A Strange Visitor

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
10 9279

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

Collection of prompts from Halloween event October 2020.

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Chapter 6

[ 523 words ]

Using the gift this visitor has brought to your lions, and once prepared, they use the glowing orb to begin leading the way to who..or whatever this alien was concerned about. Its trail takes your lions far into a little visited area of their lands, somewhere inconspicuous and generally not investigated thoughrally. Following the orb through their territory, it leads the way to a rock wall face. It at first appears to go nowhere and the trail seems to have ended. The grass and trees around this area seems dead, as if the life was drained from it. Just like when the meteor hit, the creatures here are uncomfortably quiet, as if everything avoids this place.
With some prodding (or maybe luck), your lions discover a switch of some sort. Once pressed, the rocks crumble to the earth, revealing a long dark tunnel leading deep into the rocky face. It's too dark and deep to make out what's inside.There is cold air emitting from this place, regardless of the weather outside- and inside there is a faint humming. The alien accompanying your pride seems distressed, hanging back away from the entrance it doesn't seem terribly interested in coming along. But seeming to put a brave front on it stumbles over to stare down into the tunnel. "Go. We, Go. Stop Hider." it decided. Motioning with its paw downward.
Everything in your lion's beings are screaming at them that this is a bad idea. Their paws tingle as if the ground itself is trying to pull them in. As if the earth is restless.
How did your lions discover the hidden cave? Do they dare enter to pursue this invader? Do they send a scout, or all go in headfirst? What are their suspicions?


The three lions travelled together for many hours led by the alien, now in a lion form. The floating orb flew a feet in front of it, showing them the way.

Auris and Shadow stayed a little bit behind and discussed strategies and possible ways of capturing the enemy. It would be very hard since all they knew about it was what their new companion told them. They still had no idea what it looked like. What if it took over a body of someone they knew? What if it took over one of their bodies? What would they do then? They kept talking, but their seriousness was often interrupted by small bursts of laughter from the front of the line where Ejszaka was walking side by side with the alien.

- Now do the pig snout, do the pig snout!

The alien looked at her confused for a moment.

- Peeeegsna’t? - it asked.

- Pig. Snout. - the lioness said, making her voice sound very clear to make them easier to repeat. When she started trying to show what a pig snot looks like with her own nose and paws Shadow groaned loudly, but the two ignored them.

- Shadow - Auris tried to focus his attention back on their planning. - If we do manage to catch it… What then? What are we gonna do with it?

- Don’t worry about it. For now just focus on capturing it and staying alive.

They walked in silence for a few more minutes, but apparently the subject was still bugging the smaller lion so he spoke up again, making Shadow roll his eyes.

- Are we going to return it to headquarters? Tell the captain everything we know about them?

Shadow snorted.

- Sure. I can’t wait to see him abuse their impersonating powers. He could do anything and get away with it without a problem - he laughed, even though there was nothing funny within his words. - Unless by returning him to headquarters you meant that we release the beast on the captain?

- No!

- I didn’t think so. Shame.

The sun was already setting when they finally reached a secluded mountainous region. That was where the glowing orb stopped in mid air and the alien communicated that somewhere around there was the enemy. The “Hider” as it called it. They looked for caves or any sort of entrance, but there were none in sight. Luckily for them, Shadow was the master of traps and hidden secrets. He used many tricks to hide his own home and had a rather easy time finding a lever that opened an entrance for them. None of the others saw it and would have spent hours looking for it if it wasn’t for his expertise.

From the entrance cold wind blew into their faces like an alarm bell. It was ominous, warning them that something terrible rested behind it.

- Go. Hider. Need Captu’r - the alien spoke, now in a serious voice. They could hear a hint of fear in it.

Everything around them screamed that it was a trap and that they should not face an unknown enemy head on in a place where it maid it’s lair.