, has a keen eye for fashion

Musical: She primarily plays flute and piccolo; secondary instruments include piano and electric bass (3/4 scale due to her tiny hands). She can sing, but doesn’t really enjoy it as much; she sounds pretty good regardless. Cat can also dance, but will only do so when nobody is around due to being bullied for her dancing skills during her childhood; her specialty is shuffling.

Communication: Dislikes small talk; will not start a conversation and will dismiss a topic if it doesn't interest her or has little to no knowledge about the subject. Will not make eye contact without being mistaken for staring at the other person. Great listener.

Fighting: Adversarial with a weapon with length like a spear/lance. She is also skilled with a bow as she regularly trains with Blaze. Fences with Marco and Antonio on occasion. Hand to hand combat needs a little work as she is fragile.

Investigative: Quick to gathering sources. Intuition kicks in when finding clues, which are usually beneficial to the case at hand. Let her wander around for a sense of her environment until she sees something that piques her curiosity. If she’s interested in something, she might make connections to it.

Supernatural: Cryokinetic, Lunarkinetic - manipulation of ice; manipulation of moonlight. These powers are conflated as the source of her power comes from the lunar ice deposits on the moon itself. Her powers are inherited through an enchanted talisman with the spirit of an oracle residing within. Cat takes on alternate forms depending on moon phase, but notable forms come for every Full, New, Blue, and Red moons. Special lunar phases like super moons and lunar eclipses can fluctuate stability of her power, causing her to go unstably berserk. Due to her association with the moon, she often has precognitive dreams as a result of otherworldly manipulation from a malevolent entity. This cognitive manipulation will cease once resolved in the main story. 

Magical: Her abilities from her talisman include Cryokinetic Surfing, Lunar empowerment, Cold Immunity, Cryokinetic constructs (limited to armor and weaponry such as lances, daggers, and bows), Lunar Aura, Cryokinetic Combat, and Esoteric Ice Manipulation

Management: No desire to lead or follow and no desire to control others...yet she is sometimes placed in a leadership position and relies on her intuition to see what's best for everyone, which works for her.

Organization: Surprisingly organized in her workspace. A place for everything and everything in its place. Her bedroom, however, is a little messy; she cleans it weekly (laundry, makes bed, etc)

Planning: Future oriented, thinks of countless possibilities

Physical: Highly fragile, but makes up for it with unshakable endurance 

Problem Solving: Resourceful when her intuition kicks in

Teamwork: Prefers to work alone

Cooperation: If Cat can trust her teammates, then she can be cooperative

Author's Notes

Cat's Powers

More about Cat's powers can be found here:

Cryokinesis -

Lunakinesis/Selenokinesis -

  • Subpowers/abilites include
    • Lunar Empowerment -
      • Cat's strength fluctuates depending on the lunar phase. For example, her strength increases every full moon (including super moons). Some phases like the new moon will channel secret powers that allow her to move undetected. Special lunar occurrences like the blue moon allow her access to new abilities for a brief period of time. Lunar eclipses or red moons can yield dangerous consequences when unsupervised; she goes berserk as the color red is associated with rage and aggression. See Lunar Mind. (Cat doesn't turn into a werewolf; she goes berserk like Saïx from Kingdom Hearts 2)
    • Esoteric Ice Manipulation -
      • Cat’s ice magic is conflated with lunar properties with its basic usage at night to empowerment from the moon itself.
      • Cat's ice magic works similarly to Elsa from Frozen - she must be in a calm state of mind in order for her powers to work in her favor; otherwise, it can yield serious consequences.
    • Expanding Ice Bolts/Hand Blasts/Ice Infusion/Frozen Surface - 
      • Cat's Frost Bolts appear bluish-white around her hands and thrown in disc-like shapes, akin to Starfire's star bolts from Teen Titans. Her eyes glow the same color in combat, as well. These Frost Bolts freeze on impact when thrown.
      • Cat can also take any pre-made weapon and infuse her frozen powers with it. She will mostly do this with spears/lances, swords, and daggers crafted just for her.
    • Cryokinetic Surfing -
      • Cat is given enchanted ice skates that allow her to glide on any body of ice, even hovering for the duration she is wearing them.
      • Moon dust is a substance that fuels her enchanted skates which depletes with each use, affecting how far she can travel.
    • Lunar Aura -
      • Cat’s lunar aura is often used as a defense mechanism and sometimes increases her speed.
    • Cryokinetic Constructs
    • Cold Immunity
      • Cat is given immunity to cold when in combat (in her alternate forms), but still susceptible in her civilian form.
    • Frigokinesis
      • Cat can manipulate snow as precipitation or on the ground to her will.
      • Weak to fire
  • To put it simply, Cat is Cryo-Lunakinetic