A Strange Visitor

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
10 9279

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Collection of prompts from Halloween event October 2020.

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Chapter 5

[ 106 words ]

With its message "Clearly" relayed the creature seems quite resolute in its mission. Wandering off aimlessly it starts lifting up random rocks.. occasionally popping one into its mouth with satisfied crunches. Evidently it was snacking while it seemed to be looking for something. Seeming to understand that the lions it was with didn't really understand its meaning it turns to them "Find Uuk'oks" It explained itself. Sidling over it began to make coughing noises, as if it had a hairball caught in its throat...before spitting out a glowing green orb of some nature. One side of it was glowing red. It batted the little ball around with its paw and the red section moved fluidly with the orb to remain pointing in one place. As if magically (or perhaps scientifically) showing the way to...whatever it was the creature was trying to show off. "Uuk'oks Danger. Un-Nice. Want bad." it said. Momentarily, it seemed a bit sad, as if something was drawing its mind away. "The great Eater. Ate home. Home gone. Find Uuk'oks. Punish" it said with a strange noise that might have been an indication of anger, but sounded more like a slide whistle.
It lets out a little hiccup before sitting, satisfied...For about half a moment before it seemed to start as it realized something "Oh. Hide friend. Take." it looked at itself. Seemingly realizing it may have been a bit forward about taking their pride member's appearance. "How?" it looked to its lion of choice, its eyes sparkling as it queried. How should it make its appearance! Naturally- it would just take the appearance of someone else, but here it would be rude, right? They didn't seem to like that. Its pelt flashed different colors as it wiggled its back, ready to stop the little 'color roulette' wherever your lions said the word.
How does your pride prepare to go looking for a dangerous alien, now knowing it poses a threat? Do they start to suspect anyone of being the alien in disguise? Knowing these aliens can take and alter their forms, do they come up with a plan to avoid being separated or to recognize each other? What appearance do they choose for their "Guest"?


The lions did their best to communicate with the alien who was trying it’s hardest to imitate the locals. Auris was still the translator between the two groups. They have agreed to join forces for the time being, but they could not let the alien stay in it’s own form while travelling with them. They decided it would take a form of another lion, but noone they knew so that noone could recognise them. It was very interesting to see it’s change it’s form, shape, fur colours and structure. It even changed the head and now had normal lion eyes and the scary grin was gone.