A Strange Visitor

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
10 9279

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Collection of prompts from Halloween event October 2020.

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Chapter 2

[ 264 words ]

The small meteorite's glow slowly begins to fade, collapsing in on itself in waves in front of the crowd that's amassed around it. With an abrupt snap as thunderous as rifle-fire the stone cracks in two as if it had been struck. The small rock's glow fades to darkness, and for a few moments, it appears that nothing happens...before something bolts from the open crack, crawling along surfaces whatever the thing is is covered in shadow from the night that surrounds it and impossible to keep up with as it darts around the area. The only details that can be made out about it is that it's small...dark....covered in fur..and its eyes gleam an ominous red...
It stares at the lions, and gives them a big, fang-filled smile before fleeing into the night.
The hunt for...whatever that is- is on.
Who goes chasing after it? What are their plans to retrieve it? Do they think it's dangerous, or friendly? Do they decide to leave it alone?


In the distance the unknown object glowed with blue light, as if beckoning them to come and inspect it. It took a while for Shadow and Auris to reach, but when they got to the place they noticed that they weren’t the only ones lured in by the mystery. They saw some familiar faces. Others, obscured by shadows were unrecognisable. They gathered in a circle around what appeared to be a large, rock, covered in glowing cracks and seeping through them a liquid resembling lava, but shining blue. Noone dared approach it first. Afraid, or simply cautious.

As Shadow decided to be the first one to reach it, all the light went out. While their eyes adjusted to the new darkness dispersed only by faint moonlight, something small started moving around the rock. It was dark and quick, like a shadow, moving almost silently. It stopped for a moment as if observing all the gathered lions and deciding it’s next move. Then, glowing red eyes appeared and many sharp, white fangs flashed in a grin.

They heard a scream from their left side and saw a lioness take of running back into the mountains. Many followed her, dispersing in different directions. Panic could be felt in the air. In the moment of confusion the small alien creature turned around and darted for the trees. Many strange goings on have been happening recently in the pride and most of the times they turned out to be a threat. They could not allow this one to run loose. Auris followed after it with Shadow behind him.
