A Strange Visitor

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
10 9279

Chapter 7
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Mild Violence

Collection of prompts from Halloween event October 2020.

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Chapter 7

[ 1005 words ]

Making their way down into the cave, it grows darker and darker around your lions, but eventually, it begins to grow bright. Theres a soft, pulsing blue light at the end of the tunnel. Following it further, it opens up into a massive cavern, covered in what looks like blue roots, red at the center it seems to be absorbing directly from the earth itself around it. Surely this is what is causing the disruption on the surface. Above them, red eyes leer menacingly. "I see you've found your way to my home" the voice croons uncomfortably. A lion...or rather... lion-like creature rests above them on a platform, something of alien origin. And the face- is familiar. (You can choose which lion has been overtaken for this role, whether its one of your own- making up an npc from a neighboring pride, a long lost relative, ect)

"Uuk'oks! Bad, Bad!" the visitor with your pride declares. Rearing up a big 'leap' it wiggles its rear in the air before taking a pounce. Apparently...gravity in this world is different because it doesn't go anywhere near as far as it expected to. The other being, Uuk'oks, as the alien had declared, narrows its eyes "I see. So this simpleton dragged you here." it eyes the other outerworldly lion, and without another word, leaps from its perch to lunge at them, determined to remove them before they can be a threat. Perhaps, this visitor knows something your lions don't about their intruder....making them dangerous.

It seems like Uuk'oks is up for a fight, long whip-like growths emerging from its fur to act as weapons as it attacks, and ridges of armor sprouting along its body to protect itself

Do your lions save their alien guest? How so? How do they fare in the fight against this alien threat?


The way down into the depths of the cave was not easy. As they moved on, it kept getting darker and darker until only the runes on Shadow’s body illuminated their silhouettes. Their new alien friend was able to mimic that effect and provide them with a little bit more brightness. If the situation wasn’t so serious they would have probably found their group to look very funny. Four lions carefully sneaking across rocks, with two of them glowing like holiday lights. The cold was growing as well, but at least their path eventually got easier, opening up into larger tunnels until eventually leading into a large open cavern.

There, on a contraption none of them have seen before, was their target. Auris gasped seeing the figure. It was none other than the commander of their headquarters in Kingscardine. So it was too late. It has already managed to possess the alien technology. The world was lost. But wait a minute. Thoughts run through the blue lion’s head at the speed of lightning. It was impossible. They saw the captain this morning, there was no way he got here before them. The alien could snatch bodies, it must have been only impersonating their leader. But even if that was the case… It must have had some contact with him to be able to possess that form. What did it mean? Were they working together?

Before he could reach any conclusion, the lion spoke. His voice was deeper than the one he knew and even more menacing. The effect only strengthened by the lion’s glowing red eyes. It didn’t seem surprised to have been discovered, but it looked like he did not expect their alien companion to be there. It has clearly overestimated it’s expectations. Yet, it did not seem impressed, but angered. Without any more words it launched from it’s resting place with it’s claws outstretched and towards the alien. The three lions were left with no time to react. The whole way here they were cautious, expecting that what they will uncover may be a trap. There did not seem to be one. They knew how to work together, hunt together in a pride. They knew how to act in a situation like this. Which of them should take the attacks, which should stay back and support, which one should try and ambush from behind. They expected the enemy would go for one of them, not the alien. It was a completely new addition to their team. It did not know any of their strategies or signals so they had no way of letting it know what to do. It was still getting used to it’s new lion body, making it quite defenceless. They did not expect it to get attacked, at least, not immediately. They made a mistake. Their plan was flawed. And yet, they could not let the imposter lion die. It was far from being their friend. They weren’t even completely sure if they could fully trust it. But it has warned them and lead them to the enemy’s lair. For now their best bet was to put their faith in it and that was why they would have to protect it just like one of their own.

Shadow reacted immediately. He rushed forward, pushing the enemy of their little companion and Auris run towards it to help it get up. The alien was frightened. The attack seemed to have really shaken it and for a moment it lost it’s lion form, returning to the shape of a fluffy black bunny. When it’s eyes locked with Auris’s and the lion spoke to it calmly, it seemed to get a grip of itself. It reshaped back into a lion, however, now it looked a little different. It’s eyes stayed glowing red, just like the enemy’s and it’s head was completely black, like it’s true body. Weird tendrils like extra paws sprouted from it’s back, just like they did from their imposter-captain’s. Apparently they could change their forms at will with no problem. The alien was ready to fight.

Doing their best to communicate with each other, they started attacking the enemy one by one. It was difficult, as they had to constantly avoid it’s tendrils, slashing at them from all sides, as well as their teeth and claws. The enemy alien seemed to be able to see all around it and attacking from different sides was not effective. Auris caught Shadow’s eyes. They spent long enough together that he was able to understand what the look meant. They would try to outsmart the monster and trap it. It would be hard to coordinate between the four of them, but they had to try. Auris run over to Ejsza.

- Protect the newbie. When you see the signal, hide.

- What signal? - she asked with a hint of desperation in her voice.

- You’ll know.

Suddenly all the glowing runes dimmed, the cavern was filled with dark smoke, which sight could not penetrate. They heard a loud slam and something falling. Then silence, as the cloud quickly dissipated. Shadow’s dark body was once again illuminated by the runes on his body. Auris growled.

- Who are you? - he asked. They expected that the enemy could possess one of them during the fight and he was not about to be fooled.

- Really? - Shadow seemed annoyed. When Auris did not stop baring his fangs, he turned his gaze away and then back at Auris, looking a little shy. - C’mon… I told you my name. It’s me.

Despite the whole situation Auris almost smiled. It was definitely his friend. And he had not seen him so embarrassed since that day. He would have teased him about it, but there were more important matters at hand. He relaxed and together they walked to the edge of a cliff from which the enemy should have fallen when all they lights went out. Ejszaka stopped covering the alien with her own body, they both stood up and joined the in with the rest.